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Ritchie is on another roll
20 April 2024
I've always been a fan of his work, but over the last few years his filmmaking has truly evolved. This one in particular felt like a war movie from the past, as if it were filmed in the 50's or 60's, loaded with nostalgia and genuine memorable acting, but also with Guy Ritchie's love for building tension and mayhem.

Critics really need to decide at this point whether or not they like his style because he's one of the most entertaining directors of the last 25+ years and yet many critics who aren't fond of his works continue to watch and review them poorly.

If you're a fan of his works, this is a must see. If you love historical cinema and a taut spy game, this is a must see. In fact, there's really no reason why this wouldn't be a must see unless you happen to fall into the category of this director's naysayers.
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Justified: City Primeval: The Question (2023)
Season 1, Episode 8
Perfect ending to a very misunderstood season
30 August 2023
For those who have read literary source material, Justified: City Primeval taps into the Detroit story and atmosphere perfectly, while introducing Raylan who was never a part of that original book. The novel itself was similarly smooth and crime-ridden, not fast paced, but very engaging just like this past season played out on its own trajectory.

Raylan, while older now and more refined, can't be compared to younger Kentucky Raylan and I think that's where some of the misinterpretation is.

In any case, this was a fantastic finale that connected both Justified shows while carving out more potential for an ongoing narrative. I'll keep spoilers out for those who haven't seen it, but this is flat out one of the best episodes of the entire show.
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Fun MI entry, but not as unique as the recent films
31 July 2023
The film started off great with a polished submarine opening and Ethan finding his way back to IMF, but apart from a few other standout scenes this one feels emptier than the great films that came before it.

One of the biggest issues is that the latest MI felt like it was working to check off all the boxes on a running list of espionage/thriller tropes while also intentionally or unintentionally borrowing many iconic things from the James Bond films. Goldeneye, The World is Not Enough, For Your Eyes Only, Spectre, The Spy Who Loved Me, From Russia With Love, and Quantum of Solace were all very noticeable influences on much of the film, between gadgets, plot devices, yellow buggy getaway vehicles, and even classic Bond film quotes. Not sure what happened there since the previous MI films were all wonderfully unique in their own way and didn't borrow from anything but themselves.

Another major issue was the script. The dialogue wasn't very genuine, especially between our favorite IMF team members, and mainly every word spoken had something to do with "Go! Run! The key! Where's the key? Move! Hurry!" That's fine for any run of the mill action flick, but fans have come to expect better from such an amazing franchise. The story is also messy and adds some new points that feel like last minute additions to a two part ending for Tom Cruise's Ethan Hunt.

Looking past those issues, it really is a fun movie with some incredible moments. Had the development team shaved off 45 minutes, added that unique spark like they had with prior films, and put together an edge of your seat story that had filmgoers off the charts excited for the finale, this could easily have been a 9.5/10. Well deserving of an 8 however for being an ideal Summer blockbuster film that doesn't strive to change the formula very much.
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Asteroid City (2023)
A Wes Anderson gem that requires a rewatch or a few
25 June 2023
The French Dispatch was an enjoyable film, but it's my least favorite in Wes' collection. Jumping back and forth frequently, small stories that didn't seem to become the sum of their parts, etc.

At first, I thought Asteroid City was going to be more of the same. It did hop back and forth between the playwright's creation and the play being acted out itself, but it didn't feel as frantic as it's predecessor did. The playwright side of the story had a bit of ambiguity to it that had me scratching my head in terms of how it meshed with the actual story events, but it didn't get in the way very much.

That being said, this film is an absolute gem. I need another rewatch to see how the pieces become more cohesive but the acting was brilliant, the set pieces rival some of the finest Anderson visual flair throughout all of his films, and Asteroid City itself felt like a remote, cozy locale with a bunch of characters that arrived there through various walks of life. The movie was so incredibly visual at times that I found myself getting lost in the scenery and missing some of the dialogue and story points. Grand Budapest had a similar way of captivating fans and I'm glad to see Anderson's cinematic form continuing in that style.
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Best of the main series and a textbook blockbuster hit
8 June 2023
The original Michael Bay Transformers was really fun and a modern take on the classic series. The CGI was incredible and it resulted in a film that was Bay's best since The Rock. The same can't be said about the flashy, lack of substance sequels. It was enjoyable to watch more Transformers of course, but he focused too much on mind numbing action and not enough on story and characters. There were some great moments to be found within those films, but none came close to its predecessor.

