
26 Reviews
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Life on Mars (2006–2007)
An enjoyable series and an unusual storyline
25 July 2020
I really enjoyed this when it was out on the TV at the time and I have just re-watched on Netflix and found it just as enjoyable second time round. I like how they depict the 70s and to see the contrast compared to 2020. I like the way it mocks sexism and depicts it without glamourising it.
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Flowers (2016–2018)
Just Weird
25 July 2020
I definitely wouldn't describe this as a comedy. It's a good depiction of depression and it also depicts gaslighting quite well, although I feel that storyline of Amy's love interest and father gets dropped too quickly, that is also a very disturbing depiction of incest. The 2nd series takes a very odd turn and it just gets quirkier, more abstract and arty without much substance. I found it overall depressing, weird and abstract. The house makes me feel claustrophobic.
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Iron Man (2008)
Big fragile egos and lots of posing
30 March 2020
I am not a fan of the Iron Man films. They really let the side down for the Marvel films. Iron man is the most irritating character, he has a big fragile ego, acts like a spoiled little boy, is a womaniser and is just a rich poser. I know he is supposed to irritate his audience but I find the Iron man films hard to watch because of this.
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Long Shot (2019)
Where there's Rogan, there's misogyny
2 February 2020
A potentially good story line ruined by some jarring cheesy moments, Charlize's plastic face that can hardly move and constant sexism throughout. I'm not sure if the writers were trying to highlight sexism as an issue but if they were they failed miserably, all it did was continue to perpetuate it. Can we not have 1 movie or TV series that doesn't mention porn these days? Plus we need to stop perpetuating this myth that all women like violent sex acts. Very few humans think pain or fear is arousing.
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The Kitchen (2019)
Awesome gangster movie
19 January 2020
All 3 actresses were amazing. I particularly like Elizabeth's character's plot line. Quite a traditional gangster plot but with a twist and with less gore - much more my cup of tea. An interesting and engaging watch. Fantastic sound track and 70's vibe.
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Cats (2019)
If you liked the theatre show, you'll enjoy it
12 January 2020
I don't get why so many 20-40 year old men are giving this movie such bad reviews! Lets be honest, they seem to get hurt with quite a few movies that are aimed at the child or female demographic. I saw the theatre show of Cats in London when I was about 7 years old and I loved it. This musical film is very similar to the theatre show. The plot isn't that clear - you have to really listen to the words of each song to really understand what's happening but that is how it was always written. Ian McKellen makes an amazing cat! The singing is good, Grizabella is amazing (and that's saying something given I saw Elaine Page live perform that character and the iconic song Memories), Judy Dench is great in her role. The CGI is good. The only thing I was missing was the Cats coming off stage and dancing & running amongst the audience. I would recommend giving it a chance.
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4 December 2019
Seems like a documentary that is propaganda for the legalising of prostitution. It did not visit places that have legalised where it has gone wrong or cover the disadvantages of legalisation or decriminalisation. It did not cover the Nordic Model and the advantages/disadvantages of that model. It also did not interview women who have exited the industry, nor did it look at why men and consumerist society think turning sex into a commodity is ok or the history of the women who end up in the sex trade. All these missing elements make it a biased view of prostitution which polishes the turd that is the sex industry.
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Great Actors, great plot, shame about the execution
24 October 2019
Aisling and Paul are both great actors and play their characters amazingly well. I really liked the idea of the plot so started watching. As usual Netflix's product placement of porn really puts me off. I think the Porn lobby must be paying Netflix a lot of money to mention and feature porn and the sex industry in general in most of their productions these days. A real shame because objectification and sexualisation of women is sexist and is really off putting for most women (straight and many bi and lesbian women too), gay men and some straight men. All that crap makes it hard to watch.
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Gentleman Jack (2019–2022)
A slow burner
9 August 2019
I wasn't that bothered about the first couple of episodes, Anne Lister was not a likeable character, she was manipulative, a bit of a player and cold, all the things you'd expect of a stuck up gentleman of the time. But I began to warm to her character, she is multi-faceted, still very underhand and pompous. It's so refreshing to see female characters with layer upon layer of personality, not adhering to gender stereotypes yet still knowing and being happy in their female bodies and with their lesbian sexualities.
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The OA (2016–2019)
Why is this not an 18?
9 August 2019
This movie is graphic in many ways, I wouldn't call it entertaining, I would call it harmful. It should be rated an 18. It is absolutely no way suitable for 15 year olds.
