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Trooper Hook (1957)
AFTER captivity
18 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A white woman is captured. Adjusts to captivity. Is "freed" along with her son born of captivity...and experiences what all captives do when returned to their previous life. Nothing is the same. Shouts of scorn, ridicule, judgement, ignorance and fear are endured from savage, cruel people who have never survived captivity. Completely forgetting THEY are the invaders of Indigenous Peoples lands, these settlers complain of their circumstances brought on purely by their greedy thinking. This is a very fine example of what occurred between the original inhabitants of the North American continent and the settlers who chose to approach us with their bible in one hand, while they stole our land, raped our people both male AND female, murdered our wildlife. Imposed their religious belief system on millions of people who already had "religion", languages both spoken AND written..yet these newcomers were too ignorant to learn the customs of the new world THEY CHOSE to move to.

Brilliantly done movie especially considering the political times this was created in.
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The Duel (I) (2016)
Subtitled+NOT a western
30 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Russian...all you hear spoken is the language of Russian murderers!

Russians are so stupid they don't KNOW what an actual DUAL is-per the opening scene where a Russian blows a guy's brains out at point blank range in what's SUPPOSED to be a WESTERN movie~that's NOT a western!!!!!!!

What an egregious disservice to the entire crew who created this movie -> from the writers to the editors <- this is a waste of time AND money all round!

During a time when Russia is bombing innocent UKRAINIANS over Putin's insane GREED...this movie should be black listed & BANNED from ALL:

Theatres, smart WiFi tv apps, DVD's & downloads..in solidarity with Ukraine!!!!!!! Ignorance can be cured ~ STUPIDITY is a lifelong affliction. Advertising images & posters are misleading.

When you create a movie that's subtitled-everyone knows-that's what you lead with in all ads & descriptions. This movie is also miscategorized in the wrong genre. It's Russian mobster genre NOT a WESTERN.

Maybe....... MAYBE after Russia ceases war with Ukraine it will be APPROPRIATE to re-release this movie with a soundtrack only in ENGLISH.......in the appropriate genre.

Don't waste your precious TIME on this disappointing flick meanwhile! Cast would be perfect in a western. Is this a prime example of how broken the thinking is, that's being taught in Russian society?
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The Virginian: Show Me a Hero (1965)
Season 4, Episode 9
Handler's Humor
27 June 2023
If you're an experienced horseman, some of these episodes are really fun! We catch all the little details others miss. This is a double treasure episode. We have one of our favorite Star Trek stars, in addition to the detail that Trampas' horse does not have a swollen anything on his leg or hock or hoof.


Look for the same barn fire footage in more than 1 episode as well. You'll notice the same footage from the episode where the Judges "mare that's ready to foal", is also used in another episode.

If you're an experienced horseman, some of these episodes are really fun! We catch all the little details others miss. This is a double treasure episode. We have one of our favorite Star Trek stars, in addition to the detail that Trampas' horse does not have a swollen anything on his leg or hock or hoof.


Look for the same barn fire footage in more than 1 episode as well. You'll notice the same footage from the episode where the Judges "mare that's ready to foal", is also used in another episode.
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The Virginian: The Claim (1965)
Season 4, Episode 4
Shatner Cowboy's Up!
26 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
How refreshing to see a favorite Star Trek actor in a completely new genre. The Virginian features many actors from various tv shows. It's fun to see our favorite actors in a different genre, from what we're used to seeing them in. This episode features Shatner as Luke, an adventurous drifter & old friend of Trampus'.

The Virginian is riding Trampas too hard & he's getting sick of eating the cooks horrible beans for every meal. He sets off for Medicine Bow after a particularly difficult day cutting steers from the herd when he runs into his old pal from Chicago at the bar.

Trampus convinces Luke to come work at Shiloh with him. Things get dicy one day at lunch when The Virginian is not happy with their work & they have words causing the pair to leave Shiloh behind for adventure & the freedom of making their own decisions. Along the trail they're meandering, they decide on the gold fields of Deadwood in the Dakota's as their destination.

The pair get themselves in a knock out brawl in one of the local saloons over a couple of ladies & land themselves in jail where they meet an old miner, Finley. When they get out of jail, they pay Finley's $8.00 bail. Old Finley entices Trampus & Luke to join him on his claim. The trio set off for Finley's claim near Sioux land.

