
58 Reviews
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Fabulous it aint
21 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Quite like this genre of film , but this is shocking.

Effects are dire, dinosaurs on a par with a crocodile made out of an egg box. And for some bizarre reason inclusion.of a big ape, that resembles the guy out of trading places during a new years eve fancy dress party.

The characters are pretty unlikeable and you don't really care if any.of them get eaten or not.

Story follows the usual plot from Jules Verne, but it's just not very well done.

The whole thing is poor, the script, the scenery and sets, the characters the performances.

Whole thing reminds me of a Dr Who series with Jon Pertwee, when the BBC had to contract out the effects for the programmes and got a school project for their troubles.

Surprised this didn't kill Kenneth Moores career.
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Nerve (I) (2016)
Watch it don't play it
10 November 2022
The premise for the story is brilliant, the performances v good, and it's a KISS film. Story and character driven.

It goes a bit Rocky 4 at the end, guess its meant to highlight the way the Internet it's used as a way to manipulate and influence a certain generation.

Didn't see the trailer for it but this is a way better film.than you might think it's going to be.

Dares that are used are not so OTT it's unrealistic yet imaginative enough to make them.exciting.

One if those films that just works.

Maybe not a film you'd want to watch over and over again but definitely one you should see once.
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Feel good or what?
5 November 2022
Only seen clips of the original, but appears to one if very few films where the remake is infinitely better than.the original.

Cast works really well and Mara Wilsons performance is right.up.there with Nathalie Portman in Leon Kirsten Dunst in the Last Vampire, and Carrie Henn in Aliens different genre but Wow.

Nice gentle film which is story and character driven. Richard Attenborough is Excellent as Kris Kringle trying to restore some belief to a sceptical Elizabeth Perkins.

For me this is only slightly behind my all time favourite Xmas movie it's a wonderful life.

Works wekk, put together well and superb performances give credibility.

You really need to see this film.
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Timecop (1994)
Well worth the time
6 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Quite Like Hyams Films, and Jean C V Dammes ( you know you're going to get a good fight scene this collaboration ticks all the boxes. However one thing that let's it down (only.a bit) is the fact that the departure run to go from one time into another,and the return journey is carried out in a little car looking sled type thing. The obvious questions, as indicated in the film is where the hell does it go when.the people get to their new time and where the hell is it parked so they pick it up on the return???

Not sue if if this replicated from source material, but in my opinion could quite easily have been avoided with a few script alterations. In Stargate they just walked into the rather water.looking tunnel between times, why not here?

Apart from that slight niggle I thought the story was good the characters well cast and well suited to the roles. Good action, well put together nice editing, good production, all in all a great little package.

Well worth a watch.
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Final Voyage (1999)
Dramomene required
31 August 2022
Fairly formulaic film guy blotting his còybook. Gets put on Protection of a somewhat spoiled rich kid played by Erica Eleniak.

How Dylan Walsh never saw this coming is a mystery did he not see Under Siege!

Pretty god cast nice to see Claudia Cristesen back.on screen, Erica Eleniak is well chosen for rich kid part, not just because of her looks she is actually pretty good.

Ice T makes a good villain of the piece getting on board to Rob the safe not quite as action packed as unde seige and lacks the comedic craziness of Tommy Lee Jones but passable What I refer to as the six pack and curry brigade.

If its raining and you want to.kill a couple of hours here you go.

One thing I did notice tho is having worked on cruise ships I have bever seem a more crew deserted ship apart from the May Celeste. Never seen an engine room.with less than 15.people unless at midnight But just after Saling at around 8pm thers only couple of guys on duty only there as Canon fodder.

Lots more better films but I have definitely seen worse.
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Farscape (1999–2003)
Far out
21 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I see comments asking why the series was cancelled, my.only answer would be because it slowly got worse as it went on. Started off a bit formulaic but straight forward guy lost in space ends up.on a weird spacecraft.

Eventually deteriorated to cast shouting straight each other and arguing all the time.

Ben browder seemed find it necessary to shout his lines regardless of an argument.

Storyline seemed to get.more bizarre and lost all.meaning.

However I have seen worse and its quite compelling, bit like watching a car crash you.just can't not look.
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Grimm (2011–2017)
Grimm it aint
4 May 2022
This truly is good. It gets you in right from the start and keeps the action going all the way through It's a complete series, the production, the actors and casting , and specialisation for the writers.

