
24 Reviews
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Decent movie
2 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with one review that asked why would Yugi be star struck by Pegasus? He has changed since Duelist Kingdom but not enough for him to be anxious to see Pegasus. The villain doesn't make sense either. He wanted to kill Pegasus to stop Duel Monsters from existing. How is killing Pegasus at this point in time stop Duel Monsters from existing? It never says if this is an alternative timeline from main series but it's pretty clear this is an alternative as Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl speak. And Yami used cards he's never used before.

If the villain wanted to stop Pegasus from inventing Duel Monsters he'd have to go back at least 10 more years. Yugi's outfit makes this story take place sometime after Battle City. As the puzzle was originally hung around Yugi's neck by a rope. But before Battle City he changed it to a chain. Which means that Yugi is at minimum 16. Plus Kaiba only invented the Duel Disk he was using for Battle City.

In flashbacks during Noah's Ark we are shown that Kaiba knew about Duel Monsters all the way back to his time in the orphanage. He was about 10. So if the villains goal was really to wipe out Duel Monsters then the villain didn't go far enough back.

For a movie called Bonds Beyond Time they bonded fairly quickly. And all seemed to accept time travel. Plus seemed to trust and adjust quickly.

It might have been better if Yusei and Jaden followed the villain to the past but then realized they needed help and went to ask Yugi for help. Maybe give him cards from the future to help him. If you have like me never seen GX or 5D's don't understand who the spirits are and why their there. They could have done a quick recap for Yugi and the audience. I mean in the end Yusei says he's doing this for New Domino City and yet neither Yami or Jaden call him out on this.
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Bad and confusing
26 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I never finished. I couldn't get through it.

It started strong with a gun fight and a hostage then flashed to 12 years later and no explanation as to what happened. Did he save the hostage or not. It also appeared as if he was working for a team and knew the hostage but no explanation came as to who he was working for, with or who the mother of his child was we see him with12 years later.

There's also a gratuitous sex scene all while 12 year old is downstairs. He keeps popping mystery pills and you are left to assume the hostage from the beginning is haunting him even during sex. But it's a brief flash so can't confirm.

Then he was a club boncer and met a mystery girl that men started shooting at for reasons. Then he takes them out casually tosses the automatic rifle away. The mystery girl is gone. So he just decided to head home. Then his front door was open and daughter is safely sleeping but he has no weapon other than a bat despite having had a gun he was trying to train his uninterested 12 year old daughter earlier. But finds some men he knows casually in his kitchen.

How does he know these men? Don't know. I shut it off. It felt like it was a sequel and you should know who, what, when and where. You should already know who every one is and what took place 12 years ago. There was so little build up in the beginning that you don't know if this was a government operation or some underground. It looks like it takes place in Russia do to the TV. But no one speak anything but English including the TV journalist.
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Okay but lacking
8 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie really should have been 2. They left out so much. They skipped the battle at Hogwarts that saw Dumbledore die. Harry's DA or at least Neville and Luna.

Then the whole point of the book was the identity of the Half-blood Prince. That was so severely downplayed to the point that if you sneezed or coughed you'd miss the reveal of the prince. It was never mentioned or brought up again.

Then in the next movie Harry meets Bill and is reintroduced to Flur. And the audience was supposed to meet them here and show him injured during the non movie existing Hogwarts vs Death Eaters Battle.

Then the next movie brings Tonks and Lupin back but their whole arc and them were excluded altogether in this movie.

Ginny and her boyfriends and her and Harry getting together was also excluded.

The movie as is without book knowledge makes little sense when you get to the next movie.
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Eh it's a good thriller
2 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's not bad really. But the Orient Express was much better. They didn't tell you who the killer was upfront.

This one basically tells you the killer up front although the twists to get there and some reveals are not important and a bit unbelievable and deaths yes more than 1 the sorrow is over the top for one and basically non existent for another. Then you have the Romeo and Juliet unbelievable ending.
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Good but confusing
22 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It wasn't bad except confusing. It kept bouncing between past and present. It was hard to know what. It showed their meeting and dreams then didn't pick that story line back up till the end. It talked about how to handle her being pregnant. But never resolved the issue really. Just gave a it got done type thing. Plot... find one. It kept on about her checking some kind of a box to say she was a communist when she was young. He kept trying to defend her saying she checked the wrong box. She kept getting offended about it as she felt it makes her look stupid. It was a running theme. I wouldn't call it a joke. Except for one scene there were no laughs to be had.