There's confusion about the location of Finley's claim being on Sioux land. A recent law change made it illegal to prospect for gold on Sioux lands. The trio reaches the claim, set up camp & start mining for gold along the creek. They dream of what they can achieve with their success as they work their sluice box. Trampus & Luke become disenchanted by their lack of results on top of the fact that they're still eating beans, when they strike it big.

The three are overjoyed with their find. They begin to realize their lives of hard work & eating beans for every meal are behind them. Suddenly a stranger shows up in their camp. Something is off with the stranger. Luke follows the stranger as he leaves camp, yet, soon after a member of the Sioux tribe dies in an altercation on the claim. Suddenly Trampus realizes they're on Sioux land & tries to convince his partners to get out of there before the tribe comes looking for their missing loved one. Someone starts shooting at the camp! Luke gets gold fever & goes after Finley, accusing him of the attack.

Finley fesses up that his wife has died & he doesn't want the gold. He gives his share of the gold to both Trampus & Luke. Yet, Luke has gold fever so bad, he refuses to let Trampus leave with his share. Luke ties Trampus up with the captive Sioux braves while he gets drunk, mines for MORE gold & can't be reasoned with. Trampus manages to free himself & one Sioux warrior before he's caught by Luke & Finley who's been coerced to cooperate with Luke. Luke kidnaps the remaining Sioux warrior as security to get the gold back to town.

Suddenly they find themselves in a gunfight with the stranger who'd shown up in camp. As the gunfight ends with the stranger, the Sioux Nation catches up with them. Luke gets shot in the fracas & dies in Trampus' arms leaving only Trampus & Finley alive.

Trampus does the right thing & gives the gold they mined back to the Sioux. The pair return to Deadwood. Trampus is so touched by the experience he even turns down a lady's invitation to return to Shiloh. The Virginian graciously re-hires Trampus.
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Bats (1999)
Haahahaa! This is just bats!
31 May 2023
Lou, in his youth & a cadre of hilarious bats. This is listed as a horror flick. It should be listed in the comedy genre. Get ready for boatloads of laughter!! Sure to become a cult classic alongside the famous man eating plant movie...title escapes me presently. Grab your favorite munchies...gather your friends & family for a fun movie night.

Lou, in his youth & a cadre of hilarious bats. This is listed as a horror flick. It should be listed in the comedy genre. Get ready for boatloads of laughter!! Sure to become a cult classic alongside the famous man eating plant movie...title escapes me presently. Grab your favorite munchies...gather your friends & family for a fun movie night.
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Louie Anderson's stress test quote leads to GIF '-)
3 April 2023
Louie's Stress test quote lead to this author creating a GIF immediately after wiping tears of laughter from my blurred sight! Call this an ANTI-spoiler alert leading to more appreciation of Louie's comedic genius + his impeccable timing when delivering punchlines. Enjoy healing laughter delivered in Louie Anderson's classy style! Don't allow "baby boomer" in title to deter younger viewers ~ from missing out on subject matter that's relatable to ALL ages!! Anyone in the field of medicine and everyone who has recently been in hospital can relate to the way Louie expresses his experiences as a patient! An 11 on a scale from 1 to 10 '-)
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Award winning EDITING!
4 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
MST3K does my favorite version of this movie..however..the editors of the original movie deserve a special award for the enormous amount of cutting they did in this comedic masterpiece!

Peter Graves shines! The model creators must've spent an enormous amount of time on the scale & detail in each scene. Again....... I bring your attention to the editors. This movie is a huge feat of accomplishment due to the seamless, realistic quality in this production.

Grasshoppers..idk how they herded the grasshopper actors cast as extras either!! Very clever thinking!!!!!!!

All in all this is a lovely little romp the whole family can enjoy together!
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Should have bought vs rent moment
8 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ever rent a movie & immediately wish you'd purchased it? This is one of those movies! Ocean lovers and fans of sailing, mermaids, immortality & "fishing" tales will definitely feel it's a necessary addition to their video library. Especially fans of writers who include a "moral to the story". Julie Andrews' narration lends an air of relatability, credibly & relevance to the crew's efforts in this production. Spectacular new engaging movie.
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Extended Version exists!!
29 June 2022
Extended Version is best!! Watch for it on HBOMAX listed underneath the original version. There's nothing more disappointing than watching a great movie all the way through, only to find a better version hidden away!! Editing department deserves an award for this movie! Hysterical moments in difficult scenarios really connect with anyone who's ever had their identity stolen. Grab your movie snacks & hankies, enjoy!
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What's the price of freedom? EVERYTHING!!
29 April 2022
As a Trail Of Tears survivor, it's refreshing to see movies that are authentic & portray our struggle for survival realistically. For far too long white hatred and small minded thinking has stolen everything & continued to perpetuate broken thinking. Our lands were invaded by "settlers" running from exactly what they've perpetrated upon INDIGENOUS peoples. They come with the bible in one hand, while stealing & raping with the other. They don't have the capacity to LEARN our languages & cultures. They egregiously expect US to immigrate into THEIR society instead of vice versa.