All the characters really work well, there is a central core of about 8 and peripheral characters are brought in to help with a particular storyline.

The only thing that let's it down is the fact they didn't do more. Could've kept this going for eternity.

The storyline are interesting a mixture of surprises, feel good moments, however the good guys don't always get it right or get their own way.

One of those really rare series on TV that remains consistently good.

If you like things like the X Files you'll love this.

Watching the re runs for a second time and no.less enjoyable The characters work and great to see Mary Elizabeth Mastrantnio in a kick ass role. Even the baby was good!

Definitely worth watching.
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The Drop (2014)
25 February 2022
Great performances, even from the dogs, but a somewhat lumbering film. Follows the main character Bob who runs a bar used to drop money from local gangsters.

Bit slow going but enables you to get to know the characters.

Background story is attempted robbery of the bar and the fact Bob is not as quiet and retiring as he seems.

Score based on the character performance and making if the film.

Exciting and fast paced it is not.
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Bloody awful
26 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Lacking in imagination, as its the 4th in the series. Burt has regressed into a idiot mine owner.

None.of the characters have any charm wit or redeeming features.

Words dead horse and flogging spring to mind. Leave the franchise to die with dignity.
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Tries really hard
18 January 2022
As this is the PC sex equality version no doubt a latter version will be transgenger. Almost exactly the same as the vastly superior original, with the inevitable cameos from Bill Murray Dan Acroyd and Annie Potts Ernie Hudson Sigourny Weaver and even the Pilsbury Dough boy The inefficient receptionist played by Chris Hemsworth as the male eye candy and Melissa Mccarthy and Kristen Wiig as the main characters delving into the paranormal.

The chest busting gang work.pretty well together and have some likeable personalities.

Sorry girls the original did it better as did Ray Parker Jr with the music.
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Not so much a Ferrari mora lada in a body kit
1 December 2021
This falls into 2nd place of the FFS leave it alone films. The first being the Italian Job. As a film it stands up, hell of a cast well put together nice cinematography pretty good directing. All in all I've seen worse.however the biggest screw up the only real.mistake was calling it the magnifico seven. In the same way the remade Italian Job bears pretty.much no resemblance to the original same problem here. Now I can understand the directore wanting to refresh and re invigorate.and stamp his own identity on a film but trying to remake a classic like this was skin for trouble. I can forgive the change in story I can forgive the eclectic mix of characters ( some may argue it was to keep PC) but what I can't forgive is cashing in on a classic film.trying to sell it as that film.and having pretty.muuch everyone I know say yeah it was OK.but nothing like the previous one. Which in itself is the irony of all ironies as the yul bryner one was actually a remake of the seven samurai. I wouldn't discourage people watching it as I quite liked it but for gods sake watch it as a film not as the magnificent seven.
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Fringe (2008–2013)
Definately on the fringe
26 November 2021
Progressing with it. The characters are pretty engaging although Walters impersonation of a six year old gets a bit wearing. At the present stage the most impressive thing is Anna Torvs impression.of Leonard Nimoy. His character has apparently taken.over Olivia much to Peters consternation and to Walters apparent delight. This series went right down the rabbit hole and have to say comparisons with the X files are now redundant as even that series didn't go this bat crap crazy. Can't wait to see what happens next as so far this series has gone so far out off left field it's out the stadium.
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Judge John Deed (2001–2007)
Judge for yorself
25 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is a surprisingly compelling series, I say surprisingly because a lot of it is so implausible it's un real. The main attraction is the characters, the performances.and the writing. The main failing is the attempt to make Judge Deed.more ordinary and so more making him a sex addict. The even more absurd aspect is that all the women, apart from his ex wife, seem to find this cute and endearing. What makes it even worse is Deed seems to take perverse pleasure it telling any of these women that he's slept with someone else, all of the revelations interspersed with marriage and declarations of love. Yet despite all the idiocrosy it's still a very watchable series. People debate the accuracy of it but it is after all a drama series which is intended to illicit a response and you can't argue it does that. So if you find the idea of deeds daughter, mistress and ex wife all appearing before him. The investigation into him shagging the QC ie Jo Mills.whos constantly appears in his court being settled by basically asking the judge and.then saying he's a high court judge we have to believe him. About as believable as President Clinton and Sara palin.

