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10 June 2023
Erotic or not, I never liked vampire stories, and will probably never like them.

Ten minutes into the movie, I started drowsing, and fast-forwarded the rest within forty minutes. The music is terrible. The overall pace is excruciatingly slow. And even the parts that are supposed to be erotic aren't that erotic from a 2023 point-of-view.

Several weeks ago I came upon a paper that found that people stopped writing vampire stories after 2015 (if you're comfortable reading NLP literature, go Google "addressing documentation debt in machine learning research"). And now I'm really happy for that. Because vampires are just BORING.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 19: The Convert (2023)
Season 3, Episode 3
Once there was a technology called video recording
3 June 2023
People in the Star Wars universe have light speed space ships and laser blasters, and they also have holography. So I wonder why can't the Mandalorian just record his exploration of Mandalore? Is that a lost technology?

Another skill that seems to have been lost is STAYING ON THE TOPIC. Not being a particular fan of Star Wars, I don't know what's Coruscant, and I really don't remember who's the female officer. But it seems that the writers of this universe have forgotten how to stay on topic. The Book of Boba Fett (2021) had the same problem, but back then seeing the Mandalorian was a pleasant surprise. This episode is not.
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29 years before GPT
14 March 2023
I wasn't born in 1989 yet, but I do know ELIZA. It's a textbook artificial intelligence dialogue system that's built on RULES, which means it matches specific patterns in your input, and returns rigid, pre-defined answers with segments of your inputs in them so that it appears to be intelligent and interactive. Back propagation was just discovered. Deep learning was non-existent. LSTM would be born eight years later. Transformer and GPT were thirty years away.

And as a genius, it seems unlikely that Sheldon didn't know that. I don't really expect him to predict the future, but I do expect him to know how ELIZA works. I guess the writers just don't feel like bothering themselves.
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First blood
2 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I guess I'm just not into sitcoms, and I have been wondering for a long time if they are going to kill someone in TBBT, just to bring something different into the endless boredom of the last few seasons. (They did kill Rachael's boss with a car accident in Friends, if I recall correctly.)

What does surprise me about this episode is that Amy's dad drew first blood in the entire series, just when I thought it's going to end family-friendly, no nudity, no gore. Personally I have nothing against some healthy blood, but if I really want that I can go watch game of thrones, so I guess the writers have either totally forgotten what kind of story they are writing, or completely run out of stuff to write.

But at least this episode contains nothing offensive, and Sheldon and Amy are only regularly annoying. That's already something worth praising in the late days of TBBT.
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Who said anything about being scary?
11 January 2023
I don't know why so many reviews are obsessed with the fact that this movie is not scary. Well, it's not, so if you're looking for a horror movie, simply skip this one. But for me it's a pretty decent creature feature, and the characters' reactions towards the spiders are actually convincing - what would you do when you are beset by a bunch of 2-inch spiders? They can kill you with a bite, but you can also swat them! It's not like they're dealing with 8-foot-long mutant monsters! Admittedly it's not as good as Kingdom of the Spiders (1977) or Arachnophobia (1990), the other two spider movies where they aren't freakishly large, but just sit back and enjoy, it's simply a different tone!
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Would that it were original
23 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Before watching the season finale, three clouds kept hanging in my mind whenever I thought about this show.

Firstly, I promised myself if they are going to cook up some romance between Galadriel and Halbrand, I'm going to give this show a 1/10 and never watch anything made by Amazon again. King or not, no human will every be worthy of Galadriel.

Secondly, anyone familiar with Tolkien's works would know that Sauron cooperated with elves in the second age under friendly disguise, and secretly made his own ring. By the end of last episode, I was wondering how they are going to deal with that, with Galadriel so crazy about hunting down Sauron? Or are they cooking up something completely new that has nothing to do with Tolkien's works?

Thirdly, why the hell are there so many Hobbits in this show??? They are cute, but they really don't matter in the history of middle earth before a certain Bilbo Baggins unfortunately joined a dwarf's adventure.

And really, really surprisingly, the season finale answered all my questions. Halbrand turns out to be Sauron, and did manage to learn something about ring-forging from Celebrimbor. The stranger, whom I always presumed to be Sauron, turns out to be Gandalf! Yes it's still different from Tolkien's story, but after all exploring some history between Gandalf and the Hobbits is not as grave a crime as imposing romance between Galadriel and some random guy.

If this were an original story, this episode would have been a perfect conclusion to a very epic season. Alas, it's not. And one good finale is not enough to appease all the outrage that the previous episodes have incurred.