Extremely well done for a directorial debut!! This is an 11 on a scale of 1-10!

Indigenous Americans want to know: WHEN is the US government going to publicly apologize to US for the Trail Of Tears like this government apologized to Jackie Robinsons tribe?
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The Magicians (2015–2020)
Downhill after 1st season
27 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Don't understand the thinking of the writers after season 1 ended. Plot plummeted downhill in Season 2, currently deciding IF it's worth watching the rest or just fast forwarding to the final season/episode & sampling the ending. Maybe they lost their best writer..idk. Started GREAT! Too bad it's just another huge disappointment.
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Remembering Megan Emmerick
18 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I remember when she went missing. Her family & friends never got over her loss. The worst part is not knowing what happened, where Megan IS & being unable to bury her properly. Extremely well done movie that's actually made IN Alaska! We appreciate law enforcement officers like the State Trooper who solved this case & the one who didn't give up until he found Joe Vogler in "City Confidential: Mining for Murder".
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The Bold and the Beautiful: Episode #1.8667 (2021)
Season 1, Episode 8,667
14 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This first thing you see in this episode is a small pod of 3 dolphins in the Pacific Ocean! The outtake is of Highway 101 on the California coast traveling north! This camera person deserves a special award for attention to detail!!
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Drunk Parents (2019)
Poor Choices
12 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Since Will Farrell chooses to support illegally taken dolphin captivity, I cannot in good conscience have anything to do with anything involving him. It's too bad bc the rest of the cast are favorites of mine...Dolphins and whales don't belong in captivity for human entertainment.
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Into the Wild (2007)
Cheechako dies needlessly
6 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
We Alaskans see this type of sheer stupidity constantly. Cheechakos, aka as greenhorns, or Lower 48'rs have a romanticized idea about what life's like up here in the Alaskan bush. These witless people come up here, endangering themselves and rescue crews, when they put themselves in trouble doing dangerous things AK bush kids are too smart to ever expose themselves to.

This kid was within a walkable distance to help, yet he chose suicide. We Alaskans wonder why he didn't simply walk out & get help. This behavior indicates he planned to commit suicide, plus we Alaskans had to clean up the mess he left behind.

Adventure enthusiasts need to take a long, hard look at this movie which depicts exactly what NOT to do when entertaining the notion of leaving city lives behind for dream lives in the wilderness. Being "alone" several hundred miles from the nearest source of help isn't a decision lightly made. That kid paid for his choice..with his life. Needlessly throwing it away.

The abandoned bus contaminated the tundra and was egregiously complicated plus expensive for the State of AK to remove. We all know what happens when toxic vehicle lubricants leach into the ground. Valdez will never recover from what Exxon dumped, the only difference here is the scale of the damage the kid whom this movie is about, created.

Tourists coming up here need to realize you don't dump your trash in the bush on the roadside. You don't change your kids diaper and leave that nasty mess for someone else to dispose of. Ladies, you don't leave your used kotex and tampons in hiking paths everybody uses for someone else to throw away. EVERYTHING you brought in with ya, YOU PACK IT BACK OUT and dispose of properly! Portable bathrooms are not waste bins. Do not dump your beer and soda cans down the outhouse hole people!! Do you flush that stuff down your toilets back home? Then don't do that here in our backyards. That's not how things are done in Alaska ladies and gents. All we ask is that you be CAREFUL and CONSIDERATE when you visit our state. We're pretty sure your vacation plans don't include breaking your family's hearts, reservations in our hospitals or visits to our morgues.