But still it's addictive the only thing I can attribute this to is the skill of the cast even the peripheral secondary chapters are excellent and help the storyline along. The court scenes are believable (mostly) and.interesting. This thing is a massive contradiction but I just can't.stop watching.
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Fringe (2008–2013)
It grows on you
8 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
OK the comparisons with the X files are inevitable but it's goes a bit further with the story lined. It is hugely enjoyable and I'm even getting used to Walters childish character and mannerism. This is just into S3 and we've fallen well and truly down the rabbit hole, alternative universes, same characters from other worlds, takes a bit of keeping up with.but eager to see what crops up next. Quite intriguing. Well written and performances are excellent.
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Fringe (2008–2013)
Jury's still.out
6 October 2021
Kind of a mix between the X files and big bang. Anna Torv as FBI agent Olivia Dunham works with Walter Bishop (John noble) and hi son Peter Joshua Jackson.

Inevitable comparison with Mulder and scully given the subject matter but this is played more for.laughs.

I keep seeing write ups saying how good Walter is, steals every scene one said. still on the fence with this cos I find the infantile base.of the character pretty annoying. The fact he, on a regular basis, witholds information or relevant details because he's supposed to be goofy and eccentric. Is just facile. Having spent about 30 years in a loony bin guessing might make him different but this is ridiculous. . Generally story lined are entertaining but I'm afraid the character Waltr grates view will change as I go further inti it.
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The Mechanic (2011)
Original is still better
28 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Stalham seems to have a thing for remakes, this one being tolerable. The othe the Italian Job, was shocking.

Suits stathams style and character big difference between this and the original was the.director having the balls to the lead in that and not keeping it in for this version. This lives up to the level.of Get that respect.

Not totally detrimental to the film but still different to the warm cuddly ending they use.nowadays, and of course it leaves the sequel market wide open.. Still an enjoyable action movie.
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Scorpion (2014–2018)
Big Bang meets the A team
23 August 2021
As far fetched as this gets its hugely entertaining. Based on the life of main character Walter O'brien, its up for debate just how open the word 'based' is. The team members all have there own quirks and disfunctions which makes the fish out of water theme a little off beat and engaging.

Don't take too seriously and sit back and enjoy

Don't take it seriously and just.
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Oh dear oh dear oh dear
15 August 2021
Only seen a few clips of prev film but enough to get the gist. First question.that springs to mind is WTF is the obsession for flying sharks???

One of those dire films that's pretty much reached cult status. With cameo and film references to pretty.much every film.going. Possibly apart from Jaws oh the irony Bit of a laugh totally non sensical and obviously written under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

Strangely enough tho I've seen worse.
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Tower Block (2012)
Punches well above its weight
3 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
For such a simplistic formula it keeps the tension. The performances really keep it going with even the minor roles retaining the standard and bringing the story to fruition.

Sheridan Smith is under rated and under used in the industry going by this performance One thing I don't get tho is in the trivia it says one version showed the sniper as the killed boys dad. Which would've made more sense than the copper. Guessing they figured a normal dad wouldn't usually be a trained marksman. But think it would've given a more plausible reason for the shootings.

Still overall very good. Just goes to show story and plot can hold a film together.
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Robin Hood (2018)
Robin in a Hoodie
15 July 2021
Very.mixed but still quite entertaining. Marion's accent goes from blarney Irish to blatant American. In this version to keep it PC she's not.just the damsel in distress, taking quite an active role in the fights and action scenes. Taron Egerton gives an interesting take on Robin Hoods character but Jamie Fox seems a bit underwhelmed by it all. worse than any other version but it really needed Alan Rickmans Sheriff.
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How things have changed
6 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Thought provoking and well put together drama asking the question paraphrasing Spock from Star Trek. Do taking out the many out weigh taking out the few?

A house is.providing a staging place for terrorists to launch a suicide attack. The ID of the occupants is confirmed as 3 of the top five targets on the US hit list and the suicide vests are filmed inside. The whole story hinges on a little girl who sets up a stall to sell bread right outside the house in question The old war films showed planes staffing targets and mass assaults but the high tech era now allows.remote operated drive es to deliver the fatal blow. The arguments rage between the military who want to get the targets and stop a potential massacre. Whilst the government side is asking what sort of PR will affect them if the girl is hurt. Well acted well scripted and the idea behind the story is just mind blowing. The most disturbing factor is that is so believable. With remote wars being waged the political fallout.and social media judging all actions is a real premise.the overall subject matter is dealt with very well and all involved from the main stars to the periferal characters.give excellent performances. Although the inclusion of Helen Mirren and Alan Rickman was a masterstroke.

