76 Reviews
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The Ring Two (2005)
I Just Watched It and I Can Remember Nothing
14 August 2019
The end credits are playing right now, but I had to struggle for a moment to remember whatever it was I just watched. This while movie is so useless and boring that I was seriously forgetting every scene that happened as it was happening. It was that uninvolving. The tub sequence was kinda cool, though, but that's about it. Completely unmemorable and a total waste of time. It was so forgettable, in fact, that I had comoletely forgotten that I had even seen before when it came out. Gee, what a coincidence.
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When Are They Gonna Say Something Funny?
5 August 2019
You'll ask this question to yourself repeatedly until the closing credits. You will also never get an answer.
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Videodrome (1983)
My Balls Ache From How Good This Is
2 August 2019
Well, there you have it. What else can I say? A lot more, actually ... but I won't. To hell with you.
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Lake Placid 2 (2007 TV Movie)
More Carnage
31 July 2019
Pretty cool, man. Lots of people gets eaten in this one. Too bad the CGI sucks. Like your mom.
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Suspiria (I) (2018)
Self-Indulgent, Boring and Doesn't Even Resemble the Original Film
31 July 2019
The original Suspiria is one of the coolest movies ever made. The remake is one of the most boring and nonsensical movies ever made. And its two and a half hours long. Garbage. Absolute garbage. You'd spend your time better by drinking dog urine straight from the tap. This movie is laughably bad and I'm thankful that it tanked at the box office. To hell with this trash.
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Annie (1982)
Impressively Irritating
11 December 2018
This movie is awful. No one can sing and all the songs sound exactly the same. The plot is boring, the acting is atrocious - how is this considered a classic? Everything about it is shockingly lame. And the non-stop, formulaic, carbon-copy songs seem to never end. There is absolutely nothing to like about this trash.
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Nostalgia Critic (2007– )
Near-Perfect Show
16 November 2018
I've been watching this for years and I always look forward to new episodes. Some are hilarious and spot on, while others (not many) aren't as good as you would expect. Still, this is definitely one of my top favorite shows of all time.
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For Horror Fans
16 November 2018
Excellent show from the creator of Angry Video Game Nerd. I look forward to this every October.
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Meadowoods (2010 Video)
Like Puking in a Bucket Full of Dook
15 November 2018
Exactly. This had an awesome premise, but it never went anywhere. Just another lame and boring wannabe hit. It really sucks.
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Do Something!
14 November 2018
Absolutely nothing happens in this movie. It's excruciating how boring this is. You basically just watch a bunch of pretentious nobodies (is there any other kind of ghost hunter?), walk around, shake the camera, utter inane dialogue, and then we watch them talk and party some more at a bar while the camera zooms in on the chests of two women for no apparent reason (they weren't even topless, so what was the point?).

I kept rolling my eyes and yelling "Do something!" at the screen. They never heard me, though. What a waste of time this is. It's almost unwatchable, like Death of a Nation (anything is better than that movie, so I guess that's not fair ... oh well, I don't care - to hell with both of them).

This movie is the jam beneath your toenails. Just clean it out and toss it in the trash.
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Incredibles 2 (2018)
Probably Gonna Win the Oscar
14 November 2018
I've never exactly been a fan of the Incredibles, but they're not bad movies. In fact, they're pretty good. They're just not my thing. Still, I'd recommend this to people, even though the only reason it was made is because of the Marvel onslaught (although this is far better than anything Marvel has done lately).
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Mile 22 (2018)
Not That Bad
14 November 2018
At least this is watchable. Iko Uwais is severely underused, the editing is confusing at times and the shaky cam is as annoying as always, but other than that, this is serviceable. Not highly memorable, but worth watching.

