
114 Reviews
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Love Rat (2024– )
15 March 2024
Words really do fail me as I attempt to review this so called drama. This has surely got to be Channel 5's worst dramatic offering to date, and thats saying something as there have been a few others this past year or so.

What can I say about this one ? Was it written by school children for a project or something ? Its so badly written, and so predictable. I knew what was going to happen from the first scenes when she hooked up with her love interest.. Sally Linday's character must be so dim witted not to realise that as soon as her new love interest started talking about money, that there may be a scam brewing. In this day and age I thought she would be more aware of these situations.

After handing over the money, and then realising she had been scammed, this just descended into complete farce.

I would like to write a longer review but I gave up 10 minutes into the third episode as I couldnt take any more of what was complete rubbish....
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Unbelievable rubbish.
1 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
There was a good drama waiting to be unleashed here......unfortunately it was just so incredibly far fetched it became more of a comedy than a drama. Unbelievable situations, just stuff that wouldnt happen in real life. I was going to give up after 2 episodes but i decided just to see it through and i wish i hadnt. The final episode was so ludicrous, as if we were meant to believe situations like that could even happen.

The police force was made up of incompetent officers, like something out of Hot Fuzz. As the final episode came to a close it was all wrapped up so quickly. The police had lost interest in a murder and stolen goods. And life carried on as normal. The end credits rolled and I realised I had lost 3 hours of my life that i will never get back again.
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The Reckoning (2023)
12 October 2023
This drama, prior to its release, had received a fair amount of negative feeling, many commenting it should never have been made, and let the past stay in the past. Many said they found it hypocritical of the BBC to be producing this when, some say, they "enabled" Saville . This fact a BBC partnership with ITV Studios.

We all know the horrific story. This is told very much through the eyes of some of his victims. It's a story that needs to be told again and again, so that such crimes will never happen again.

Steve chillingly brilliant as Saville. Sometimes I thought i was watching the real thing, which is testimony to the powerful performance Coogan gives.

This is a bleak 4 hours of viewing . It is very upsetting. But it has been tastefully done. It's not a drama to be "enjoyed" but to learn lessons from.
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Boiling Point (2023– )
2 October 2023
This had me gripped from the very first scene. Fast moving, sometimes at a manic pace, this was partly shot on a hand held camera which gave a feel of the insane pace this drama moved along at.

There were some outstanding performances from a stellar cast, with the star of them all, Stephen Graham, making brief appearances as he is slowly introduced into the series after his dramatic exit in the prequel movie, which this series is based on.

I found no fault in this production. It is a masterpiece of film making and acting at its best. The good thing is there are more episodes to follow and I look forward to watching them all.
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It Was All Going So Well Until That Final Episode.
26 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After producing many poor dramas recently, I was a bit dubious regards this latest offering from Channel 5.

However, it was a welcome change when episode one opened with some pretty decent characters and a good storyline that held my attention.

A few twists and turns in those opening 3 episodes, where it was anyone's guess who was the culprit behind the deaths in the story.

The final episode, however, was a huge let down. It became ridiculous as if the script writers had run out of ideas and wanted it wrapped up quickly. The very final scene, at a point where we wanted proper answers to some of the recent events, just ended so abruptly, and the end credits rolled. It was a very unsatisfying end to what had the potential to be a very decent drama.
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Blindspot (2023– )
7 July 2023
This has to be the worst "drama" that Channel 5 has produced, and that is saying something as they have come up with some real dross in the past. But this one takes mediocrity to a whole new level.

Firstly, the main character, in the wheelchair, is compktely unlikeable and extremely irriitating. Ross Kemp plods his way through this, and i would have expected better from him than to appear in such a poor production The plot is full of holes particularly the first episode where the police refuse to search the bins for a possible would have taken them minutes to do that, but they point blank refuse to. Would that really happen ?

The main character is not only obnoxious, but she cant act. It got to the stage i was rooting for the masked killer to kill her off. And that villain was just laughable, I couldnt take it seriously.

