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A 12-year old would write a better movie. I mean it.
8 August 2022
Not joking here. However, the writing of this movie is the real joke. Scenes just going on, one after another, without real connection. Cheap fanservice. Lame dialogues. The best way to conclude this awful Jurassic World trilogy.
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Does he think he's Maradona ?
26 July 2022
Mediocre documetnary for a mediocre player. I'm French but I'm sick of Pogba's behavior. He acts like he's a top player while he hasn't played a good match in 2 years. He should focus on the pitch, then.boast if he wants to.
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All style, zero substance
16 July 2022
You got what you deserve, for praising Thor Ragnarok. This movie was already a joke and you gave Taika Waititi carte blanche to butcher the fourth one.

I swear the movie can't spend 2mns without cracking a lame joke. Hey Taika, jokes are better when they're actually funny. It's 2022 and I can't believe we're still doing the "Yes you will - No I won't - Yes you will - No I won't" kind of joke, and expecting people to laugh at it.

The villain is ok but could have been better if properly developed, and the divinity theme with him.
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11 July 2022
Just like the whole Marvel phase 4 : bland, boring and uninspired.

I struggled to finish this one. Not even the bad fan service could save me from the multiverse of boredom.
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Morbius (2022)
Negative creativity
4 June 2022
Seriously, there's not a single shot or idea in this movie, that you haven't seen in another one.

  • Generic plot : check
  • Vilain that has the same powers as the protagonist, for the 1000th time : check
  • Bad CGI fight during the night : check
  • Teasing a never-happening sequel : check.
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How I Met Your Father (2022–2023)
14 May 2022
Seriously, in 2022, a TV show still needs a laugh track ?

Dialogues are awkward, unnatural, forced... I've never seen a more embarrassing show for decades.
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Moon Knight (2022)
Barely any moonknight in moonknight
5 May 2022
6 episodes and I couldn't make a summary. Don't know what happened, what or who i am supposed to like.

Painfully boring, as expected from a Marvel show.
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Uncharted (2022)
One of the most boring adventure film
25 April 2022
How can an adventure film be so boring and not entertaining ?

What a lack of ambition... A green screen festival with generic Marvel jokes.

Just compile all cutscenes of the Uncharted videogames, you'll have a better movie. By the way, the Uncharted games are already kinda playable movies. How can someone miss that ?
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Moonfall (2022)
One of the most stupid movies I've ever seen
19 April 2022
I can't believe talented script writers get ignored, yet stupid stories written by the 5-year old mind of Emmerich get greenlit.

This movie is beyond stupid. At least, with his previous movies, there was a little sense of danger, of thrill, of entertainment. Moonfall is just a stupid and boring.

Please Mr Emmerich, retire. I beg you....
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The Matrix awakens
10 January 2022
Laughably bad !

Relies heavily (by "heavily" I mean "only") on nostalgia. Builds nothing. Tells nothing. Totally useless movie.

When will they stop producing this kind of cashgrab ?
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Prometheus school of science
29 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First episode was intriguing enough, even though a global draught on Earth is hard to believe.

They go to the moon, and then the show become a 4th grade science fanfiction.

Moon walking was unrealistic... Artificial gravity on a ground base ? Ok... Molecules multiplying from nowhere, because who cares about physics ?

Green plants growing without sun... And the best one : crew removing their helmets in a zone where people died mysteriously. Prometheuse school of space exploration, 101.

Nothing to say about the acting. I little bit overacted, as expected from a K-drama.

If you liked Squid game, or if you like sci-fi, skip this one.
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I stopped after 1 hour
15 November 2021
I liked that they wanted to do something different than the usual MCU brainless flicks. But come on ! You know why these movies make a ton of money ? Because, as badly written as they are, at least they're entertaining. Entertainment, people ! That's what they forgot in the Green knight. Everything is so sloooow and boring. Movies are stories first, not artsy navel-gazing. People have to be entertained.
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Foundation: Barbarians at the Gate (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
That's where i stopped watching
17 October 2021
Ep 1 was promising, then it went downhill from there. Every episode was more boring than the previous one. I can't take it anymore. The show goes nowhere and I don't care about any of the characters.
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10 October 2021
Usually, MCU movies are forgotten as soon as I exit the theater. This one is much more emotional and serious. Some flaws, but entertaining and engaging.
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Surprisingly good
10 October 2021
Pokémon movies are usually boring or annoying. This one is surprisingly well paced.