Rise of the Beasts is a return to form that excels beyond the enjoyment of the 2007 film. Anthony Ramos was stellar, and not just in a blockbuster main lead kind of way, but is truly a great actor who deserves much more screen time in addition to this series. Mirage was absolutely incredible, every minute that charismatic Transformer was on screen he lit it up and stole the show.

I won't spoil it for those who haven't watched, but if you've ever loved the Transformers at any point you will find this latest entry to be irresistible, hilarious, intense, action packed, and a solid film that uniquely places itself within the modern blockbuster genre.
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Profoundly colorful
22 May 2023
Schrader hits his usual marks in Master Gardener, being reminiscent of Taxi Driver's cinematic good and evil struggle while having clear unique separation in both story and dialogue.

Joel Edgerton steals every scene and crafts it into his own. Brilliant acting and a wonderful cast, but the way his character attempts to maintain the garden of his own realm is the most beautiful premise within the film. There's a chaotic calm in the way the story progresses and it was nice to see chunks of backstory melded together with the real time events.

If you're a fan of any of Schrader's works, I highly recommend going to see this. While The Card Counter portrayed itself as a depressing slog that never seemed to want to find its way, Master Gardener visualizes a wholesome collection of emotions that each viewer can resonate with in their own way.
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BlackBerry (2023)
Keyboard to Touchscreen
13 May 2023
I remember BlackBerry vanishing from the face of the tech world, but never having owned one I didn't know the reason why. Very interesting docudrama about the phone's inception, rise, and fall leading into the smartphone era that we know today. The cinematography reminded me of a cross between The Social Network and Halt and Catch Fire, focusing on the intensity of character driven moments. Remarkable acting by Jay Baruchel and Glenn Howerton, complete powerhouse performances. It was great seeing these two actors in such a prominent film, as both of their backgrounds generally revolve around comedy. Absolutely a movie worth seeing, grab a ticket and enjoy the techno historical drama.
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A messy, but fun installment.
9 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm glad that some fans are enjoying this, but Guardians 3 doesn't merit anything close or a 9 or a 10. The original was brilliant, a masterpiece, and is easily my favorite Marvel movie. Snappy dialogue and writing, momentous scenes that swiftly moved from one to the next, amazing visuals, and a villain that intimidated the entire audience. Guardians 2, while loads of fun, was more of the same with slightly less of an impact.

The most recent film has a tendency to be all over the place. Some scenes and moments proved to be the best in the series, while others fell flat and either dragged on too long or seemed out of place all together.

Rocket's backstory was very emotional, but I feel like there was a bigger and better tale for us to see. Especially since it's the last film of a trilogy. Even Part 2 had an explosive, on the edge of your seat final half hour and this seemed more like the weird stringing together of a minimal plot with a terrible, cringeworthy villain. Also, the actors didn't seem as attuned to their respective roles this time around apart from Drax, Mantis, and Groot. I mean Rocket was down and out for a good chunk of the film, how did he and Groot not share a huge embrace after being close buddies for so long? They barely even acknowledged one another after Rocket made his recovery. And unfortunately Chris Pratt just didn't come in with the same enthusiasm for Starlord. The jokes were nonexistent and he was force fed cliched action dialogue like "Look! Wow! We gotta get outta here, quick!"

What made the original and sequel so great was that they maintained their sense of unique characters, dialogue, and world.

All in all, Guardians 3 definitely had some of the charm and originality of the other two films but was disappointing that it didn't prove to be the sum of its parts.
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Misunderstood by critics, loved by Nintendo fans
8 April 2023
The trailer for this didn't really captivate me. I was too unsure about the voice acting, worried that the film and animation wouldn't spark the nostalgia that the games did for years and years, etc. Once the previews ended and the movie started, it was tough not to smile and have my attention completely drawn into the experience. Was the plot thin as critics proclaim? Maybe, but what Mario game has ever had a deep plot? Bowser threatens, Mario and Luigi appear in some capacity, and the game commences. Even the voice acting which had me doubting initially was wonderful. Props to Chris Pratt and Anya Taylor-Joy especially, they both stole the show. Be sure to keep your eyes and ears peeled for tons of classic Nintendo nods and throwbacks. And be sure to let the soundtrack give you chills, because it's what we grew up with and exactly what we love.

