
258 Reviews
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Oldboy (2003)
Most Disturbing and Epic
15 June 2024
I saw this movie for the first time about a year after it was released, at a get-together party with my best friends.

It was the most disturbing movie that I'd ever seen at that time and all of us were shocked. We were all speechless at the end of it, and it ended the night.

We never talked about the movie ever again.

It's a great film, because it isn't just disturbing; it has a lot of insight into morality. It doesn't hold back, like Hollywood always does in all the wrong ways.

The music, story, cinematography, and pace are all very good.

For most American audiences, it's a bit far fetched, but it gives some insight into Korean culture.

For me, this is the quintessential Korean film.
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Bionic (2024)
Not bad CGI
5 June 2024
The story is actually not too bad, but it's poorly executed. The characters are like bad comic book characters. Maybe that's what they were going for, but it just doesn't work well.

It's set in a world similar to the Deus Ex videos games, so that hooked me a little, because those games were so good.

The English voiceover isn't too bad, if you can't stand subtitles.

It's still the usual feminist kind of story with superhero-like girls. It's not a very realistic story, nor is it consistent.

I did like the focus on the athlete side, but the story really falls apart in the end. It's ok for a brainless watch, but it won't really keep your attention, much.
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The Fall Guy (2024)
Hollywood Stunt Circle Jerk
27 May 2024
Plot was dumb, made no sense, and was pretty boring. Even the action sequences were boring. The characters made no sense and their actions made no sense. It's basically just a really bad, forgettable movie.

I think they might have been trying for humor in a lot of scenes, but it just wasn't funny, either.

Maybe if you liked "One Upon a Time in Hollywood," maybe you like this, but even that movie was more entertaining.

There isn't even any nudity from Emily Blunt.

If you like that "Everything Everywhere . . All at Once" movie, you might like this one, too.

I actually can't think of anything redeeming in this movie, except the outtakes at the end, during the credits.

A documentary of the stunts in this film would easily be a better movie.
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I have not seen a roast before now
25 May 2024
It was interesting. From my understanding, a roast is supposed to be some sort of real camaraderie, banter and jokes from your colleagues and friends.

This was obviously very staged and contrived.

I no nothing about football or most of the people in the event, so some of the jokes didn't land with me, but most of the jokes weren't football related an

They did seem to make fun of each other, but what I found most entertaining was just how uncomfortable all these famous people were at having to smile and pretend laugh for hours straight.

That's a real feat.

Maybe that's what a roast is supposed to be?

I was able to watch it all the way through, but only because I've already seen everything that I want to watch.
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Atlas (2024)
Great writing and very good cgi
24 May 2024
It's a fun movie, with a good plot. The writing was surprisingly good and has some great moments of comedy as well as classic drama. I enjoyed it.

Mostly excellent casting, except for Jennifer Lopez. She really had a difficult time getting into her character at the beginning. Jennifer could have done this role when she was younger, but she can't really pull off "the dumb blonde" at her age, now, even though the character called for an older woman. Jennifer just isn't a character actress, and this film could have been a 10, if she was.

Producers seem to like starring in the own movies nowadays.

SciFi folks will like it. It's solidly better than most of the SciFi being made today.

Even for the discriminating SciFi junkie, you won't rate this less than a 4, and you might even rate it an 8.
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65 (2023)
We Stole the Land from the dinosaurs
17 May 2024
This movie is such a tragedy. This is indigenous dinosaur land that we stole, here in America.

This movie is all about survival of human life, but as the WEF, Communists, and scholars teach us, human life is worthless and the planet is overpopulated.

The dinosaurs were better people and didn't overpopulate the Earth like humans have. Thankfully, the dinosaurs never voted to make America great again, either, but I heard that smoking too much has been linked to their decline.

So sad to see such animals that never created any war in their lives, suffer at the hands of selfish humans.

This movie has good special effects, but the moral of the story is all wrong. Humans should have been there to save the dinosaurs, just like saving the polar bears.

