
62 Reviews
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Amazing Ape (2015)
Terrible propaganda piece
12 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The amazing ape is the story of Simon, A chimpanzee that I am 100% sure is having intercourse with the woman protagonist.

Her father is a big wig in the military that sells a bunch of monkeys the military don't want to a Pharmaceutical Lab, where our second lady works, who has a bunch of problems, including liking her work about being evil to chimps for a never explained reason too much and having his son who would be Sheldon (his acting carrier was condemned to be terrible from birth I pressume) to have a very aggresive kind of tumor.

Then the movie hates on basically everything including but not limited to: Cooking food, vaccines, toothpaste, bottled water, shampoo, canning, bags, medicine, cars, doctors and nurses.

Okay, it loves: spreading propaganda, using honey and saying its vegan (it isnt), curing cancer better than Neil Breen and his magic rock by using sun and yoga, and a monkey apparently having carnal knowledge with two women.

The ending is something I can't even describe because of how mind numingly dumb it is.

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The Batman (2022)
Came with low expectations. Got out dissapointed.
20 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Batman is one of the most recogniceable faces in comics. With a lot of movies under its utility belt, from corny, to serious to whatever was Batman and Robin, it is time for Pattinson to get a place. Unfortunately for him... it is not last because Clooney was the bat once.

I'll start with the general rant, before going into details.

First of all... the pacing is horrible. The movie suffers a lot because of it. The movie should have lasted hour and a half, maybe a little more. It constantly tries to show an intimidating batman that moves in calculated, heavy steps and it fails miserably, as Pattinson is probably one of the least intimidating batmen, again, because Clooney and, unfortunately, Adam West are less intimidating. And in the case of West, that was the intention!

You will spend very long periods of time looking at slow moving batman, broody batman and stiff batman, barely talking in a low voice (also during horribly pretentious voiceovers!) that is not the most ridiculous because Bale was the batman once... which drags the movie seriously, to the point that it starts feeling like a batman movie at the 2 hours mark, a cardinal sin in a 3 hours movie. Things get so much drag you could put the movie at 1.5 speed and it would barely make a watchable movie.

The casting was interesting. Again, bless Pattinson's soul he is a good actor... but I can't see him as any kind of Batman, and unfortunately he showed why. Zoe was not the worse catwoman but that is because Halle was the Catwoman once. Farrell was, as usual, the best, devouring each scene he appeared. He is really trying and giving everything. Turturro was a fun addition and was also entertaining by his own right. Everyone else was just meh.

The music its all over the place. Sometimes it is pretentious, sometimes its just generic, sometimes it is just not there, sometimes i is even inadequate.

Now, the focus of the movie was to give a detective batman, so I will forgive the very weak action scenes that lasted 5 minutes total. It simply failed at detective. Most of the puzzles had to be solved by someone else, which is very weak for THE WORLD'S GREATEST DETECTIVE. In fact, he sucks so much at it the Riddler had to spell it for him constantly and, believe it or not, the Riddler won and completed his plan! Of course, the movie just decides to... ignore it and decides that the Riddler lost. The ending is unsatisfying at best, insulting at worse.

The thing was that I actually think the plot, the story, and the mystery had a lot of potential. Unfortunately they get dragged by the awful pacing to the point that you end just waiting for something to happen. That's not very fun or entertaining. Would not watch it again.
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A senseless future.
20 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Its the year 33 (?) Society has collapsed under the reign of billions of robots (that we never see) under the fist of the Power Station: The villanous lair of The Supreme Leader, The Dark Lord (That sounds like one of the Romans from Robot Monster); Valaria (That tries and fails to act intimidating while changing dresses) and Torque (A robot that looks like the Dragon Priests from Skyrim, but as intimidating as my nails). Together they poison the air so humans... or at least a bunch of them, work for them as slaves and can survive in New Terra.

To combat its power we get a band of misfits: Neo, our... group leader? I think? With a secret mission; A lady that hates men that apparently is super good at fighting (abilities we never see); Another lady looking for her father, A robot that looks quite impressive (for how cheap the movie looks) that basicly works as Deus Ex Machina and 3 guys that die at various moments through the movie, most of them in hilarious fashion.