Right now I only have two wished for the future of middle earth. In the following seasons of Rings of Power, I hope that they can stick to Tolkien's story. Just as House of the Dragon has proven, when the source material is so fantastic all you need to make a good TV adaptation is simply sticking to the script. And if they are ever going to adapt Silmarillion itself into a TV series, I just hope that they can learn from the devastating lesson of Rings of Power, and don't make the same mistake again by presuming that they can change Tolkien's story into something better.
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6 October 2022
Funny story. I watched this episode at work, just to kill time. BBT has deteriorated so much in the last few seasons that I wasn't expecting to laugh at all, and was just prepared to spend twenty minutes in stupor, quietly. But things went wild right from the beginning, as Sheldon's computer starts to fail when he's Skyping with Amy. And then I can't stop laughing. Unfortunately, I was also sipping a milk tea. And by the end of it, everything around me was in a total mess.

Nevertheless, it's a pleasant surprise. It's like somehow the writers bumped into the inspiration that made the first few seasons of BBT so great a comedy in their own storage unit. This episode for once dropped the romance topic, and is actually funny!
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House of the Dragon: Driftmark (2022)
Season 1, Episode 7
This is how to deal with LEGACY
5 October 2022
I saw some comments wondering why people favor House of the Dragon over Rings of Power. This is why: because House of the dragon respects the legacy left by Game of Thrones, while Rings of Power do not to that of Lord of the Rings. The first episode of this show dealt with it most masterfully, briefly mentioning Daenerys in the beginning and a certain song in the end. And after that, the show quickly moved on to new materials, and kept faithful to its source the book Fire & Blood, instead of trying endlessly to remind the audience of its former glory and ripping off old familiar names (if you have seen Rings of Power, you know what I'm talking about here.) And even better, in the following episodes the producers made a really smart move by reusing the theme music that has been almost engraved into everyone's mind. And it doesn't hurt that George Martin himself is around to help.

As for this particular episode, I personally think it's not yet as good as episode 1 and 5, probably because I knew what's going to happen and was a bit surprised to see that it deviated a little bit from the book. But for anyone who hasn't read the book or isn't overly obsessed with details, it should be quite enjoyable.
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And not even Star Wars can save BBT from Amy
4 October 2022
I'm writing this review in 2022, after watching this episode of BBT. While I'm not particularly crazy about Star Wars like the guys in this show (neither about Star Trek, just for the record), I did went to cinema to see every Star Wars movie and spin-off in the last seven years. And I do remember the worldwide craze in December, 2015 when the 7th episode was released. But somehow, the writers of this show managed to overshadow even that, with the character Amy, and what she's doing to Sheldon.

Amy is the most homely, nasty, and audience-repelling character I've ever seen. She's simply unbelievable. And the change in Sheldon's characters are most unacceptable. The writers didn't even try to ease it. They just made him a different person out of nowhere, completely ignoring the character that they've been building in the first four seasons.

If you haven't seen this episode, don't let its rating fool you. That's for Star Wars. But if Sheldon wasn't enough to save this show from Amy, neither can Star Wars.
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Why is Amy still there?
23 September 2022
Admittedly, I didn't like last season's finale. But now they had such a great opportunity to get rid of Amy, reset Sheldon back to the unemotional robot that he was, and start anew. And they couldn't take it. Amy Farrah Fowler is the most hateful TV character I've ever seen in my entire life. Sometimes there are nasty characters that we love to hate (many in Game of Thrones, for example), but this is a sitcom! It's supposed to make the audience laugh, and leave them happier human beings after they've watched an episode. But right now, BBT is failing that spectacularly.

As for Leonard and Penny? I simply don't care any more. It's just Ross & Rachel all over again. Nothing new under the sun.
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Stop Meddling with Tolkien's Masterpiece!
10 September 2022
The Hobbit is a fairy tale. The Lord of the Rings is a legend. The Silmarillion is a myth. All three are masterpieces created by J. R. R. Tolkien, and once asserted to be unfilmable. Twenty years ago, Peter Jackson stunned the world with The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and he did that by keeping to Tolkien's books in every detail. Ten years ago, Jackson did The Hobbit trilogy, this time with some of his own devices, most notably the she-elf and her love affair with one of the dwarfs. At that time, I kind of hoped that Jackson had been more faithful to Tolkien's works, as he had been in The Lord of the Rings, but it turned out to be alright. But that's only because The Hobbit is a bedtime story to start with.

The Silmarillion, however, is an entirely different matter. While The Lord of the Rings is about how small people can make a big difference, The Silmarillion is about the pure grandeur of bygone days in the middle earth, about the glory and magnificence of elves in their full power. Sometimes focusing on insignificant people in the grand history makes a solid and touching story, as in The Lord of the Rings, sometimes it just makes a ridiculous confusion. And mingling the lives of ancient Hobbits with the Great Wars, or forcing a love affair between two characters made up out of nowhere into a well-established myth, most certainly falls into the later case. It reminds me a lot of the last season of Game of Thrones, where they ran out of source materials. But at least George Martin was there for them, whereas Tolkien isn't. So please honor his memory, show some respect to his masterpiece, and stop all this nonsense.