The reviews all talked negative about Nicole Kidman's performance. I thought she did really well. A sex scene at the beginning could have been cut and the F bombs were unnecessary. One problem I had was except for a really short dress in the first scene she was always in pants. I'll admit I was never a HUGE I Love Lucy fan. But I have seen several episodes and I don't remember her wearing pants or Capri or whatever the name. She was always wearing a dress.

The guy who played Desi was wrong. Sometimes it was his outfit that made him look fat. But he never looked right. His acting wasn't bad.

They kept talking about her being pregnant and how to present it. Then showed Desi with a child. With timelines going back and forth there was No explanation that this was their first child. Plus she was still drinking despite being pregnant. In fact she was taken to a bar for a drink.

The main annoyance was she kept harping on this one scene. They had to get it right. Had to do it her way. It got annoying after the hundredth time.
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The A-Team (2010)
Not the worst but not the best
21 December 2021
I loved the tv series. I wanted to see it. Walked away disappointed. Except for Murdock I thought the casting was pretty much spit on. Downsides is the main point to the show was them driving to get to their destinations almost always. Here they took a plane. Then destroyed BA's van. You know the main transportation in the series. Next BA watched them destroy said van from the plane. Which is a problem because you see BA HATES flying. Only once did he ever voluntarily get on a plane and that was because his mother needed help. They literally always had to drug him to get him into a plane.

Dwight Shultz who played Murdock in the series was very good. You believed he was crazy. But at the same time knew if need be he could be completely sane and normal. The guy they got for the movie. Yeah I'm like yeah no he's just pretending to be crazy and acting. It was unconvincing. I never once believed he was crazy.

The action for the most part was okay. Standards action movie. Couldn't even spoil it if I wanted to as the whole thing wasn't worth remembering. I want a refresher I'll go back to YouTube channel Cinemasins and watch them tear it down with Everything wrong with it.

Then at the end they laughingly thought it'd get a sequel as it set it up to be more like the series.
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Christmas Twister (2012 TV Movie)
If you like Twister you might like this one
11 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is slightly just slightly more realistic than Twister but at least they knew their terminology and what it truly means. Although I don't think the filmmakers have ever been the the DFW area except to film a couple of shots of oil rigs to make you believe they really were filming on location why they clearly weren't. Another reviewer confirmed that the mall was in fact in California not Texas. We do some times have mild winters but never to the point where you can have pool parties in string bikinis and be out grilling. Oh and their dog goes missing during the storm but you wouldn't notice that they gave a rats tail about it or the rest of the town after the tornadoes were all over with. They were chilling by the pool when their dog finds his way home no thanks to his useless owners.

There was a storm shelter in the mail. More proof they've never been to Texas. While we should have storm shelters like that we don't. I have never seen a single sign that says that.

The tornadoes do look fake the tv station isn't one from this area. The number is right but the call letters are not.

No matter how bad or arrogant a weatherman maybe or station manager a second twister has touched down in the area and no one reported it on air. I'm no tv reporter but that's something they would have known. If only to film a quick tv spot saying like a second tornado touched down (insert location) more news at 10. But the lady was the face the news and neither she nor anyone else knew a second twister had touched down till someone called and asked.

Local weather men would never go out on location during a potential tornado. They have professional storm chasers for that.

The middle school son was taken out if school and the principal just took his word that a potential tornado was eminent and he was like sure we'll just cancel the last day of school on your say so. Despite local and national weather forecast saying different.

The teen daughter meanwhile was hanging out at the mall when it hit. No announcement was made to warn people of this. While I have never been in a mall when one hit I'd still lay money they'd be making announcements on it. Then someone locked the doors with someone outside (a guy she had a crush on) and walked away. She and her friend were upset when he was taken by the tornado. But later when meeting with dad she never breaks down crying and saying a word one about him.

Dad tells son to not leave the car he was going to go get daughter. He kept asking people have you seen my daughter? How would they know who your daughter is? Then he finds her and her friend yet they go back and son nearly died disobeying and going to try to help. Despite his being injured dad just puts him in the back of his truck and he's fine now. Doesn't bother taking him to any of the rescue crew that was there. He kept saying they would be safe at grandma's as she has a storm shelter. While that is possible. It's extremely unlikely.

Then teenage daughter wants to help rescue mom and he agrees despite the danger.

The mom was constantly mad at the station manager for not issuing more than a tornado watch. Local stations don't issue the warnings. They can advise you to seek shelter that there's a potential but the national weather service is the ones to issue stuff like warnings.

