
8 Reviews
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Why do they keep giving Snyder work?
31 October 2021
He already ruined justice league... army of the dead was unwatchable and this is total garbage... Snyder is biggest waste of space in all of Hollywood and that's saying something... he killed DC and the reason why Marvel is light years ahead... laughable lack of talent. Not even a real story hear Barely coherent and could care less about any of the characters... lay off the pipe Zack.
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Kate (I) (2021)
Really? The same story again?
11 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's the old best assassin ever but kills a target who has a kid and now all of a sudden she has remorse... yeah... same story we all have seen hundreds of times... is there no originality anymore? Is everyone just out of ideas? Why do we keep seeing the same thing again and again? And plot twists? A three year old could tell you what was gonna happen... just bad.
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Sweet Girl (2021)
Done so many times and much better
21 August 2021
Are we back to all pharmaceutical companies and big businesses is bad screwing the working man over and this is so tone deaf and so unoriginal it's amazing that anyone paid any money for this to be made be made... this has been done hundreds of times in 100s of times better than this it's pure crap. Did I mention how predictable it is as well? Netflix you owe me an hour and a half of my life back.
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I thought I was watching an 80s Fanta commercial
27 June 2021
Where do I start? Bad writing... bad acting... the songs are just terrible and totally forgettable... My two teenagers didn't just get on their phones after ten minutes they both left the room... I can't believe the fake racial controversy which was just to detract with how bad a film this is...
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Angelina looks horrible
19 June 2021
Didn't she used to be a good actress? What happened this is absolutely terrible. If you notice they don't focus on her for long because she is so distracting Lee terrible looking it's a shame. I went back and watched her and tomb raider where she was actually attractive and this one she looks like a shell of a skeleton. And not only that what happened to her acting skills it's like they evaporated or was this just a paycheck?
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Horrible first he ruined Batman and now this?
19 June 2021
Stop giving zack $.... this is the laziest of all the zombie movies... every single cliche that you can see a mile away... and then the two"woke" zombies??? I thought it was a high school drama club production... total garbage.
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I'm Sorry (2017–2019)
Really wanted to like it
19 June 2021
The main character is trying way to hard to be female Larry David and she doesn't have the talent to pull it off... she is just annoying.
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Pose (2018–2021)
Watched season 1
19 June 2021
Wow terrible acting and even worse writing... let's see how many cliche we can cram into each episode... so disappointed...this could of been good but it took the easy way out each time.
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