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Love & Jane (2024 TV Movie)
What happened to Benjamin Ayres?
19 February 2024
Love and Jane is a sweet movie, with a very charming plot. Alison Sweeney is her usual upbeat, emotional self, a pleasure to watch in any film. This reviewer has only one concern about Love and Jane.

It refers to Benjamin Ayres' appearance. This actor is mature, serious, very gifted leading man. He is a pleasure to watch in any romantic story. However, recently there has been such a dramatic change in his appearance, it leaves one wondering what the reasons might be for such a strange physical presentation.

It was first noticed in a Christmas movie, A Miracle in Bethlehem, PA. Mr. Ayres was presented with a "grungy" unshaven face, his good looks altogether diminished by this new dark image, his hair was a disheveled mess, hanging into his forehead, in a strange uncombed style.

And, now, again, in Love and Jane, he appears in the same manner. Unshaven face, and messy uncombed hair.

Is there a new look being explored for this mature, very handsome actor? And what modern woman would be attracted to such a look in a man? Mr. Ayres deserves to be seen in his full, handsome, best way. He is a wonderful, emotional actor. He is a romantic lead with a mature presence and very appealing style. Why now present him in this grungy, messy manner?

If anyone has the answer to this question, please help. If anyone agrees with my confusion about the new "presentation" of Mr. Ayres, please contribute your feelings.

This viewer is left confused and very put off by the new look. Give us back a clean-shaven, combed hero. He is such a great actor, and deserves to be seen in his best handsome style.
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Somebody wake up the hero!!
17 December 2023
This lovely story combines a few very charming and inviting features. The Amish are always a fascinating culture to learn about, always filled with loving , caring, kind relationships. The scenery is also so refreshing because the movie isn't taking place in a bustling city. And in this film, the many foods they prepared and showed were mouth-watering!

In this story, family relationships take front and center stage. The love between the Amish sister and her city sibling is so real, so beautifully expressed and portrayed that one has no doubt these two young woman truly care about one another. ..despite their very divergent life choices and styles.

That said, it is really difficult to imagine, first of all, what the hero of the story is doing on that farm. If he is there since he's widowed and owes some gratitude to the owner of the farm, we can accept that. Beyond that, one wonders how this actor ever got chosen for such a sensitive and challenging role. His acting is so wooden, so stiff,,that he often looks like a deer in headlights, almost as if he's forgotten his next lines.

The chemistry between him and the leading actress is non-existent. He is stiff, arid, and altogether wrong for the role. Even their Hallmark kiss at the end looks forced and uncomfortable. Where was the acting coach? The director? The story was so warm and so lovely, it was painful to watch this newcomer actor struggle to show any emotion.

Please forgive the sharp tone of this review. The story of this family was so warm and kind and sweet, it was simply distracting to see the lead actor so detached from every scene he was in.
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Christmas at the Chalet (2023 TV Movie)
lovely story, messy hair!!
1 December 2023
Christmas at the Chalet is a lovely story, middle-aged single mom, energetic career goals, adaptable to any and all situations, looking good for her age, but, oh, my..all that said...someone forgot to catch the hairdresser before the filming. Never have I seen a lovely actress like Teri Hatcher so poorly groomed as this poor soul was in this fun movie. Her hair distracted this viewer in every single scene, except when it was covered up by a ski cap. Perhaps one needs to be more in tune with the current fashions and looks. But for this loyal Hallmark fan, Teri Hatcher deserved a great deal better look than the one she was given in this film..Strands and strands of messy hair, flying in all directions, distracting from her beautiful face, her winning smile, her expressive eyes. Hallmark heroines deserve better than this lovely woman got in this sweet film..Sorry..if you watch this movie, try to ignore the distracting hair. Focus on the beautiful setting, the sweet people, the emotional story.
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a short and sweet review
7 November 2023
I've come late to seeing it, but this was a lovely Christmas movie..Lots of original twists, and all those wonderful views of Chicago! The handsome and talented Sam Page could read the phone book and I would still watch him do that..not that most people these days even know what phone book is!

However, all that said, the only thing that stays in this viewer's mind after watching the movie is the leading lady's hair. Oh, my goodness!!! Where was the makeup, hair stylist person? I have never seen so many different hairdos in one movie, and each of them messier than the one before..Hair all over this lovely leading lady's face, piled up, hanging down, wisps around her face, one really messy, unattractive style after another. This lovely young actress deserved better.