And the cast is awful as well. Elrond and Gilgalad are the two most un-elvish elves I've ever seen. Gilgalad looks as if he's suffering from constipation. Elrond looks way too naughty. And Thondir (whom I believe is another made-up character) always seems like he's day-dreaming. Galadriel is the only character worthy of the show's title. For her alone I will finish the rest of this show, but that doesn't change the fact that this show is a fiasco. The Silmarillion is the one book that's truly unfilmable. And they should have left it alone.
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House of the Dragon: Second of His Name (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
Could have been better
7 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The third episode treats us with more action (and more dragons) than episode two, but it's still not as good as the first episode, directed by Miguel Sapochnik, the same guy that directed some of the best episodes in Game of Thrones: Hardhome, Battle of the Bastards, The Winds of Winter, The Long Night, and The Bells.

But I'm not complaining that this episode is too slow. On the contrary, all the politics about who's going to be heir is what makes it a solid episode. The problem lies with the opening and closing battle scenes. Something that the directors and writers should keep in mind is that unlike A Song of Ice and Fire franchise, which often dedicate entire chapters to a small battle from one character's point-of-view and thus provide ample source material for the TV series GOT, the book that House of the Dragon is based on, namely Fire & Blood, is more like a factual record of history and much more brief in such matters. If I recall correctly, the book only covers the battles at Stepstones with something like "Daemon slew Craghas single-handed with Dark Sister, declared himself king of the Narrow Sea, but struggled to hold the islands against the Three Daughters in the following years."

So, while I appreciate how this show is trying to stay faithful to the source material (as opposed to the last season of GOT, the problem being that the last two books of A Song of Ice and Fire haven't been completed), the writer and director simply have to be much more creative with the battle scenes.
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Tron (1982)
Interesting Visualization of What's Going on in Computers
20 August 2022
As someone born shortly after the invention of LSTM (programmers know what I'm talking about :) who spend A LOT of time pondering what's going on in the computers and watched this movie in the heyday of deep learning, I find it quite intriguing and thought-provoking. That being said, this movie has two major holes in its plot.

The first is about computer systems. A question that stayed in my mind throughout the movie is, WHERE IS THE OPERATING SYSTEM? But now that I'm writing this review, it occurs to me that perhaps the better question is, WHERE IS THE CPU? Memory and I/O buses are explicitly mentioned in the movie, and I suppose the maze-like structures are disks. But where is CPU? And where is the OS that schedules all the programs?

The second problem is about artificial intelligence. In this regard, the movie made a quite common layman mistake, by confusing computers with artificial intelligence. Many si-fi movies assume that AI systems just at some point gain consciousness, grew out of control, and take over. But that's not the case. Computers are not uninterpretable and that easy to become a killing robot. What's really uninterpretable is deep learning models (which, of course, were none-existent when the movie was made). The knowledge, or intelligence, are stored as billions of parameters in neural networks. In the end, these parameters are just floating point values stored like anything else in computers' memory or disk. What we do not understand is how these parameters, when combined together, demonstrate signs of intelligence. So a truly faithful depiction of AI programs would be far more bizarre than this movie. But the movie is not to be blamed for not correctly foreseeing the future.

Nonetheless, if there is going to be a sequel in 2020s, I really hope they can consult some computer scientists, and surprise us with some real-world AI systems, like BERT, T5, or GPT!
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Really Enjoyable
17 August 2022
B-movie or not, this is hilarious. A decent story with a cute hero, hot heroines, some nudity and comical moments, and a lot of goofy actions. What more could you expect from a movie titled "Hell Comes to Frogtown"?
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The Big Bang Theory: The Love Spell Potential (2013)
Season 6, Episode 23
Too much Amy
12 August 2022
Amy is not just ruining everyone's weekend. She's ruining the entire show. Every scene with her in it is awkward, and even Sheldon is not fun when he's with Amy. I really don't get what the writers see in her. If they need a nerd girl, why not Leslie Winkle? Really wish they can write Amy off the show.
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4 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A flying monkey on a plane would make a good creature feature.

A female pilot fighting WW2 would make a good war and feminist movie.

A mother smuggling a baby onto a warplane would make a good psychological thriller.

But put them together, you get a fiasco.

