
2 Reviews
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awful 2nd rate version of Mama Mia
26 September 2021
Some of the singing in Mama Mia was pretty bad, i mean i love Abba but i do not ever want to hear Meryl Streep or Pierce Brosnan singing their songs again, but the storyline, acting & scenery did somewhat make up for it. This movie seems to be pretty much a shameless cash in on the Mama Mia trend except with 80's music sung really badly 7 no Hollywood stars in it. If you're desperate for some brainless filler go ahead & watch, otherwise give this a big miss. (disclaimer, i could only stand watching about 3/4 hr of this so to be fair maybe it improved later)
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Better than i expected, great little Aussie movie.
1 July 2006
Despite the rather sleazy looking cover (on the Aussie edition a pair of big juicy lips on the front cover & the back has a nudie still), no doubt designed to grab people's attention at the video store, this movie is not all titillation as one might expect (although if you want some nudity, there's enough here to keep you watching). Once you get into the story it proves to be a tense psychological drama that leaves you waiting to see what happens at the end. Tells the story of Candy, a working girl in a brothel in Sydney's Kings Cross who falls in love with one of her clients, the mysterious Reg & the problems this creates for both of them.

For a 20 yr old film it holds up very well & doesn't seem to have that dated overly clichéd quality that many similar Aussie movies from the 80's have that kinda make us want to cringe. Performances by the two leads are very good & a shame both didn't go onto bigger & better careers. The only real problem i have with this movie is it didn't really explain the ending, its like there was a big build up then your left thinking 'why?' Perhaps this was intentional so as to make the viewer come to their own conclusions, or perhaps its lazy film making, i haven't made up my mind on that one. Anyway if you can get it on video or catch it on late night TV then def worth a viewing.
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