It's a sad day when my hero, Sam Page, get outdone by the distraction of an actress's messy and overdone, underdone, really distracting hairstyles.

Sorry. Other than this criticism, the movie was delightful, romantic, Christmas-y and very original. And there was Sam Page.
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so much potential, so little success
11 September 2023
The star of this movie was the scenery. But since the scenery can't act and talk, credit needs to be given to the incredible Arielle Kebbel..She is an actress of great maturity, phenomenal talent, and, luckily for Hallmark, she carried this film. Everyone else could have literally stayed home. Her leading man was so dull, so bland, so detached, even his eyes didn't light up enough to convince the viewer that he was emotionally involved. He was flat, passive, and hardly convincing as a romantic partner for the dynamic, energetic Arielle Kebbel.

Of course, Hallmark can't always come up with leading men the level of a Tyler Hinds, Sam Page, Benjamin Ayers or Andrew Walker. But the actor in this movie was truly not a logical choice to pair with someone as dynamic as Arielle Kebbel.

One wondered why her character even bothered resuming a relationship with him. Why would she choose to move forward with him?

The secondary roles were sufficient, since Hallmark always seems to need a secondary couple in their classic plots. The woman playing the Cherokee guide was over the top silly in her persistent giggling and frantic smiling.

It would be wonderful to see Arielle Kebbell in a better story. She is truly a gifted star. One small criticism..Not sure if this was her decision or the director's, but there seemed to be an excess of tight t-shirt scenes. Kebbel has a beautiful body, granted. But even her jackets were slung off her shoulders or tied around her waist,, and every outfit she wore emphasized the excessive tight shirt or sweater. This seemed a bit politically old-fashioned in this day and age of womens' images being appropriately portrayed.

Watch this movie for Kebbell and the scenery. Forget the leading man!
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The More Love Grows (2023 TV Movie)
wish I could have liked it more
21 August 2023
This new Hallmark movie had so much potential! Sadly, it missed that opportunity. Rachel Boston, the leading actress, has shown in all her past films that she has a very limited range. Her tendency to giggle during any lapse in dialogue is almost her signature behavior. Her giggle fills space that could be just as well be left silent. And her giggle is most often inappropriate to the moment in the script.

The story that this film offers is so contemporary,and so relevant to a large audience. A marriage suddenly ends. The couple, mature enough to have daughter in college, needs to deal with the reality of two lives that have to move on. This topic could have been explored in a much more mature and sensitive manner. Unfortunately, it wasn't.

Acting kudos go to the leading actress' mother, played by Gabrielle Rose, who has an impressive range of emotion, expressions, and very convincing delivery of her lines.

If the viewer can overlook the giggling of the leading lady as well as her broad smile throughout any emotional scene, this is a movie that could deliver a profound message about moving on, discovering ones untapped talents and gratifications.

In the end, this movie belongs to the wonderful dog who stole every scene. He was a marvelous actor, a real trouper, and saved the viewer from all the unsettling smiling and flat giggling of the leading lady,.
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Sweet as Pie (2022 TV Movie)
so much potential, so little success
12 August 2023
Sweet as Pie is a film that could have been a great deal more likable, enchanting, and watchable. The lead actress is a new and very talented, appealing young woman. Her acting, her facial expressions, her emotional range are absolutely a breath of fresh air in the standard rom-com genre. She is a pleasure to watch, in all her scenes, except the perfunctory flour flinging kitchen scene. She deserves much better material to work with.

Sadly, her co-star was not of the same caliber. Perhaps it was the fault of the script, the lines he was given, but he could not save this role in any way .His acting was wooden, his facial expressions had no range whatsoever, and just when all else failed, he was given that magic moment in all rom-coms..he got to remove his shirt and show a toned, buff, bare chest.

Even that gratuitous gesture, and the standard country fair could not save this very badly written film.
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The Wedding Contract (2023 TV Movie)
A Bit Over the Top
21 June 2023
There is something positive to be said for the effort Hallmark is making to display diversity in recent movies. This film was one of the very lovely movies to come along that offered a new direction in that effort. The Wedding Contract is a simple story about two young Jewish singles, who meet, fall in love, and then have to navigate their path to a traditional wedding. The bride's family is portrayed as observing the typical lifestyle of a Conservative Jewish family. Sabbath rituals, foods that are prepared and shared with great joy, and customs that are a way of life.