Well, the ideas are obviously taken from Tarzan and Avatar, but it works well. Characters are likable and well-written.
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Foundation: The Emperor's Peace (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
10mn of Foundation has more Sci-fi than 2h30 of Dune
24 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Scenes in space, technology, creatures, world-building, epicness... Everything that Dune is lacking.

The show lacks a little bit of pace, but hopefully this will improve in the next episode.
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B-movie with a Universal Logo
24 September 2021
Usually, when we see the universal logo, we expect at least some professional cinematography. Then the movie begins and we instantly get a B-movie vibe. Not B like in Blumhouse, no no no. More B like in Birdemic. It felt like an Asylum movie, you know, the studio that makes those cheap ripoffs of blockbusters movies. Cheap camera work, mediocre acting, average SFX... The plot ? What plot ?
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Old (2021)
Classic Shyamalan (that's not a compliment)
23 September 2021
Great pitch, horrible delivery. And I mean HORRIBLE. Everything is wrong in this movie. Acting is atrocious, dialogue is unrealistic, writing is lazy, even the make-up is bad.

Don't watch it, you'll waste 1h40 of your precious life.
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Dune (2021)
10000+ A.D. People fight with swords. Ok...
23 September 2021
The technology in this movie is stupid.

I understand that soldiers would use swords/knives in last resort. But come on, every fight is a sword fight, that felt so stupid ! At least in Star Wars, lightsabers were used only by overpowered Jedi and it was more effective than blasters. But regular people would stil use blasters.

Besides, the spice isn't properly explained. It is said to help navigators to interstellar travel. So how did people get to Arrakis in the first place ?

(please, hardcore fans of the book, stay away. I'm not supposed to have read a 800+ pages book to understand a movie adaptation).

World-building is lacking. Emotion is lacking. Epicness is lacking... Wasn't this movie supposed to be a masterpiece ? Highly overrated...
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Squid Game (2021– )
Excellent until the last episode
21 September 2021
I binge-watched this one. Every episode was so addictive and tense.

All episodes were very emotionnal. Then we reached the conclusion and.... what a letdown. Huge anti-climatic ending.

I would still recommend watching it.
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Clickbait (2021)
Entertaining but too stupid to be enjoyed
9 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First, it's a Netflix show, so you know it's gonna be a wokeness festival. Interracial lgbt couples everywhere, all you can imagine.

Second, it's a Netflix show, so you know all those diverse characters can't be the culprit. It has to be straight white people. Kinda pityful when you're doing a whodunnit...

Despite of all that, the show felt entertaining enough. However, I couldn't get pass some points :
  • Characters lying to each other or to the police for no reason
  • An insane amount of luck, plot conveniences
  • The horribly despicable sister
  • The final twist made no sense. We could see the ending coming a mile away, but the writers put an ultimate twist to fool us. But a good twist is not the one you can't see coming. It's the one you should have seen coming ! Last episode ruined the whole series.

Overall, I wouldn't recommend watching it. Waste of time.
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Black Widow (2021)
Horribly dull and boring
19 August 2021
Not much to say. Boring plot, useless in the MCU, boring dialogues, boring characters, zero tension because it's a prequel.

Skip it, you'll save 2h15 of your life.
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As bad as the first one
11 July 2021
Maybe worst. Characters are still horribly stupid in every decision they make. No storyline. Forced contrivances. No proper ending.

The only good part was the intro, with the arrival of the monsters, but it reminded me of how stupid is the concept of this movie. There's no way those aliens would have taken Earth.
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No Escape Room (2018 TV Movie)
20 June 2021
There have been 3 movies about Escape Games. This one had the most escape-gamish riddles of the 3. But it gets boring very quickly then goes absolutely nowhere,

I stopped caring after 45mn. Not sure what happened next.
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Without Remorse (II) (2021)
Not engaging, like... not at all
24 May 2021
I don't have much to say, because this movie is full of nothing. Ok, there's action. But the story is paper thin.

Everytime I see a woman in spec ops, it takes me out of the movie. Is it that hard to understand that women are not physically fit for elite military units ?

Just skip it...
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