
45 Reviews
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A Very Corgi Christmas (2019 TV Movie)
Holy bad music!
2 June 2024
Wow, this director missed every mark imaginable. To start, we're supposed to believe our wonderful lead is so busy she forgot to reply to her emails and call or text her parents to let them know that she was on her way to visit their house and give them an estimated time of arrival. No, not this woman, she hadn't spoke to her parents in days apparently and when they didn't hear from her they left town on vacation. Ok, I thought, the cast is appealing and I think I can overlook this. Then the lead and her boy are trying to turn on the Christmas lights outside the house and I notice the boy has red and white polka dot (a la Minnie Mouse) mittens on. Really? Then the neighbor hunk asks if she can keep a puppy at her house for a few days until Christmas so as to not ruin the surprise for his daughter. At that point I was done. This is such a ridiculous ask. The female lead supposedly has loads of work to do and instead is laughing hysterically at a puppy. Amazing how the stress of work disappears when a puppy is around, perhaps her deadlines cease to exist as well. Then there was the music. I understand that it was original music, but it was awful, hideous music. Maybe they were family friends since I can't imagine anyone thinking the music would be a welcome addition to any production. I tapped out of this disaster after 30 minutes. I can only imagine how many more hideous songs I missed out on.
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Christmas in Pine Valley (2022 TV Movie)
Ruined by reporter
2 June 2024
This had potential with a fun cast of characters running the business. However, the actor playing the reporter ruined this for us. He was not only a poor actor but also offensive and gruff. In what should have been a fun interview of how the older "couple" met, he kept on asking "and then?" which was annoying since they already answered his question. If he wanted more details, he should have asked follow-up questions like, "that must have taken you by surprise, or what did your family think? The female lead chose to stay in character with her overacting, phony, fast-talking bit which was completely devoid of humor and charm. Lies are always tricky and they have to be executed in a way that is not only funny but endearing. Again, this missed both marks. Instead of telling the truth to the distributor, the female coworker stepped on the lead's foot, then she kept hitting her in the side. Nothing funny about that, it actually made me wish the lead hit her back since she was being annoying. All this within the first 20 minutes before we turned it off.
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Love in Full Swing (2021 TV Movie)
1 June 2024
I could not believe this was so bad given the two likeable leads. The beginning gave me hope until I realized it was one of those movies where the love of his life is right in front of him in the form of his bestie. Ok, I said we will see where this goes. Well the train went off the tracks when our male lead decided to show up on his ex-girlfriend's doorstep after 10 years. Nothing was funny or plausible after that and we are supposed to believe that his bestie is along for the ride staying at his parent's house and meets a guy...Do people actually watch this and think it is good? I mean, talk about a trainwreck. It could have had a chance if it was funny but we didn't laugh once.
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Poor writing sinks this
18 May 2024
My wife and I were excited to watch this since we love Jodie Sweetin. She always seems to bring light and charm to a show. Unfortunately, this time she was saddled with a poor script and poor cast. The male lead was the first red flag as he has been in several failed productions and lacks charisma. The family absolutely ruined it. Once again, we have a ridiculous depiction of a father. He is a wise-cracking artist who resembles no father I've ever met in my life. Then there are more pointless family scenes and before you know it the movie is going nowhere and not even the lead can save this sinking ship.
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The Single's Guidebook (2022 TV Movie)
Hard pass
18 May 2024
We didn't get far into this to realize it was a waste of time. The lead actress was not funny even though she tried really hard to be cute. Her counterpart seemed like he might be able to carry the film at first but then the cooking class scenario erased any chance of that happening. The whole thing came off like a cheap sitcom with poor setups and flat punchlines. The only thing missing was a laugh track. The actors lacked chemistry and intrigue to the point where you are just waiting for the scene to end. I mean how does one character realize something is burning and the other one is just as close and doesn't?
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Tableau (2022)
Weighed down
18 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Not a bad start and the lead actress, her sister, and boyfriend were all quite appealing. Beyond that, the film was weighed down by too much melodrama. As if not enough that the sister is ill, they throw in the mother's infidelity. The film weaves back and forth between college to home, from one mundane conversation to the next. For such a short running time the pacing is slow as molasses. There is a ridiculous scene with the dad where he dances with the mom. Whose dad acts like this? I suppose that was supposed to show what they once had before his wife stepped out on him and the family. I feel like the director manufactured as much adversity as possible for our young protagonist which made for painful, tedious scenes. The acting is generally good overall, and the end really does show that mother can't just move on even though she wants everyone else to. The film also shows the dangers of listening to controlling parents in your adulthood rather than making your own decisions and taking risks.
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Our Dream Wedding (2021 TV Movie)
Awful male lead
11 May 2024
The female lead was appealing but the male lead played a dork. Not only that he was rude, obnoxious, overbearing, and annoying. No wonder the female had commitment issues; who would want to marry him? In one scene he enters her family's house to pick her up and takes the last three cookies for himself. We turned it off shortly after that since we just couldn't. If a woman was faced with the prospect of marrying a man like that, that is enough to depress anyone. Too bad since the story could have worked with the rest of the cast and a more likable male lead who was actually in the same league as the female.