If you're serious about bush Alaskan type of lifestyle, try camping somewhere close to your homes without power, running water, communication & transportation for a minimum of 30 days IN INCLEMENT WEATHER. Haul all your cooking and bathing water and firewood by hand, cook over the open fire pit: smoky, hot, difficult to regulate the heat. Go to the bathroom squatting in the woods while swatting mosquitoes. If you can do all that & ENJOY it, you MIGHT, I repeat, MIGHT make it through your 1st winter up here. MAYBE!

Remember, 40° below zero and 24/7 darkness changes everything. If "glamping" isn't your thing, visit Alaska during summer, take lots of photos then go back home to your cozy houses with all the luxuries you take for granted. Visit Alaska? YES! Don't TRASH Alaska, hurt your families by killing yourselves on vacation and create a disaster that's the only thing everybody remembers.
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Revolt (1986 Video)
Anti Drug Propaganda
23 September 2021
This is a "B" movie ripe for Rifftraks or MST3K. Script smacks of us gov anit-drug propaganda.
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Caught Inside (2010)
👎🏽👎🏽Captioned by a non-surfer
30 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
GROM: Groms are known for going out either in the oceans surfing or streets skateboarding, but not just surfing or skating, but surfing and skating with all their hearts, with passion like any professional in the extreme sport world. . Groms are usually super chill and positive. They like to encourage their fellow surfer or skater friends. There is no room for negativity in the surfing, skating world.

Bull, a psycho, escaped murderer, wannabe surfer, rapes another surfers girlfriend, Sam, after he attacks a local island surfer he strands the ship's captain on a dingy. This is NOT a "surf movie". It violates everything surf culture represents. If you're looking for a CLASSIC surf movie, watch: Ride the wild Surf instead. It's the only surf movie that features the old guard longboard pro surfers in the early days of Billibong Pipemasters, 1963 live competition.
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Go-Big Show (2021–2022)
Thomas Went BIG!
20 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Snoop, love your choice!! Very classy. I don't watch this genre of show typically. Enjoyed seeing the BEST champion WIN a unique competition.

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27 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Who knows what it's about! Amazon failed to lead with: SUBTITLED.
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Magnum P.I.: The Day Danger Walked In (2021)
Season 3, Episode 5
Featuring Roger E. Mosley
23 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Fans of the original Magnum PI series, buckle your seatbelts for this episode features the original TC, Roger E. Mosley '-) hopefully more episodes will feature the original series cast.
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She done it!
23 July 2021
Refreshing take on a western! Very enjoyable! Authentic Western lovers will add this one of Travis' #12WeaternsIN12Months endeavor.
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Communion (1989)
Into the light or not?
21 July 2021
Christopher Walken shines in this sci-fi movie. Fantastic special effects for the 1980's! Excellent script. If you've ever wished you had a log home out of town & love sci-fi, this movie's for you!
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Eye witness REMINDER
19 July 2021
I was one of the kids that witnessed this event real time IN school...AS IT WAS HAPPENING...then we were all sent HOME from school IMMEDIATELY! Everything closed down! Covid closures reminded me of JFK's murder & the days that followed. Oswald did the dirty deed...MILLIONS of viewers WATCHED in HORROR as it was happening. It doesn't matter HOW Oswald came to the point of making this choice. The point IS: Oswald made that choice. JFK's death is surrounded by conspiracy theories.
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Texas Red (2021)
11STARS-MANDATORY American History Refresher!
5 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Incredible documentary style western about Civil Rights HERO "Texas Red" and shame on the state of Mississippi! Dragging your feet to ratify the 13th Amendment until 2013...yes...not a typo ladies & gents everything's connected + perpetuating obsolete hate during filming in 2020. Tsk tsk! We've moved past obsolete thinking, it's past time to climb aboard the fast rolling wave of change humanity is creating towards our coexistent, peaceful FUTURE of HUMANITY MISSISSIPPI! Own your mistakes, apologize like mature Americans & MOVE FORWARD! A lot of serendipity occurred during the creation of this authentic western. Cedric's blues music fits perfectly with this spot light on American History. This movie should be mandatory 4th grade American History school curriculum. Everything about this production shines brilliantly! It's an 11 on a scale of 1-10 saddle up for this ride will keep you enlightened AND entertained '-)
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Diligent Director
26 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
1st creation of 12 westerns created in 12 months! Travis is extremely responsive to constructive feedback from viewers. Looking forward to seeing the other 11 in this series. You'll notice some details that aren't authentic in this first movie. Some bits are rough. All human creations and artistic endeavors improve with repetition. Costumes and locations are extremely well done.
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