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The Fall Guy (2024)
Welcome to the 21st century cinema
26 May 2024
Great action. Zero substance. Second grade screenplay.

Gosling is a great star, deservedly. But I wish Blunt was a real part of the film. She is the actir of the cast. Then again, there wouldn't be much for her to do. She probably had some fun.

Stuntmen should and will be happy with this tribute, "their" scenes are creative and well done. But they are not dumb. The other 110 minutes should have brain-appeal. Clearly the director set up a moviethat is so in love with itself. Like I said, welcome to the 21st century cinema.

At least there is a funny dog. Kind of a must these days. Will become an Oscar category before stuntmen.?

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Hooligan (1985 TV Movie)
Time of production is a real asset
24 August 2023
I've seen a few productions about hooliganism, but this documentary has the advantage of being produced in 1985, right in the eye of the storm. The final minutes in fact are dedicated to the tragedy in Brussels and "what happens next?".

The camera follows the groups closely, and the interviews add value. Obviously some of the footage is dated, in 2023. But the motivations are explored, as much as the profile of the hooligans. Main group is from West Ham, but there are "lowlights" from fans of different clubs. Experts discuss the phenomenum from a sociology point of view.

Those interested in football or group behaviour should definitely go for it.
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The Diplomat (II) (2023– )
As usual, 3 hours of solid entertainment spread out in 8.
6 May 2023
I ask myself why I keep trying these streaming miniseries. I'm really into politics, foreign affairs. And Keri Russell became a good and interesting actress. All is going for it, and it starts pretty well. Two very good episodes, some interesting charactersn and a mysterious terrorist attack (how this works well on tv or film...)

As the episodes go by, my interest is dwindling and by #5 I don't care about anyone anymore. It just drags, drifts away. Side plots are uninteresting, everyone is trying hard to make it last for 8 - maybe 10 - episodes. Could have been such a thrilling, slim 3-hour film or miniseries.

The part I don't get is how in a world where everyone is in a hurry, moving from one thing to the other, checking phones, minimal attention spam (at all ages), they are OK with entertainmeWay being extended into 10-12 hours...

So many movies or tv deserve attention for 3, 4 hours, they are fantastic. Marvel or streaming series are not them, in any way. You can marathon, but make sure the Gatorade you get after the finish line is the real deal. On the Diplomat, you'll need a refill around the 3rd-4th hour;
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After Hitler (2016 TV Special)
Sensational footage
17 January 2023
Assuming one got here has specific interest in WWII and what surrounds it.

This TV documentary (I found it in two parts of 45 min) brings images that made me stop to check if they were real or reenactments. Soon it becomes's all real. Not shocking images (just a few), but life in Germany and a few other places in Europe after the end.

How was it to reconstruct? How many children were parent-less? What happened to collaborators? Social changes/imrovements that only happened because there was a war.

Structure and narration anre pretty standard. They are there just to connect the original and colorized footage from different sources. They are the stars.

The only thing I miss was more info on where each part comes from, from when. A Reference. But that wouldn't be really cinematic. So, it's just about enjoying in awe.
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The usual Netflix storytelling
20 November 2022
I'll just say it's incredible how NETFLIX picks up great stories, interesting subjects and presents us in 4 hours, 6-8-10 episodes. With people simply speaking and telling how something was. You are never sharing the excitement with them, you're getting bla-bla. Nothing relevant is seen, tasted. Reenactments are even worse.

Netflix would be great producing podcasts. IN this case, a 15-minute audio piece would suffice. It's a great story, but it doesn't mean it gets better because it's longer. That's a Netflix must - it treats lenght almost as Marvel movies.

I can only imagine people watching this in the ad-version.
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One man, one camera, one background, many stories
22 January 2022
This is simply famous Brazilian musician Caetano Veloso telling stories about when he was arrested by the right-wing dictatorship in Brazil (after 1968).

"Nothing happens", it's him speaking and storytelling.

I am not a particular Caetano fan, unlike most Brazilians, but the documentary pleased me a good deal. How sincere and loose the conversation can get. The director was aiming at intimacy, and hits the nail. So, if you are interested in knowing how his mind was, prison conditions, how he connected to humanity in a solitaire, an intelligent mind connecting memories and emotions, it's definitely a hit.

Obviously, if you expect Caetano singing, or sharing nice memories - (or even talking politics - you'll probably find your target somewhere else.