The movie is an abomination on every front but at least it is entertaining for the wrong reasons. The consistency issues with the dialog and action are frequent, the acting is painfully bad, the dialog is just... awful... the film was recorded on locations they couldn't adapt (and it shows) and the edition is mindblowingly bad.

I reccomend this movie to basicly people that want to see how bad can DnD get without being DnD. Slightly funnier than getting fused with the Dark Lord.
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Awful in a good way
9 January 2022
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Dr. Bill is a brilliant surgeon that kinda pisses everyone around him off because he is an egocentric, he refuses to follow protocol and never, ever is anything his fault. When he crashes his car and miraculously suffers no injury while his girlfriend gets decapitated, he recovers the head, resurrects it and tries to get a new body for her. He has 48 hours!

Or 24. The movie is not sure as everything happens in 24 hours.

Most of the action is pretty annoying, exploitative of female beauty (as movies has shown to do nicely) and covers most of the expected clichés. Not-so-evil henchman? Check. Useless dialog? Check. Unseen monster that gets super hyped and ends being super lame? Check. Weird music? Check. Private place in the middle of nowhere? Check. Stripclubs? Check.

The thing is... I like it. It hits that spot of being so serious it becomes unintentionally hilarious. I might consider it even better that some others in the nanar territory (so bad is good) like fateful findings or even Plan 9. I'd watch it again.
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Boring propaganda.
5 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In a totalitarian (where the police seems to barely exist) communist (With no one covering any work position anywhere) dystopia (with no people in horrible conditions) where traveling is illegal (Which would result in everyone dying) and everyone is permanently being vigilated on (and no police, army or even official know what is going on at any time, where only one policeman is present at any time) Where reunions are prohibited (and that is why there are reunions constantly in public places (Even though they are constantly being watched)) and where christianity has been banned (no mention of any other religion. Just christianity) an economist (that can't act worried even if his life depended on it), a nurse (that doesn't know how medicine work), a marine (that doesn't know how the army works (Also he is a marine... in Germany. In a totalitarian regime were traveling is forbidden)) and a hacker (That uses Google and Word as her only tools) will fight against it all! By painting fishes in the floor! That'll teach them!

The acting is subpar, even by Christian films standards. The music is generic and comes and goes at random intervals. The dialog is awful and the accents of the actors and their inability to express any emotions make Tommy Wiseau look like Al Pacino. I am not sure there was a screenplay.

Boring to tears. Empty headed to sinningful levels. Do not watch. Get corona: Might be better for your health.
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Giving a bad name for itself.
25 June 2021
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At least the movie tells you in the first 5 minutes that it will not be a very good one: Gramps is a religious extremist retired programmer that is (amazingly) also a supergenious, excellent at all sports and people just like to be around him. So, of course, he decides that Universities are bad because of course they are.

The first time he hears that Dormitories are Co-Ed he basicly starts treating the receptionist as if she told him that he would be boiled in hot sauce for the duration of the course.

He constantly discriminates against others; he constantly insults people that do not think like him or act as he would like them to, rejects a kiddo for an autograph just because he can, tries to make a Junior and a senior to fall in love in the creepiest way possible and just can't take criticism at all. For some reason everyone is totally okay with that... oh wait, the reason is that he insults the biology teacher that only teaches evolution and absolutely nothing else (oh yeah, she ends falling for him for some unexplained reason). His arguments are, as usual with this movies, either phallacies that don't deserve attention or whataboutisms, but he thinks they are brilliant. Also there are a bunch of rants like one about fluoride being the cause of cancer and fybromialgia, which are major words for a guy that can't even pass biology 100 and that definitely doesn't understand that a process has no physical qualities (something weird for, you know, a retired programmer).

You would think that then the movie decides to get a chill pill. It won't.

It goes crazy: people just start doing miracles around him, he converts almost everyone to christianity and the biology teacher decides that she doesn't want to teach biology anymore. Of course, everyone except the evil atheist director are almost in love with him.