Then the title comes in and more stupidity. There is no such thing as an F6 tornado. Has the filmmakers did even a tiny YouTube search they'd have understood. The dad's partner even said that a F6 that again doesn't exist would be like a nuclear bomb went off. Which again if filmmakers had done any research they'd have understood what that really means. There was a town hit by an F5 and it was wiped off the map. This town if it legit had been hit by one I'm no expert but based on the damage I'd guess anywhere between an F0-2. There was mild damage and even the F6 that hit her news tower was left with minor damage after taking a direct hit.
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The Sweetest Christmas (2017 TV Movie)
Nice sweet movie
15 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Okay some of these reviewers need to start reading/listening to reddit stories. We obviously didn't watch the same movie.

This Alex guy that reviewers were apparently rooting for is self centered all about him and his job. He makes a huge romantic gesture just to offer her a promotion. Then can't understand why she's mad and breaks up with him. She says I love you and he says we make a great team. She quips she was hoping for I love you and he's Oh yeah me too. Never once in the entire movie even when he does propose does he claim to love her or want to spend the rest of his life with her. When he does propose he's all I want you to be on my team. His business is called Hockey Homes. So he's a Hockey fanatic. Although that's not shown anywhere. He knows this gingerbread competition is super important to her. He does try to help initially after she already found a place by offering to sponsor her and give her a place to practice, an empty model home. She needs it as she's living with her sister, her husband and 2 kids who appear to be about 8-9 give or take. They were never taught anything apparently as first they destroy the oven by baking their toys. Then later destroying the gingerbread village she had finished. But she turns Alex down as nice as the gesture sounds he talks not about how it will give her a place to work in peace and quiet and not risking it gets destroyed. No he talks about how well they could promote his business. Then he brings in this gingerbread cookbook author that she admires. Not to support her or give her support confidence, courage but to compete against her with his company backing her. She created a gingerbread house so he could use it as a way to propose without ever doing anything before to try to win her back like talk to her or take her out on a date something, anything.

Nick is not self centered he may work hard but he has a restaurant and a kid to take care of. He takes his kid to karate practice and doesn't talk about work. If she needs help he drops what he's doing and helps out. He spends time with her. He never even when she was nervous about someone having a sponsor does he announce that he's her sponsor. No he doesn't because he respects her boundaries. They talk a lot about their past love and life. Nick let's her use his kitchen in his restaurant. He does his best to support her and help and cheer her on. Not how can this benefit me or my company. He knew she wanted the prize money to start her own business.

Alex knew that to but wanted to win her. He actually says this. So if she had agreed she would have lost the prize money and been stuck working for him for the rest of her life as his teammate wife. He'd have never helped her get her own business. She was to valuable to him as helping him run his business cause as he said at a business party he couldn't have done it without her.
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All of My Heart: Inn Love (2017 TV Movie)
14 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's a passible for a sequel. But you can tell the goats are totally different. Why do a sequel if you couldn't get everything the same. Story is basically the same. The place is falling apart and their in a rush to open for business. The baking side isn't profitable yet as their broke. The inn is slowly getting guest so a little money is coming in. She apparently despite her waitress friend now owning the coffee shop is giving the food for free, then in exchange for use.

He gets the opportunity to make money back on wall street . She sulks and whines he's never home while still whining about no money that he is out making. Since her side business crashes when her distributor gets bought out she still whines he's not home to the point of breaking up and claiming he's back to the person he was when they met. I guess he's supposed to be up her ass 24/7. Yes I get she was worried he wouldn't want to come back. He does spend the night once in a while but mostly came home at the end of the day. Then even when she gets a new distributor there's no guarantee it will work out.

Then there's a mini side story of a blogger who really should have been doing 4-5 star hotels. She's a royal snob (note she is not royalty just the stereotypical snob you see from princess' in these Hallmark movies). She's drinking coffee with a friend and then turns her nose and wants a latte. Then does nothing but complain about the bed and breakfast places she visits. I admit I know nothing about B&B's but they are not 4 star hotels. Holiday Inn won't offer to take your luggage up to your room and this girl was appalled that Jenny didn't jump down and grab it.

At one point Jenny was going out to a party for Brian and princess blogger was practically foaming at the mouth that Jenny had the gall to leave. She was leaving 2 others there so it's not like no one would be around in case she needed something. Tommy shows and offers to help install a new plug and she stops complaining because she's too busy drooling over him. Then later complains to her friend that the place was as much of a dumpster fire as all the others she's reviewed except for the food. Then gives it 5 stars on her blog because she doesn't want to upset Tommy who she was in a date with and knows he's good friends with the owners. Otherwise she'd have probably given it like 2-3 stars based on her high standards. Jenny had even said at one point princess blogger gave one place a 1 star for slow internet. My guess is B&B's are all she can afford to stay in and travel.