It's not the purpose of the film, but maybe some archival footage could complement the stories well. I totally understand and like the angle taken, though.
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Resistance (2019)
Naive, low budget but covers relevant territory
22 January 2022
In terms of cinema, this is clearly agenda-driven. More important than define a political context, the goal is to point the righteous side pre-Military Coup (Brazil, 1964). Which may be the "right" side indeed, but the heavy hand doctrine is painful.

In fact, Latin American cinema can be the first one to accuse American films of being too simplistic with rights and wrongs, but this is a 'westerner" aiming at show you *the truth* on a platter

Nevertheless, the history chapter from the film is extremely interesting, underrated and rare to find anywhere else outside history books. If you manage some modern Brazilian history, it will relevant. Otherwise, frankly, skip it. You'll be lost between Jangos, Janios, Brizolas and a lot of ideology.
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Two different films - I was into one of them
16 December 2021
It depends on what you expect from the title, which could be seen as a bit misleading. I was jumping up and down in the first 30 min, with the history of movie posters, great examples, the artists who were big. How illustrations were great, but lost space. I thought they would go then into the bad models that generate 300 similar posters nowadays...but then it drifted away.

The so-called "second movie" is about illustrations and artistry. Models created as an alternative to the official posters, and how there is a market and a community around these models. It's certainly a good topic, full of art and value, but not connected to what I expected. Probably better posters than the original, art, but...another thing. It becomes "a movie about posters that could be *the* movie posters (but aren't)".

I just don't think it ended the discussion of how the industry has dealt with posters. That was just a great introduction to bring the alternate world as the main course. If you are into it, you should really this doc.
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Encantado (2018)
"Esse não é"
21 October 2021
It is a very interesting subject, Brazil's economic and political development, forwards and backwards, through different types of democratic governments. There is the end of the inflation dragon, privatizations, social inclusion, social programs, excessive polarization, the people discovering the power of the streets. Reelections, impeachment, populists, corruption, World Cup and Olympics hosted in suspicious ways. There are rights and wrongs by everyone who took power and gave hope to Brazilians, using different scopes.

This one is not it. It's a biased vanity and personal effort missing the big picture. Those who like an introspective view, might like it. They will probably end up without.a smart notion of all the nuances Brazil had this century.

We keep hoping that someone without a specific political agenda tries to tackle this interesting scenario.
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Nice piece of history
29 September 2021
Soccer Stories series inside ESPN 30 for 30 are as good as the main episodies. Length is perfect for this theme, the Jules Rimet tropjy. There could be a bit more about its final elisode in Brazil. It's too good of a story. As a fan of both footballs ,I say this episode proves Rimet beats the Lombardi trophy in charm and history.
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A murder tale in two halves
24 September 2021
This is one of the two films released simultaneously about the most famus of the Brazilian crimes, in which university student Suzane killed her parents with her boyfriend and his brother. The exact participation is exactly why we have two films. One with her own version, and other with her boyfriend's.

This will only appeal to Brazilians, because of how famous the entire affair is. It is not particularly interesting as a crime, for fans of the genre. The film focuses on the events that led to it, not the act per se. Which is a good decision, people want to know how they were able to do such a brutal murder, without remorse.

The idea of two films is interesting, and though they are very similar (most scenes shot only once), the films should be seen in sequence (the order doesn't matter). They are short, under 90 minutes each.

Acting is surprisingly OK, I believe most people expected an exploitation spectacle. It has a lot more dignity than that. Nothing fantastic, but it will be enough for the millions who are curious to understand what is not understandable. I would have liked to see more of the crime, the lack of images leaves a lukewarm sensation. I dont like brutality at all, but you can only "feel" this whole story within a brutality scenario.
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My Son (I) (2021)
Half of the movie missing
22 September 2021
This has to be just the parts someone found and put together. There is no sense in the movie, 300 qustions and 6 answers. No suspense, no thrills, nothing. I won't even say "characters are underdeveloped", because really basic stuff is not taken care of. Expect characters would be a huge stretch.
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6 September 2021
This is fantastic. Nevermind any political aspect, it's not the proposition. You simply feel as if you were with Bush and the other authorities during that day. All the things one wondered back then about how, now you see how they took place.

It's about pictures, not videos. Intimate, amazing pictures. I never thought that level of revealing angle would ever surface. People who edited it will collect awards.

Again, it is possible who want to know more about how those sad events were dealt with by authorities. well documented forever. It is not about what is right or wrong.
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"We're not Brazil, we're N.Ireland!" - For Football fans
26 August 2021
As a Brazilian who loves America, I have to start saying American just don't get soccer/football movies. Understandable, baseball and american football ones also get lost in translation in Brazil. So, if you like football-soccer, rely less on American critics and fans. You may need an opinion that feels more like home.

