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Just made for the Chinese market
26 August 2023
Just terrible compared to the first movie, 2 out of 10 as it's got some ok action and starts Jason statham.

But it's basically a chinese propaganda movie, a third of the movie is in chinese, and 95% of the cast are chinese, but even when those actors are speaking English you can't understand a word they are saying so you have to watch the entire movie with subtitles on.

In this movie all the chinese characters are either hero's or rich fun loving tourists, al the villains are white westerners, so it's obvious who the market is here

Even without this, the movie is terrible, the acting and script is like an 80's straight to video movie, and the editing is so bad it's up there with highlander 2.

Don't bother, just watch the Meg 1 again, or better still just watch Jaws.
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The Idol (2023)
Makes showgirls seem like Hamlet.
12 June 2023
I'm guessing the singer 'the weekend' thought that he could write and star in a show where he gets to have sex with an actress way to young for him.

His acting is far far worse than anything you may have heard, it's embarrassing. So is the fact that his part is meant to be some sort of mysterious lothario, yet it's fair to say he doesn't exactly have movie star good looks.

All of the parts are written like extreme parodies of what a manager/ PR agent/ pop star would be like.

The main actress, Jonny Depps daughter obviously only got the part because of her last name, she spends the entire time looking confused, and throwing in random nudity will only make people check out these scenes online and not watch an hours episode.

Truly truly terrible, it's what happens when you throw money at a pop star who can't act, can't write and just comes across as creepy on screen.
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Too long, too boring, lack of lead star
5 February 2023
I'm hate to say it, but this movie is actually worse than Eternals.

The main problems are; there is no decent lead actor. Lititia Wright may be ok in very short doses, but she just cannot carry off a movie let alone a huge movie like this as the main star. It's like watching a Bond film, without James Bond ever being on screen.

The main Villain is also not very good, very one dimensional and just looks like an out of shape middle aged man in large green pants.

The mobile is about an hour too long, and for most of it, it's very slow and boring.

There is only a couple of marvel movies I would never bother watching a second time, and this is one of those movies.