What a flick, can't wait to see how they manufacture a sequel to this animated romp.

It's a movie, oh yes!
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The Lost King (2022)
Whimsical, compelling historical cinema
23 March 2023
I went into this one not knowing much about it and the film ended up being nothing short of wonderful. Led by a great cast, it was interesting to learn the backstory of a king that I didn't know very much about. Or was aware of the dilemma behind his legacy. From a historical standpoint, there was a great significance behind what Philippa set out to do. We all have our reasons behind exploring a road less traveled and in her case, it wasn't about making a name for herself as a self proclaimed historian, but to explore a journey worth meaning for both herself and for the king. Definitely one of the best films of the year so far and it will hopefully be inspiring for other filmmakers to continue their return to the genre.
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Champions (2023)
Funny, kind, adorable, and sweet.
23 March 2023
What a movie to round out the early part of the year. It had laugh out loud moments and had me smiling from start to finish. Ignore the critics - if you're into motivational sports films and Farrelly brand comedy, purchase a ticket immediately and go check it out.

Woody Harrelson is in classic form, without overdoing it, and hasn't had a genuine role like this in quite some time. Kaitlin Olsen was also wonderful, she contributed to every scene she was in and made for a great on screen character.

While I'm not a huge fan of sequels, this is the type of film that might merit a good one, or would be suitable as a standalone film.
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Magnum Force (1973)
Made for TV Harry
5 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Magnum Force could have been an explosive, more gritty and action packed sequel, but instead it proved to be an empty shell compared to the original.

Dirty Harry ended with him tossing his badge into the river which symbolized that he was either done with the force altogether, or done with the politics behind the force and would continue to run things his own way. In Magnum Force, we meet a new milder version of Harry who doesn't mirror any of that story arc. He's sluggish, bumbles around from scene to scene, seems lacking in his sharp wit and overall police skills, and only makes a true return to form in the last two minutes of the finale.

The story itself is very choppy. It's either right in your face for a moment, or taking a backseat to multiple characters of which we are never given a chance to get fully invested in. The stern faced killer cops are only intimidating in the opening scene, but apart from that they look like a bunch of rookies who simply advertise motorcycles, sunglasses, and noisy leather apparel.

I've given this movie quite a few chances, spread out between viewings, to try and make sense of why some fans call it one of the greatest sequels ever made. Had Magnum Force been the original film, it would stand up better on its own two legs. But as a sequel to one of the actual greatest movies ever made, it just comes across as a practice range misfire.

The Enforcer was the sequel that fans deserved and it was released after some very rough edges were ironed out. While it still isn't as gritty as the original, it came close in many ways and proved to be a great film in the series.
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Amsterdam (2022)
Not a misfire, not a masterpiece. Favor the difference.
13 October 2022
This is an odd film for sure, one that's starts with a clear direction then moves into a character study and finalizes as an artistic summation of both. Having read some pretty scathing reviews I'll say that the acting was much better than expected. This film has Russell written all over it and deserves to be regarded as a unique attempt on the director's behalf. If you enjoyed American Hustle, Amsterdam similarly meanders around a central thought. Without revealing any parts of the gripping finale, I'll say that it's a movie that resonates well inside our modern era. Watch it, think it over, and enjoy exactly what Amsterdam attempts to do with a cinematic audience.
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Best Fletch film to date
2 October 2022
The original films with Chevy were funny (hilarious in spots), but they're nothing like the novels in which they were based on. Fletch and Fletch the book couldn't be more opposite in terms of the character himself, but this sequel brings the character back down to his roots. Funny, quirky, mysterious, and just plain fun. Jon Hamm slots into the role very well and brings his own uniqueness to the investigative style of the story. The director brought back a sense of subtle hilarity that hasn't been around for awhile, even cracked quite a few laugh out loud jokes that felt reminiscent of Superbad. Go enjoy!
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Better Call Saul: Saul Gone (2022)
Season 6, Episode 13
Scam, cheat, run, hide, repeat. Better Call Jimmy!
16 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It took a few minutes for this to process. Thinking back to the show's roots, Jimmy had great potential to become an honest lawyer. He and his brother constantly clashed, resulting in an explosive relationship that pushed Jimmy over the edge. A younger brother who felt like he was constantly in the shadow of a disapproving older brother took him down a long strange road. When Jimmy's actions towards Chuck finally resulted in the unimaginable, his "dark passenger" gained the high ground.

