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Halloween (I) (2018)
Only had one problem, but it was a recurring one
26 February 2019
There were 2 facets to this movie: a comedy side, and a horror side. One side worked tremendously, the other was disappointing.

If the movie had taken all of the amazing things it did in regards to horror, this would be a damn near perfect slasher flick. Unfortunately, the movie tries to work in some comic relief and humor, which only works on a few occasions. Overall though, the comedy side was almost cringe-worthy, with a few actually funny moments.

The suspense generated was top notch, the scares were genuine, and the violence was creative. Overall this is a great movie, both as a sequel and in its own right. Jamie Lee Curtis does a stupendous job portraying this broken and paranoid character, but I must say that acting in general was lacking. This is a movie that is sure to entertain, and sure to keep you full of suspense, but it just barely misses out on being classified as "great" because of the ineffective use of comedy.
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Suffers from being simply a re-telling of a true story
2 December 2018
For me, this movie just lacked the "it" factor. I think the movie did all it could possibly do, and did it well, but simply lacked the freedom to make it more dramatic. By being so true to real events, the movie lacks the extra drama and magic that could reel viewers in even more. There is nothing wrong with the movie by any means, do not get me wrong. It's an excellent re-telling of the events, but lacks the magic that could draw audiences in a little more.
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Into the Wild (2007)
The haters of this movie focus on the wrong things.
1 December 2018
This is a movie that will definitely split viewers. I for one, am part of the camp that adores this movie. I seem to find that harsh critics of this movie focus on the wrong things. This is not a movie about logic, this goes so much deeper than that. This movie, if viewed through the appropriate lens, should make you think, and think hard. This movie will change the way you view certain aspects of life (again, assuming you watch with the right attitude).

If you have gripes with this guy's life and choices then you should deal with that separately from judging this movie as a film itself. As a movie, this did all the right things. It sent me on an emotional rollercoaster, it raised questions about society, its cinematography was gorgeous, and it evokes a feeling of freedom in the viewer. I have never felt this way while watching any other movie.

I suggest you watch this movie not through the eyes of a critic looking for things to hate, but as a viewer vulnerable to the messages the movie has to offer.
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You will catch yourself smiling
3 August 2018
From the very start of the movie I was in awe of the beautiful visuals. This amazing cinematography remained consistent throughout the movie. The message was very significant, relevant, and meaningful. The movie assesses how people get caught up in thinking about the future that they forget the present and the past.

The movie was actually pretty funny. My theater was filled with adults and everyone was laughing. I definitely laughed out loud way more times than I expected to.

The movie was downright adorable, easily one of the cutest movies I've ever seen. It's hard not to smile while watching that "silly old bear," or while listening to Eeyore moan and groan.

You will absolutely find yourself smiling randomly throughout the movie, it's hard not to love the characters, and the characters are presented in a way that makes you actually care about them and be invested in them.

This is a movie that will bring out your inner child, your inner innocence, and your inner feelings. Prepare to get emotional!
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Emotional Rollercoaster
28 June 2018
This movie will absolutely toss your emotions around like a rag doll. You will find yourself actually quite invested in the protagonist, cheering for him with all you have to be successful. Will Smith is incredibly compelling as a motivated man who is quite frankly, just unlucky. You truly feel as though his success is your success, and his failure is your failure.

If this movie does not motivate you to strive to be the best you can be, then there's something wrong with you!
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Bao (2018)
28 June 2018
This short almost had me in tears, which RARELY happens. Every thing about it pulled on my emotions in just the right way. The music was incredibly conducive to the message. Here I was, waiting for a fun day of Incredibles, and then this short caught me off guard and had me rethinking my whole relationship with my mother. This short will make you cry, and make you think. A beautiful ending was the icing on the cake.

I would HIGHLY recommend taking just a few minutes out of your day to watch this short, you will not regret it.
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Borat (2006)
THE most quotable movie of all time
28 June 2018
I find myself quoting this movie all the time without even thinking about it. My friends quote it all the time. Even if you haven't seen this movie, chances are you still know all the funny quotes.

There's nothing more to say that hasn't been said, this movie is iconic. The beautiful thing is... you do not need to think at all! Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the fun
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What's not to love??
28 June 2018
First things first, this movie is FUNNY. This is not one of those cases where the movie is way worse than the show, in fact this movie surpasses quite a bit of the episodes! The movie is funny in several different ways. First, there's the classic South Park "shock" humor. This movie gets OUTRAGEOUS and it's hilarious. Then there's actually some pretty clever humor going on. This movie is critical of American culture in a pretty hilarious way. To those who are not familiar with South Park, the humor is much more than just cuss words and inappropriate dialogue, they achieve a much higher level of humor (although the cuss words are still hilarious) by critiquing society in a lot of their episodes, and the movie is no different.