Problems arise when the groom's less traditional family life is introduced. His mother is widowed, is a world traveller, married to a non-Jewish man, and somewhat of an unknown in the mix. Meeting her is completely as expected. There are edgy interactions with the bride's very warm, embracing, effusive family members.

But, as is expected in Hallmark films, all is ironed out and peacefully resolved. Everyone eventually gets along, new relationships are forged,and there is the anticipated happy ending.

However, there needs to be some mention here of the aspects of this story that, perhaps, should not go overlooked. Some the discussion and exhibiting of typical Jewish traditions become a bit "in your face" at times. The dialogue became almost like a Sunday School lesson in how one traditional Jewish family lives. Too many "lessons" seem to prevail. As a practicing Conservative Jew, from an Orthodox Jewish background, I found some of the dialogue a bit excessive. Some of the traditions could have been understood just as well by example rather than by long explanations.

In the end, everything and everyone come together happily. One, perhaps small, issue needs some mention. Despite all the observing of all the Jewish traditions, one personal comment here . In as religious and traditional a ceremony as this wedding includes,(circling one another, breaking of the glass, etc. ) a typical Jewish bride would present herself a bit more modestly than in a strapless wedding dress. Even a little lace shawl or soft covering during the ceremony would have been more traditional than a low-cut strapless gown. A very minor comment, but still one that appeared to be divergent from everything else that was portrayed so traditionally and beautifully.

A lovely movie with lots of lessons, but a good nod to diversity in these times.
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A Royal in Paradise (2023 TV Movie)
A delightful movie with some good acting
16 January 2023
Every once in a while, a film comes along that looks like it will be a formulaic love story. One watches it for the soothing rewards of knowing the girl will get the guy, the guy wilt get the girl, and it will all end happily..And then, once in a while, this formula comes along with some really appealing leads, an intelligent story, and a bit more to offer than the conventional script. This movie was one of those.

It was filmed in a beautiful setting, using ample time to show the colorful, charming tropical location. There were underwater scenes, stunning fish and sea life shown, and in all, it was a visually gratifying movie.

The love story was mature, each of the leading characters had his and her own issues to deal with . Of course, the prince needed to take the throne. And, of course, he was expected to marry someone of royal lineage. Surely, the young woman author had a deadline and writer's block, and needed to find a new location to inspire her creative work. But there was more to this formula than one would expect. Serious life issues were shared and discussed by the young couple. Failures and disappointments were talked about. One knows in watching a movie of this sort that the ending will be a happy one. Everything will turn out alright. But this film explored the roadblocks and impediments along the way in a more mature and realistic way.

If one can make a few comments about some shortcomings, here they are. While the female lead wore some stunniing clothes, it seemed gratuitous that there was so much cleavage shown. It was almost as if everything she wore was cut too low and her cleavage was far too exposed. The same is true for her best friend, roommate. There was barely one scene that did not have that very distracting and unnecessary aspect to it. What was the purpose of this sort of exposure? It distracted from the story, from the sensitive relationship and how it was resolved. There was an almost Playboy centerfold aspect to the need to show so much cleavage. Was there a reason behind this? It's hard to imagine what that reason would be. Other than that one distraction, this is a mature, lovely story.
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Christmas Together (I) (2020 TV Movie)
A Really Sad Mistake
10 December 2022
It is true that Christmas movies tend to follow a formula. That is what makes us watch them with the comfort and anticipation that comes with familiarity. This movie had all the components of a typical holiday movie. A romance breaks up, the leading lady travels to a new town, she meets a precocious and bright little pre-teen girl who makes the visitor feel welcome and optimistic. And then one meets the little girl's father.

Somewhere along the way. This handsome man was not directed appropriately for his role. He is a widower, father of a charming little girl, an academic, a star-gazer, and a man with a perpetual, empty, vacant, meaningless smile.

It almost felt as though this actor was auditioning for a toothpaste commercial. What was the possible reason for his smiling in every single scene for the entire time he was shown on screen? He chats with an old buddy (who is speaking seriously about the dad's widowhood,his single parenting, his reluctance to try a new dating life, etc..) and still,the fellow sits and smiles.

It was baffling to watch this poor fellow acting without any nuance or any direction.

Well, probably every holiday movie can't quite make the top ten list. This one surely had along way to go. It had every promising component, but one very glaring feature was its distraction from success.