In the end Ben felt forced by Jenny breaking up with him and not being home often to quit his high paying job. She was overjoyed with it. She never gave an ultimatum just guilt trips about not being who he became staying.
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You Wish! (2003 TV Movie)
Not bad enjoyable
13 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Alex is a football player. Just not a very good one. He has 2 good friends and admires the other football players that he thinks are really cool. He's also crushing on the head cheerleader who, like the other football players, mocks him. He also has a little brother who is the golden child. Why do I say this? Parents: Let's go pick out a family pet. Alex wants a dog and Stevie wants a rabbit. But in the end instead if saying NO to Stevie and punishing him as he always threatens to scream. No can't risk that or punish him. Nope they cave because Golden Child wants a turkey. Yes, Turkey and the parents just look at Alex like sorry your brother wants this turkey so no dog. YOU also have to take care of your 10 year old brother's pet turkey. Dad doesn't seem happy but doesn't do anything. Honestly the parents suck. Alex yells at Stevie for being in his room and messing with his stuff Stevie screams that Alex hurt him. Instead of asking what was going on Dad yells at Alex. He does like the brother some as they watch horror movies together and even plays games with Alex's friends. Throughout the first half of the movie it's almost like Alex could leave home and the parents wouldn't care. It's all about Stevie. Alex told the brat not to touch his rollerblades. Not only was he caught wearing them but got jam all over it. Alex told mom she just rolled her eyes and didn't say one word to her golden child. Later Alex was forced to watch him and took him to the mall. Instead of parking him in the arcade he packed him with snacks and left him on a bench while he looked through a coin shop. Stevie snuck away and after getting bored wandering he finds a security guard and calls home. Then Alex is grounded for a month and Stevie gets 1 night of no tv.

As for the wish, his new life is almost perfect. Except for a few things and honestly very little of that is Stevie. Upside being an only child he geta all the attention. He now owns a dog. His parents are rich. He's now the quarterback and star athlete with lots of awards. The downsides are the jocks he admired; he realized they had a toddler's maturity level. Which his female friend pointed out in his old life but he ignored it then. They used to torment him. Now they torment his former male friend. His female friend also doesn't know him. He's dating the head cheerleader now and finds that she's just an airhead. She drags him around to go clothes shopping. His favorite activity was rollerblading with his friends. That's out.

Honestly I think if he could have remained friends with his friends and changed a few other aspects that he learned he didn't like he could have been happy. There were a few times he missed his brother but he seemed like he missed his friends and freedoms he had in his old life more than his golden brother.

The end waa sappy of well they'll teach Stevie to rollerblade and a few other sappy stuff. It never gave any indication that Stevie had any condition like autism or anything to excuse his actions. Nope just a spoiled little brat. The parents' golden child. The boy could probably literally burn down the house or just Alex's room and the parents would just shrug it off and punish Alex if he said one word to the little monster.
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God it was bad
31 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If you can make it to the end congrats we managed 15 minutes. I thought Jackie Chan action what could go wrong. Don't even mind the sci-fi but this was too much.

Spoilers for the first 15 minutes.

It's clearly set in I assume China but it never says but all the street signs are in again assuming Chinese. But one lady cop couldn't even speak English as you can clearly tell her lines are dubbed. The the doctor they're after as well as hospital doctors all appear to be white Americans. I assume so as they didn't have any accents but who knows. Then they pass a bank and instead of big bold letters saying that in again assuming Chinese letters its in big English letters. Not saying it couldn't legit be that way but this is a foreign country and all the street signs are foreign letters so why would this building have English when no other buildings did.

Story: First Jackie abandoned his dying daughter because some man presumably his boss tells him Only him and his team can do the job. While also being told on the phone that his kid is dying. She's not going to make it. He's parked outside the hospital with her teddy bear. But who cares about my dying daughter. I was told only me and my team can do this mission! Then we see some doctor, or that's what they call him, injected himself with something or other. Then a Voldemort looking guy (Honestly that and Darth Vader minus the helmet were my first thoughts. If the character had a name it wasn't mentioned in what I could sit through) wanting more of what he I assume the doctor guy injected himself with. Then people in space type outfits with space type guns and armor piercing bullets start taking out the cios Blood and Gore galore follow. Jackie sliding around in mud like it a slip and slide, fruitlessly shooting these people who have proven to be bullet proof. Then Jackie seems to die killing Voldemort. Then it time jumps 13 years later. Couldn't take much more after the next scene was apparently some man I think pretending to be a call girl drugs the mark to get something or other from the computer then more space people now led by a woman show up.