I need to say right here, though: if you are not into football, there is little for you here (no need to finish this). Niche film. My rate is adapted to that, it is no masterpiece cinema.

I was happy to find a movie about the Irish campaign in 1986. They faced Brazil (the pinnacle of the film) and I followed every step of Pat Jennings, Bingham, Armstrong & co as a 13-year old. It was great to see again these lads on screen, learn about the dynamics and backstages of the squad - even if it's definitely not at all a documentary.

The bits about what is happening in Belfast are very satisfying to me. The family characters tell what was going on. They follow the light atmosphere of the movie. It is not about Trouble. It's about football, growing up, learning to be a fan of something (a sport, music, films etc). Dramatic comedy .

There are few things more interesting than the hunger for those used to frustration. A movie about Brazil or even Maradona wouldn't be as interesting. And without telling how it ends, I say the film does a good job of showing what Northern Ireland is - in football, at least, I must say.
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30 for 30: George Best: All by Himself (2016)
Season 3, Episode 20
ESPN 30 for 30 is the Best...but
9 August 2021
I love the sports documentaries of the ESPN series, they tend to be great, not just good. Here you great great images, goals, a serious account of his career. But I couldn't avoid being extremely irritating of so many excuses from the people interviewed, to justify his off-field very poor decisions.

"Oh it was the 60's..."; "Why wouldn't he drink, he had money!"; "He was just 19..."; His family didn't have the greatest of structure, the pressure is to great, people expect him to play well every week... yada yada. If you want to tell the story of a guy like Best, you have to tell it like it is, no concessions.

Maybe, just maybe, he was a bas***d off the field, maybe he had his demons, mental issues that nowadays are better understood, but it won't work well. I think there is an attempt to justify what you don't have to.

It's an objection to the angle taken here, it doesn't discredit the documentary, well produced and rich in material. Many might not be bothered by what bugged me, I can certainly see that.
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Boxing and Guilt: two halves
6 August 2021
People interested in boxing and in atoning will be equally attracted to it. I don't like to focus in subjective angles in reviews, but for this one I liked the story itself develop. The search for the truth. But I was not attracted to the part of the film connected to the guilt and atonement, the story beyond sports. This aspect is important, but I found it long and confused.

Overall, this could be a great 30 for 30 ESPN documentaries. At 90 minutes, it drags a bit. But again, if you like boxing or stories with people paying their dues, it works. Alert: a bit obvious, but if you think boxing is really savage due to its violence, you should really go for something else.
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So, who will like this? Who will not?
24 July 2021
Romantics certainly will. Especially women because it is a rare (and welcome) case of female characters leading the story. It is not really that original, I thought of The Notebook, An Affair to Remember and a few others. But romance is a genre not based in new, revolutionary, original ideas. So, it will please this audience.

Guys will have more of a tough time, for the genre, the way the characters act, and will often say "Oh, not another one jist like 300 others". It's a way of seeing it.

Older people will love it, this is not about young people and immature circumstances/decisions. This is also rare these days. The poster makes you think it is a "younger movie" - marketing.

I think it would be better if Woodley and Jones switched places. It is tough to see Felicity Jones as a real casual "airhead" person. I have the feeling they tried to avoid the obvious casting, and most times the obvious is better.

Great opportunity to see Ben Cross (Chariots of Fire) in a small role. He died in 2020.
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Who will like this?
22 July 2021
As usual, an attempt to define who should see this or not.

If you are interested in Latin American studies, but contemporary politics only, you have a good shot. Especially if yu are an Hugo Chavez fan. The director sits down with him and explores is populist side. If you are a left winger in politics, there will be plenty to backup your beliefs.

If you expect an overview of the US historic participation in anti-democratic governments in Latin America, like I did, you will be disappointed. Nothing about the big picture is well developed, and 50% of the duration is about Hugo Chavez. The title and summary is a misconception.

It does not try to create a debate, opening the angles of this subject. I'll call it propaganda, in my judgment, and there is plenty of better propaganda around. It's never ideal when a guy goes for a documentary already knowing where he will end up at, to prove his point.

* Apologies for the imperfect English.
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Who will like this one?
20 July 2021
As usual, not about my opinion.

People who can't deal with 9/11 content will not do well. It is pretty sad - difficult to think it would be otherwise. Tone is heavy all around. No point in exposing your mind.