The acting makes most adult films look like Citizen Kane, the dialog is abysmal and self serving (thing that I am sure has nothing to do with the fact that the lead actor is also the screenwriter and wrote most of the dialog), and the story is just boring and random and sometimes even cringy. The sets are obviously a retirement house and/or a place built out of junk. It would be absolutely hilarious if it didn't take itself seriously, but as it is, it is an unwatchable mess. You will need a lot of substances to see this one. And don't go alone.
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Dickshark (2016)
A movie that looks like an adult film, but with a catch:
2 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
You can't do the usual to it. First of all: It is 2 and a half hours long of absolutely nothing happening, because calling the pacing glacial or frozen would be very, very generous. The pacing and the story makes Pass thru seem coherent and fast paced. The movie even has the audacity of not having an ending: It just goes black with nothing solved and the credits roll. The movie could have been probably an hour long by being extremely generous, but no: The closeups of slo-mo focusing in anatomical tidbits of the femenine kind are really important: There are at least 6 of different women in the first hour of the film treated tos uch treatment. In fact, the nudity is so abysmally treated that you will be completely insensitivized to it after the first 10 minutes of the film and you will find it torturous. The dialog is extremely awful, even by adult film standards. I am not even talking about the extreme aberration that the film calls "soundtrack", because apparently that is the reason of the slo-mo abundance that would make the transformers franchise blush and ask you to take it easy: The slo-mo apparently works as a way to fit what could have been a 20 seconds or less scene into a 4 or 5 minutes musical short of bad closeups of the naked girl in turn that has absolutely nothing to do with anything. This is made even more insulting at the end of the film, when instead of the usual array of boring credits the movie decides to spend saying the groups that made each "song" and gives a lot of sites and addresses where to get and buy it (By the way, this is why the credits take over 15 minutes!) The acting is extremely abysmal, even if you go by the lowest standard. For a film that constantly goes "Do not learn science from movies, internet or TV" the dumbed to the lowest denominator dialog (all 5 minutes ofi t) is as smart as a broken brick. Boring to tears. Watching a blank wall for 2 and a half hours would actually be funnier, more entertaining and with better pacing. Do not waste your time. Get bitten by a shark: It will hurt less.
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Pterodactyl (2005)
A movie that deserves extinction
4 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
An... Interesting? movie. Although it wanted to be both bloody, comedic and dramatic, it failed so hard in all of the areas that it just becomes something that exists.

Pterodactyl is the story of Cameron Daddo, a scientist that is given his last chance to keep his reputation intact... even though he ignores anything mildly scientifically intriguing like giant pools of bird pee (Do birds pee anyway?). Acompanying him in this adventure to find fossils in the middle of a war zone is Amy Sloan that is, for some completely unexplainable reason, fatally attracted to him (Even though he is an idiot with no interest in personal or others safety, reject any assistance until last minute and is pretty much useless) and a bunch of secondary actors and actresses that may dissapear at random intervals unless they are... important? to the story. Surprise, surprise they end in the middle of the civil war and things start getting worse when a bunch of pterodactyls appear... Which Daddo like/hate/like at random intervals.

On the other side, Coolio (being the best actor in this... thing, which is not a compliment) and a group of soldiers that forget constantly how to soldier are capturing a random evil guy, in a subplot that pretty much adds nothing and is fixed by random chance.

Dumb things happen, bunch of pterodactyls and secondary characters die, the movie kinda solves spontaneously, the end.

On the good side (hah!) We have some of the most baffling action scenes ever, like a pterodactyl ripping a girls arm off while she runs, a rocket launcher that shoots rockets and directs them at random and baby pterodactyls. On the bad side we have basicly everything else. Technically speaking, It has a decent camera, although the special effects are baffling for saying the least, the script is awful and the music is almost as if they put it into a shuffler and just did the movie over it. Too boring to recomend, too baffling to not to. I give the 2 stars because at least it is somewhat a movie.
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Joker (I) (2019)
I don't usually side with the audience, but here we are...
6 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Although it is technically a superhero movie, it is by far the best movie in the genre. How did it do it? By not being a superhero movie.