That lost it for us. Don't know don't care what happened afterwards. It seemed exciting at first but all that was just 15 minutes in seemed longer.
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Enola Holmes (2020)
Good movie
31 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Good not great but good. If you came because of Henry Cavill and his take on Sherlock Holmes don't bother. His brother Mycroft has more screen time. Plus it's hard to even tell if he had a British accent with how little he was in the film. I understood that Enola was the main character but they shouldn't have bothered with Sherlock. Enola honestly sometimes got on your nerves with the so called puzzles. Main one is that were scrabble pieces honestly could take you years if ever. Plus she kept harping on her name. That was a major deal that didn't serve the plot. Then they tell you this guy Enola meets that doesn't really do anything other than argue over who knows Sherlock more. Turned out he is a fairly important character in the Sherlock Holmes books but not mention by name till the end of the film. There's a minor love story that takes over the main mission to find their mother who went missing. Most of the movie Mycroft is searching for Enola. Sherlock can't be bothered to solve anything till the end after Enola was almost killed solving it herself. Mycroft even asked at one point is he looking for their mother who went missing and Enola. Sherlock claims to be working on it yet walked right by her in disguise. Sherlock might as well only showed up at the end for all the screen time and lousy investigation. The villains found her yet the great detective Sherlock Holmes couldn't.
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All action is in the trailer.
22 November 2020
What little action there was, was great. The ending was predictable. The moment I saw it I was like that's how the bad guys die in the end. I was right.

As I said all action was in the trailer and Mel Gibson is more of a side character unlike what the trailer shows.

One set of good guys needs medical supplies another set are off to get it. Now to you, you now think they'll be in a rush and hurrying. Nope we have time to sit and take our time for a little flirting and exposition backstory. You never get any sense of urgency.
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Dolittle (2020)
It was good.
18 April 2020
It was sad to see the scene in the trailer with the tiger, 'Hello Lunch.' Didn't make the movie. The CGI failed in a few spots and your suspension of disbelief will be sacrificed on a few occasions. The 'animals' and their human voices were good. I never even realized Tom Holland was a voice in the movie. Otherwise it was a fun entertaining movie. One issue I had was RDJ's accent. It wasn't so much bad as it was more like he was whispering the whole movie. Even when he was yelling it was hard to understand him at times due to it. Otherwise overall a decent movie.
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Cinderella (I) (2015)
It was a decent popcorn movie
31 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw that the stepmother had found the glass slipper in the trailer I was excited to see where this would lead. I was disappointed. I don't know what I was expecting but her to simply want to strike a deal for her and the stepsisters wasn't it. Cinderella herself was such a goody two shoes it's honestly surprising she didn't agree. The one annoying thing is the constant overuse of "Have courage and be kind." Which in this films case translates to be a doormat and don't do anything about your living situation.

In the animated Disney version, Cinderella was a child when she became an orphan. Her stepmother kept her confined to the property. She was isolated and alone with no one but birds and mice to rely on. She's likely never been beyond the property line in years and the ball is her one and possibly only chance to get out even for the night. Then the family rips her dress to the point of being unrepairable

In this one she was at least 16-18 when the father died. So she's often traipsing off to the market to meet up with a friend. A friend that literally asks her why she stays! Implying she could leave at any time. She wants to stay as it was her family home. A home she literally leaves in end. Also if she's upset about something she goes for a ride on her horse. Which is where she meets the prince. Which honestly makes his the whole I need to find my mystery girl stupid. Announce that the prince seeks out the pretty blonde he met in the woods.

The whole dress scene is stupid as well. They...gasp, horror rip her sleeve. Instead of running off crying about it, she could have run upstairs sewed it back in a couple of minutes. Then tells fairy godmother not to change it much. Proceeds to completely change it.

At the end of the animated one while locked up Cinderella tries to open the door banging on it and gets her mice to help get out.

This one goes back to doormat status. Instead of trying the door begging, something. Nope sits down at the window and instead of opening it and calling out for help just sits there and sings. Only saved because the mice feel sorry for her and open the window. She never knew or seemed to care that the prince or anyone was there. And the care she had for dad's house she couldn't leave because of?Gone, forgotten off to the palace to live.
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More action than story
26 December 2019
If you want a movie that has the action you want but no helicopters shooting laser beams then maybe your better off trying the 1975 Escape to Witch Mountain or it's 1978 sequel Return from Witch Mountain. Then the slightly less impressive 1995 version is still more store then action. This one is pretty much action start to finish. There is a story that doesn't actually even start explaining anything that's happening till well over 30 minutes in. Even then it's interrupted by the action starting up again. Unlike the three previous movies that the mission is to get to Witch Mountain to get home this is not the case here. They do about an hour end discover the reason they have to get to Witch Mountain but it wasn't because it was the way home as in the previous three. It's not a bad film but more action than true story. There is an environmental message hidden in there to explain away the story.
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Eh it's not horrible but not memorable either
25 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The sets and costumes are quite good. Emily Blunt as Mary Poppins isn't half bad. I've heard people praise her performance as on par with the books. I've never read the books. I've heard that Saving Mr. Banks was based off the movie. Yeah it was as much of a snore fest as this one was.