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Unicorn Store (2017)
Refreshingly Different
16 April 2019
I really liked it, taps into that feeling that as adults sometimes we don't want to have to grow up & miss the innocence of our childhood. It's all very metaphorical and those reviewing badly saying it doesn't make sense etc. have missed all the metaphors basically. I also really like the way it's portrayed that adult life is just as riddiculous as childhood daydreaming, because adult life (e.g. office jobs etc) IS boring and nonsense. I liked how the storylines ran alongside each other, the casting, all of it. You just have to chill out, it's an easy watch.
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Chappie (2015)
Chappie's funny, the rest is awful
14 April 2019
A really uncomfortable watch, filled with sexism, a girlfriend who's terrified of her boyfriend, terrible acting by Die Antword who are in it far too much. I felt sorry for Chappie throughout. Chappie was a good character & funny. The developer's character was also good.
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Dear White People: Volume 2: Chapter IX (2018)
Season 2, Episode 9
This episode is the kind that makes me keep watching
2 April 2019
Expect tears with this episode, it's so heart warming. You can really tell that the misogynist writers took the back seat on this one and let the pros take driving seat. Refreshingly, no sexism to be found in this episode. Notice which writers have written the episodes you like and which ones have written the episodes you hate. The main writers make such a huge difference in the quality of the episode. That's why Netflix series are so all over the place, they get different writers on different episodes.
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Must see!!!
22 March 2019
This movie was awesome, I really enjoyed it. It linked lots of the other movies together - why Fury has his scar, and bits of SHIELD etc. I loved the sound track, the cat & who knew Samuel L Jackson could sing? I think Lawson has botoxed lips and I think Hollywood should stop using actors with cosmetic procedures, especially when they have had so much plastic surgery they can no longer move their faces e.g. Sandra Bullock in Bird Box. It reduces their acting ability and makes them look riddiculous. Either way it's a terrible example for girls & women. The CGI of Fury and Coulson's faces are stupid as well. I loved the 80's/90's theme. I loved the friendship between Carol and her friend & the daughter. I loved that Carol's weakness according to Jude Law's character was proved wrong & how amazingly she found her powers and fought back. Just fantastic in so many ways.
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Romanticising Stokholm Syndrome
20 March 2019
Almost identical to the original animated movie that I loved as a child but they have made the songs unnecessarily longer and added new ones. However, now I am grown I can see that this is a toxic storyline. The fact that Beast starts out as a selfish personality with anger issues and imprisons Belle should mean the story should be about Belle running away from him and rejecting all the rubbish suitors in the story not about captor and prisoner falling in love with a little beastiality thrown in. I think if Emma couldn't sing in tune they should have allowed a few dud notes, got an actress that can sing or got Emma to mime someone elses voice but the auto-tuner sounds sooo awful. Producers have done this in several films now and it's horrible. Emma does act Belle very well! All that said, it is my guilty pleasure and I still love the film. Don't judge me.
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After Life (2019–2022)
Laughing at life and death
13 March 2019
I love these new comedies emerging that show life and death in it's raw reality. Because even at it's worst, we can find laughter in life. I love the relationship between Tony and his wife. Most of the main characters are really well acted, especially the female comedians & Tony, classic! The relationship with the dog is also lovely. The only bits I didn't like was the therapist scenes and that the prostituted woman and drug addict man were not raw or realistic enough, they were played a little bit too middle class.
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Good Girls: Taking Care of Business (2018)
Season 1, Episode 5
What the hell happened? It was going so well
12 February 2019
Seriously disappointed with this episode. Suddenly the characters are jarring and unbelievable, the script is a bit sexist. The plot has some holes in it. Up until now it was outstandingly good, so funny, but it's taken a bit of a nose dive with this episode. I notice different writers for different episodes so hoping it's just that this Des Moran is rubbish and the rest will be better. 1st episode was the best. I wish the creator had done all the writing.
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Split (IX) (2016)
Typical damsel in distress movie, not refreshing
5 February 2019
Why do movies have to repeat the same script over and over again? There are so many other things they could write about. James McAvoy's character and his multiple personalities are done really well. The main girl character is also very talented. However as usual it's about 3 young girls being abducted with the threat of rape constantly on the cards and not surprisingly the female protagonist's character is made "interesting" because of a child abuse backstory. Same old same old yawn yawn. Having the same rhetoric surrounding us in films, the media and porn over and over again makes us start to believe that women are weak and that it's normal to sexually abuse or hurt women and that it's normal to sexualise adolescent girls. Why not abduct 2 boys and a girl? The narrative could still be the same. Why not have the person with DID being female? But also why so much predator behaviour in films anyway. I only watched this because I am interested in the psychological disorder. I would have been more entertained by watching a non predatory DID person's journey.
