
12 Reviews
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Split (IX) (2016)
Bad overacting
29 August 2018
I love James but he was totally over-acting and doing the sterotypical crazy-man routine and funny faces like what you would expect crazy people would do (which they actually don't). Ending is predictable. The bad acting really killed it for me.
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Lady Bird (2017)
Typical adolescent story
29 August 2018
Your usual teenage daily life. Good acting by the mother, but otherwise nothing to see that you haven't already lived through. Fighting with parents, ditching plain best friend for popular girl to get the popular boy, can't even remember the rest. Yawn.
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29 August 2018
A girl and her dog. Eye-opener on the hardships of being homeless.
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Tulip Fever (2017)
Descends into farce
29 August 2018
As with everything with Alicia Vikander, it is watchable but not outstanding.
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The Condo (2015)
Give this a miss
29 August 2018
The acting, lame lines, lighting and props are as fake as in porn movies, the women all have fish lips and plastic grapefruits, but there is no sex to justify sitting through all that.
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Breathe In (2013)
29 August 2018
Student goes after married teacher. Teacher feels flatter and goes with student. Not much to watch, really.
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Worst movie I have ever seen
29 August 2018
Boy meets stranger in cafe. Boy fantasises about sleeping with her, her moving in with him, her rearranging his stuff, him meeting her parents, fighting with her parents. After each daydream, we find that he is really still in the cafe, he was just fantasising. After 19 minutes, I was brain dead. That is 19 minutes of my life I will never get back.
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4 August 2018
The story is implausible, as you know all fictional survival stories must be. And yet we could put up with the unbelivability of it all if the actors were good to watch, but no, there is very little chemistry between them. It was just watching two actors saying their lines, trying to get it over with. The sex scene was wooden and cringey. I can't help thinking if Michael Fassbender took the role (as he was the first choice), this might have turned out better. Idris Elba couldn't melt butter and Kate Winslet didn't want to be there. The best actor was the dog. (Why is he listed at the bottom of the cast??) Reason to watch this? Not if there is something better.
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Not much of a story
31 July 2018
Boy meets girl, fall in love, go their separate ways, boy pines for girl, the end. Beautiful art but not much of a story here.
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Christian propaganda
24 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
After watching this propaganda, I have come to realise that atheists are not people who don't believe in the existence of God, it just means people who don't believe in the Christian version of God. There was a Muslim girl in the movie, so I thought there was going to be an exploration of various beliefs, but nope. I watched this movie to see what arguments could be given to convince others of the existence of God, like perhaps personal experience or divine daily guidance, but nope, it was a lot of quoting of Darwin, Stephen Hawking and other scientists and philosophers, as if thinking and doing mathematics in itself constitutes proof. Anyway, this movie does not encourage one to think or to question. When you get to the end, you realise this was one big preachfest, where the whole class of atheists suddenly believe in God and "accepts Jesus", not because they had an experience or communication with God or Jesus, but just because one student said so. I can't even remember what he said, I fell asleep so many times.

Comedic moments: A Muslim girl covers her face, but the moment she steps out of the car, she is dressed in tight, figure-hugging clothes. LOL! Then there was the Chinese international student who phones home to his father. The son speaks Cantonese while the father speaks a heavily-accented Mandarin (obviously from two regions very far apart). The producers can't even be arsed to find out what people of other religions and cultures wear and speak, they are just hell-bent on getting to the final Christian worship/concert. Well, that was a complete waste of time.
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A Gem of a Movie!
22 July 2018
What a lovely gem of a movie! The beautiful scenery and architecture of Jaipur alone makes it worth watching. Interesting story and excellent acting as well. I've watched it 3 times already. The only thing I didn't like was the Indian lad (actually British) who over-acted and was quite unbelievable and annoyingly unfunny. The rest of the cast were simply superb. I intend to watch it a few more times. Love love love this little gem!
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Submergence (2017)
2 hours of my life gone
22 July 2018
This movie would've been better named "Pining". Boy meets girl, fall into bed. After 40 minutes, both go their separate ways and for the next hour, pine for each other. The end. I fell asleep 3 times. I watched this because I love James McAvoy, but Christ, he must've been hard up to accept this crud.
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