The guy that played Jack to replace Dick van Dyke's Bert isn't bad. But honestly come away from the original and name any song. You can do it happily. This one not so much. Even my sister was trying to keep from nodding off. Their was no happiness, no color, no life to most of the songs. Name any song. Only one that I don't know the name of but the context of is all that's memorable. There's one of the songs Jack sings with the penguins and honestly I was over it half way through. I'm sitting there like how much longer?

The one that was one where you made up words was stupid. The stunt work and the dance routine was nice.

Then they said we need to turn back time. I'm thinking magical way. Nope they mean literally by turning the clock on Big Ben back like 5 or so minutes. Jack and the other oh their not chimney sweeps now their lap lighters. They nearly kill their selves especially Jack who nearly falls to his death before Mary Poppins decides Oh fine I'll do it. Then proceeded to fly up and effortlessly pull the hands of the clock back. So Jack nearly died because she was lazy.

Then there was a side line of Jack liking Jane who apparently never married. Small and sutle so its not distracting.

Mary Poppins herself I've heard is supposed to be more like the book by being more harsh and stern. I didn't hate that but maybe that's why there felt like there was no energy or life to the movie.

Then there was a villain. Why a villain because why not. They needed a paper to prove that they owned shares in the bank. Why the paper wasn't in a safe place or a safety deposit box we'll never know. Michael the dad is a part time teller for the bank and the rest of the time an artist. Apparently the wife wore the pants in the family and did all the work while he lounged around to draw and apparently not very good one since he states he makes no money from it. Now that she has died he has to actually take care of things as he had to take out a loan that he got behind on in payments because his late wife took care of everything. Now the house is going to be taken as that was the collateral for the loan. Then they search for paperwork that proves they have shared in the bank. Although it's never explained why it wasn't in the safety deposit box or somewhere safe. Instead he throws away a paper that anyone with half a brain saw coming from a mile away as the crucial paper. It was used to repair the old kite that they flew in the original movie. I don't know if I really believe after all these years that they would have kept it or in even decent condition. I mean they grew up mom and dad died/moved out it never said. Jan moved out, Michael took over got married had 3 kids, lost his wife. Yet they never cleaned out the attic and kept the kite and it only has a few holes really.

Overall it was dull and boring. Maybe if your a fan of the books you'll be thrilled with it. To me Dick van Dyke's cameo was the only real memorable moment in the whole movie for me.
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It's okay
24 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It's an okay retelling. Quite honestly it makes no sense. So overall I have no sympathy for this Cinderella who is of course an orphan. Her father died a year prior. But what makes it confusing is reading the summery you'd think she was really forced to live there. But it not true at all. She has a loving, caring aunt who has begged her to come live with her and escape the abuse. She refuses because the house she and her step family are living in was her fathers. You'd think well she's staying to inherit or find a way to get the house. Nope, apparently he never owned the house it was part of a share holder. It wasn't explained enough for me, but regardless it basically means she's staying and taking the abuse for essentially nothing as the share holders sell the house to a rich investor. At least till it's explained better in the end.

Yes the investor has a son who is the 'prince' of the story. Odd thing is the dad speaks English that makes you think he's an American but sometimes tried to fake the same accent as the son. But the 'son' has a strong accent.

The step mother doesn't want Cinderella at the ball not just due to the 'prince' but because the other share holders will be there and as her father had been one she feels the attention won't be towards her and her ugly personality daughters. The step sister aren't beauty queens but their not ugly either. Their personalities on the other hand tell a different story.

Her fairy God mother is basically her aunt who has said she couldn't make the party miraculously shows up just in time for said party to help out. Cinderella was locked in a room and somehow auntie knew of a secret passage to a unknown storage room that had things from her mother including a fancy dress and shoes.
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It's okay better suited for tv though
31 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
If you go into this thinking of the Disney version then yes you will hate this. It is not Disney. At best it would have made a better lifetime made for tv movie than big screen. Basically reporter man caring for and raising his sick niece after her parents death. Looking for a cure they learn of healing water. Go find a circus and learn the water was only like sugar pills makes you think your better for a while. Find mermaid who can't leave because the ring master has her soul. The little girl is kidnapped because reasons. She's special somehow. She not a mermaid but has the heart of one. Makes no sense. The reporter guy goes to save his niece and with the help of a magical gypsy and I guy you'd call his wolfman. They save the mermaid. Insert lame action scene. Ringmaster dies, mermaid gets back to sea, helps not cure just heal the girl and tells them oh a quick swim will make her better. Oh and they save Dumbo. Okay it's not really but might as well be. Why else throw in an elephant that needs saving? Would I recommend that you watch it with kids? No. Not due to anything bad just it's slow and little to no action so especially kids would get bored. If I had had to sit and watch it in theaters I'd have hated it. Its almost snooze worthy.
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I Kill Giants (2017)
More drama, touch of fantasy
31 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The YouTube channel Looper had a video called Great Movies In 2018 That No One Is Talking About. It made this film out to be like Thor. So I thought I'd give it a shot. It wasn't anything like Thor. The movie poster shows the one and only giant and she doesn't kill it.