Adam Driver does what he can with this. The usual Bladded rules apply.
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A slow burn dark comedy, drama
22 February 2024
It's not a good movie, but the actors make it almost worth watching. It's a commentary on the disfunction of California and New York.

It doesn't show the reasons for familial destruction, per se, but it shows how it works in NYC and LA.

It's depressing, boring, and obvious. It makes it really clear why you don't want to marry anyone in the acting business, especially women in it.

California movies were entertaining to watch, not just because of the great movies that were made, but now, because of CA's intentional destruction by politicians.

This movie makes it clear how American women are the worst in the world and how the American justice system is intentionally destroying children.
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It's a good story and well directed
31 December 2023
I didn't know anything about the guy that founded the music school that this is about. It seems the guy has changed the lives of some people from Afghanistan, for the better.

It seems a bit exploitive, but that isn't always a net negative. The documentary is well done and entertaining.

What was most shocking was seeing kids wearing masks, after everything they already suffered. These kids were the lucky ones that made it out of Afghanistan. After what Joe Biden did, these kids still had to suffer political tyranny from Western countries.

As far as the music is concerned; it sounded good. I don't know how talented the group really is in comparison to other professionals, but that isn't was the movie was about, anyway.

They were able to escape, make music, and survive.
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I'm not sure how it's possible
12 December 2023
It's a Godzilla TV series, and it's got great writing. That should be enough for anyone to attempt to watch it.

The CGI is ok and on par with the other Godzilla movies, but this series actually has a storyline and is fun to watch.

End of review

There really isn't anything more important to say, except the usual imdb required characters. Some rant about Ai and trigger words for the data miners should do the trick.

Got a few more words to go, unfortunately. Maybe this review will get me banned. Wouldn't that be interesting? Getting banned is always exciting. Ok, let's see how much info the data miners can get from these last two paragraphs.
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Lady Ballers (2023)
Not an awful foray into film for DW
4 December 2023
The jokes are solid, but timing was off. There are some really good parts, but they are rare. Putting all the DW cast in, was the draw, but realistically, they aren't great actors as a whole.

All the obvious, good jokes are there, but then they tried too hard for the weird stuff. Jeremy Boring does this routine where he can't kiss the other actress; I guess cause his wife wouldn't approve. It's weird. Go into acting, or don't. There is no middle ground.

It has a low budget feel, probably cause it was. Still worth the watch, but nothing to get too excited about. I'll still watch the sequel.

2 cars.
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The Killer (2023)
Still fun to watch
14 November 2023
Completely unrealistic, but still fun to watch.

The narration is slow, sinister, and has some nuggets that really represent the nihilism of our time, while attempting to say something meaningful. It's all a bunch of bunk, but that's what the kids like nowadays.

Acting is good, but some action scenes are a bit cringe. It feels like Agent 47, but without the nudity and the obvious video game feel, which is necessary for this kind of film to work at its best.

Overall, the film is slow enough for parents to enjoy the assassin fantasy, and doesn't have too many headshots, or destructive mantras for the kids, that they won't already have learned at school.
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Nice to see good weather in Antartica for once
1 September 2023
The man made global warming propaganda doesn't start until about an hour in, so it's pretty straight forward until then. The editor was obviously amazingly skilled, by not including the wacko climate religion propaganda for a whole hour, when the whole purpose of most of these "scientists" is to just try to prove how humanity is bad, killing the earth, and then lobby governments to kill humans instead.

Expecting to go to Antartica and not meet religious climate wackos, is moronic. Somehow, this movie pulls it off for an hour and makes it seem like all the people are just normal people and not part of a religious climate cult intent on the destruction of humanity.

It was entertaining to watch. The "discoveries" at the end are pretty common sense except for the first one, which is outright stupid, and proves that most of these people doing "research" down there are just tyrants.
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Andor (2022– )
Out of the garbage heap that is Disney
17 August 2023
I actually have no idea how Disney made a watchable series out of Star Wars. I guess at some point, someone might win, even at roulette.