I think the Bergs should stick to true life stories.
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Probably the Best of the Scooby-Doo Movies
13 November 2018
This one is my kids' favorite. This was my favorite as a kid, too, mainly because it was a mind trip to finally see some real monsters in a Scooby-Doo show. Also, I think the Mystery gang get along the least in this movie. They just aren't as nice or patient with each other like in the other ones. I like it better when they all get along.
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Just an Okay Movie
13 November 2018
Not much to say. Not much to hate on, not much to love. This is just like a "whatever" to me.
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I Honestly Don't Remember Anything About It
13 November 2018
Seriously, I literally just finished watching this and I've already forgotten the entire thing. There really isn't much to say, since it was so instantly forgettable that I was instantly forgetting it as it was playing out.

As far as I can recall, its just some generic space movie, just like Star Wars.
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Cliche'd, But Still a Nice Film
13 November 2018
I think this is better than Dances with Wolves and certainly better than Avatar (I hope those sequels fail hard) as far as that kind of generic plot is concerned. This is a good movie that borders on being great. I wish they had stuck closer to the actual story, though.
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Bad Boys (1995)
Nowhere Near as Good as the Sequel
13 November 2018
After the first time I watched Bad Boys II, I had to see the first one. My god, what a letdown. I guess they really stepped it up for part 2.

Tea Leoni was beyond irritating. I wanted her to die just so I wouldn't have to listen to her whiny pretentiousness.
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Lethal Weapon (1987)
Great, But Not My Favorite
12 November 2018
I've always thought the Lethal Weapon movies were pretty good, but the first isn't the best, like everyone says. Its really good, but it sometimes gets boring on re-watches, so it doesn't rate as high as parts 2 and 4 for me.
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My Personal Favorite of the Series
12 November 2018
Part 4 has always been my favorite. The humor is the funniest and the action scenes are at their best. I've always enjoyed this one more than the others, despite some cheesy element (like at the end in the hospital) and its always the one I will gladly re-watch the most in the franchise. Much better than the show.
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Even the Worst Lethal Weapon is Still Pretty Good
12 November 2018
Yeah, I think this is the worst Lethal Weapon film, but its still a pretty good movie. I just didn't like some of the corny stuff that happens and some of the humor just doesn't work. Plus, Rene Russo is a challenge to look at.
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Steps It Up
12 November 2018
I used to not like this one as much as the first, but after re-watching it lately, I gotta say I enjoy it more. I get much more involved with the plot if this one.
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Big Fat Liar (2002)
Harmless, But Forgettable
12 November 2018
There's not much wrong with this one, aside from being entirely unbelievable, but there's also not much that's memorable. It's like a cinematic shrug. No one really cares about this movie.
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Better Than the Original
11 November 2018
That's not saying much. The original had a great first third, but the rest of it was pretty boring. I would have rather seen an entire film based on just the stranger and the calls.

That's what this remake tried to do and didn't quite make it there. I still liked it, but there's a lot of problems. There could've been more suspense and less of the main character just walking around endlessly and talking on the phone. There could've been some good creepy banter between them.

I hope they try another remake with this one. It has a lot of potential. It's just too bad that the two versions we got kinda sucked.
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Action Point (2018)
Not That Bad ...
10 November 2018
... but not that good, either. It never really gets to the point where I was laughing out loud, but it was amusing to watch while I had it on. I knew it wasn't gonna be that great, but I was also really hoping to see more stunts, but they were few and far between.

I guess you can that there's no "point" to this movie (see what I did there?.

It really just makes me want to watch Jackass. In fact, I will do that right now. Forget Action Point.
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Mandy (I) (2018)
Style Over Substance
10 November 2018
This movie really tests your patience. It has some decent scenes and visuals, but over all, its so pretentious and punishingly boring at times that it's difficult to pay attention. Why people seem to love this movie is lost on me. The crazy visuals seem to be the only thing anyone will remember from this overbloated, overrated film.

Also, why does everyone take five minutes to say one sentence? It doesn't matter anyway. These characters never say anything interesting. Everything is just random at times, too. I couldn't wait for this crap to end.
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