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Sweet, nice film.
17 January 2021
Ideal Sunday afternoon viewing. Unusual storyline, very watchable.
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Enola Holmes (2020)
Unexpectedly good.
17 January 2021
I knew nothing of what this was about until I watched it. I really enjoyed it. I love period pieces. The style of the focus on the main character is unusual. Really enjoyable, light hearted.
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Virgin River (2019– )
Very very watchable.
17 January 2021
It gets a bit like a British soap when you get many episodes in, but Jack is very watchable. Doc is rather nice too. Light humour at times, bit of romance (rather a lot) and lovely scenery.
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Bridgerton (2020– )
Utterly superb in every way.
17 January 2021
Brilliant. Could not stop watching the episodes...bingeworthy. Cannot wait for a second series. Stunning costumes. Great, fun plotline. Well acted by all. Absolutely LOVE this.
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Contagion (2011)
Brilliant and scary.
17 January 2021
Without giving the plot away, I found this film so scary in a storyline way in the first ten minutes or so, that I had to stop it and research where the writer got his story from. I was feeling rather freaked until then. It is all about the plotline. Fascinating and well acted. You need to be in a good place to watch this and enjoy it to the full.
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A sweet film
17 January 2021
I rather loved this. It is unexpected. Some dry, dark but nice humour and it is heart-warming. Well acted by the main characters...really enjoyable.
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A bit of fun as with all Will Farrell films
17 January 2021
It does what it says on the tin. Eurovision, was always going to be a corny storyline but that is generally what Will Farrell films are about. It is sweet, cute, corny, a bit naff, with some funny moments. I love Lentov and there is a particularly funny bit with the Elves...timing is all. A bit of Sunday afternoon silliness.
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Absolutely wonderful!!!
5 December 2020
I am totally gobsmacked by this series, so much excellence. Anya Taylor-Joy is perfect in the role. Make-up and styling on her are just fabulous throughout, as it the whole styling, clothing, fashion. Brilliantly working the retro but of course what was current then. The cinematography is clever, stylish and painstaking (the piece in the Squash court with Jolene at floor level!). The story is so unusual. I was constantly flabberghasted at how Anya was able to do all the Chess moves!!! It was just riveting and perhaps an insight into how such Chess matches used to be played...a whole new world. I have so much praise for this series, Congratulations to ALL involved.
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Chick lit film, sweet, Sunday afternoon watching a Jude ;-)
26 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Let's be honest, I am a BIG fan of Jude Law so I find it difficult not to enjoy any of his projects. This one is what is is, sweet, romantic, an unusual storyline, utterley unbelievable but then most romantic light comedies are! I really enjoyed it and would happily watch it again.
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Siberia (2018)
If I did not like Keanu Reeves I would not have bothered.
26 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to like this film. It was watchable but did Keanu have to be so expressionless in it? I appreciate, or I assume this was intended to be of the moody genre but I have to agree with other reviewers that it really was rather flat. I enjoyed the setting but found the scenario with the Russian mafia boss utterly unrealistic as though it changed from the indie style to trying to be more mainstream like Keanu's other more exciting films. Watchable but a bit boring.
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Ladder 49 (2004)
Very watchable, heart-warming, well acted and a bit of excitement.
26 October 2020
I liked the the way the story jumps back and forward. Joaquin Phoenix plays his role really well and John Travolta does John Travolta but for all that he is perfect for the role he plays, kind, strong but a bit of a softy too. Good storyline, very realistic sets and plenty of drama. Enjoyable.
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Joy (I) (2015)
Not bad and great performance from Jennifer Lawrence but a bit predicatable
26 October 2020
Watchable. Jennifer Lawrence is excellent, Bradley Cooper is good but dealing with a not very exciting plot and Mr DeNiro is his often portrayed, grumpy, miserable character so I felt very type cast. I felt the whole plot was not worthy of such a starry cast.
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All Is True (2018)
Very well acted but sorry, rather boring.
26 October 2020
I thought Kenneth Branagh was excellent in the role of Will and it was interesting to find a film based upon Shakespeare's real life, but the plot was incredibly boring. Watchable, pleasant but sadly I felt a little let down.
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The BFG (2016)
Utterly charming and heartwarming. Loved it.
27 September 2020
Im surprised this film has an average review score so low! From the outset, I was encaptured in the story, having not known the story before. I couldnt work out throughout who was playing the BFG and I found the voice and his way of speaking so gorgeous that I wanted him to be my friend. This is a film that adults can lose themselves in and relive childhood fantasy again. It is sweet, beautifully set, fabulous costume and a wonderful story. A totally feelgood, tear-jerker with some belly laughs too. A triumph.
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Lovely film, if predictable. Who doesnt love a bit of Gerard on a weekend ;-)
27 July 2020
Lovely film, clever plot line with some surprises. Very well cast, good couple combination. And Gerard Butler, what could be wrong with that? ;-) Another relaxing, weekend enjoyable viewing film.
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Leatherheads (2008)
A Sweet Sunday afternoon style film.