The young girl was wonderful to watch. She is a real actress. The leading lady was charming, had a captivating , nuanced style. The neighbor, played by Viveca A. Fox looked as though her makeup was bit overdone. Her face and color looked waxy. Her role, however, was beautifully played and had mature meaning.

This film could have been a real winner. Sadly, no one was supervising when the young dad smiled his way though every minute of every scene. The story around him was charming and very sweet. Better direction next time!
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Jolly Good Christmas (2022 TV Movie)
Could really have been a jolly good christmas
31 October 2022
How sad that the wonderful, attractive and so talented Will Kemp was so mis-used in this film. The story was clever, sweet, and adorable! The views of London were thrilling, and the young woman lead actress was beautiful and charming and quite a good actress.

All that said, my only focus has to be on how poorly Will Kemp was portrayed in this romantic story. Will is a ballet dancer. He has phenomenal physical grace and presence. He moves, he holds his body, his head in the most classic and lovely manner. To have him portrayed here as an American with almost a ridiculous script to follow, was a sheer waste, and almost an insult to this very lovely, talented man.

The phony American accent he had to use was so distracting, and so poorly pronounced, it was painful to watch him go through that script. Why could he simply not have been British?

I wonder if the Hallmark actors have any input or say into the characters they portray. If Will Kemp is simply under contract and has to do what he is "assigned" to do, poor fellow. This was so far beneath his skill set and his lovely personal image.

All that aside, this was a charming story. The young woman lead was perfect in every scene. Kudos also to the actors portraying her parents.

The only problem with all of it was the poor use, the sheer mis-use of the wonderful Will Kemp. Next movie, please, some dignity for this lovely man, and maybe even some dancing. He is a phenomenal as a dancer and an actor. Look back at Royal Matchmaker.

Hallmark, let's be a bit more kind to him. When such stunning grace and talent is available, why not use to the fullest and show us what you've got?
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Mid-Love Crisis (2022 TV Movie)
What a Disappointment!
13 October 2022
Sad to say, this movie missed so many opportunities to make a strong political statement on behalf of women. To focus, instead, on the most shallow and neurotic aspects of a woman turning 50, as though her life is ending, left this faithful viewers really concerned. What was Hallmark saying? That a single woman with an honorable profession as a teacher, with a beautiful home, and a healthy body is bereft at turning 50? Where in our current culture does a professional woman of 50 think that life is over? The writers of this script really took us back 30 year of progress in women's lives. A really sad statement,

In addition, Teri Hatcher was presented in a most unattractive manner. Her hair was unkempt and scraggly, flying all over the place, her clothes were too tight and unflattering, and her bemoaning her fate at turning 50 was simply not believable.

As for the daughter's love life. A bit of better judgement could have been applied here. She looked 16 years old. Her romance seemed childish, silly, and unbelievable. Two women making a life commitment should be presented as a great deal more mature and intelligent. These two little girls looked like they're playing 'make-believe", pretending to be grownups and mature enough to make a serious life decision.

Interestingly,the only cast member who had the most valid adult emotions and reactions was the ex-husband. He acted well, his role was written appropriately, his reactions and behaviors were perfectly believable for man his age and status in life. He was, for this viewer, the most likable fellow in the entire cast.

The new love interest seemed like a too-old flower child, seeking answers by exploring the universe, traveling, taking in all the cosmic messages the world offered him, and yet, immature enough to flounce off the moment his relationship with the leading lady felt threatened.

In all,this was a very feeble attempt at a challenging topic. If the woman in the story were turning 70 and concerned about her looks, her life purpose, etc. It might be minimally believable. But Teri Hatcher at 50? No sale! Hallmark needs to get more politically correct and up-to-date. Sorry. This was a truly missed opportunity to make a very modern and valid political statement.
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The Engagement Plot (2022 TV Movie)
Wishing for Something More Original
22 August 2022
As a faithful tv movie viewer, this film left me sadly disappointed. The story was predictable and unoriginal. And, while this is the comfort zone one expects from a made-for-tv movie, this story felt contrived and forced. One can always clearly see how a plot will develop and how it will end, but this one seemed to cross a line into being a bit too predictable.

A few of the secondary characters (the tv show contestants) seemed to be over-acting in order to define their roles.