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GLOW (2017–2019)
Just for Perverts
21 December 2018
It seems this has purely been made to appeal to perverts. But then that is what the point of female wrestling is isn't it? Shame, what could be a good series (and a good sport) is as usual spoilt and turned into a sexist objectification fest.
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3% (2016–2020)
Bit like Divergent & Hunger Games
21 December 2018
I love this kind of story of the oppressed fighting against the system. It's so refreshing and surprisingly non-sexist. The characters all have depth & facets. There are women in power, diversity, POC in positions of power. I love the resistance & the realistic representation of good vs evil & the state the world is in now. It's intelligent and even has some Black Mirror style warnings for the future. The only thing I didn't like were the weird arty bits at times and some of the stupid outfits they put Michelly in
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Love it
21 December 2018
I love this retro styled series. When is the next one coming out??! The only thing I don't like is the bit where Nancy and Johnathan start to look like they are going to be more than friends - c'mon Hollywood, ever heard of platonic relationships? It's ok to feature them in a film once in a while! There's so much wrong with this oh so boringly typical storyline - girl gets stalked by guy, rather than keeping her distance (which would be the right thing to do) she falls in love with him, oh and as always she's conveniently a sexualised teenage school girl. Why are the writers always such paedos that want to push this script onto us?! Other than that I love all the other plot lines and characters. Sometimes the upside down storyline drags but I love how well thought out & authentic the era it's set in is!
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BoJack Horseman (2014–2020)
Don't understand the hype
21 December 2018
Could only bare to watch a few episodes of this. Thought it was rubbish. Not funny, weird that the characters are a combo of human and animal (bit beastiality-esque). So many of the jokes are at the expense of the female characters. All characters are so stereotyped and boring. Just stupid all round really
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Orange Is the New Black (2013–2019)
Some seasons good, some seasons bad
21 December 2018
Hated the latest season, couldn't even finish watching it! Some of the characters are really good and nuanced. The last season seemed to be going nowhere & similar plots just going round in circles. I hated watching one character fall in love with her rapist so not good to depict that. Too much normalising of porn, even tho in reality so few women watch it. Too much objectification of both men and women. Though I was glad to see nudity featured all sorts of body types and not always in a sexualised way.
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Black Mirror (2011– )
Some Good, Some Bad
21 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Favourite episodes - the one where you get a popularity rating & the one with the robot dogs, the one with the bees, the one with the horror game. Least favourite - the one with the annoying, offensive animated politician, the one with the robot boyfriend, the one where you can play back your memories. Some of them are really insightful and warnings of where we are headed. Others feature too much sexism, objectification and just plain wrong to be warnings or insightful, some are just not realistic. Some have little messages within the episodes that just completely undermine the idea of the episode e.g. in the boyfriend robot episode there is a scene where she is really enjoying having sex with him and she surprisedly asks where did he learn to do that. He says he uploaded porn films, I thought to myself if he/it had learned to have sex from porn he'd be hitting her, spitting on her and calling her names while not being at all concerned with her sexual pleasure so technically he'd be crap at sex. All episodes are depressing & scary.
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On the fence
21 December 2018
I'm not sure about this one. I loved the original Sabrina which I know was just as badly acted and silly as this version. Apart from the better filming & CGI etc. the old Sabrina was better. I preferred the innocence of the old TV series. Why does everything for teens have to be so sexualised, and in tern ends up feeding into some wierd kink/paedophile/child sexualisation? Sabrina is a school girl so WTF with all the orgies etc? It's normalising paedophilia and appealing to an older male pervy audience rather than the girl/young woman that it should be (of course, why would I expect any better when hollywood loves to do that?!) On the plus side - I like the plots, the normalising (albeit sexualising) of a gay relationship and the non-gender stereotype conforming girl (yes we can stay girls and not conform to femininity, it happens) & I like Sabrina's style but bring back the innocence of the old sabrina. Plus do something about the story line holes - are they pagan, witch or evil? It's too much of a mishmash of all three
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