
76 Reviews
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Growing up!
21 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The film is wound around the story of a young girl and her friends, and their first period. The development of their breasts and their first bra. Weaved around the story is her research project around religion. Glimpses of Judaism and the suggestion that her mothers parents who are Christians were awkward. However what is unsaid is that Judaism does not recognise as being Jewish, a daughter being born to a Jewish father, through reform Judaism does. This girl is going to get such a wakening when she comes of age.

The film could have had a larger audience if it was more accepting and tolerant of others. The Christian grandparent were looked upon as being awkward. Seemed rather unfair and biaised in their portrayal in the movie. Was it really necessary to make fun of old people?
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Why do some people help Israel?
28 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The writer suggests that there may be something wrong with Christians Zionists who give money to Israel, because their end motivations are different from what the Jewish people believe in. She goes further and suggest the $1.5b gift should be given back!

The problem in the documentary mentions that the Christian Zionist doctrine then goes further, so how do we respond to that? People that give alms to Eretz may have a hidden agenda.

I asked a rabbi that i know and his response 'A hungry holocaust survivor receiving a hot meal thanks Gd, I believe that itself is more than enough.'

'The only question is who receives the fund and can they be trusted servants.'

It therefore has nothing to do with the giver, they certainly have their own paradigm, but the people of Israel are thankful!

This is not mentioned in the documentary, and therefore the director's view is biased.
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The Attraction Test (2022 TV Movie)
Enjoyable romance
22 September 2022
Sentimental and had me in some tears - first part amusing and reflective in exploring dates, a little predictable but still a nice film, where love has the ultimate kiss. Love is real and so if falling in love. Amusing story which came together in boy meets girl on ultimate roller coaster. Well-acted and good dates that were creative. While all of us may look for love, the presenter found it in her emotions with a predictive watch app. Story fitted together well and gripped audience. If you are searching for the magic of love, you can certainly go away with this dream. Do have a look inside and take the next st...
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Prayer Never Fails
9 May 2022
Enjoyed this movie -I need it! Although the movie was fictional I recall that through my life I've seen prayers answered and I'm still here today!

The film appears tt have been low-budget, but the story flowed.

The Characters came together and the message was told.
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Boss Level (2020)
The Ultimate PLAYBACK
4 September 2021
I woke up to what this film was about halfway through it and the result was surprising well worth watching.
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Penguin Bloom (2020)
Sentimental movie that brought tears to my eyes!
2 February 2021
Thoroughly enjoyable family film. Worth watching. The film went beyond the actors and was aspiring, encouraging and the story was well-played.
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The Old Guard (2020)
Another Marvel like film
16 July 2020
There will always be sequels, plenty of action and story. Enjoyed
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Greyhound (2020)
Action war film
12 July 2020
My later father served in the Merchant Navy and was many times in New York - he could tell you a tale or two...... His ship the Strathallan, a troop carrier was torpedoed after the coat of North Africa in the 2nd World War. This film portrays the Naval battles and recalled Convoy PQ17 though it wasn't in the Atlantic....
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Bloodshot (2020)
Thoroughly enjoyed
16 May 2020
Gripping movie where the viewer is pulled into the story at the beginning, in What appears to be a typical plot, with a predictable outcome. only to find out that that the plot has a twist, and then another twist, and then another. Well acted thriller, which is worth watching again. Unforgettable and gets 10 stars.
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Historical Film based on truth
20 March 2020
I knew nothing about this story, until I saw this movie. I learned what happened, and it is was very well shot - a total change for me to watch this type of movie - I enjoyed it.
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Wish Man (2019)
Worth Watching
30 December 2019
This film is on netflix and is really an enjoyable family film, which I really enjoyed.I hadn't realised until the end that it was based on truth, and had to rerun several times to check key facts. This is a film that you can watch again and again.
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Love Actually (2003)
Will makes you laugh and smile and cry sentimentally at the end
26 December 2019
A film where the spark of loves, embraces many, and where you be fully absorbed unto the end.......
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How to overcome the death of your husband
21 December 2019
It is very difficult in life to overcome a major tragedy - is trusting God really an option?
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Stand up for God
19 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is a brilliant film that tells the story of a youth, persecuted for his belief in Jesus Christ, with his parents in prison for printing Bibles in Russia, and his younger brother in an orphanage, who escapes Russia through Finland, and arrives in the USA. He is taken in to a foster home, and starts attending a public school in America. He quickly finds out that there is even persecution in the States, for his faith, and he is initially tested by his schoolmates for his belief in fairy stories. Of course what some call fairy stories, are pages from the Bible, and the reality that Christ has in every believers' heart. Jesus is the living Word.