Add to that, the distracting issues of Rachel Boston's trademark giggle between spoken lines, and the fact that she was visibly quite pregnant, and spent the film hiding her pregnancy with big pocketbooks, coats held closed, and fluffy, billowy dresses.

In addition to his leading man's script conflict, poor Trevor Donovan looked visibly uncomfortable throughout. He's a wonderful, attractive actor, a reliable leading man. But one got the feeling he was not enthusiastic with this role.

And as a faithful fan, I will remain true to made-for-movies, but I will expect more honesty and quality in future stories.
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Just One Kiss (2022 TV Movie)
Finally, a Hallmark movie for modern times
3 April 2022
Just One Kiss is the most welcome Hallmark movie in a very long time. It departs from every standard device that Hallmark movies have used over and over. Of course, there is the aborted kiss, and the misunderstood moment that leads to separation and reconciliation. But other than those two standard cliches, everything about this films is the most refreshing breath of fresh air in a very long time. The hero is a musician who sings the oldies in a supper club.. He actually sings old Sinatra favorites, classic love songs, and sings them well. Once in a while , there is a slight quarter note off key..but not enough to daunt the listener. Our leading lady is a single mom, in the process of completing a contentious divorce, She is actually an intelligent college professor, and not the typical Hallmark smiling blonde who is looking for romance. She teaches a course in poetry, and is the object of some very insightful comments from her students, mostly about their observation of her love life.

There is a gay couple, portrayed with incredible maturity, love, intelligence, and not in a gratuitous manner. Bravo, Hallmark! Long overdue.

Added to this wonderful mix are the two mothers of the leading actors. One is a "typical" Italian mom, the other one a "typical" Jewish mom. While their behaviors, their love of their children, their efforts to make a match happen are a bit of a cliche, the roles are beautifully played by Aida Turturro and Ileana Douglas, two very established and competent actresses. A surprise ending is very creative and very emotional, bringing tears to ones eyes.

In all, this is a mature, very intelligent movie, with some wonderful music to listen to. Even the leading lady sings and dances beautifully. The relationships are intelligent, love develops in an intelligent, sensible way. This is a definite departure from the Hallmark films we are used to . In the very best way. Hallmark, please, send us more of this kind of movie!
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Presence of Love (2022 TV Movie)
What a Refreshing Change!!
18 March 2022
After faithfully watching Hallmark movies for years, this film finally broke the mold of predictable formulaic Hallmark plots. There was no big city girl returning to her home town to help fix the cupcake bakery or the seasonal festival, help because Dad hurt his back or broke a leg, meet her old boyfriend, review why they broke up, have an almost kiss, an accidental misunderstanding, and get it all resolved by the last 5 minutes.

Here is a story of real emotion, real life issues, professional conflicts, personal struggle with anxiety, loss, sadness, and unresolved relationships. Here is a sensitive young woman, searching for answers in both a professional and a family crisis of her own, opening herself to risks and unknowns to help her resolve her sadness.

The acting on the part of Eloise Mumford, the young child, and the granny were spot on. Truly sensitive, deep interpretations of their roles. Sadly, the leading man was bit bland and one-note, but nevertheless presented a solid rock to lean on for the young woman in her personal emotional search.

The scenery was just breathtaking! It added drama and seriousness to the story. The exploration of the child's dyslexia was done with great sensitivity. The issue of professional conflict and creative blocks had a real life quality to it. Addressing personal depression, anxiety, medication, and the helplessness of such moments is a real departure for Hallmark and is so welcome in our current world.

And yes, as a previous reviewer noted, how and why did the young woman manage to pack 4 coats and a jacket in her suitcase for such short trip? But one has to forgive such filming gaffes. This was a Hallmark movie, after all. Not everything needs to make sense.

Here is a film truly worth watching, and truly a departure for Hallmark, which has become so formulaic that one can predict almost everything in most moves before it happens. Not here. This is a gem!! More of the same, please!!
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Fishing for Love (2021 TV Movie)
A Missed Opportunity
2 February 2022
Sadly, Fishing for Love is a movie that had some wonderful scenery, a great story, and, yet, missed using the right bait to convey all of the above. There were enough plot possibilities to make this a really captivating film. The big city successful architect comes back home to her very charming and colorful seaside town. Her father is contemplating retirement. Her family boat, which has great historical and sentimental value for her is being sold so that her father can begin the next part of his life. There is great conflict for the daughter about losing all these ties to her childhood, particularly ties to her mother who has passed away.