Finally watching an 80lb woman fighting like a superhero is just ridiculous.
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Wasted opportunity
17 July 2022
Just watched this movie and honestly I can't even remember the plot, because there isn't one. Just another movie with a billionaire white man who surprise surprise turns out to be evil, then the movie goes from scenes with the new starts to scenes with the original stars. It just didn't make any sense.
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Best episode of Trek I have seen in a decade
30 June 2022
Basically Alien but with Star Trek uniforms, I can't speak highly enough of this episode. Not one you would watch with young children, which makes it even better. If you hate Discovery then you will LOVE this episode.
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The Batman (2022)
1Hour to long
18 April 2022
The movie was ok, not something I would watch again like I would with the dark knight trilogy. Pattison is ok, it's more of a detective movie than a Batman movie. The main problems are the run time, 3 hours. At least 1 hour of this movie is filler and could have been cut. Also it's way to dark, ever scene is in pitch black and it's raining making watching it quite a strain on your eyes.
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Star Trek: Picard: Monsters (2022)
Season 2, Episode 7
Please don't call this Star Trek
15 April 2022
How the mighty has fallen, even the worst TNG episode is far superior to this rubbish. Terrible writing and it's sad to see an actor like Stewart fall so far. I have no idea why the writers are doing this, but it almost seems like they are trying to ruin TNG legacy for its fans.
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Billions: Succession (2022)
Season 6, Episode 11
Another great episode
3 April 2022
Although the big reveal at the end of the episode was obvious from about 2 episodes into this season, this was still a great episode. Wags steals the show in every scene he is in. Ignore the 1 star reviews by red hats, they get triggered every time any show even mentions someone from the dems side.
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Welcome to Flatch (2022–2023)
Ok start
20 March 2022
Those who are hating on this show should maybe remember that season 1 of pens and rec started off slow and only got into its stride in season 3. I think it's a good start with a good cast and has lots of potential.
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Panama (I) (2022)
Shockingly terrible
19 March 2022
Only watched because I like Cole in Yellowstone. Where do I start, load music played over every conversation, you can't hear a word people are saying. It looks like it may been filmed using an iPhone 1, camera is constantly shaking. No plot to speak of, but that may be because I had to stop watching 30 mins in. Do not waste your time.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Rosetta (2022)
Season 4, Episode 11
Whisper whisper, feelings feelings, boredom
3 March 2022
My God, who exactly are they writing these shows for. I used to love watching TNG, DS9 And Voyager, and would happily watch episodes again when I catch them on TV. But discovery is just a travesty, I honestly believe they are trying and succeeding to make a show that is universally despised by all Star Trek fans.
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The Goldbergs: The Steve Weekend (2022)
Season 9, Episode 14
Just end it now
24 February 2022
The show should really have stopped a few seasons ago, but now they have written out Murray it's just not funny any more. Just end it already, maybe do a reboot with a new cast.
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Severance (2022– )
More boring than anything you can imagine
21 February 2022
Oh my god, this was the most painful hour of television of my life, it's so slow and boring with absolutely nothing happening. Lots of talking in weird empty offices. Great cast so that's why I watched, can't believe I wasted an hour of my life on this rubbish.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Rubicon (2022)
Season 4, Episode 9
How much more boring can this show get
18 February 2022
Slow talky talky, thoughts and feeling and more thoughts and feeling. Micheal whispering and making her feelings known. Beyond terrible, nothing happen apart from whispering thoughts and feelings.
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1883: The Weep of Surrender (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
It's the annoying Elsa show
13 February 2022
I love Yellowstone and mayor of Kingstown and did start off liking 1883, but it's now just a show about a mopey teenage girl. It won't last as long as Yellowstone if it doesn't change direction soon.
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Temple (2019–2021)
Season season total rubbish
27 January 2022
1st season was a good thriller, pretty unique in its writing. 2nd season is like a bad comedy, just truly terrible. Almost like it's been written and directed by completely different people than the 1st season.
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Ray Donovan: The Movie (2022 TV Movie)
Very slow, very boring.
14 January 2022
Loved the tv show, oh my god was this move so bad, so slow and boring.just slow taking for about 90 minutes. It's like watching paint dry. The most boring 90 mins you can ever hope to watch. Do not watch this movie.
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Dexter: New Blood: Sins of the Father (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
New vote for worst finale of all time
10 January 2022
How is it possible to have a show with a great cast and great writers and a main character loved by fans, only for the show runners to ruin everything in the last episode. It's almost like they do it on purpose. This complete and utter travesty of an Episode should just be deleted from the memories of every Dexter fan.
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The Blacklist: Between Sleep and Awake (2022)
Season 9, Episode 7
Focused on the most boring character
7 January 2022
No Red equals a terrible episode, and they decided to focus on the most boring character, and the actor playing this boring character is also a terrible actor. 1 star from me.
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Star Trek: Discovery: ...But to Connect (2021)
Season 4, Episode 7
Most boring episode of television ever
30 December 2021
Boring, really boring, slow and boring. Talking about feelings and more talking about feelings. Nothing happens at all in the entire episode. Micheal saves the day by whispering slowly about her feelings to anyone who would listen.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Stormy Weather (2021)
Season 4, Episode 6
Another terrible episode
29 December 2021
The entire episode is again as follows, whisper whisper whisper, emotions and feelings, then Micheal saves the universe with her feeling AGAIN. It's like Groundhog Day of terrible writing and even worse acting.
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Star Trek: Discovery: The Examples (2021)
Season 4, Episode 5
Getting worse
17 December 2021
Whisper whisper, Burnham spends 40 minutes talking about her feelings, ends up being the saviour of humanity again... politics in your face again. When compared to TNG or even DS9 this show is an embarrassment to the franchise.
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Complete waste of my time
4 December 2021
Loved the first movie, this one felt like it was one of those made for dvd knock offs. It Was just terrible. 90 mins long and yet still felt too long.
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Mumbling and boring
7 November 2021
Why Do all the actors have to whisper and mumble all their lines, I had to turn on the subtitles it was that bad. Also the film is very slow and boring apart from a few action scenes.
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Chibnal ruined it again
31 October 2021
This show is like a sick old dog, it's just needs putting down, I honestly don't know who it's aimed at. Too childish for adults, too woke and political for kids. And the acting is just truly terrible.
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