He stands up for the Lord and is an example to many. He is kidnapped by Russian agents, and manages to escape, helped by the younger brother in the foster family. He stands up in the American Public School unwavering for the Lord.

This is a very good film, available on Amazon Prime Video, and I encourage you to watch it.
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Good Christian Movie - Worth Watching
18 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is similar in part to the Redemption that Nicki Cruz had - here a man sets out with his friend to pretend to be a Christian and scam churches, and we see the evil side of people, laughing and ridiculing God and God's people. Then suddenly they have a heart attack, and then they are arrested. There sins are forgiven by the Christians they robbed, and one of them repents, and pays gradually all the money back that he scammed. With his life back in order he has had another heart attack and dies in Christ and is redeemed. His accomplice in the scam turns his life round and serves in the ministry. Hebrews 13:2 Forget not to show love unto strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
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Movie appearing to be Christian is a cult
18 December 2019
Very subtle and appears to be of Christian Church, but Eastern Lightening and the Church of the Almighty God only came about in 1991. Something is very wrong with this movement - The Church of Almighty God is not the Christian Church - Chief among these is The Church of Almighty God teaches that a Chinese woman named Yang Xiangbin is the second Christ.

I watched a good half of this film, before I realised that something was wrong.

Eastern Lightning holds that Jesus has returned as a Chinese woman. The group is non-Trinitarian, and teaches a form of millennialism. The group produces its own scriptures, with titles such as "The Word Appeared in the Flesh".
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Trust (I) (2018)
A man loses everything and learns to trust God, then his life is restored
17 December 2019
Have you ever lost everything, or gone through a dip, where nothing appears to be working out? Is that life? It happens to us all, but can we really thank God when things are not working out at all.

This film helps us to put it in perspective - certainly worth watching, particularly if you need a buzz.
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Good Suspense Movie with twists and a surprise ending
17 December 2019
We are led to believe, as we do into the drama, that they are man and wife, and then we are informed that they are having an affair. When both their families are threatened, the weakness of the relationship comes out in the question of trust, gradually it is broken down - enough to die for. A twist at the end exposes things for what they are, as the relationship twists in the end.

One of those films you simply must see.
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The Spy (2019)
Excellent film / TV series
13 September 2019
Tells the story of a real spy on the field, a man who put his values and faith in Israel first and completely fooled the Syrian government over 5 years, to the point that they made him Deputy Minister of Defence. Worth watching.
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Worth Watching
27 August 2019
Branded on Pureflix under Spiritual Warfare, nit exactly what I was looking for, but turned into n interesting story, and left me thoughtful at the end. The main character fights with Satan, and is rescued by an angel, but the depiction of the angel was a bit poor. Hanged in though. Interesting allegory.
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Larger than life - caught in a Tsunami and survived
25 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A true story, and I liked the fact that the holiday appeared perfectly normal and calm, that is until the wave hit.... then disaster as the family are split up under the water. At least one of the children greatly disturbed and finding himself lost. Worth watching and a tear jerker as the audience become sucked into the film.
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Tremendous film!
25 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is about an American Theological Student and his quest for truth in an uncompromising world, as the first Afro-American in a Texas Seminary. The plot was stimulating and gripping. Worth-watching.
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Visioneers (2008)
Boring film about a mundane office worker
27 March 2019
I was prompted to watch this, but found little plot and poor ending.
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Justice came through
20 March 2019
Good storyline and well-written screen play. Well acted, and although it was obvious the 86 minutes was addictive
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Stronger (II) (2017)
You conquer PTSD by faith and through Christ
9 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The battle to overcome stress anxiety s fought in every home, especially in veterans's homes returning from war. Wives too are affected. A good film with a very real story told in the lives of people. A good drama worth watching. Well acted.
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