The visual aspects of this film are truly charming and well-photographed. And Andrea Brooks does an incredible job of acting . She shows all the appropriate emotions, her face is alive with feeling, her eyes sparkle as she speaks. However, she is coupled with one of the most unemotional leading men! Spencer Lord has a very appealing role as a widowed father of a charming young daughter. He has every opportunity to show a whole range of emotions, but is sorely limited in his ability to convey almost anything but a stoic, serious face.

One very comical aspect of this film, for seasoned viewers of this genre of movies, is that while all movies of this genre have the formulaic. Interrupted first kiss, this film has three of them before the final successful kiss. For an avid romantic comedy movie fan, this was quite a departure from the predictable pattern of these movies. And really quite amusing.

All in all, a good story, great location and scenery, wonderful leading lady, and a missed opportunity in the choice of leading man. Worth watching, though, for the lovely story and the beautiful seaside locale.
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What a sad way to start the Hallmark Christmas season
24 October 2021
Sadly, this movie was one of the most disappointing Christmas movies Hallmark has ever put together. The stars are a big draw. One always wants to see Danica McKellar. She is such lovely young woman, and such a fine actress. Her very best recent film was A Crown for Christmas, which one can watch over and over. However, her role in this film was truly a waste of her talent and lovely looks. She is probably in her forties, and deserves a role which casts her as a more mature woman. Her appearance is still that of a younger person, with flowing long hair and flawless makeup. But one can't prolong those looks forever. Her facial expressions seem to range from happy to worried, with very little in between., Benjamin Ayers is an attractive leading man, but he mentions that he got his first Christmas tree ornament when he was born 27 years ago. This was surely a big stretch on the part of the writers since both leading actors must be in their forties by now.

The plot of the film was predictable. The romance seemed to come out of nowhere, with no real development or buildup. The movie felt formulaic, like Hallmark checked off all the boxes that had to be covered in a holiday movie, but neglected to add real feelings, really mature human emotions, and a less predictable story line.

Let us hope that future holiday films reach for bit of a higher standard and more originality. Loyal Hallmark viewers deserve more and better.
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South Beach Love (2021 TV Movie)
Sadly Disappointing
12 October 2021
As an avid Hallmark viewer, I found this movie so disappointing, it's difficult to define all the elements that failed. It seems that Hallmark is working overtime to display diversity. Maybe there needs to be more attention paid to good scrips and plausible stories than simply to please all the diversities abounding these days. Most glaringly, Taylor Cole was put into role that was embarrassing for this talented and very beautiful actress. She is a stunning beauty. Her appearance in this film bordered on diminishing her lovely looks and her obvious talent. To put her beautiful hair into pigtails, and a strange hairband left this viewer curious. And then to dress her in the very short, childlike outfits she wore further felt like she was being diminished in her role. At the end of the film, she appeared in a lovely red gown that finally showed her true beauty.

The acting in the film was a bit over the top. The teenaged girls were a bit too mature and worldly for 15 year olds. And their gowns for their party were a bit mature and provocative for such young girls.

William Levy's acting was wooden, and his accent was a bit difficult to understand. He is Cuban by birth and so his accent is authentic but it failed to come through in his acting. There was very little plausible chemistry between the leads.

The film attempted to show a cultural picture, the Latino version of a Sweet Sixteen, but there was so much drama around this event that the romantic story line got lost.

All in all, a project that could have been used better, both for cultural diversity, and for the acting of the main characters. Hallmark needs to take its effort at political correctness more seriously. This film seems to have been a rush job to meet the political issues of our times.
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A Winter Getaway (2021 TV Movie)
A Lovely Story
25 January 2021
This new Hallmark film presents two mature, intelligent people moving into a relationship that is both realistic and very beautifully portrayed. Kudos to Hallmark for the stunning location of this film. Banff National Park in Canada is a breathtaking area. The relationship between the lead actors was developed in a serious manner, with an ethical dilemma underlying their growing feelings for one another. Sadly, the largest mistake the producers made was to play the background music so loudly that a great deal of dialogue was inaudible. In the last 5 minutes of the film, when the two leads finally face the secrets and truths that have to be revealed, when they finally are able to reveal their deep feelings for one another, the music was so loud that all dialogue was obscured. What a sad loss for such a lovely and serious film. and such an original story. Barely a word was audible. One assumes a Hallmark movie ends happily, with a long-awaited kiss, but this film had so many ethical dilemmas waiting to be revealed and resolved, it is a shame not one word of that resolution was available to the viewer and listener.
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A New Year's Resolution (2021 TV Movie)
What an Absolute Pleasure !
10 January 2021
After what feels like months of watching Hallmark holiday movies that have one common plot and a series of attractive leading actors going through the same stories, along comes this mature, sensitive, and truly original movie! Hats off to the writers, producers, and actors who offered tired viewers a stimulating, intelligent story with interesting, well-developed characters.