Well worth watching and sure as hell makes you wonder about the way wars are fought nowadays.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
Why haven't you seen this??
28 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I got into GoT quite a while after it had flattened all in its wake. In all honesty I have to agree with the fact that by season 6 and into 7 and definitely with 8 that there was a noticeable quality.however after season 5 you could guarantee that everyone was going to watch it until the bitter end come hell or high water. Havent read the books so cant compare. The characters are engaging, entertaining, infuriating, irritating, syntilating and confusing all in equal measures. The writing although irractic in quality is nonetheless nerve shredding and captivating and weaves inbetween the lives of several characters at the same time. The number of unexpected.twists deaths of well known afraid makes complete cobblers out of all those who insist oh yeah I saw that coming a mile off. The.part I deviate from most views is the ending Yes I would have liked various people to.have got poetic justice. But the end was in keeping with the rest of the show.unexpected and surprising. So I'm afraid I have no problem with it. Would I have done it the same way but can I live with this version hell yeah. Performances are brilliant but some characters of course you will like more than others. If you like lord of the rings or your into fantasy adventure this is gonna grab you by the throat and swing you around the room it's a roller coaster ride and you may get sick on that ride but all the pieces fit. One of the most addictive things you will ever see.
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Medium (2005–2011)
You dont need to be psychic to know this is good
18 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really do like this series. Given added interest as its based on real life events. OK the debatable bit is how much but just adds to the overall quality. This is a bit like The Green Mile. Not in story or basis but it's a feasible real life environment which has a Steven King kind of twist to make it a bit different and a lot more interesting. I have to say I've seen most of them and am rewatching now, my only real disappointment.was the final one which went totally OTT.. having said that I'm going to find out is was the most factual based! There is some nice.humour just watched one where Joe the husband is trying to plan a birthday. Surprise he leaves all sorts of clues to it being a party, when in fact it's a weekend in Mexico. Hes a bit smug hes managed to surprise the.psychic who one step ahead and tells her to pack, she says shell be as quick as she can Hope's shes got everything as she had to do it in a rush etc etc the last shot is her picking up her pre packed suitcase from under the bed. There have been variations of this type of series but this one just seems to have a bit more quality than most. Performances from all the characters including the young girls as the family.are brilliant very believable and very natural. Some cameos on the way and over all you have tv gold.
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Medium (2005–2011)
Bit better than medium
11 April 2021
I always found this highly entertaining, perhaps not a totally unique premise however this one based more on factual events and people The cast is excellent even peripheral characters. The odd appearance from people who are know a lot better known.just adds to the quality.

The trivia says Patricia Arquette said she wasn't going to portray as the actual Alison DuBois which doesn't detract at all given it's only relevant if you actually know the real Alison DuBois. The big question is how much is TV artistic licence and what is actual fact? Given the no of episodes kinda implies Alison never had a spare moment.

The only disappointment for me was the final episode which I found totally OTT. But generally.the series is pretty good. If you want something entertaining and a little bit different this is it.
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Battlestar Galactica (1978–1979)
Rose coloured
9 April 2021
Just been re watching the original series it's been so long since I caught he first showing it really is like watching it for the first time. Compared with the remake this is a lot vampire, played for laughs and seems to aimed at a lot younger audience, the remake is a lot darker and more PC Starbuck transforms into Katie Sackoff for this one. Which to be honest I'm not complaining about. People keep saying the original is a lot better. Not sure you can say that, it maybe preferable to a lot of people but better hell no. The effects for one have improved a hell of a lot over 30 odd years. So I can forgive the constant repetition of an affix model being launched from a bigger surgical model as budgets were no doubt tight. The dog fights generally show the same 4 or 5 clips of a cylinder being blown up but again tolerable. Some of the acting is played for laughs, just watched the episode with Llord Bridges who plays a character very similar. To the one he played in Airplane! To be honest not sure I can really say the new one is a remake, more a re imagining, both having pros and cons, me I'm just getting onstage watching yet another 70 sci fi show.
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