27 July 2020
A sweet film, well acted by the lead players as would be expected of this calibre. Lots of lovely light-hearted bits and a bit of love interest. Very enjoyable and an interesting storyline.
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28 June 2020
I didnt find this "scary" which wasn't the reason for watching it, the draw was Robin Williams. He plays the character perfectly but the story is about a very sad man with an obsession. The tale never lifts from being simply "sad". Creepy in a eughghgh way but it didn't really go anywhere. It could have added another dimension by showing where the lead character actually came from but no, a rather dreary film that I wished I hadn't bothered with.
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20 June 2020
Another title I had held off watching because I wasn't sure what it was to be like. It took a while to get used to modern day people speaking Shakespeare's line and the fact that it is (not to give a spoiler) does not appear like current day films. Once I got used to what I was watching, it was brilliant, funny, well cast and having not known the tale of Much ado about Nothing, even though I have read many Shakespeare works, found it excellent. Alexis Denisof is fantastic as Bernardo and Amy Acker plays a brilliant Beatrice, the fiery banter between them is fast and furious. I cannot think of a better way for anyone to learn and understand Shakespeare. Joss Whedon's association with Rosanne...it is no wonder that the comedy in this play is presented so well. Loved it.
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Senna (2010)
Very good film, one to watch on many levels.
4 June 2020
A time in history. I had a slight interest in watching the film but didn't know what to expect. What I found surprising was how much in a relatively short space of years, the fashion and attitudes had changed. I was a late teen, in my early twenties when this was all happening and whilst I watched and enjoyed Formula One on TV I was clearly oblivious to what was going on behind the scenes, which I find really surprising with hindsight. This is a big story, the dynamics between the players is thrilling, educational and a terrific example to youngsters today on behaviour and respect of our fellows. It shows in good and bad ways, how being so "into" something can make you lose sight of other things but it also shows how dedication to a cause can help you succeed. Senna was a superb driver and talent but being the "best" at one thing, can make for a very un-rounded character. Unbelieveable what he achieved for his country people and a tragic loss for them and the Sport. If the "Sport" had listened to him sooner, he may still be alive. Sadly, it took his death for changes to be made to make the Sport safer. A terrific collaboration of clips from the time. Definitely recommended.
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Ronin (1998)
Really enjoyable.
26 May 2020
A bit cliche, but great action, lots of smouldering confident character acting from De Niro played against Jean Reno who has a really good role and plays it really well. The plot twists and turns and although a bit predictable, is very watchable. I hadnt been looking forward to it, but thoroughly enjoyed the old-fashioned ganster style movie....without giving anything away ;-)
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Confirmed Mel Gibson fan!!!! Great film.
26 May 2020
This is the third Mel Gibson film I have watched during lock-down and all were excellent but this is the best. Brilliant setting, clever and unusual story line, action, excitement, funny lines. I cannot recommend it enough. It is a theme that could be resurrected by Mel in another similar "setting".
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Once in a Lifetime (1994 TV Movie)
Very watchable, nice Sunday afternoon movie.
22 May 2020
"Nice" about sums it up. Good old-fashioned love story. Lindsay Wagner plays Lindsay Wagner, floating along and pretty. Barry Bostick is gorgeous. Both of them need a rocket but those were the times, people were less forthcoming than they are today. A sweet, heart-warming story. Get the chocolates and snuggle rug out ;-)
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The People Next Door (1996 TV Movie)
Watchable but not great.
22 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Nicollette Sheridan is really good in this, Faye Dunaway plays a very convincing bitchy mother but I literally hated Micheal O'Keefe's character Garrett. Based on a true story, I find it hard to believe that it actually happened. If the new neighbours came on so strong to be looking after my children that would send warning signals to me, but I guess you had to be there. What we get to see of Garrett's behaviour behind closed doors was not a luxury that Anna Morse had I guess. Thankfully, Anna gains the support eventually of rather lovely Jack Driscoll, Police Detective.. but I felt that story line finished to soon ;-) I enjoyed the story, enjoyed the characterisation but I feel it could have been stronger, it seemed to float along a bit.
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If you need to cheer yourself up.....this is fabulous. I couldnt breathe!!!
22 May 2020
I love Lee Evans and it is Comedy's loss that he retired when he did, but he couldn't have kept going at the pace he was going. He puts so much into a performance. Incredible, unbelievably funny. There were several places in this performance where I was laughing so suddenly and hard that my tummy muscles, hurt, my jaw almost locked because I couldnt breathe through laughing and crying.

I never knew he was a musician and composer too.....a very talented guy. He is a comedy treasure and pure gold. I will be keeping this DVD to watch again in the future. Absolutely recommended.
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Thrills, spills and Gerard Butler, what's not to like.
22 May 2020
There is no doubt this is the Gerard Butler Show....it must have been a peach of a role for him to be cast in, but he does it justice. He epitomises the appearance/stamp of the handsome, rugged hero figure....with a heart. Aaron Eckhart is rather fine too. The story is a bit frightening and thankfully unbelieveable. Stunts are brilliant, plenty of tension, a bit of love interest...lots to keep you on the edge of your seat. Loved it.
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