
3 Reviews
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Hunter Killer (2018)
A few steps above the average " time killer " film.
15 January 2020
As stated, this movie is a few steps above the average " time killer " movie you put on to kill time for whatever reason needed, and don't pay much attention to. It is an alright film if you're genuinely watching as entertainment, with an intriguing plot line.

The biggest and only real NOTABLE drawback is the casting of common in the film. He severely cheapens every film he takes part in with his emotionless, lackadaisical and just all around terrible acting.
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All good reviews are from the greaseball " director's " friends or himself.
14 March 2019
This is easily the worst movie ever made. The greaseball director did his best to sleeze up his mail order bride to retain viewers but obviously has absolutely no clue what he is doing.

Literally the worst movie i have ever seen, and you can tell which reviews are REAL and those that were obviously written by either friends of the " director ", or more likely, the " director " himself.

The most cringe-worthy, awkward waste of time you'll ever experience.
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Bao (2018)
Uhhh... yeah it's good.
12 November 2018
I am 30 year old man.

I have made my mother's life a living hell for my entire life. I moved out when I was 18 and got a place with my girlfriend of the time.

I could tell she sensed " something " about her but being a naive, self-serving fool, I stupidly told myself that the girl was more important. I wasted the next two years of my life on that girl, always holding to that stubborn frame of mind.

Just after my 20th birthday I got into trouble. Long story short, I did something i never should have more or less because I had the girl on my mind. I landed myself in prison, luckily only for two years.

I then got out only to learn that that girl had robbed me for everything I had, and she had also broken in to my moms house and robbed her, Stole my mothers last remaining memory she had of HER mother, her wedding ring.

I had spent those two years rethinking my life and my path, and felt I was going to get out and do things right, I just KNEW I was going to succeed.

I have struggled ever since, still ever so stubborn, made many stupid decisions between then and now.

I'm not sure what I am trying to say here but j guess it is a bit like this.

Don't take your mother or father for granted. You will realize how much they mean to you once you've gotten to the point of no return.

This little short reminded me of that.
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