
19 Reviews
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Boring Boring😴😒
16 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It depends on the audience. If you love Smurfs no matter what, you could watch this if you want I guess. But the story is so predictable and BORING. If you are young, you would love this movie a lot. The animation is amazing, and this is similar to the original smurfs. At the end, Smurfette becomes a lump of clay. Then with the magic of Smurfs and love and saccharine, tender stuff like that she goes back to normal. You shouldn't watch this if you are below the age of 13.
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17 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This episode of Bugs Bunny is nothing but racism. Racism is everywhere in this episode. Basically what happens is Bugs Bunny is in Japan. Then the Japanese people start fighting the United States. (I love Japan, but in WWII, Japan went crazy. However, I don't think you should make an animated short like this.) He then decides to give them ice cream with grenades in them, and then they explode. Come on Warner Brothers, you can do better than this. This episode of Bugs Bunny makes me want to leave the United States.
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Zootopia (2016)
This Movie is Awesome
16 September 2017
I love this movie. This is the best movie with an animal as a main character. This movie is great. I love animals. 🐶🐱🐭🐹🐰🦊🐻🐼🐨🐯🦁🐮🐷🐸 🐵🐺🐗🐴🐋🐆🐫🐄 🦌🐂🐘🦏🦍🐎🐐🐏🐑🐇🐓🦃🐁🐀🐿 I think this movie is about racism. I like to think that the different animals are different ethnicities. People are people. No matter what your ancestry is, you are a human. I love you, whether you're Japanese, Punjabi, American, Mexican, Hebrew, Irish, Tibetan, Pakistani, Jamaican, Aztec, Polish, Okinawan, Telugu, Australian, English, Italian, French, Brazilian, Bantu, Colombian, Russian, Korean, German, Tamil, Scottish, Dutch, Thai, Kashmiri, etc.
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LazyTown (2002–2014)
16 September 2017
Lazytown is the best cartoon for children of ages 5-9 years old. I'm sad this show got canceled, but the gap between season 2 and 3 is pretty big. It took almost 10 years. Maybe in another 10 years they will make season 5. I'm so excited for season 5. I love sports candy, 🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍌🍉🍇🍓🍈🍒🍑🍍🥝🥑🥕🌽. I love to exercise, ⚽️ 🏀🏈⚾️🎾 🏐🏓🏒🏑🏏⛳️🏊🏿🏊🏾‍♀️🚴🏻‍♀️🚴🏼.
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This Movie is As Useless As 💩
16 September 2017
Do not watch this movie, watching this movie is a waste of time This movie is bad. Why would you make a movie about Emojis? Emojis are popular. In fact, I love them. 😄😁😃 But you shouldn't make a movie about them. What is Sony Animation going to make next? The Fidget Spinner Movie? The Dab Movie? The 3:00 AM Movie? This movie is bad. I can't even think of a better version of the Emoji Movie. Rule 1 of Writing a Plot for a movie: Never make a movie about something that you shouldn't make a movie about. 🙅🏻‍♂️🙅🏻‍♂️🙅🏻‍♂️🙎🏻‍♂️🙎🏻‍♂️🙎🏻‍♂️ How is this movie getting so much money?
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Really Bad
16 September 2017
The only thing good about this movie is that it tells people not to harm the environment. I like that message. You wouldn't force a Polar Bear to leave its own home. But there are three reasons why this is bad. 1. The animation looks like it's from a mid-2000s Pixar short film. 2. The toilet humor isn't funny. 3. The plot is BO-RING! BO-RING! I think this was a box office bomb.
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This Movie is Bad
2 September 2017
The animation is so bad and the lines are bad, too. This movie is extremely bad, but it's not the worst movie. They were at least trying to make a good movie, and I like the message the movie teaches. Eat your vegetables, and never ever go somewhere with an alien. Milo is very annoying. He doesn't eat healthy food for most of the movie, and feeds it to his pet.
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I like it
29 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I like it. My favorite part was when at the end, Pinkie Pie swallowed a cake whole and got really fat. It was really funny and cute. I wanted to pinch her chubby face. I think it's pretty good not only because of that, but because also Twilight was a Grammar Nazi, and I like Grammar Nazis. I think grammar is fun.
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I love it!
26 August 2017
It's the best children's cartoon. Even though it doesn't have a lot of action, violence, or scary scenes, it still manages to be pretty good. I want to work for Hasbro and make an Equestria Girls movie. Maybe even a different kind of MLP movie. That's why I am a brony. I love it! This cartoon is awesome. The intro is a bit cringy, but I can ignore it.
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Ratatoing (2007 Video)
26 August 2017
This is a ripoff of Ratatouille. Ratatouille is 7 times better than this! The animation is horrible. Everything looks dark and mushy. I would kind of like it if the animation was better and the characters weren't rats, so it wouldn't be directly copying Ratatouille. But no! They decided to be lazy and copy a good movie. They weren't even trying to be good! Luckily, Video Brinquedo went bankrupt. I hope they never do something like this ever again. Why is the restaurant called Ratatoing? It sounds like someone can't pronounce Ratatouille, so they put bounce sound effect at the end. Rata *bounce* Not only did they ripoff Ratatouille, but they also ripped off the Mona Lisa! The Mona Lisa!
