
22 Reviews
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3 April 2021
As a Serbian girl I say it's awful movie, stupid unrealistic plot, made for Bikovic fangirls, and once again portraying of Serbs as crazy idiots and criminals, what's different than western propaganda?
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Is this comedy?
11 September 2020
Boring plot, bad actors! Excorcism theme is serious, don't mess with that if you doing it only for cheap jump scares! Avoid this movie, there a lot better movies with this theme.
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Are you serious?
27 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Why is this movie ''classic''? Boring naive predictable story, bad actors, (except John Cryer, his scenes were only kinda worth watching), it's hillariously bad! Lead character is annoying whinny and nagging average looking girl, all I think that Ducky is lucky to escape from her! Prom dress is hideous, destroyed by ''fashion genius'' Andie lol!
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Winchester (2018)
Don't waste your time
24 July 2020
Wtf is this crap? Hollywood, if you want to make propaganda movies at least make them watchable and interesting! This is comedy with bad acting, overdramatic Mirren, cringe dialogues, bad effects and no sense for atmosphere and era whatsoever. But most of all - boring, pointless and not scary!
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Svindleri (2019– )
Waste of time
6 May 2020
Absolutely boring pretentious crap. 1 out of 10, because I can't give 0.
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Paperhouse (1988)
21 November 2019
I picked this movie randomly to watch and expected some ''artsy'' boredom, but this was fantastic! Some scenes scared the out of me. Beautifully done movie, full of frightening images, surreal nightmare, creepy atmosphere and interesting plot. It surprises me that this movie is not more famous, it's amazing.
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My Big Night (2015)
''Julio Iglesias who?''
14 November 2019
What do you get when you mix aging narcissist star, rising teen idol and his manic agent, average Joe, butch lesbian TV editor, mad fan, beautiful weird lady, TV host couple in ''The War of the Roses'' episode- over the top glitzy mess while there's riot outside studio! Anarchy at its best, one of the best comedies I've seen.
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Siempre viva!
14 November 2019
Hillarious take on narcissism, brilliant actors, you won't forget this excellent satire! Filmed in 1992, but ironically now more relevant than ever.
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Almost Famous (2000)
R'n'r fairy tale
14 November 2019
Romantic version of r'n'r, it has its Cinderella, Peter Pan, good fairies, even happy ending! Beware, saccharine is strong in this! But, it's nice, entertaining, good acting and music.
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How cringe this can be?
12 November 2019
Starting from Angelina's costume? Lack of creativity and fresh ideas seems to be sad phenomena in Hollywood these days...
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Tito and Me (1992)
Personality cult in bitter comedy
12 November 2019
One of my all time favorites, celebration of individual in totalitarian mentality, highly recommend.
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12 November 2019
Surreal hillarious world of Kusturica, enjoy! Remarkable acting from non-proffesional actors, and great score by Bregovic.
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Variola Vera (1982)
Real life is scary
12 November 2019
One of the most scary movies I've seen, atmosphere, acting, truly disturbing.
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John Connor lives
12 November 2019
Eat that, Flopinator! Wtf were they thinking? Perfect example of style over substance.
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Fanfic at its worst
12 November 2019
Whoever thinks that this trash movie represents BDSM and that Christian is good guy who can be ''fixed with finding love of his life'', deserve a good spanking.
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Great, great movie, a personal favourite
12 November 2019
Do you like Christian Bale? His early stuff was a little new wave for my taste, but I feel he really came into his own with Batman, commercially and artistically. At the same time it depens and enriches the meanings of his previous works. I also think, he works best within the confines of the group than as a solo artist, and I stress the word artist!
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Incredible in every aspect
12 November 2019
I just love this, need to watch it once every year. Thank you LOTR trilogy for existing.
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Joker (I) (2019)
Jokes on us
12 November 2019
Aesthetically pleasing well-crafted movie, refreshingly entertaining, homage to old school, fun, sometimes even smart. Score is amazing and smartly integrated into scenes and Phoenix is playing role of his life. This certainly belongs to the top of this year's production.
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Are you saying in 2019 and internet era this is ''shocking''?
12 November 2019
I have no doubt that artsy-fartsy crowd will find enough mascohist excitement in this deranged film - from "controversy" and "shock" explicit scenes to philosophizing on the presented ideas. I have to say this is (another) director's prank on audience and infantile black comedy. Actors (except mr. Skarsgard) are terribly annoying, from Gainsbourg (mediocre actress with famous name) to LaBeouf and Slater, lol!
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Midsommar (2019)
Insult to the genre
12 November 2019
If you enjoy vanilla soy latte, you will like this movie.
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The Master (2012)
Hollywood tried to make "artistic" film
11 November 2019
Please don't anymore. Oscar bait pretentious movie and above all boring! If you are masochistic enough to watch nearly 3 hours of this mess and then call it "masterpiece" just because other said so or you are fan of Joaquin's mumbling and overacted posturing look-how-edgy-i-am, you will probably like this movie.
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25 October 2019
Entertaining to watch who likes mystery and costume drama (it's not actually horror) , but nothing more than that. Very predictable. Acting was good, especially by Douglas Booth.
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