
16 Reviews
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Bring This Show Back
21 August 2017
I know this show only lasted 2 seasons, I, like the rest of the world, feel like this show should be remade for the 21st century and in my opinion, I think that Race and Estella (Jessie's mum) might get back together and she'd be a regular with the Quest Team.

I also remember season 2 was a bit better than the 1st season, my favourite episode was Mummies of the Malenque, my least favourite episode was Spectre of the Pine Barrens and that Race should've gotten his own TV show when the show ended
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Danger Mouse (2015–2019)
This is pretty damn good
21 August 2017
If you loved the original series, now is the time to catch the revival on streaming. The unique British absurdity humor is fresh & new, and yet a near perfect manifestation of the original style but with different characters and narration from the moron who narrates Come Dine with Me.

Sure the context of each joke or reference is modern but still uses the playful wit and silliness that makes it fun and funny for any age. As has already been noted, the story lines are pure camp, the characters are caricatures and plot development completely arbitrary but it adds to the charm. If you as me, this show is pretty damn good and I think that there should be an episode similar to There's a Penfold in My Suit.
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The Last Detective: Christine (2004)
Season 2, Episode 1
This is the best episode
13 July 2017
What to say about Christine? It's the best episode of the show since that bitch Julie wasn't in it and it was pretty cool.

It starts with Dangerous D trying to stop a guy called Billy trying to blow himself up but he got involved in the murder of a self-proclaimed, untalented artist Maurice Lehman who burns to death in his locked studio on the property he bought several years earlier when he won the lottery.

The show had some pretty good lines like Pimlott saying "Dear Dangerous, you really got to get off this habit of trusting people", Mod saying "Latin is an honor; Greek is a treat as Churchill once said" and the following conversations between Mod and Big D: Mod Lewis: Art is as unimportant as banking unless it comes from a spirit in free play, and then it really is banking.

Detective Constable 'Dangerous' Davies: What do you mean by that? Mod Lewis: Art for art's sake.

Detective Constable 'Dangerous' Davies: (as Mod is posing naked for an art class of senior women) I can see your bun! Mod Lewis: Art is not art unless it threatens.
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Thunderbirds Are Go (2015–2020)
Pretty freaking sweet
13 July 2017
Despite the failure of the 2004 Thunderbirds movie, As a huge fan of the original series, I'm happy to say this reboot/pilot episode is a a very good homage to the original and a good "refresh" for 21st century audiences. Richard Taylor and the Weta team have really outdone themselves with the visuals. The ships look amazing and true to the originals (Scott even explains that they have been through a "refit"). Things like the weathering on models that FX wizard Derek Meddings did to make the miniatures look real - its all there in hi-def realism. Even the way the water moves in that strange "high-frame-rate-slowed-down-to-look-real" is there (and note the head of the undersea lab is "Dr Meddings"!). I was gob-smacked at how they made the ships/sets have both realism AND a vibe that "this is looks like a model".

I like the updates to all the sets: definitely reminiscent of the originals but with a modern edge. The updates to the costumes make sense: especially the sashes now being utility belts. The lead characters presentation is pretty good: they look half-way between the original puppets and real people - especially the faces. Parker's nose is there in all its glory! One of the things that makes the original series difficult for young audiences is that the pace is slow: really slow. The pace here is fast (almost too fast?) and really keeps you on edge. There is a sense of peril - difficult to present when you know that every time "the good guys save the day". I thought the music was great and well done.

Not having Jeff Tracy (who appears to be MIA) is quite a plot twist. It appears as if he has been missing for some time and the boys have "stepped up" with John in more of a lead role. It will be interesting to see where this goes as a story arc. When I heard Jeff Tracy's countdown in the intro: my heart leaped! You HAD me at the count down! I think that if Jeff appeared before one of his sons in a dream, he'd be voiced by celebrity Thunderbirds fan Shane Richie.

Really looking forward to when the show comes back. The respect and love the creators have for the original series is evident and very much appreciated. They have really outdone themselves in this respect. Hopefully, the stories will continue in this fine form.
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The Simpsons (1989– )
Great show
15 May 2010
What more can I possibly say about a TV show that has already been praised to death? I was 15 when the Simpsons first aired and I'm 25 now. I've seen every single episode, and I'd have to say it's a rare combination of factors that come together to make The Simpsons the best show ever.