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Worst Movie of All Time!
26 August 2017
This movie is horrible. I love Christmas, but this movie ruined it. The animation is really bad. It looks like something from Imaginaria or any 3D animation from the early '90s. How is the average rating 1.5? It should be 0.4, because this movie is really really really bad. The movie is so hard to sit through and watch. I tried to watch it, and I stopped watching it at the halfway mark, because it was so bad. It was probably trying to be good, but ugh! It looks like they weren't. Now, Christmas is ruined!
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Talking Tom and Friends: Angela's Secret (2016)
Season 1, Episode 32
Worst Episode of Talking Tom and Friends
26 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
At the end, we find out that the Banana Berry Bandit isn't Angela. It's a vegan who went crazy because of a protein deficiency. That is so offensive. Vegans can eat protein. There is protein in the following vegan foods: beans, bananas, broccoli, peanut butter, soy milk, soy beans, almond milk, veggie burgers, tofu, white rice, brown rice, spinach, kale I hope whoever wrote the story for the episode is fired.
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Imaginaria (1993 Video)
The animation looks like it was made in the early '90s and it was
26 August 2017
That's all I have to say. I like the animations even though the animation was a little bit creepy. However, it's okay. I like the animated shorts. The music is good, too. It's just that the visuals are disturbing. Another reason why I gave it 6 stars is because it's not on DVD.What if you wanted to see what the animation was like in the '80s and '90s and you don't have a VHS or Laserdisc player, you can't watch it.
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Disney's Doug: Doug's Chubby Buddy (1997)
Season 2, Episode 3
I love this episode
26 August 2017
This episode deals with a serious problem. Anorexia. Poor Patti is tricked into thinking that fat people are ugly and think she IS fat. Anorexia is a serious problem, and whoever thinks thin women are beautiful are responsible for all of the deaths of people who died from starving themselves. It's a very serious problem.
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I like Tom and Jerry. I like Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and its remake. But you should make a crossover of them.
26 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so bad, it's good! I remember first seeing this movie at RedBox. I was pretty interested in getting it, but I wanted to see the reviews first. The audience thought it was good, but critics hated it. Anyway, the part when they go through the tunnel, Tuffy recites the poem, and he even said the fires of hell, even though hell is a scary place. That part was crazier than the original. The original wanted to scare people. This one has a mouse reciting the poem who is also an Oompa Loompa, a toy dog on the walls of the tunnel, and it's in a Tom and Jerry cartoon where they say the word hell. Also, Willy Wonka looks nothing like the original. Why didn't they at least give him blue eyes, blonde hair, and paler skin?
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Foodfight! (2012)
FoodFight is Awful, But I Have Seen Worse
25 August 2017
This movie is really really really bad, but trust me, I have seen worse. Anyway, FoodFight is about all of these brand mascots fighting against an evil brand called Brand X. The brand mascots are real, so watching this movie makes you feel like you are getting beaten to death by advertising! Also, the animation looks unfinished, as if this was the first draft before they released the movie. Sometimes, the characters also look 2D. This movie is beyond words bad, but I have seen worse. This movie isn't the worst. It's more like the 3rd worst movie.
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Talking Tom and Friends (2014–2021)
Talking Tom and Friends Isn't Bad But It's Not Good Either
25 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I like this cartoon, because it's about Talking Tom and his best friends. The reason why I think it's okay but not good is because episode 33 is offensive. It was about the banana berry bandit. They thought it was Angela, but it wasn't. This is the offensive part. The banana berry bandit was a vegan who went crazy because of a protein deficiency. This is really offensive. Vegans can eat protein. This cartoon isn't bad, but it's not good either. I hope they remove the episode and fire whoever wrote the story for that episode.
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Ratboy's Kingdom (2007– )
23 August 2017
I like RatboyGenius. It is awesome. The script sounds like it was written by a modern version of Shakespeare. The characters sound like they are from a Disney Pixar Movie. The plot sounds like it was written by Mark Twain. Everything about RatboyGenius is excellent, except for the animation. The animation is a little bit bad. Ratboy's nose is gigantic, his thighs don't move, and he looks like he is from a CD ROM game made in the late '90s. I wish he made the animation better. I love RatboyGenius, but I would be really happy if they made the animation better. I even told Ryan Dorin if he makes the animation better, I will subscribe to his YouTube channel, which has 55,100+ subscribers.
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1/10 Stars
23 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is horrible. It is very bad. First of all, nobody asked for a sequel to Hoodwinked! The animation looked terrible. The animation in the sequel is a lot better, but it's still a bit dull and blocky. It looks like a computer game from the early 2000s. Second, the plot is predictable and lazy. Third, the end was cringy. Hansel and Gretel eat a truffle, which makes them grow into giants. Then they eat a whole batch of truffles, which should make them even taller, but instead they became so obese that they can't move. The cringiest part is when Gretel says, "Does the street make my butt look fat?" Why did she say that? Did she think a big butt is unattractive? What are the beauty standards like in the Hoodwinked! world?
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