Both leading actors are excellent in their roles. Both are truly gifted actors. Aimee Teagarden as the busy tv producer who needs a life change is delightful to watch. Her emotions are real, they are displayed with all the vulnerability, caution, and, yes, moxie that a woman of her profession might possess.

Michael Rady is a guaranteed pleaser! He is an actor. He knows his craft. He has a style that is consistent in each of his films. His facial expressions are spot on. He has a wry little smile that is captivating. And he knows how to act! He is not just another handsome fellow in a familiar plot.

The story presents many challenges for both leads. Life changes, professional ethics to face and deal with, and love. Love is what has eluded these two really intelligent people. and they move towards it with caution, with maturity and with great charm.

It is wonderful to see them find resolution to their individual and mutual problems. And to see a Hallmark film that transcends a hometown reunion, a Christmas parade that needs to be rescued and a big city successful woman returning to her roots for love.

This movie does away with all of that and lets us see much more mature and realistic side of life. Thank you, thank you, writers and producers of this movie.
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Swept Up by Christmas (2019 TV Movie)
Interesting Story with Mature Characters
20 December 2020
Swept Up By Christmas presents a romantic Christmas story told intelligently, with mature characters, each with his or her own issues to resolve. While the story line is familiar to Hallmark viewers, and the resolution of the issues involved is predictable, there are features of this film that serve recognition. For one, the leading characters are mature, successful adults, each in his and her professional careers. While they seem to have a history that renders them abrasive to one another at the start, a mutual work project offers them a second opportunity to slowly resolve those issues. Additionally, there are serious and interesting people around them. The project that brings them together involves the closing of an estate and bringing its contents to auction. This process is beautifully presented. The furnishings and genuine dignity of the manor is breathtaking. There are tangential relationships to be explored and developed, including one of a disabled war veteran who clearly falls in love with a very appealing young woman. Another involves an aging father who needs to resolve his relationship with his estranged daughter.

Of course, this being a Hallmark movie, all these problems come to a happy and gratifying end. The leading couple also find their true feelings and move on to a future together.

However positive all these aspects of the movie are, one issue was so distracting and noticeable that it kept this viewer from staying focussed on the film. The beautiful and very talented Lindy Booth appears to have lost so much weight,she seems to be either ill or anorexic. She has been in many Hallmark movies, looking healthy and vital, and appropriate. But in this film, she looks frighteningly thin. One hopes she is well. and one hopes, further, that she is not attempting to stay this thin in order to appear younger. Her physical appearance in this movie was startling and worrisome.

This is an intelligent, mature Christmas film and deserves watching.
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Christmas on the Vine (2020 TV Movie)
Formulaic and more than trite
15 November 2020
This holiday movie was fun to watch from the winery point of view. There is always some enchantment in films about that exotic life that is so unknown to most viewers. However, aside from the fairly predictable plot and the charm of seeing how wine country life is not all that easy and glamorous, this film left a great deal to be desired. Julianna Guill is a really talented actress, with a welcome range of emotions, with great energy for her character, and with a sadly empty script to work with. She does her best in this film. Meredith Baxter is always a welcome joy in any movie. But oh, my goodness, the leading man was so hard to like! He was portrayed as an angry, reluctant headstrong fellow. One wonders how the leading lady could find him appealing and lovable. The quickly resolved ending seemed to come out of nowhere and made very little sense. But most distracting throughout was Jon Cor's hair. Was there no hairdresser on the set to comb his hair back out of his forehead? He is a handsome man and a competent actor. But one wonders why he was presented in such an unattractive manner, one that kept interfering with the viewer's wish to find him likable and appealing. His appearance took a great deal of attention away from the enjoyment of this film.
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Wedding Every Weekend (2020 TV Movie)
A wonderful leading actress!
16 August 2020
It is with such great pleasure that this reviewer can finally compliment a Hallmark movie ! Wedding Every Weekend offers an original plot and adds two leads that really do take their work seriously. Kimberly Sustad has played the second lead in so many movies, most viewers do not even know her name. Not this Hallmark fan! Other than her leading role in Nine Lives of Christmas, it was Kimberly who saved many a drama by playing the best friend, the work colleague, the "other" woman in so many previous movies. This is a real actress! She has maturity, a serious demeanor, a range of facial expressions that transcend any of the other Hallmark actresses. Kimberly Sustad' s time has come! She does more acting with her face, her mouth, her eyes than 10 blondes with their ceaseless smiles and their endless giggles. This is a true professional. She also carries herself with dignity, moves her body with real acting skill, and generally makes the role authentic and believable.