It's a very clever and intelligent show - they never dumb anything down - and as creator Matt Groening has remarked, "The Simpsons is a show that rewards paying attention." There are always enough obscure pop-culture references or subtle background gags to ensure that the second, third, or tenth viewing of an episode will find you noticing something you hadn't before.

In the early days of The Simpsons, they derived a large part of their popularity from the everyday, down-to-earth, unglamorous, average-blue-collar-slob aspect of the Simpson family. Homer is lazy and doesn't like his job, Bart doesn't excel at school, the plastic ketchup bottle they use at the dinner table makes that farting sound, and so on. This aspect of the program contrasts it with popular 80's family sitcoms such as The Cosby Show which always featured impossibly well-functioning families who got along a little too perfectly and usually learned a neat little lesson at the end of each episode. An early tag-line for The Simpsons said that they "put the Fun back in Dysfunctional." Perhaps this blue-collar-slobness by itself is nothing shockingly original - think of previous TV shows such as Roseanne, Married with Children, All in the Family, The Honeymooners - but the Simpsons doesn't stop there. This show is extremely densely packed with jokes - everything from cerebral witticisms and sly satire to Homer falling down and going "D'oh!" Because it's a cartoon, the writers can get away with surreal gags such as the time Homer tells a joke which falls flat, after which a long silence happens which is punctuated by a single tumbleweed rolling through the Simpson's living room.

There are just too many things to mention about The Simpsons. It can be touching occasionally; more often the viewers are treated to an unequalled cavalcade of obscure references, surreal sight gags, wacky adventures, self-mocking irony... The list goes on and on. Just watch it, else you're missing out on one of the most important elements of 1990's popular culture. Viva Simpsons
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Garrow's Law (2009–2011)
Garrow's dead sexy
15 May 2010
This series is clever and thought-provoking. The period dress and the way that court was conducted are historically accurate and fascinating. As well as the serious cases which are considered, there are the humorous incidents which help to balance the series.

Many British period dramas focus on the upper class folk. This one, by contrast, brings us face to face with the working class, with their appalling living conditions, clothing and poor hygiene.

Our hero is based upon a real-life figure, William Garrow (1760-1840). He is idealistic, trying to make the law work for those who are unable to help themselves and is well sexy in this version. Thanks to him, many of the rights we now take for granted, came to be accepted.

There are just four episodes of this fine series. I hope that the BBC will see fit to make more, as there is a lot more to be said.
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Great movie
5 May 2010
I have to admit that I'm really convinced of the concept of putting an animated TV series on the big screen in the first place. Even the "South Park" movie that tried to incorporate theatrical elements such as the musical numbers didn't really justify the need for a cinematic adventure. Most animated comedy shows have a very fast paced humour with quick editing. This works for an episode of 25-30 minutes but in a movie with 90 minutes running time, it would really great for the audience.

As a consequence "The Simpsons Movie" is unusually slow at times. At the same time the storyline is not really stretched to cinematic proportions. Epic as it may be, similar topics have already been dealt with in the TV show (and better). It's been said before and it's true: nothing here tries to push any boundaries and except for the length of the whole thing (and maybe some annoying people in the theatre who watch the movie with you) you would never realise that this is a "Simpsons"-motion picture.

Other flaws include the fact that some inhabitants of Springfield have only very brief cameos (Mr. Burns!) and that some ideas have been used in a fairly similar way before. As entertaining as the movie still may be, it is also pretty predictable at times. This kind of "underachieving", as some critic called it, may have its own charm, but in the end one would have hoped for this to be a bit more special. The movie is by no means a catastrophe, but by "Simpsons"-standards it's just not good enough.

"The Simpsons" have become a brand. People know what to expect and therefore applaud even a relatively average movie like this one. To rely on that is a bit lazy, however, and one wishes that producers put an end to Homer's adventures as long as we can still remember him and the other beloved inhabitants of Springfield as characters that completely revolutionised comedy at one point and not as money making merchandising props.
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Lovejoy (1986–1994)
Great show
5 May 2010
I know all the episodes but not in the right order and my mum was right, this is a great series about a roguish but lovable antique dealer, a role that Ian McShane was born to play.