The series finale starts off leading us to believe that Saul will of course find a way out of the Omaha situation. Walls closing in, hiding in a dumpster and losing his precious few remaining diamonds, he's then arrested and taken into custody. Saul orchestrates one heck of a plea deal and just when he starts to scheme on it even further by prepping to twist around the Hamlin affair, diving further down the crooked lawyer rabbit hole, Kim's notary signed confession ends up being the salvation for them both. It brought her back to the honest lawyer we first met and Jimmy to his roots before Chuck committed suicide.

Mike speaks to his regrets in a flashback snippet, Walter as well, and Saul can only come up with manifesting more cash or not having an answer at all and walking away from the reality of his path.

As Saul Goodman would. But Jimmy had regrets and never parted with them.

We've seen it happen with so many other brilliant television series finales where the main character either doesn't learn the error of their ways or is so far gone that they couldn't possibly return to the surface. Walter White anyone?

Brilliant show, brilliant finale, and the ending to a show that has ultimately surpassed Breaking Bad in its intricate mythology and character study.

Vince, Peter, Bob, Rhea, and co, thanks for doing what you do best and leaving us with something so entertaining and memorably vivid.
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It's Upsetting to Disagree, but What a Mess That Was
19 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
5/10 for Season 4 as a whole. Simply put, this show is no longer what it was. During Season 1 and 2, the plot and characters were so gripping. They were nostalgic, haunting, nerve-rattling, and engrossing television episodes. Most opening scenes were so great that when the credits and booming opening theme song came on, viewers were glued to the end of their couches. Season 3 added more comedy and fluff, but normal length episodes kept the show grounded in spite of how the series began to change. In Season 4, the only episode from start to finish that resounded in older Stranger Things glory was Dear Billy. The remainder of the season was drawn out way too much. Why the change to movie length?? Unnecessary and cringy dialogue, excessive slow motion, too many characters/locations/agendas that the creators felt the need to show multiple characters performing the same act over and over (Example: going in and out of the Upside Down through the hole in the roof trailer, how many times did the audience need to see that in slow motion multiple times?), not to mention the two biggest disappointing factors of them all: plot armor galore and the fact that each season has already done what Season 4 dragged out over hours and hours. At this point with the show ending on Season 5, how are every single one of the main characters still unscathed? Max being an exception, but even still, Eleven is now E. T. and can reverse events in the Upside Down? In terms of Season 4 plot, another bad monster came to roost in Hawkins and yet again Eleven throws out her hand to keep the crew safe.

Really big disappointment, it's such a shame. Had the season been cut down to normal length it still wouldn't have been as good as seasons 1-3, but it wouldn't have been that far off.
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Where This Era of Cinema Is At
16 July 2022
Thor Love and Thunder is probably the biggest Marvel disappointment of them all, and yet again Disney is at the helm of squandering creativity and adventure for bloated CGI, mindless world building, and terrible quippy dialogue.

There's not much of a movie to discuss here, but I'll say that engrossing entertainment on the big screen began to dwindle when Disney took over Marvel and Star Wars. Remember what it was like to walk out of a theater beaming with delight over a memorable film? Embrace the nostalgia because that feeling will never present itself in films like this.

What a mess, Disney.
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The film that everyone needs
20 June 2022
I've never seen the short in which the film was based on but this was hysterical, feel good, heartwarming, and silly. All parts in equal measure. The acting was impeccable for its hefty blend of humor and drama. Highly recommended, go see it!
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A lengthy wait from the last film and not much has changed
15 April 2022
I'll start with the positives:

Some great Harry Potter references, the musical score was whimsical and melodic, and Newt for the first time (to me) felt like more of an iconic character inside the Wizarding World. There were also some hilarious scenes that really made some of the characters shine.

