
10 Reviews
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Breaking Bad: Gliding Over All (2012)
Season 5, Episode 8
Is Walt's cancer back?
22 September 2022
There was a short clip in the beginning of this episode of Walt getting a cancer check..First time in forever his sickness was blurbed, even ths small, I wondered when it would come up again..Maybe he's really sick now & doesn't let on to anyone? This may sound crazy, but maybe he's dying and that's why he quit cooking? Maybe he also left the book in the bathroom knowing Hank would probably take a look at it...I saw the Americans and the neighbor pulled a huge surprise at the end..WIll this series end similarly? Will Hank let him die and keep the secret? Just a guess* yes, it's my first time through this excellent series.
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Lost: Flashes Before Your Eyes (2007)
Season 3, Episode 8
Love it!
1 August 2022
This episode introduces us to both Charles Widmore and "Eloise." They have a quite a history, it turns out later!

Anyway, I love her character in this episode and in the returning epsodes in which she appears.

Actually, I think she's my favorite female character in the whole series! She has that special "creepy' factor going.
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Murdoch Mysteries: Murdoch Knows Best (2021)
Season 15, Episode 8
Great Whodunnit
28 April 2022
Really like these where it's a real guessing game as to whom is guilty.

But do we have to be tortured now every show concerning a gay relationship budding? PC gone wild with this show. George always is a plus after missing a show.
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Murdoch's blowing it, big time!
9 February 2022
Detective Murdoch has the perfect opportunity to take Ms. Fulford by the tail and dump the annoying Dr. Ogden! Her whining is a real distraction.

Go for it William!!
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Murdoch Mysteries: The Murdoch Identity (2010)
Season 3, Episode 1
Anna is no slouch!
26 January 2022
I think William should trade Julia for Anna, even up!!

Both are sweet, but Anna seems a little more grounded, and not quite as flighty.

I hope she's going to appear in more episodes..I'm a newbie to the show.
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Fringe: In Absentia (2012)
Season 5, Episode 2
I meant LOST ! haha, getting late
26 August 2021
I meant to say from the LOST series, not the X Files.

Excuse the error!
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Fringe: In Absentia (2012)
Season 5, Episode 2
Another X-phile
26 August 2021
The loyalist I recognized as another X file guy..He wore glasses, was a bad guy in Ben's group at the compound...Desmond & now this guy!
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Murdoch Mysteries: The Ministry of Virtue (2021)
Season 14, Episode 6
Pushing the social agenda much?
17 March 2021
A little too much scoial engineering & political correctness going on .
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Murdoch Mysteries: Secrets and Lies (2018)
Season 12, Episode 9
you're probably right
16 March 2020
Was thinking at the time when the boy said both he & Nomi were outsiders, he coud've meant her being black. No doubt he was gay. Cheers. I just started watching Murdoch this summer..Have binged now & then to get this far. Great Show! I kinda laughed at the other reviewer here. Julia's laugh does get a little annoying at times. And the show is very politically correct. I even sense a little X-files dipping now & then. I do agree the Inspector is great and could be the best actor of the bunch.
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A Hidden Gem
17 November 2017
Really liked this movie and will likely read the book now. Usually a book outdoes it's film counterpart, but we shall see. This was well done, from the superb acting from Cavieziel as Dantes, Pearce as Mondego, and Guzman as Savior Jacapo. Of Course, Richard Harris always is outstanding. Villefort also was good, as were all the other bit characters. The Lady Mondego was a little weak, at times a little too nasally but not below average. I thought also the young actor playing the son was very believable. The movie score, so important, was excellent too, as was the editing & cinematography, filmed in Ireland & Malta.

This is my first movie review, so bear with me. Not very polished at this stage.
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