Apart from Lovejoy, my favourite has to be Eric...What a character and a hunk. The rest of the regular cast especially Phyllis Logan is excellent but sad to say that Charlie Gimbert was a butt-hole.

This show is, as Cartman from South Park, would put it, the tits but it's still kinda totally cool. P.S: I hope Lovejoy appears on either Waking the Dead, Cold Case or New Tricks or even gets parodied on either the Simpsons, South Park or Family Guy soon.
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New Tricks (2003–2015)
This show now sucks
1 May 2010
I got into this show by accident but my aunt's a huge fan and I must say I was very pleasantly surprised for only 3 episodes. The use of actors who probably had their heyday twenty years ago was one and the stories are very well written. The show is classed as Drama but there is fun and games in there too.

James Bolam is an actor I have long rated highly and this shows he has not lost his touch. In fact the range of acting skills these people bring to the show make younger actors in the same show look shallow. The team knit well together. They make great use of the fact that they are all retired police officers who can and do ignore rules and protocols to solve supposedly dead cases.

It makes a refreshing change compared to some American shows of the same genre. I strongly recommend it and there should be a US version.
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New Tricks: Bank Robbery (2006)
Season 3, Episode 6
This episode rocked
24 February 2010
This was a great episode since it was the first one I saw in full and it was so tits.

When police informant Pete MacKintyre returns to the UK for his son's 18th birthday after 17 years on the run, he leads Gerry to fresh evidence about an unsolved armed robbery in which a bank cashier was shot and killed. The police have long suspected the man behind the robbery to be known criminal Ray Cook, now a C-list celebrity and angry to be in UCOS's radar.

With MacKintyre's help, Gerry recovers a shotgun which Brian discovers is the audio of the robbery. The gun is a link to Ray Cook – but with a watertight alibi of being at his mother's deathbed on the day of the robbery, Cook is proving difficult to nail and even more difficult to track down to interview. Jack and Brian interview Geoff Lyons, a former security guard for the bank at the time of the robbery and an ex-copper. While Lyons is keen to point the finger at Cook, it becomes clear that this was not a one man operation.

Elsewhere, suspicious that Sandra is going on a date with DAC Strickland, the team follow her to the Hero of the Year awards. There, Gerry is confronted by an old colleague, Rob Petty and can barely disguise his disgust that Petty is attending as a nominated hero. There is clearly history between the two men but how will Gerry feel when his boss invites Petty to contribute to the case?
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New Tricks: Congratulations (2006)
Season 3, Episode 8
This episode was so tits
24 February 2010
In 2001, Luke Hanson was charged with burning down his school, thanks to the evidence of the headmaster, Andrew Simson. Five years into his sentence, new evidence linking Hanson to a robbery which took place at the same time as the arson attack earns him early release. Free and allegedly reformed, Hanson now wants his case reinvestigated to find out who really was responsible for the fire, as the detective drama continues. He seeks out Halford to help right the wrongs of his past. Meanwhile, Gerry finds himself pursuing an investigation of a more personal nature.

At a rebuilt Luscombe School, Hanson is welcomed by Simson as he gives a talk to pupils about life in prison. The two men appear to have made their peace.

However, the team also has other matters to sort out. Jack has some unfinished business with Luke's father, Ricky Hanson and decides to rattle his cage suspecting he may well have framed his own son but Jack's pursuit of Hanson Snr reveals more than he bargained for. Meanwhile, DAC Strickland encourages Pullman to apply for promotion as Head of the Murder Squad – a job she would most certainly get. Not wanting to unsettle the team, she keeps news of the possible promotion to herself.

Gerry gets a bit of a shock when a young woman, Emily Driscoll, arrives at his flat claiming to be his daughter. Shock soon turns to pride when Standing discovers that Emily also works for the police and the two share other similarities – she is a chip off the old block. But Brian persuades Gerry to show a little caution over Emily's claims and suggests he takes her DNA to prove he is her biological father. Sandra is appalled when she discovers that Gerry has been completely abusing the system for his own personal investigation but she has bigger worries on her mind – does she leave UCOS?
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New Tricks: Casualty (2007)
Season 4, Episode 1
This episode sucked smelly butt
24 February 2010
OMG, this was a well bad episode, I mean, what the hell was Ricky Hanson thinking trying to kill Jack and Brian and if it were up to me, they should have replaced it about one with David Mitchell and Robert Webb as counterfieters.