Being a psychological thriller of a character we have known for almost 80 years, that has had multiple stories about why he is as he is, we knew this movie was going to have a hard job to impress.

It did it.

The story is super dark, which actually is fitting for a character that kills and that tries to take a city as part of a joke. Even the few jokes that appear in the movie are not oversaturating it.

The music is an astounding job. It sometimes goes too loud and over the dialog, but nothing distracting, although a couple of times unfitting.

The scenography is just perfect for Gotham, a city that has less sun than England.

The acting is extremely solid. Everyone gave everything they had and left their soul in this movie. Maybe in the last scenes with Robert the Niro he dropped the ball a little and the acting was a lot more stiff and less natural, but not enough to ruin the experience.

The direction is in general solid. A couple of pointers in 2 or 3 scenes that are not enough to ruin the movie.

The edition was great, as well as the special effects. The movie feels at times like dragging itself and artificially making itself longer, but those scenes are so rare and far in between that in general they don't ruin the experience.

Just what I expected from a film that takes an actual look at mental disorders and the way society works. Great film overall, would watch again. And not many movies that have appeared in the last 10 years or so can say the same.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
A beautiful, well-acted movie.
17 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I like this movie. a lot. too bad I like it because of how beautiful it looks than because of anything else.

Lets start with the photography, the cinematography, the special effects and the makeup: Godlike. Pure magnificence. Clean and pure images of nature being nature: a cruel indomitable mistress. The photography was, unfortunately, mostly padding. It had moments it was necesary, but most of the time it felt just like padding.

The story is solid, with a lot artistic licenses (i.e. lies) over the real tale, but in general the plot and story are solid, but have a problem: they are easily forgotten. You have no idea of the time passing between scenes because the movie refuses to tell you and a revenge tale like this really required to track the time better.

The acting was amazing, although I found the weakest being Poulter (seriously, how do you get work?) followed by DiCaprio. Tom Hardy ate Fitzgerald And Gleeson was born to be Henry. I am not saying DiCaprio do not deserve an Oscar, but this movie was not the reason he deserved it. If you give me rotten meat to eat i could vomit too, where is my Oscar? He deserves it for other movies (I adored him in the Departed and it was the greatest actor in Titanic), but not this one.

In short: Entertaining, well done, beautiful movie that you will forget the moment you see any other movie with a plot. Would watch again anyway.
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Powerful drama film
13 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This was a powerful movie. Made in 1994, It tells the story of Mathilda and Leon, a mismatch made in heaven. She is the daughter no one likes or cares for in a family that is over disfunctional, whose family gets killed because daddy was an idiot and made Gary Oldman (Seriously, I love you Gary) get angry. Leon is a slow but solid hitman, so precise that no one can see or detect him before they are already dead.

The chemestry was there, with intentional awkwardness making you feel weird watching the movie. Portman was (until George Lucas pretty much butchered her career) an emotional rollercoast that can really act. Hell, I almost cried with her in many ocasions. Of course, Jean Reno is a god, so I can't add a word.

Now, the movie still suffers a couple of drawbacks, nothing mayor, but enough to stop it into being perfect: there is a mayor pothole when he killed the chinese, the music was not the most adequate and the movie feels really awkward in some set pieces in a very unintentional way. I know the original script was very much "12 years old forces Reno" but you could reduce the awkwardness. You still feel like that was there and it hurts.

Still a magnificent movie. Would watch again.
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Absolute lack of everything... Even lack of Gary Busey, which says a lot about it.
15 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I really hate this movie. With all my heart. I need to start with the good parts. Or more accurately, the least terrible:

-The acting and voiceover of Gary Busey is really great. Too bad that the scenes with Gary Busey, including the cookie ones, last 7 minutes. I counted. -The puppetery is decent, even though you constantly see a human finger or the cookie attacks even when it is not around. Too bad it was wasted in this movie and it only lasts for 4 minutes. -The movie is one hour long. And that's it.

Now, lets start saying that this movie was frozen since 2001 for "extensive rewrites" It doesn't seems like it. The dialog was so utterly incompetent that it physically gave me pain. Whatever they were writing I guess was written by a monkey high on LSD, because there is no other way to explain every plothole.