On top of bad story and worse storytelling, there's Chloë Grace Moretz. She might be a good choice for the baby-smuggling story, but definitely not for the other two. She's in no way a convincing soldier, and definitely not a kick-ass heroine.
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The Big Bang Theory: The Lunar Excitation (2010)
Season 3, Episode 23
Why I love TBBT over Friends
3 July 2022
The best thing that I love about TBBT so far (apart from every scene with Sheldon in it) is how it dealt with Leonard and Penny's relationship. That is, crisp and clear, and not overstressing it to the point of obnoxiousness. Of course I would have loved to see a comedy about four physicists and no long-term romance at all, but I guess that's too much to ask for. Looking forward to the rest seasons and hoping that TBBT keeps it this way instead of falling into the Ross-Rachel cliche:)
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3 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The first three seasons of this show were great, but season 4 doesn't offer much that we haven't already seen. The kids are starting to really annoy me, and all the talk about Mike being "the heart" is downright ridiculous, especially considering that he made practically no contribution to the plot's progress in this season. The relationships between Steve, Nancy and Robin are some of the few things that kept me from turning off the TV, but after all those flirting we get ...... NOTHING?
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Just One Problem
12 February 2022
Generally this is yet another great episode, and it catches up the past with the present. But there is one quite obvious hole in the plot: the Mandalorian armor is apparently not air-tight like iron man's suit, so how is it supposed to protect anyone from acid inside a giant worm?
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Europa Report (2013)
Criminally underrated
6 February 2022
When it comes to space sci-fi, Interstellar will always be the best for me. But put that aside, Europa Report is THE best one I've seen in the past decade. I've always believed that a good story is the prerequisite for a good movie, and the story told in this movie is one of the most thrilling I've ever seen. I saw some people put this movie in creature feature lists, but it is not, on any account, a creature feature. So if that's what you were expecting then you'll definitely be disappointed. This is a story about human exploring the uncharted space in a very foreseeable and realistic feature. The whole story is told in a pseudo-documentary style, making it all the more mind-blowing. If you loved Interstellar and The Martian, you'll love this one as well!
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The Big Bang Theory: The Tangerine Factor (2008)
Season 1, Episode 17
Sheldon learning to speak Chinese is hilarious!
4 February 2022
I'm really not that interested in Penny and Leonard's relationship (just got tired of this kind of stuff after Friends), but for one who actually speaks Chinese, Sheldon's scenes in this episode made me laugh really hard. I really hope to see more scenes like these in the next seasons.
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A bit too cheap
16 January 2022
It's 2022, I just watched Eternals, Dune, Witcher S2 and some other latest Si-Fi & fantasy stuff in the past few days, and felt like something old and cheap for a change. Then I saw the poster of this movie, and it seemed just what I wanted.

And it turned out to be way older and cheaper than I expected. While watching it I thought it's probably made in 50's or 60's, so I shouldn't be too demanding about the photography and CG whatsoever. It actually reminds me a lot of Forbidden Planet, even though people say that's a good movie and this is a bad one. But then I found out it's actually made in 1982, and that's a bit outrageous - after all one would expect something more watchable after Star Wars and Alien.

The funny thing is, I actually find the mutant creature much more endurable than some other elements of the movie - say the space chase at the beginning, and the stupidity of some characters. And that reminded me that it seems monsters movies have progressed pathetically little in the last few decades - the latest Alien is crap, and creatures in recent star wars is only slightly better than those 40 years ago.

Anyway, born in the late 90's, I really don't know much about the b-movies in 80s, but it seems to me it's not really low budget that make this film so bad. Just a bit more light and less flickering scenes would have made it much better. And yes we get a lot of nudity in this film, but frankly in a feature film one would expect nudity to actually have some meaning, otherwise why don't just watch an adult film?
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Squid Game: Kkanbu (2021)
Season 1, Episode 6
11 January 2022
This is the first episode in the series that truly blew my mind. Shadowed by hunger game (and game of thrones to be honest), it's really not that easy to get emotional when watching this kind of shows, because I kind of know when to expect betrayal, and when to expect sacrifice. But it's the bounding between the two girls, the ephemeral friendship between two untrusting strangers, that made this episode really stand out. Lee Yoo-mi really stole the scene.
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Hawkeye: Hide and Seek (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
Come on it's not that bad
5 January 2022
I have to say this show does seem a bit mediocre after we've seen Wanda manipulating reality and Loki travelling through the madness of multiverse, but Clint Barton is just an ordinary human to start with! (remember that scene in Age of Ultron where he and Natasha had to take a motorcycle while the others flew off?)

Yes we've seen hawkeye fight Thanos, but madness like that only becomes greatness because stuff like this paved a long way for those moments of climax. This is how marvel works. It's the ordinary aspects of these less powerful heroes that makes the appearance of gods and titans so exciting. If you keep that in mind, this show can be great fun to watch.

By the way, the costume of Kate Bishop does look a lot like Katniss Everdeen :)
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Love, Death & Robots: The Drowned Giant (2021)
Season 2, Episode 8
Here's what I think
18 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There's no giant at all. What's washed ashore is just the corpse of a whale, as is suggested near the end by the narrator. And the story is told through the scientist's perspective, with his fantasy where the whale is imagined to be a giant. That explains all the other people's reaction.
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