I kept wondering why they hadn't gotten the girl any help. She seemed to live in fantasy more than reality. She wears bunny ears which is fine if she wants to. I'm surprised the school allows her to wear them and that no bullies take them from her.

She had a bully that was left unresolved in the end. Barbara pranked the bully and the bully went mental on Barbara's stuff that she kept hidden and that's it. Never mentioned again.

She meets a new girl who insists on befriending Barbara even after a couple of rejections. But ultimately she hangs in there. Till she catches Barbara zoned out and ends up accidentally punched. Due to that she betrays Barbara to the bully and even after all that they go back to being friends after the monster defeat.

Barbara was being raised by her older sister. At first it seems like dead parent cliche. Then in the end you learn mom is dying. Of what, well I assume cancer although the movie never tells you. In fact you never learn what happened to dad and only learn about mom in like the last half. Your only told she's sick. My first thought seeing how Barbara acts was her mother was mentally ill not what I assume to be cancer.

Barbara is forced to see the school counselor. Although seeing as though the counselor doesn't learn of Barbara's mother till much later and doesn't appear to let her monster fighting interfere in class it's not explained why she has to see the counselor. Yet they have her monster drawings and they know about somehow. She doesn't act out or yell about monsters in school so it's left unexplained how the school or the bully knows this.

Barbara's monster fighting, only consists of seeing them but doesn't do anything to them. One she seemed to kill one giant with electrical wires and which ended up burning down a shed. The weapon in the poster is only seen in the final fight. But during the fight she somehow realizes she can't save her mother even defeating the monster.

In the end she starts to spend time with her mother. Barbara is next seen at the start of a new school year and seems to be better somehow no longer wearing her bunny ears and is pulled from class saying her mother won't last long and then straight to a funeral scene.

So yeah needless to say it was a let down from what I was expecting overall not a bad film but not great either.
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Xena: Warrior Princess (1995–2001)
Good show till the last few seasons
13 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I loved it! It was a great series until the last few seasons at which point I gave up.

Xena herself doesn't really change overall much. Other than going from ruthless killer to not. Otherwise she doesn't really change a ton. I loved how Gabriel went from simple farm girl wanting more and forced to Amazon warrior/princess. It shows how much she grows and changes. She even chose a staff over a sword as at the time she didn't believe in killing. Although she wanted to when she met up with a childhood sweetheart and married him only to have Calisto, basically an unfeeling version of Xena, kill him.

They continue on their journey Gabriel getting stronger and better no longer the little girl who hides but at the same time wanting to join the fight. That changes when the suddenly leave Greece and go to another country don't remember which one other than it in or abouts Rome which personally to me is when the show took a downward spiral. Its been too many years to remember but I know the gods change from Greek to Roman and so do the names for Heaven which in the shows Greek setting was Elisyn Fields (sp?) don't remember the Roman name.

The reason I say Rome was the setting was later in the season they did a whole Jesus type theme of them nailed to a cross. Don't remember why.

But the main thing I had a problem with was besides what I mentioned above but Gabriel gets her hair cut to more short tomboy loo,, then hooked up with some hippy type spiritualists and they convince her fighting isn't the answer (despite all she's seen with Xena). Then she throws everything she built herself up to that point and thinking wow theses guys are great, their so right no more fighting for me! So she threw her staff in the water with something to akin to Make Love, Not War. Yet she still wants to travel with Xena who attracts trouble. Then she is worse than when she started. Now she just hides like a coward instead of the warrior she became.

Then it went downhill and something about prison and Gabriel learning to not just fight again but now kills. then they die on the cross get resurrected and I couldn't take it anymore. Personally I felt it lost its charm. Saw one later possibly last season didn't care anymore as I hadn't seen it since the whole resurrection theme. Her and Xena have settled down in a little house Gabriel now has what ever the weapon Raphael in Ninja turtles uses only she holds the blades to attack with the handles and I guess Ares lives there somehow losing his God of War title.