The camera and the photography were, at most, amateur. It has a weird fascination to record in dutch angles. It causes headaches because I have no idea why they did that, nor did it add anything.

The illumination is just so painfully bad. For a bakery at night that has no electrical power it has perfect illumination were you can see everything, but the characters try to act as they can't see a thing.

Speaking of the acting, no one is trying except for Gary Busey, which was obviously having fun. The rest of the actors didn't want to act at all or were forced on gunpoint because you don't believe any of the acting.

The music is terrible, more because it tries to be both scary and funny and fails harder than a blind guy in a driving exam. Also the audio editing does not help at all, because the audio bounces constantly and I hate that.

In general it is not funny, it is not horrible. It is nothing. Do not watch it.
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PMS Cop (2014)
It had potential. It killed it without mercy.
5 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is pretty good... at the beggining. Then it dies horrible. It was like looking at a train crash.

Our main character is Mary, a cop with a background full of abuse that, after almost turning a clown into a blood soup gets into a pharmaceutical trial for a drug designed to mitigate the sintomathology of PMS. First of all, I really love how even after knowing her background the psychiatrist immediatelly says PMS. That was so mindblowingly dumb it was actually funny. The first 30 minutes are pretty much like that: something dumb happens, then more dumbness happens and it solves itself in the funniest way possible. It was great.

Then the movie turns into an attempt of being a gorefest, but it lacks the effects to do so. The action is tame, the camera is bad, the photography is terrible and there is so much dialog that tries to explain the pseudoscience of what is going on that it actually stop the movie and it becomes painfully boring Even during the action the movie tries to be funny, but it is so forced it makes the action even worse. You won't feel the first 30 minutes. The rest of the movie oh god you are going to feel it, I assure you.

The acting was actually pretty solid. Some characters, like Mary or Sokolov could have been great if they had more films under the belt. The camera is decent in general. It has a couple of moments here and there but nothing really special. The editing and the photography were terrible in the second half. There are some moments of brilliance but they get covered in so much trash they become unnoticeable. The music is decent, but not very original. The dialog was good for the first half, incredibly forced in the second.

In short: A movie with a premise that could have been something so bad it was so good, but that kills this possibility in less than 30 minutes. Too boring to recomend, too mindblowingly dumb to not to. Watch this under your own responsibility.
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Not many movies get a 10 from me. This is one of those.
9 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The really hard to watch legend about a maiden that gets forced to do unspeakable things, killed and robbed and how her killers force her family to understand more about themselves.

I really can't put into words how good are Bergman's movies. He knows how to balance horror and beauty, How to use sound only when you need it. How to make the story go fluidly and at a perfect pace. How to use the perfect lightning for each photograph. Characters evolve at a natural pace. How to make a story evolve slowly but surely.

This is a true masterpiece.
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A boring, cliché film that never tried.
6 December 2018
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This is another movie about exorcisms, demons and convenient, predictable moments, only now in a hospital morgue. That makes the film different, right?. It is devoid of any meaning or any purpose or any entertainment value, specially because jumpscares add too much (No, they don't). I give it a 3 because the beggining was semi-promising and the effects of the demon where pretty well done, almost gollum like. Do not watch at all
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Macario (1960)
One of the best movies Mexico has to offer.
19 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
After watching bad film ater bad film in mexican cinema, it comes as a refreshing surprise to get one movie that is not like getting disentery.

Macario is the morality tale of Macario, an extremely poor man that is given the power of healing by death itself. It is maybe not the most original tale, but it is extraordinarelly well drawn and delivered. The acting is solid, the casting choices were solid as a rock, the photography is beautiful, the direction and acting are believable to extreme measures and the few effects that are here and there are very well done for the time.

I have one problem with it: the music. It is extremely distracting, sometimes it covers the dialog because of how loud it is. It ruins the mood more than enough to deserve one point less.