It's totally watchable. Some moments are actually quite good. It's not an amazing show or anything, but it does canon, quite well, without much destruction.

Someone else said it was rather "adult," but it isn't. It's just not juvenile, and not made for kids who should still be suckling on Mom's teat.

This is how to make an ok show, when you have millions of dollars to throw at investments. Keep these kind of shows coming, and maybe, just maybe, I'll stop shorting Disney.
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One of the worst movies of all time
4 August 2023
I actually watched this movie. This is what happens when you are stranded in a third world country, with only a free account of Disney + to entertain you. Actually, I have Prime, but I figured I'd try something new. I had no idea that I would be forced into a masochistic mood tonight.

If you want to experience suffering like Jewish internment camp prisoners, or suffering like Cardi B felt when a beverage was thrown at her, then you will love this movie.

There really aren't words to describe how awful this movie is, but I'm required to try and use some.

It's a bad movie. There is nothing good about it. Nothing.
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I am beyond biased
15 April 2023
I can't imagine that this movie could stand on its own and still be considered amazingly awesome, but maybe I'm wrong.

I've seen The Last Kingdom series a couple of times and it's brilliant . . . This movie is essentially two more episodes, after the series ended. Is it as good as the rest of the series? Yes it is.

If you don't already know the characters and what is going on, I can't imagine you understand all the nuances.

If you liked the ridiculous, and horrible movie, The Northmen, then this movie is probably too accurate and complicated for you. Probably you should watch the next Jurassic Park or Transformers movie, instead.
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The Last Kingdom (2015–2022)
Simply nothing else like it
15 April 2023
If you like history, Vikings, The English, great actors, great stories, costumes, cinematography, and action; you won't find better than this.

It's pieced together from actual events and several different real people, along with great fictional writing, and no fantasy.

If you want to know how Europe became Europe, this is a perfect story that describes one of the most exciting and terrifying times of Europe's history.

It gives real insight into who the Vikings were and why they did what they did, along with The English, and why they did why they did. The show makes you feel like you were really there.

The show has everything that makes a good story.
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Carnival Row (2019–2023)
One of the worse fantasy shows of all time
26 March 2023
The first season is intriguing at the beginning because the production quality is great and it sets up an interesting world. It just devolves from there.

I would say the first season is about a 4 star show, and makes you look forward to seeing what the continuing narrative will be.

The 2nd season is virtually unwatchable, like a 2 star. Still good special effects and the acting is still good, but the writing and editing is terrible. The characters no longer are consistent or make any sense. It really is just an idiotic jumble of a mess, with terrible, cliched writing that is insufferable.

If you like cool special effects and winged fairies, and nothing else, maybe you'll like.
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The Fountain (2006)
A difficult film to watch
28 February 2023
Without Clint Mansell's music to carry the whole feeling of the film, this would have been a horrible movie that I would have rated a 2 star.

It's not a movie that is going to make you laugh or a movie to put on in the background at a party. It's probably not a movie you should watch with anyone else, especially your girlfriend or boyfriend. Watch it alone. It's not a film for kids under 28 years old.

This movie is for those that can suffer the pain of such ridiculous, stupid art, that they can come out the other side with some damage, but with a visceral understanding of the horrors of love, life, and helplessness, that may be one of the keys to enlightenment.
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1883 (2021–2022)
Unrelenting, historical humanity
31 December 2022
It's a more thorough story than the one you thought you knew from elementary school, playing the "Oregon Trail" on an Apple II.

Extremely well acted, directed, great sets, cinematography, music; pretty much everything. The writing stands out above the rest, which is very rare, nowadays. Wonderful, wonderful writing, which comes through in the story as well as the narration.

If you like historical dramadventures, then you'll love this series. There are some predictable moments, but actual life has those moments too.

The characters are rich and developed. The characters arcs are wonderful.

This prequel to "Yellowstone" is even better than "Yellowstone".