This movie is one I will never get tired of watching. When I'm in a bad mood I watch it to cheer up, when I want to have some solid laughs with my friends I watch this movie.

Do NOT be one of those pretentious snobs who thinks you're too smart or sophisticated for this movie, what's the fun in that?
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Don't Breathe (2016)
Intense but flawed
27 June 2018
I thought this movie was quite suspenseful. Just watching this movie I felt the need to not make any noise. I was very entertained by this movie, and that was the point of the movie. This movie didn't try to be anything more than an intense thrill ride that kept you on the edge of your seat, and they did just that.

I'll try to describe my issue with it without spoiling anything. There are just some points where you get so frustrated with the characters for not doing the obvious thing they should do in whatever situation they're in at the time. It makes you want to yell at your TV and say "WHY DONT YOU JUST DO THIS??" Also there are a couple parts in which the events are a little far-fetched and leaves you wondering "oh come on how is that actually possible?"

Nonetheless, this movie is quite the thrill ride and very entertaining, and I would love to rate it higher but the flaws are kind of obvious at times.
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The Crazies (2010)
27 June 2018
To me, this is the most perfect horror movie out there. The plot and story is very compelling and it gives a very solid background as to WHY "the crazies" exist. Also, the movie presents you with a moral dilemma about loved ones going "crazy." This movie really makes you think. Regarding the story, I was very impressed with how cohesively it all came together, and at how impressive it was. You rarely see that in horror movies.

Delivery of the story = amazing

BUT the sheer scares and terror of this movie is what makes it FUN. There are "creepy" scares, "jump" scares, "gory" scares, "psychological" scares, you name it! The movie is so diverse in its execution that you get a mix of everything.

If you're a horror fan (and even if you're not) you will appreciate this movie. It is a movie delivered with much more than just scares, but the scares are the icing on the cake! My girlfriend got very creeped out by some of the "emotional" scares, the ones that involve a loved one doing bad things.

10/10 because it's not only a great horror movie, it's a great movie in general because it doesn't rely on being scary!
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Last Shift (I) (2014)
Messes with your head!
26 June 2018
This is one of my favorite horror movies of all time. I almost feel like this movie is my little secret that I get to share with the few others who have seen it because it truly is a hidden gem. Genuinely creepy without relying on jump scares, a very unique and well-done plot, a fulfilling ending, and not to mention the compelling scares, are what make this movie amazing.

This movie is just another example of a low budget non-Hollywood movie that outshines all the other Hollywood jump scare (playing loud music as a friend taps the character on the shoulder out of nowhere) nonsense.

The only problem I have with this movie is that it barely goes over the top and gets slightly far-fetched at times; I wish it would have stayed a little more grounded and not get too carried away at some points. This is why I cannot give this movie a 10, but I have seen so many horror movies and this is one of my favorites and I would highly recommend this to people as long as they have an open mind.
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Hereditary (2018)
Unoriginal idea, yet unique delivery
26 June 2018
This movie presents nothing new in terms of plot. Supernatural entity taking over a family. Nothing new here. However, the way this movie was executed was unlike anything I've ever seen before. I felt uneasy from the start. Even though the "horror" did not pick up until a ways into the movie, I felt the tension from the start. This movie provided a feeling of uncomfort throughout the whole thing, even during the non scary parts. I think the family tension plays a huge role in that. Not just terror with the supernatural, but tension within the family. This movie made me do something I never do: my jaw dropped and stayed dropped for like 2 minutes straight at one point. There is also a part of this movie that I think filled me with the most suspense and anxiety I have ever felt watching a movie. It's quite refreshing to see a movie rely on actual terror and creepiness to provide the "horror" instead of meaningless jump-scares, and that's what sets this movie apart from the rest of the movies like it.

I would give it more than 8 stars, but there were points in which I was either wishing it moved at a slightly faster pace or holding back laughter at a couple of the "scary parts." With that being said, this is one of my favorite horror movies I've seen, and I've seen a lot.
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What did I just watch?
26 June 2018
Things this movie did NOT have: 1. Any sort of helpful background information about the main character 2. An ounce of suspense 3. Good acting 4. A cohesive story that made sense (I am usually okay with this, but it did not work for this movie) 5. Anything to keep me engaged

Things this movie did have 1. A well known actor who made people automatically like this movie 2. Obligatory naked chicks 3. Actually decent kill scenes 4. A satisfactory ending 5. Critic orgasms to Christian Bale