I'd watch it again, surely.
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The Pumaman (1980)
Pumas: Able to whine, teleport, pretend to be dead and flight.
16 November 2018
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A group of aztec american aliens with portuguese names end in England for some reason and leave a mask that can manipulate the mind... for some other unexplained reason. To take care of it they leave the Pumaman, because pumas are specially abundant in england.

This movie is extremely bad for many reasons: The music is monotonous and horrible beyond description. It sounds like something made by Yoko Ono. The dialog is horrible, the effects are bad beyond reason... I'll better start talking about the good drops here and there, because there are some:

You can't fail by casting The great Donald as the villain. He is great, but this movie sounds more as a "I need that paycheck" than anything else.

The action sequences are so bad you will be laughing for the duration. They suck so hard they are entertaining.

Miguel Angel Fuentes is awesome as Vadinho, the real hero in the movie. the poomaman (As most characters mention it, adequately) did more dead than alive.

All the rest is garbage. Avoid it like AIDS.
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El (1953)
Insane and surreal piece of mexican cinema
16 November 2018
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Arturo de Cordoba is Don Francisco, a religious fanatic, celotypical, paranoid, fetichist bachelor that marries the woman of his dreams... and almost destroyed her in the process.

This movie is excellent. It is a psychological thriller that keeps you on your toes at all times. When you think it has reached its peak, it peaks again.

Great one, not for the faint of heart.
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A biographic picture that forgot the biographic part
16 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is a really great movie. I have a few problems and I want to write about them before you vote me unhelpful.

First of all: It sells itself as a biopic. It definitely isn't. This movie considers that you already know a lot about Queen. The characters are never introduced for starters. Most of the characters just come and go and you have little idea what is going on until a lot later. Most of them won't be remembered by name. You'll recall them as "The bighaired one" or "the beach one" or "the one that dared question Freddy" but you'll never give them a name. Dates? Pfft. Forget about them. At most you'll get a couple of years. Reasonings? not here. Sequences of events? Try again.

Even though the acting was incredibly powerfull and so good you could actually believe Freddy resurrected for this movie... It was not enough. It lacks focus. The movie can't decide if it want to talk about Freddies life, The band's life, or any of the personal lives of anyone... It tries to spread too much, so even though the acting was indredible it just feels dispersed.

The ending was out of these world. It was obviously edited and reconstructed by a computer, but you could only want to have been there. It was marvelous. I sang, I cried, I loved it. Too bad it was the ending of the movie.

In short: A movie that has no focus for almost 2 hours, shamelessly selling at queen's fans and will concentrate and give you every feeling possible at the end, but not enough to be memorable. Would probably not watch it again, but I would not mind to.
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Underworld for kids.
3 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I hate this movie. With almost every fiber of my being. I'll start with the good parts, because there are almost none.
  • The CGI fire was impressive at first... for about 30 seconds.
  • That's pretty much it.

Lets start with the obvious: a PG rating means no blood, no cuss and limited violence. That pretty much killed any hope this movie could get any of the audience underworld got, where blood, guts, bloody weaponry, insults and violence disguise the relative nothingness of that movie.

The story is an attempt to bring the Frankenstein tale to the masses as some kind of fairy tale, with a couple of ingredients in an attempt to add flavor like a love subplot, which adds absolutely nothing, and a self-realisation subplot... which is abandoned and added, of course, absolutely nothing. Every cliché ever used in a movie is used here, so don't expect your braincells to work too much. It was an extremely predictable story, but also it was forced into your face in less than 10 minutes, so you are definitely not able to feel something for the characters or to get interested into the plot. You are not even going to remember their names, I assure you.

The actors looked bored and uninterested all the time. Their acting was bad and painfully lazy. Aaron Eckhart looked as if he was just to start crying every time he talked. He was bored to death.

The dialog is boring and cliché. The story is boring and cliché. The desitions the characters make are illogical at best. The movie could have been 10 minutes long if they followed the logical route, which is a shame because I would have liked it more.

The cinemathography and photography are horrible, everything looks bland even if the appocalypse is coming.

My main complain is the use of CGI: It was used so extensibly it actually made the movie an unwatchable mess every time there was a major battle, which was constantly.

