
2 Reviews
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Are people serious?
19 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm clicking on usernames here for reviews that are 6 or higher, wondering if these people are actually real and if they're actually serious. "I laughed so hard my face was sore"?? I watched this movie 2 weeks ago and I can't even remember a single freaking thing about it. It's simply not memorable. This movie just couldn't keep my attention. To be honest, they released this second film just to cash out on it because we all could've lived without it.. like how we could've lived without Toy Story 4. Except Toy Story 4 was entertaining. This movie wasn't. I was sorely disappointed that it was split into three random stories that barely related. What does a circus tiger and a wannabe superhero Snowball have to do with how Max is coping with an addition to the family? I sort of expected more depth on that portion.

But it was just the family going to a farm and the dogs were forced to sleep outside. The Snowball subplot was honestly so cringeworthy and the fact he rapped at the end in his own version of "Panda" by Desiigner.. wow. I was embarrassed I had this movie on. I thought people finally stopped with the "singing-at-the-end" animations because it's so cliche and corny. It's a shame because Max is such an adorable dog and I felt there could've been ways to make a story where all the characters contribute. The animation itself is great, but the story wasn't good.
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Broken: Deadly Dressers (2019)
Season 1, Episode 3
So Bothered By This!
9 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to see the impact of "fast furniture", and how other manufacturers are dealing with it. I wanted to know more about alternative companies producing furniture that's sustainable, I wanted to know how badly the landfills are with furniture, and I wanted to hear opinions of people who own cheap furniture and are happy with them.

Instead, this episode was like 5 stories thrown into one episode jumping from how angry American manufacturers are blaming cheap furniture for their own demise, an actual interesting story on how trees are cut down illegally, but then jumps back to irresponsible parents that failed to read manuals for furniture. Oh, added bonus, it was also talking about how the IKEA founder was a bad person.

I'm just more pissed off that these parents didn't have any personal responsibility. They could've anchored the dresser (as said in the manual) OR simply pay 3 times more for better quality furniture that supposedly won't tip over, OR don't put such tall pieces of furniture in children's rooms. Instead, they wanted to be cheap and then won't admit that they were wrong... even more wrong than the manufacturers they're blaming. The same manufacturers that are selling these lightweight cheap furniture because most people nowadays can't afford $600 desks, $5000 couches, and $1000 dressers.

Now, if the parents sued about lead based materials in toys, contaminated baby formula or something like that, it would be more understanding. While I'm not happy that people have died from these accidents (especially children), the parents just seemed so stupid that I can't sympathize. Overall, this episode could've been so much better. The content was silly and the whole thing was so anti-IKEA entirely. I'm also writing this from my $50 cheap Target desk with my $20 IKEA lamp on.
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