In this film, she is a serious medical professional, focussed on her career. Her role is well-written and defined. It is pleasure to watch her work! And long-overdue that she is offered the lead.

By contrast, Paul Campbell does his best to be a bit more animated than he tends to be in his conventional roles. He is still a few steps short of achieving enough emotion and animation in his facial expressions. He tends to look startled in so many of his scenes, When he does "melt" a bit, he can be charming, but he does not seem able to achieve that often enough.

Peter Benson plays his usual wide-eyed second fiddle role. always looking like he just heard some startling news.

The theme of summer weddings every weekend was an original and very appealing concept. Kimberly Sustad's wardrobe for the weddings was stunning and extremely appropriate.

One last observation. The gay wedding seemed gratuitous and an effort on Hallmark's part to be politically correct. It probably will lose many viewers. There may be other ways to be politically correct. It is sad to see how current issues affect the choice of scripts a traditional channel chooses.

All in all, a very gratifying movie and a real improvement over standard Hallmark fare. One of their very best in a long time!
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Romance in the Air (2020 TV Movie)
Left Me in the Air
2 August 2020
A new Saturday night Hallmark romance is always an anticipated joy. Sadly, this film did not live up to that anticipation. While the lead actress struggled valiantly to do something evocative with the weak and predictable script, her efforts were futile. Cindy Busby is always the energetic, expressive lead actress one counts on . She has a dazzling smile, sparkling eyes and a true sense of the role she is in. This script did not give her enough to work with , and her gifts were sorely wasted. To her credit, this is the first movie this viewer has ever seen on Hallmark where the lead actress is in a bathing suit. Not only is she in a bathing suit, but she looks perfectly comfortable in it. She is also viewed in a bikini bathing suit "bottom" that is the most audacious wardrobe risk Hallmark has ever taken. Good for Cindy Busby ! How innovative and courageous of her to accept these wardrobe demands. Her leading man was a mystery. Not being familiar with any of his previous work he was new to this viewer. What was wrong with his uncombed hair? Could a wardrobe/makeup staff member not have brushed his straggling hair off his forehead and given him a cleaner appearance?

With very little script and plot to work with, and with the story line being the most familiar Hallmark theme, the real star of this movie was Lake Tahoe. Stunning and thrilling to look at and a good distraction from a predictable and unoriginal story.
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Tomboy (2018 TV Movie)
almost good enough to be a high school musical
13 March 2020
For this faithful tv movie viewer, this film was clearly one of the most disappointing offerings in a very long time. The plot was so familiar, so predictable, that from first few minutes it was clear where things were going to go. There was very little to anticipate other than a happy ending, achieved by predictable behaviors and relationships. The wonderful Mackenzie Vega, who was so impressive as the daughter in the series The Good Wife, was sadly wasted in this movie's very silly leading role. Ms. Vega is a fine actress.. She deserves serious roles, which tap into her remarkable talent. To see her was an unkempt, athletic tomboy, who challenges herself to attract a desirable man by changing her looks, hobbling around in high heels, a new coif, heavy makeup, is a message that should not be conveyed to young people watching this movie. Of course, it is predictable that she will eventually be loved and "chosen" for exactly who she really the man who has been her "buddy" throughout. But to convey this message to young viewers who may already be struggling with their self-image, their appeal to someone they would like to attract, was presented in a formulaic, old-fashioned and currently unacceptable way. This movie missed its mark. While it did, finally, send the right message, the concept and the culturally untimeliness of its overall plot was seriously disappointing.
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