
12 Reviews
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The Acolyte (2024– )
Too much hate for too little of episodes
7 June 2024
What really disappoints me about the reception of The Acolyte is that it just goes to show that Star Wars fans can't give anything new a chance. Finally a show that doesn't focus on the Skywalker era, with all new characters in a completely different historical period in Star Wars History. The fact that just after 2 episodes setting up the story that the show has bombed in ratings is extremely dissapointing. After years of shows like The Book of Boba Fett, and The Bad Batch you have to give props for the Acolyte for trying to tell something original in a franchise that has been delving up old ideas for years at this point. Quite frankly, after 2 episodes the criticism is not deserved. The story has barely had anytime to get off the ground, and Star Wars fans should be more perceptive to being shown new stories.
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Community: Advanced Criminal Law (2009)
Season 1, Episode 5
Basic but still good
2 August 2020
The episode "Advanced Criminal Law" doesn't capitalize on the greatness of Community's last 2 episodes, instead being a funny, but pretty normal and basic episode of Community.
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Pokémon: Pippi to Tsuki no Ishi (1997)
Season 1, Episode 6
17 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Still don't think the show runners still have exactly figured out how to handle Team Rocket, as they come off very annoying in this episode. However, Brock makes his first appearance as part of the gang and does not disappoint. He is charming, makes Pokémon food, and eventually stops Team Rocket with his Onix to get the moon stone back! Also, Emerson was a great side character as a scientist that can also rhyme. The Clefairy part of this episode with the moon stone added a lot of lore into the ever growing world of Pokémon for the viewer to see. Overall, solid episode!
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Pokémon: Nibi Gym Battle! (1997)
Season 1, Episode 5
Sweet Episode, Disappointing Gym Battle
15 March 2020
For those expecting an all out gym battle, I'm sorry to disappoint you, Ash's first battle is pretty uneventful. What is great about this episode is being introduced to the character Brock and seeing his family dynamic play out on screen.
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Pokémon: Samurai shonen no chouse nichi! (1997)
Season 1, Episode 4
A stepping stone for Ash
12 March 2020
Filler, if not GREAT filler. Ash is able to grow and develop as a trainer, and that's what I like most about this episode. When Metapod is stolen away by the Beedrill, the Samurai bashes Ash for being an irresponsible trainer. So, then Ash learns his lesson and goes to save his Pokémon. All in parts, this is another great episode, my only problem is team rocket comes off a little too goofy. Still, great episode, and love the ending!!!!
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Pokémon: Pokemon getto da ze! (1997)
Season 1, Episode 3
It's The Little Moments that make this episode great
6 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Feels like filler compared to the first 2 episodes but there is so much to appreciate in this episode. First, the expansion of the relationship between Ash and Misty. We are able to figure out why Misty is following Ash(she clearly likes him) and that she admires Ash's love for Pokémon. I also love that once Ash catches Caterpie, the character he becomes. Caterpie is adorable and proves himself to Ash and everyone around him by defeating Team Rocket.
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Pokémon: Tai ketsu! Pokemon senta! (1997)
Season 1, Episode 2
Solid Continuation
1 March 2020
The Pilot of Pokémon I regard as one of the best cartoon pilots of all time, for its excitement, emotional value, and tenseness. The second episode of Pokémon was a nice introduction to the villains of the show, Jesse and James, and is able to show Ash's and Pikachus ever-growing bond. We were also given a brief introduction to Misty, Officer Jenny, and Nurse Joy. Overall, nice sweet simple episode that does a good job of setting up the world of Pokémon.
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Halloween (I) (2018)
A Great Continuation of the first film
22 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Halloween features the same vibrant energy level of John Carpenters original, featuring a score that will bring you back to Halloween night of 1978. Jermey Lee Cutis also gives a great preformance as Laurie Strode. The film lacks however, in foucusing more on the teenagers school dance instead of the character that we acually care about Laurie. I found the teens annoying, and just a waste of screen time so Michael could get some more kills. When the final fight does come down however, it's very intense between Michael and Laurie. After the fight, the film gives a typical horror cash cow ending, so yeah there is definitely a sequel :( At the end of the day though, Halloween may suffer from it's annoying minor characters, but it excels in bringing closure to the 40 year story of Michael and Laurie Strode.
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Fun Action Flick
12 August 2018
Probably the most 2000s movie I've ever seen. From the way too digital look, to the heavy metal music, to those great slow-mo shots that we all love, Fast and Furious Tokyo Drift might be so bad that it's good.
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The Meg (2018)
Falling into Normallity
12 August 2018
The Meg is well... kinda what I expected. It's another cheesy shark movie that ends up being another forgettable CGI fest. It totally embraces that it's a cheesy shark movie and that's it's greatest strength. My biggest flaw though would probably be that it doesn't really do anything new with this huge shark and it isn't wild enough. It doesn't feel like this massive shark is acually there, and it ends up feeling like Jason Stratum is going against a regular old shark. Overall, The Meg may not go down as one of the great shark movies, but it passes as a normal shark movie.
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22 April 2018
An Absolutely acurate and funny short film that should have you laughing the whole way through.
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Fantastically Incredible
22 April 2018
On my fifth watch, Fantastic Mr.Fox is fast paced, colorful, and an absolute delight all around. This remains one of my favorite films of all time.
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