In conclusion - absolute dross.
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Crossfire (2022)
Three Hours Of My Life Lost Forever.
24 September 2022
This was desperately poor. Such a suprise given the high quality of the cast involved. I am suprised an an actress of the calibre of Keeley Hawes involved herself in this production.

I watched the first episode which wasnt long in unleashing the bloodshed before we knew anything about the main characters. This was told in flashbacks in between them running around a hotel aimlessly.

The firstepisode was so poor I decided to watch the second thinking this could only get didn't. By now the guests were being picked off one by one with no signs of any help from the police/military etc......In reality this would not happen.

Personal stories of the characters infidelities, marital cheating,were flashbacks throughout, none oft he stories particularly interesting as I wasnt emotionally invested enough in characters I didnt really care about.

To cut a long story short, this was rotten, another disaster f rom the BBC. It's 3 hours of my life wasted watching it.
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Elvis (2022)
Fabulous Tribute To The Life Of An Icon
1 August 2022
As a lifelong Elvis fan, I am very hard to please when it comes to movies or documentaries relating to his life. So many have disappointed. So, naturally, I was a bit dubious regards this latest offering. Would it finally do justice to the life of Elvis ? Would it have some substance unlike other poorly researched movies that did not tell Elvis's story properly.?

I need not have worried. This Baz Luhmann effort ticks all the right boxes and its obvious from the very beginning that a lot of thought had gone into this production unlike previous movies.

Austin Butler as Elvis is quite simply outstanding. Having researched his role for years, you could see his hard work finally pay off on screen as he brought Elvis to life in such a spine-tingling manner. He is worthy of at least an Oscar nomination, though my feeling is he should win it. He is fully deserving of the recognition. Elvis himself would be proud of his portrayal, Iam sure of it.

The movie is electric, the sounds, the colours, everything is vibrant such was Elvis's personality, one that made him God-like to many of his fans.

In conclusion, this is a fabulous tribute to Elvis. One to see again and again, and enjoy the Legacy Elvis left the world.
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You (2018–2024)
Darkly Entertaining.
25 July 2022
After hearing so many good reviews of this, i decided to watch the first episode of Season One. I ended up binge watching all 10 episodes over 3 nights. Its very dark and entertaining, very like another show i love - Killing Eve - its written in the same vein. The show is not for the faint hearted, with its violent scenes, a few sex scenes thrown in too.....but it has many moments of humour too.

Subsequent seasons 2 and 3.....carried on in the same manner, as our anti-hero goes from one killing situation to another, all in the name of his version of "love".

All seasons are incredibly well written with top notch acting. Looking forward to Season 4.
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The Limit Of (2018)
A Slow Burner For Insomniacs
24 July 2022
This is 90 minutes of my life I will never get back again. Stylishly made on a low budget, but there is little script, just a tediously slow film of very few words, strained looks and pregnant pauses.

Nothing much happens in what is a tedious and utterly depressing film that may send insomniacs into a deep sleep.

One to avoid.
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Man vs. Bee (2022)
A Rowan Atkinson Masterclass
4 July 2022
I have always been a huge fan of Rowan Atkinson. From Blackadder to Mr Bean To Johnny English, he rarely disappoints. Here he is very Mr Bean-esque. Albeit an older version, creating mishap and chaos with everything he does.

This is incredibly funny so well executed. It's a nonsense of a storyline of course, but if you are prepared to suspend reality for the duration, and appreciate a comedy genius at work, you'll love it !
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In My Skin (2018– )
Magnificent !
18 May 2022
There are no words that can do this justice. Never have i been so blown away by a drama. I laughed and I cried. Beautifully acted by all. This was a very uplifiting and moving experience.
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Don't Waste Your Time.
5 May 2022
Welll, that is 90 minutes of my life I wont get back. Nonsense plot, badly acted, the only plus being the Croatian scenery. Every character was so wooden and each scene was so contrived it became embarrassing to watch. It was similar to an average Lifetime movie except set in Croatia. Poor all round.
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Killing Eve (2018– )
Seasons 1, 2 and 3 Excellent.......But Season 4 Dreadful.
13 April 2022
Season 4 should never have been made. Truly dreadful. Seasons 1 and 2 were works of art, Season 3 was passable but there it should have stopped. If you're going to have a season 4 , at least bring in decent writers. If this was the final season then Phoebe Waller Bridge should have been recruited again to ensure this series went out with a decent storyline and a more satisfying ending to a series we'd emotionally invested in for 4 years. Complete anti-climax. So disappointed.
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A Horror Story not told properly.
9 April 2022
The Jimmy Savile story is horrific , complex, and was needing told properly, an in depth study of what made this man the way he was. It needed an insight into his many victims,their stories and how lives were ruined.