Here's where the last two films compare almost identically:

What exactly was the plot here? Grindelwald's reign was contingent on a found beast that we've heard nothing about or should I say have not been told the significance until now? And also ties in with a messily forced election? The opening scene was incredible, just like the last film, and then then the plot and characters once again become extremely rushed with cliched and utterly insignificant dialogue.

The biggest downside to this new film is that I don't consider Jude Law's Dumbledore to be the same as the one we all know and adore. With Jude's Dumbledore, he's stripped down, mainly insignificant and irrelevant, offers much less uplifting insights to both the characters and plot, and the only genuine face time we got with him was in the last ten minutes of the film. The bracelet/Grindelwald connection was such a loosely threaded narrative that it was less a missed opportunity and more of a well the writers didn't really know how to make these two characters seem more compelling together so here's what you get.

The other big missteps: way, way, way, way too many new characters. Not enough time spent with each of them to become emotionally invested in. Too many bland looking locales that become almost immediately forgotten about when the next scene initiates. Also, when did Hogsmeade and Hogwarts ever feel like such a green screen/CGI laden hodgepodge? They both encapsulated the whole notion that most things in these last two films feel so far removed from what they should have been that there's no real magic for the audience to embrace.

Overall what a letdown and another disappointing entry in this meandering franchise.
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The Batman (2022)
Not the sum of its parts
5 March 2022
There were so many fantastic glimpses into what this movie could have been. The main problem was the runtime, way too long. This could have been sliced down to 2 hours and have had much more of an impact. It also suffers from way too many moving pieces. Three villains? Four if you count one behind the scenes? Penguin would have rivaled Joker if he had been given the center stage but instead we had too many plot points, too many Gotham harbingers, and a complete lack of focus on the entire story. Does Robert make a good Batman? He makes a great Batman but wasn't given the proper dialogue or story to work with. During given sporadic scenes he outshined all his Batman predecessors, there's no doubt. I would have preferred this to be a bad movie that we could all just write off but instead we got a film that tried continue Nolan's legacy, but came up way short sliding into 1st base. There's definitely promise for a sequel, but the creative team really needs to tighten things up.
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The Irishman (2019)
The most underrated film of this generation
31 August 2021
I'll keep this short and sweet, The Irishman is a masterpiece and a love letter written in historical context with the brilliant camera handiwork of Martin Scorsese. I've watched it multiple times and each viewing improves upon the last. For nearly a 4 hour film, it starts and finishes so darn quick. The Aviator was the same in terms of lengthy storytelling and quality. Are you a fan of Scorsese? Mobsters and unions? History? Cinematic magic? Inquire within and enjoy a film that will never be replicated or matched.
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The Office: Product Recall (2007)
Season 3, Episode 20
Overrated and Awkward
31 August 2021
Season 3 is an overrated, mixed bag. Some episodes are genius and capture the core magic of the show, but too much of it feels forced and that's evident in this episode.
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Tower Heist (2011)
Underrated caper gem with a classic cast
15 April 2021
Watching Tower Heist is like watching a classic funny action romp from the 80s. It brings back that touch of nostalgia and fun that makes a great, memorable movie what it is.
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Strives for greatness, but too many behind the scenes issues
15 April 2021
Script rewrites, changing movie budgets, Murphy going through a personality change on account of a few cinematic duds preceding this sequel being made, and all of the aforementioned can be witnessed through each scene of the film. Awful writing makes the movie unintentionally laughable and Foley just isn't Foley. When did this series become chock full of mindless slapstick nonsense? After reading what some of the original plot ideas were, this seems like a desperate attempt to simply get the film made. Judge Reinhold is the main redeeming quality, living up to his fun character contributions from the first two films.
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Underrated and keeps the series going strong
15 April 2021
Really fun follow up to the original 1984 hit! Moves quicker and adds more well known actors from the decade. A little goofy in spots, but Foley and his two counterparts seem much more at ease with working together which makes sense compared to the original story.
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