I would love another season of 1883, but I doubt that will be possible; even if it was, it couldn't be as good.
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Less censored, which is nice
28 December 2022
Most nature documentaries are sanitized and don't show nature, realistically. This one does a lot better in showing how nature works.

They don't censor and cut out all the cannibalism and predation of prey.

It's a documentary that is much more accurate than what you see with Attenborough or something narrated by Freeman.

Gotta fill up 250 more characters for the review police that are doing an injustice to everyone, so blah blah, dah, da, and some more smores for people that like chocolate and marshmallows, and graham crackers. 63 characters left and this should do it in a bit, for a second. Done.
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Warrior Nun (2020–2022)
Suffering Lesbian Nun Warriors
22 November 2022
It's pretty fun. Not in the 70's sort way, but that's not entirely unfortunate.

Good visual effects. The acting is fine. The main character is short, but good looking enough.

No nudity, unfortunately, and the fight choreography is terrible most of the time.

However, the story paces along quite well. There are laughable moments that the title might suggest, but there are genuine, serious and fun moments too.

They didn't try too hard to be silly or try to hard to be serious.

I think it works. If you can accept the actual title, then you know what you are getting into, and I think you'll enjoy it.
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I couldn't stop watching
11 November 2022
It is a more authentic view, I think. The cameras are on and everybody knows it, but it doesn't have the reality TV vibe until the second half.

It's nice to see politicians and government folks actually put food in their mouths, with forks and stuff. It was also nice to see Trump in a sit-down scenario instead of the usual, rally venue.

Was anything exposed or is there any new information? Not really.

What makes it interesting is the style of it. It's clearly, heavily edited, but still an interesting watch, if you are interested in the real life of politicians and the sycophants who follow them.

Sweet; I hit that absurd, character limit. Feel free to just read the first two paragraphs.
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I Am a Killer: A Bad Day (2022)
Season 3, Episode 6
Best episode
6 October 2022
The reason that this is the best episode is that this is the only guy that I think should be released. Not because he isn't guilty, or not because he isn't a career criminal or con artist; it's because I don't see him as a threat that will kill again, today.

He should have been executed, decades ago, but because of one Governor's mistake, the taxpayers have been paying to keep him alive, all these years.

Wasted money.

Either execute him or release him. There is no reason to keep him locked up.

Blah, blah, gotta hit the quota. Wouldn't it be nice if the quota didn't exist, cause it's bad. Life.
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Great music and great story
2 September 2022
It didn't come off as an "American Black story" where they cast more black people than equitable demographics in America, even though that is what they did in the film. It seemed like a genuine story.

The acting is superb, the story is simplistic but it is told amazingly well.

The Masterpiece music video is one of the sexiest music videos that I've ever seen, and the song for it, though formulaic, is great as well. The Blackbird song is great, too, and one of the best moments in the film.

If you haven't seen this film back in 2014, it's a completely hidden gem. The female lead (good luck spelling or pronouncing her name) proved her talent and made her career with this movie.

One of the best films I've ever seen, and if you read my reviews, I don't say that lightly.
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First 14 min were ok
2 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The opening narration was nice. I thought, cool, this might not be a cliched, Hollywood, woman tyranny show, but then it was.

Man elves are wusses and young, and Galadriel is the strongest, mightiest warrior and dispatches a snow troll with ease as she disgustedly looks upon the male warriors who decide that she can carry the weight of the world, alone, on her shoulders, while they give up.

It's pretty gross, but the special effects are nice and it makes a good show to fall asleep to.

The storyline would be interesting, cause it seems to be a prequel to Lord of the Rings. Unfortunately, it's a boring diatribe on woman power, in exactly the place where it's the most ridiculous.

I kind of expected to be bad when they put a little elf girl in a sheer nightgown, being bullied by other elf girls and boys for her paper boat. It gets an extra star for allowing Galadriel to stay a girl and not a fat, black man pretending to be a woman.

When dealing with Hollywood, you gotta take the wins when you can get them.
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