3 stars instead of 1 for the kill scenes and ending
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Had to put in way too much effort to not zone out
26 June 2018
This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Right off the bat the acting made me go crazy. Not a single actor in this movie gave an even remotely good performance. The first hour of this movie is incredibly boring, and the only reason I didn't die of boredom is because the acting performances were so bad that I almost had to watch attentively because I was in shock of how bad the actors were. I had to keep watching because I couldn't believe my eyes, I had to see if it was actually THAT bad (it was). The last 20 minutes is the only reason I did not give this movie 1 star. It was somewhat interesting and it at least grabbed my attention and I didn't have to focus ON focusing like I did for the first hour. As a horror movie geek, I was hyped to see this movie because I had never gotten around to seeing it. It makes me wonder if people say a movie is good simply for the fact that it's a "classic." This movie just further proves that just because a movie is a classic, does not mean it is good. I am genuinely concerned about how this movie got such high ratings, and it is more proof that I should never ever decide to watch or not watch a movie because of how many stars it got.
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No need for thought, just watch and laugh
1 March 2018
There's no debate, this movie is insanely stupid. But that's what makes it hilarious. Before watching, you know what you're getting into, so why watch if this is not your style of comedy? Stupid humor is taking the world by storm, and this movie is a testament to how funny it can be. No need to think about it, just watch and laugh. This type of movie is meant to entertain, and to entertain only. There is no need to include underlying themes and messages, that is far beyond the scope of a movie like this. And frankly, I don't want all my movies to have some deeper meaning. Sometimes I just want to kick back, relax, and crack up at a funny movie without thinking about it. When I do, this movie is my movie of choice. Don't miss out on this fun-filled and absurdly hilarious comedy!
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Darkest Hour (2017)
It's not a documentary, so don't judge it as such
1 March 2018
I don't want to hear anything about historical accuracy. As long as the history is accurate ENOUGH, I do not think small details should warrant a 1/10 from some pretentious viewers. The point of the movie is to show triumph and unique leadership, not teach a history class. Some scenes gave me chills I was so moved. Oldman blew this role out of the water. While everyone knows this, I wanted to say it because his acting performance alone gives the movie the boost it needed to reach top tier. His portrayal of Churchill was intoxicating, and every time there was a climatic scene I caught myself cheering, or expressing some other appropriate emotion. I don't know the accuracy of the history, but I know you shouldn't let history take away from the power of this movie.
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Come on...
1 March 2018
You have got to be kidding me.... An hour and a half of annoying 20 somethings arguing is supposed to be scary? I'm actually at a loss at how people even consider this a horror. It's not that I don't enjoy it because there's no gore, violence, etc. in fact, most of my favorite horrors are more of the "unseen" terror type movies. However this one just doesn't do it for me. Not even close. I kept waiting and waiting for something even remotely exciting to happen, and I never got it. If this is what passes for horror, then that's just a plain shame. Not only was it the most underwhelming horror movie I have ever seen, it was the most underwhelming movie I have ever seen.
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Unfinished Business (I) (2015)
What is the goal of a movie of this nature?
1 March 2018
TO MAKE US LAUGH! There doesn't need to be any deeper messages or symbolism. This movie made me laugh harder than any other movie I've seen, and the humor was consistent throughout. Who cares if it wasn't "artistic" in a sense? That's not the goal. The purpose of the movie is to make us laugh at stupid stuff, and the cast went far and beyond that purpose. Dave Franco takes this movie to a whole new level, he plays his character perfectly. I am in utter shock of how bad of ratings this movie got, because it is my favorite comedy! That being said, my taste is stupid humor that lacks thought; however, that type of humor is the humor of the 21st century. There are no intelligent jokes, no well-thought out scenes, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
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Session 9 (2001)
Effective Slow Burn
1 March 2018
The movie is definitely not for the impatient, so if you need constant action then I wouldn't recommend this movie. However, for those of us who appreciate a "slow burn" this movie is perfect. This is easily one of my favorite horrors, without a doubt. This horror/thriller is unlike any other I have seen. It is genuinely creepy, and does not rely on jump scares like the rest of them. This movie gets in your head, it buries itself in your imagination long after the credits roll.

Don't be confused by my label as a slow burn, as it definitely keeps you intrigued the whole time. However it is paced perfectly where the climax occurs at the optimal point. I finished watching this and I was at a loss for words. I did not expect this movie to be so great. This is a true psychological thriller/horror, and fans of the genre will not be disappointed!
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Outstanding individual scenes + moving overall story = My favorite movie ever
28 February 2018
Some of my all-time favorite movie scenes come from this movie. There are amazing messages and themes regarding socioeconomics, talent, love, etc. All of these aspects of life are intertwined into one, beautifully written movie. Countless insights on these aforementioned aspects that I had never thought about were presented in this movie; so in a way this movie changed my view on life to a certain extent. Robin Williams is moving as always, and I believe this is his best role. The sum of extraordinary scenes produces my favorite movie of all time. Not to mention the story of how this movie was written. Pure genius.
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