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What If...? (2021– )
S1=Amazing S2=Meh
31 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Just talking about season 2. It feels like Marvel are really hanging off past glories.

The highlights were the Kahhori and Hela episodes. Just great to watch, but the rest of the series was just plain boring. The 1602 episode could have been amazing.

In the main, Marvel has to listen to the fans and stop these tedious big fights to round off every single film or series. Really Loki has been successful and great to watch because it's unpredictable. Seems like when the big fights happen , I just assume the writers didn't have any better ideas and were playing it safe. Really this type of ending will mean marvel will just become irrelevant.
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Lifeless series
29 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This series has a fantastic source material and amazing actors. But found it so hard to care about what was happening.

I suppose the thing that doesn't work is the lack of super heroes. Makes it feel like the whole series isn't considered enough of a threat.

Amazed they got away with the super skrull ridiculous different limbed fight. It seriously affects how other stories have any sense of importance.

The whole Rhodey storyline was just annoying. Kind of speaks to how weak this series was, because as soon as I realised how they were messing with stuff I like such as endgame, I was annoyed with changing potential parts of such a good movie.
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Fun film, not a great one
13 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is definitely more popcorn for the brain. Not one that you're going to think about after viewing. It was definitely fun, but seemed like they were cramming in energy to make it all seem more hilarious, but I would say this makes it more zany than funny. For example when Thor is saying Starlord can keep his own ship. Seems more like comedy by the numbers. Ragnorok on the other hand was more thought out, and less pounding the one liners.

There was definitely lots of imagination that went into this, lots of great looks. Christian Bale was great as the bad guy. But seemed inevitable he would suddenly become easy to beat.

I do think it's brave to make these films with more creative directors. When I see a DC film, they are so serious and by the numbers. Marvel definitely tries new things. Even though not the greatest films, Eternals, Dr Strange, and this definitely are memorable.

It does seem that the best marvel content at the moment is the TV shows. Loki being a standout, and what if a close second.
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The Orville (2017–2022)
Best Star Trek show at the moment
3 July 2022
The latest official Star Trek shows seem to have become obsessed with being real and injecting endless moments where characters are talking out their feelings, which is kind of knackering to watch. Seems more soap opera than sci fi.

The Orville sticks with an episodic set up. With a rough progression of some themes through the series. But also is so good natured and funny. I watch them loads. Just wish they would make more, as this could be just as good as next generation.
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One of the most memorable marvel movies
21 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
To be honest I was mildly disappointed with Spider-Man no way home. But I think the trailers led me to think more was going to happen. This film was not the same. It was so well made, and was just pure joy to watch. The only quibble I have is that the whole wandavision vibe was she was so selfless that she destroyed her family. But here, seems to have done a 180 and is totally unreasonable. But overall a fantastic film.
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The Batman (2022)
Just like the graphic novels
13 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was a great movie, with such attention paid to the detective noir feel of the comics.

It did feel though that someone tampered with the end for an emotional cathartic ending. At the start it seemed to point to a dredd type film, where this was just another day, which was a much cooler angle.
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Not great.
26 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was a perfectly entertaining film. Just to say I had expectations of something like endgame after I saw the advert. But the end was just so dull, just seems built to string out the spiderman arc of Tom Holland for a couple more movies. The idea of spiderman's secret identity seems a bit of a done idea in the MCU, where the all other super heroes are known to the public.

As far as spiderman goes, the orginal spiderman 2 is still the best, and compared to the great set of new disney plus series, this dosn't seem to be a marvel highlight.
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Very entertaining
20 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was great to watch, and up to the middle I was thinking this could be one of the best marvel movies. The action and story was great.

The only thing was the ending seemed a bit typical of a lot of not great marvel movies. Just a big fight to draw it all to a conclusion. Guardians, winter soldier and Loki seem totally memorable for the characters more than the epic conclusion.

Was a great movie, but marvel have done more interesting.
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Loki: Lamentis (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
Good, not great
24 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked this episode as the first part was estanlishing their relationship. But the end seemed a bit bolted on. Loki getting drunk seemed like a odd diversion, which led to being chucked off train. Then turns out they could get over this vast distance by walking. I know its all fiction, but sure could have figured out a more reasoned ending.

Looking forward to the next episode though. Great series, they need to release the soundtrack for this series. One of the best parts.
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Not sure where the 1 star reviews are coming from
22 May 2021
This is a comedy like the other guys. They just don't filter the good jokes from bad. I found it hilarious though.
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All the right mixture, but an impossible task
5 January 2020
To start with, there wasn't one moment when watching this film where I wasn't glued to the action or the great character scenes. By the end of the film, I thought it was a great piece of entertainment. It didn't feel like the ending to the 9 film saga though.

Perhaps the main problem is that there is just to much rehashed ideas here. In the phantom menace, it wasn't a great film, but was pretty brave for going in a new direction. The new films, seem to constantly have to have nods to the original three, which is pretty limiting.

No spoilers here, but if you compare this to Avengers Endgame, that is a film where the previous Infinity war takes a lot from the mood of Empire Strikes Back, but Endgames story was so inventive. That is what you look for in a film that wraps up a longer story.

In hindsight of this trilogy, the Last Jedi really was too much of a diversion for the story, so there are no real threads that make you feel this whole trilogy was for a reason.

It will be great to see what JJ Abrams does next,
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The Lion King (2019)
A bit flat
15 September 2019
Was strange watching a film where I spent most of it thinking of the cartoon version. This was the best it could be in 3D, but being a realistic rendition didn't really match the songs or tone of the story.
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