Unfortunately this latest documentary offered nothing new. The same stuff wehave seen many times. It was slow paced and never really got its teeth properly into why Jimmy Savile did what he did. What were his early days like, as a child, his upbringing ? It was briefly mentioned but never elaborated on. Instead we get the same story thats been told many times before in similar documentaries.

It had its interesting moments, but overall this documentary was a disappointing anti-climax after all hype from Netflix.
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Eye Opening
17 March 2022
I don't think I will be buying again from certain online shopping companies , after watching this heartbreaking short film.

It's eye opening seeing how some of the workers are treated in a quest to keep the "picking numbers" high. Its shocking that this treatment of workers happens in modern society. Fabulously acted by all concerned. .
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The Holiday (2021)
4 March 2022
Just when I thought Channel 5 couldn't come up with anything worse than one of their previous efforts, The Drowning, this latest offering proves to be even more abysmal.

Filled with very unlikeable characters, and a plot that is as slow as a snail, it became an unbearable watch. I jumped ship halfway through the second episode. I just didnt care what happened to these characters, none of whom had any redeeming qualities. As a result i wasnt emotionally invested enough to watch this any further.
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Traces (2019–2022)
Decent Story but could have been better.
23 February 2022
This was actually a very decent story. However, I just don't think Molly Windsor can act. She is very wooden, so much so it became impossible to finish season two, her acting was so woeful.
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Chloe (2022)
Original Drama
9 February 2022
At last a reasonably decent drama. It's far from the best I have seen but it's still good viewing that requires a bit of thought to figure out what exactly is going on. Sometimes it can be a bit confusing, but it falls into place if you follow each scene closely. It may not be to everyone's taste, but i enjoyed it for it's originality.
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The Teacher (2022–2024)
Good story.
9 February 2022
Sheridan Smith is an outstanding actress. She can take on any role. In this drama she made the best of what was, essentially, a very poor script with many flaws.. However I found it to be watchable if only for her excellent performance.
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Boiling Point (I) (2021)
Remarkable !
30 January 2022
A single shot movie is an amazing achievement. I cant imagine the amount of thought and hard work that went into making this happen. Every scene pulls in the audience as they are taken from one scene to another by the camera. The actors here are at the top of their game and you would expect no less than a stellar perormance from Stephen Graham. This is is movie making at its very best.
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The Responder (2022– )
Compelling Viewing
30 January 2022
Outstanding series that I binge watched in one evening. It is seriously good in every respect. A gritty storyline, very depressing but so true to life. The acting was top notch. Hopeully there will be a second season.
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Angel of Death (2020– )
Excellent drama
15 January 2022
Don't let the fact that this is a foreign language film put you off. With subtitles this is easy to follow. Its a superb well paced drama, good character development with a very sinister and creepy male lead that keeps things moving along. Excellent production on all levels.
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Four Lives (2022)
12 January 2022
Excellent drama with Stephen Merchant and Sheridan Smith giving top notch performances. Merchant was especially chilling. Very scary. Sheridan Smith, is one of the finest actresses of modern times and it showed here.

The police were completely inept throughout the investigation and this drama highlighted that perfectly. A fine production all round.
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Anne (2022)
Absolutely Outstanding
6 January 2022
This was a heartbreaking watch. It was television drama at its very finest on every level. The story of Hillsborough has been told many times, but this drama took it to a new level. The pin-point attention to detail and the acting was of the highest calibre. One of ITV's finest productions in recent memory. They have done Anne Williams and the victims of Hillsborough proud.
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