Hell-bent on avenging his wife's death, Jack is prepared to risk everything to kill the man responsible, Ricky Hanson. As Sandra becomes aware of the dangerous situation Jack has put himself in, she has to act fast to prevent him confronting his nemesis resulting in a crash that jeopardises the future of the entire team.

With Gerry, Brian and Jack hospitalised, Sandra is forced to accept temporary help at UCOS from the super efficient DCI Karen Hardwick, a woman who irritates Pullman on every level. Threatened by a new face in the office and desperate to prove that they are still a crack team even from a hospital bed, the boys need a case. So when their consultant Dr Finlay McKenzie mentions the suspicious death of a patient on their ward ten years ago, they seize the opportunity to reinvestigate hoping it will hold the team together.

Casualty, that is well bad
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New Tricks: Wicca Work (2006)
Season 3, Episode 5
This episode sucked
22 February 2010
This episode sucked more smelly butt than Diamond Geezers and if it were up to me, they should have replaced it about one with Philip Glenister and Jack Dee as rival gangsters.

Gerry suggests that both Brian and Jack go undercover as members of Philip's mob to bring him down for a mob related murder from 1989 but Brian gets abducted by Jack Dee's mob after being mistaken for Philip and in the end, Philip blows Brian and Jack H's cover, takes both prisoner and confesses that he killed the man and would have gotten away with it to if it weren't for UCOS.

Wicca Work, what a load of old crap
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Brian and Jack fighting?
2 December 2009
Terry is up in front of the magistrates. He had a fight with Dougie Scase in a pub. He gets fined. Terry tells Bob that he is meeting Dougie down the pub for round two. At the pub Terry and Doug make it up. Terry goes to the toilet and Bob comes in. He tells Doug not to fight with Terry and tells Doug that he is a shocking violent man. This results in Doug and Bob in a punch up which leads to Bob in front of the magistrates, again the same magistrate as Terry had. In a pub, Bob and Terry discuss which one of them gave Doug the best fight. This results in an argument. To prove he is a tough man, Bob starts hitting Terry, Terry fights back and they start fighting in the pub. It just so happens that the magistrate who was in charge of both Bob and Terry's case was sat in the pub having a drink.

Alun Armstrong played Doug, he has done quite well for himself today in award winning plays such as "Bleak House" and "The Dinner Party", he played Spraggon in Clement and La Frenais's "Porridge". You guys are making it sound like Brian and Jack fighting each other in an episode of New Tricks
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The Simpsons: The Blunder Years (2001)
Season 13, Episode 5
Similar to New Tricks and Cold Case
30 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This episode had everything; Humour, a hypnotist, an unsolved murder, laughs, a crank call and a dead body. Honestly, this episode is similar to New Tricks and Cold Case with the unsolved case and if Homer needed help from an unsolved case cop, he should have called either Detective Lilly Rush or Detective Superintandant Sandra Pullman instead of Police Chief Wiggum. The body was Smithers's dad who vanished 25 years previously and it was still a good episode all the way.

All in all, this episode is so New Tricks, Cold Case Squad, Cold Squad and Waking the Dead meets the Simpsons and this is a really good episode so if you you don't like it, that's your problem, not mine so there.
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New Tricks: Death of a Timeshare Salesman (2009)
Season 6, Episode 5
Johnny Tevis
2 November 2009
This was a great episode since Shane Richie was in it as Johnny Tevis and I hope Johnny shows up more in the next series.

The episode had Shane as Johnny meeting Dennis Waterman as Gerry and James Bolam as Jack and the fact that the team went to solve this case was amazing since it was a bit like a Cold Case episode without the flashbacks.

When former escort girl Alice Hill finds God and decides to confess her sins, the UCOS team find themselves reinvestigating the death of well-known timeshare magnate Dean Scott. But the case takes a remarkable twist when the team link the dead man's business partner to notorious criminal Johnny Tevis.
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