Speaking of battles, at least those are good, right? WRONG! Every battle looks the same. A big panoramic where lots of fire start getting into the land, an occasional beam of light went into heaven, close ups of someone yelling while fire is all around them, rinse and repeat. It was painfully repetitive and lazy

In general, a boring, cliché movie that tried too hard to be underworld without any of the elements that made it interesting to watch.

Avoid it at all costs.
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Absolutely inept piece of entertainment.
22 October 2018
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This thing (I seriously decline to call it a movie, much less a musical) is what happens when you are director/producer/writer/main actor and you have no idea what to do. The "horror" is absolutely non-existant and the "love" story is so unoriginal you can predict how it will go in the first 10 minutes. The audio and video editing are terrible. The dialog is just so, so bad... the story is painfully boring, the movie is full of scenes that are just there as filler, the dancing parts are extraordinarelly excrement, the singing is bad...

Even with all of that, it unintentionally have fun moments. The problem is that those are so covered on so much garbage that you notice them after watching this thing more than once, an experience I do not wish upon anyone.

Too boring to reccomend, too bad to exist. It is deliveratelly inept, so I'll give it an extra point... but still, seriously, do not watch this without coffee by the liters or a wish to end your life.
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FIFA's vanity project / image cleaner combo that would have never work.
30 September 2018
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Hello, Billy Mays here! Are you involved in a corruption scandal so massive you do need to clean your image? Is your Asociation known for meddling in foreign affairs for monetary gain? You only need an oxy movie! For the low price of 30 million dollars and your dignity you can make a cinematic equivalent of a fairy tale! Some special ingredients: 1. Boring cinematography and photography 2. Football erases both world wars out of history! 3. Dialog so empty and vain the devil considers it a sin 4. Acting so bad you would think they hired the first guys they found 5. Scenography completely wasted!

Seriously though... this movie is boring to tears and it is so autocongratulatory it comes more as a vanity project. Do not watch this. At all.
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Leprechaun (1992)
The not-at-all spectacular horror full of comedy.
14 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
First of all... What was the thought process behind planning this movie? How do you seriously plan to make a thing a little taller than a 5 years old terrifying? That alone is completely beyond me.

The acting is pretty decent and the music is passable, but the rest is just so painful: sometimes absolutely nothing happens for minutes on end. The dialog is so abysmal it becomes unintentionally funny, the scenes transition with no logic and the horror is non-existant.

A fun movie, but for all the wrong reasons. Watch it high or drunk.
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Monsturd (2003 Video)
This movie stinks... but it was meant to.
6 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It is a really bad movie. It could have been around 30 minutes long and nothing would have been lost. Most scenes are unnecesary, the plot is absurd even if you turn off your brain, the subplots are abandoned so quickly you have no idea why they were put in the first place and the acting is painfully bad.

I agree, I had no expectations but even then I am dissapointed. I give it a 2 because it was so painfully bad the drops of fun were actually enjoyable.

This movie is for people with real love for toilet, rancid humor and absolutely no one else. Avoid.
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A movie that can't decide its tone or subplots... so it goes for predictability.
4 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is the kind of movie you would watch if you hate yourself.

Based in a terrible piece of mexican cinematic excrement and with no original elements, this movie tells the tale of a party guy that is not afraid, his boss is able of kinda tolerate him that suddendly gets a kid abandoned by it's mother because she was confused. So he becomes accidentally a stunt double to raise her. The mother appears later to reclaim her, they get togheter for a time because the kid dies and everybody is stupidly happy ever after.

The plot sounds absoltely dumb? The execution is even worse.

The tone was lost all over the place. The movie tried to be drama / comedy / action / educational. Failed in every aspect. The drama was bland and had predictable outcomes. The comedy was so badly delivered it physically hurt. The action was scarce and I have no idea what it had to do with anything and the moral is so hamfisted it gave a masoquist an orgasm.

The cinematography, the acting and the photography were good... so those were absolutely wasted, the music is stock, the dialog is unsatisfactory and the delivery is painfully boring.

Do seriously not watch this. Nor should you watch the movie it is based on. I have no idea which is worse and I won't watch either of this abominations again
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