Those who see in 9/11 and sad events the opportunity to be inspired, or feel better due to human valiant spirit, will be impressed. It is the story of a hero. Welles was clearly great, not fabricated stuff.

Those who want to have a better idea of how the plane attacks took place from an engineering point of view will also like. Best explanation I've seen about floors, impact, chances of survival, stairs etc. You will understand what happened inside the towers.

Only reservation - and this is subjective. Less about the film, that simply shows it, but about life. The hero was selfless, humble, hard working, efficient. I tend to think he would like to be remembered and praised in a lower profile than all we see in the end. Not that he doesn't deserve it, but an act (or storytelling) speaks more than what is created circling heroism.

* Apologies for imperfect English.
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TWA Flight 800 (2013 TV Movie)
Conspiracy Theory
20 July 2021
The fascinating thing is not the theory - with cherry picked information - but how conspiracy theory films always have lots of people rating (watching) and high grades. Conspiracy fans are into things more than average viewers. So, depending where you are in this scale, you'll enjoy it or not.
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Who'll like this?
19 July 2021
I do think you need to have some interest in football to appreciate it fully. Not too much, but some World Cup perspective. I do, and I loved it. I already knew the North Korean campaign in England, but there is plenty of surprises and discoveries for sports fanatics.

The images from N. Korea themselves, and the interviews with the survivors, are absolutely impressive and well placed. Images from 1966 also more than I could expect. If your interest is Korea as a country, it will also add good value. But it is really a gem, a first class goals for international football fans. It carries what World Cups are about, credit to the filmmaker.

* Apologies for imperfect English.
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There is some merit here, but it's not for everyone
8 July 2021
It is a bit of a cold crime at this point, this would have benefited from earlier release. It is also a case without a lot of mystery, everyone knows what happens (the doc also tells you in 10 minutes). So, it has to be about how the story is told, how much inside information the show can bring.

As most of the Netflix series, this is longer than it should. Episodes are not that dense. But it's still within "OK". The main merit I found - and this is not to be taken for granted in crime series - is how it manages to involve absolutely everyone. Elize, the killer, obviously, now and then. Police sheriff who investigated. Victim's family. Elize's family. Prosecutor. Lawyers for the defense. Significant press members who were covering it at the time. Fomer school colleagues who had relations with the couple. You do get everyone's opinion and insights. Good editing in this aspect.

It shows victimization and lots of fingers pointed. If you hear the killer, there will be victimization, for granted. It is part of what will incluence viewer's opinion. Documentary lacks brilliance or new evidence. It is for those who followed the case then. If you are all new to it, lack perspective, it might look flat.
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Well made waste of time
3 February 2021
I am Brazilian, and it took me 12 minutes, actually, to realize the "documentary" is a well made propaganda piece conceived to clean the Serbs role during the post 1980s period. Nice skills. He might have been a liiiiitle too far, to the point where anyone with 2nd grade level (in South America) will realize content just don't match with....anything real. Nice cameo by Joe Biden.
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Great theme, poor execution, wasted opportunity
2 January 2020
I was always fascinated by the theme, and it deserves treatment. But documentaries are not supposed to be propaganda, explore just one angle, reinforce its purpose for 90 minutes. Things I have NOT found here:

  • When/how was the policy created?
  • What happened to China's population and economy during its tennure?
  • Could the same reasoning have generated a better execution of a similar process? In a democratic country?
  • Any similar experiences to compare? Is population control in general important these days? Or did the China policy buried it?
  • Any idea of how China would be today with 8 billion people? The good. The bad.

I definitely 'learned' that life is important, killing babies is bad, totalitarian governments opressing the population is dirty, China has a gender equality problem (already agreed with all that) and...a few other obvious points. Not really bad, but short of one would I expect of a doc awarded at Sundance and shortlisted for the Oscars.
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Creative and Inexpensive: Russian-German frontier
27 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First, this is not a first rate award-worthy film, German cinema has been doing much richer productions. I didn't find it bad, though. Some of the actors are rookies, there is basically just one set, but the screenplay is intriguing.

Instead of the Battle of Stalingrad, the usual place for the Russian-German frontier on WWII, we get German soldiers in an Ucranian village that used to be German 200 years ago. Only woman and children live there at this point. They are well received, fraternize...all the women want is to survive. The young German are as decent as you could expect during wartime.

The film would be a short if this was it. Obviously, an episode triggers a whole different scenario, as we are reminded that it is war, and nothing good comes from it, even if people try to avoid the worst. The rest of the story makes no concessions. Women may be interested as this is a rare war movie in which they are a major part of the story.
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