Its said their a couple but I personally never saw this. Sure they were close but I felt it more best friends/sisters. That is until after they went to the new country things seemed to change. Then you start to get that vibe a little. Maybe it increased after their resurrection. I wouldn't know that was where the story lost me. Maybe it was the stupidity of it all. Dieing on the cross, going to heaven being resurrected. That also bugged me. If you died in Rome you are unable to join your friends and family who died in Greece. Because two different cultures two different types of heaven. So basically you can never see friends or family that have died because you died in a different country.

Eventually Gabriel becomes a sorta Xena for me personally it drew a line I didn't want to cross. I probably mixed up the time line on when things happened but it all still happens.

Check it out yourself and maybe you'll feel the same maybe you won't. If you do that's great, If you don't more power to you! Enjoy what I couldn't.
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Once Upon a Holiday (2015 TV Movie)
Its an okay movie. Nothing terrific
12 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Okay she's a princess and at first when these theives steal her purse and a camera that was her prized possession given to her by her now late mother, The camera is stolen along with her purse and when this random guy sees what is clearly going to happen stands there and does nothing till it's too late. At the least he could have gotten closer and followed the guy and if nothing had happened no problem. But since it did he could have been close enough to stop it. Then instead of calling the cops nope I'll do it when I get back to the hotel. With no clue how to get there. He offers her money which she reluctantly accepts and can't afford the full ride there not thinking to ask he take her as close as her money allows.

She then proceeds to do nothing about her situation. She ditched her cell to avoid being found so no way to call. Instead of tsking the guys offer earlier and instead of the cops call her people. I'm sorry she's too whiny and if you had told me she had only been a princess a few years and had been raised in seclusion or something then yeah. But nope she acts like she has never been a princess before. She knows she has TONS of responsibilities. But eh suck it, Don't care, I want my own life!

Oh and her precious camera the thieves stole that was a memento of her mother that she cherished, Ah don't care about that anymore either. I met a BOY! Said boy gives her new camera and she's happy. So no tears or thanks but I really want my camera that belonged to my mother nope the BOY gave this to me its better. Never bothers to have her people in the end look for ot or care.

Several day pass and even hears a reporter that's the boyfriend of her new beau's sister hint that about a missing princess that was supposed to be at a concert but she doesn't care about that either.

She NEVER beyond the trying to get a cab in the beginning tries to get in touch with her people. If any thing she goes out of her way to avoid her people. Only calls her mother's lawyer a close friend of the family last minute to get him to help calm her guadian, her aunt while avoiding her detail searching for her, then reveals to her new friends AS the reporter closes in who she is.

The princess to me was a spoiled little brat and took the attitude of who cares that we're done this same traditional year after year. Yes she wanted a family christmas she hasn't had in years but still. She should have stood up to her aunt and her strict itinerary and demanded down time rather than be a spoiled brat running away from home.
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Really Good
20 August 2017
It was really good. Although I didn't find it as hilarious as my sister did, I still loved it. Okay if your not a fan of lot of blood and violence steer clear. But despite that it was funny. The cuss word MF was used EXTENSIVELY. If you had even a penny for every time the word was used in the movie you'd be rich. But unlike some movies where all the funny parts are in the trailer and the real movie is boring. Not here. It was non stop action and lots of humor. Even the ending was funny.
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Atomic Blonde (2017)
It was meh
5 August 2017
Contains spoilers.

As my sister put it after leaving you felt like you got cancer from the every two minutes of smoking or lighting up or blowing smoke at someone or in the air. You also felt like an alcoholic from the other half of that two minutes that was drinking!

I understand they wanted shock value but seriously couldn't they have dropped the whole lesbian love making. having them make out fall on the bed, cut move to them cuddling and talking would have been much better. Honestly I didn't even care for that long straight couple love making session they had in Deadpool.

Half the movie could have been cut out if you removed all the smoking and lighting up scenes. The constant need for a drink. Then remove the whole lets see Charlize Theron naked and taking a bath. Maybe it turned some people on or maybe just the film staff don't know but only made us roll our eyes at not one but two ice baths.

Then a night club scene where Charlize Theron wore a cut down the middle dress. Honestly when she wanted to wear disguises she could have dressed like a boy and passed. She doesn't have it to make a dress like that work at all.

I admit that the action scenes weren't horrible. They were action packed. If you don't mind the constant blood and sometimes gore they weren't bad.

Overall the ending was only sad knowing had they hid for 24 hours they could have all made it out. Some parts were predictable others not but not bad overall ending. The twist at the end kept you guessing. Won't spoil that.
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