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A Very English Christmas (I) (2023 TV Movie)
23 April 2024
This was absolute rubbish and an insult to Americans. It took two people to direct this drivel and they were too lazy to get an actress with a passable American accent? I knew this had to be made by Brits with the lack of authenticity so apparent in their portrayal of Americans. If the characters were actually appealing I would have overlooked these details and became involved in the story. I just couldn't though as the absurdities kept piling up. For instance, we're supposed to believe these half-sisters hadn't actually met in person before and the one sister never was curious enough to travel to London. Right, since even busy, successful Americans never fly to Europe. I want to once again acknowledge the fact that it took two directors to make this gem.
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Shifting Gears (2024 TV Movie)
Not good
25 March 2024
The leads were not a good match and had no chemistry. The female lead was not even likeable, much less appealing. I didn't buy their relationship for a second and am not sure why she was cast in that role. When they were skating they looked silly. I think that Julie Gonzalo would have been a much better choice as she and Tyler Hynes have great chemistry together. I also didn't buy the guy playing Tyler Hyne's father. The get to know you segment on the tv show was super cringey even for a Hallmark movie. I actually think just about any other female in the Hallmark universe would have been a better fit for the female lead than the one they cast.
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Eat, Love, London (2023 TV Movie)
20 February 2024
The main character was completely unlikeable and unbelievable. Besides her awful attitude, she is supposed to be from Montana yet has an accent more akin to NYC. Lazy direction and a waste of a cast. If you are going to have a character play an American at least get it right son. We barely made it past the food critic scene. I can assure you someone from Montana is most likely not going to talk like her or behave like that. Someone from the east coast might but that is like a different world. The lead actress has some impressive credits to her name but she might want to try an accent from a different part of the US if she wants to be believable.
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Sports Night (1998–2000)
Pretentious schlock
22 October 2023
I like most of the cast in this and really wanted to like the show. However, after viewing a few episodes it was just too much. The dialogue is so cringe-worthy. Rapid fire, high-brow lines that are just too cute and pretentious to be funny IMO. It tries to be a dramedy which leads to moments in which the characters are so self righteous and the political bent has Sorkin written all over it. The show is just not relatable to the average person and clearly in love with itself. Like another reviewer said, if it was so great, then why didn't it last? For all its posturing, it just didn't work. What a waste of a brilliant cast.
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Vengeance (II) (2022)
Why do you care so little?
30 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this gem twice in the past couple weeks. This film was directed by and starred BJ Novak of The Office fame. It is full of memorable characters and dialogue. Ben strives to truly understand America and tell stories of it's people through his podcast. Well he certainly gets a golden opportunity to do just that when he is summoned to West Texas. The cast contains some really talented actors - some I recognized and others I didn't. The journey that transpires onscreen is profound and the film really made an impact on me. As others have said it has heart and sort of resembles a fish out of water Hallmark film type of plot which gradually delves much deeper. Things grew messy in the parking lot of the Whataburger which set the stage for the big reveal in the brilliant and powerful final act. Lots of films rely heavily on music to drive the action, the music here is background which perfectly complements what transpires on screen. In this well written film the most powerful exchange is in the climax when Ben delivers a perfect comeback to the antagonist questioning him "Why do you care so much what happened to Abilene?" He shoots back, "Why do you care so little?" In trying to understand the people of America and their polarizing political views, this exchange pretty much sums it up for me as well as the subsequent events that concluded this fine piece of art.
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Behind Closed Doors: Beverly Hills, 90210 (2020)
Season 3, Episode 1
Just average
17 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It took awhile for this episode to get started and they seemed to pack a lot of content in. I enjoyed the tribute to Luke Perry as well as how they selected the cast. What I did not enjoy was hearing from Gabriel Carteris. Honestly, I'm not surprised she lied about her age to get the part but think she is a hypocrite since she always comes off as so self-righteous on reality shows she appeared in. Her character added nothing to Beverly Hills 90210 and I don't care to hear her commentary on it. I would have much preferred to have Joe E. Tata talk about the show and the different actors he saw during his time on the show.
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Smart Drugs (I) (2018)
11 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It started out promising enough in that it was entertaining and I was motivated to keep watching. The subject matter is definitely relevant and timely but there are way more supplements on the market than just so-called smart drugs that are supposed to provide similar effects. Also, he omitted the fact that the internet was born on the west coast as well as the PC. To me that is an important detail that would have added even more credibility to the conquest. As it happened, his little experiments led to nothing. As others have commented he is not exactly an ideal subject though since his diet include junk food, alcohol, and smoking. He is out of shape, addicted to food, and has insomnia. A better test than fasting for more than 24 hours would be to try to work up to 16 hours which would be challenging enough but at least is more realistic and sustainable. It would also have been interesting to see him eat healthy food rather than quaff a pint at a pub during the trial.
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The Good Fight (2017–2022)
Woke AF
3 September 2022
Unlike other reviewers here I was done with this after the first few minutes of the first episode. This provided me with all the info I needed from multiple characters as to what this series was about in a similar way Scandal did. I mean talk at least the series didn't lead me on, pull me in, or deceive me. No, it was blatant woke 101 material from the outset which saved me from having to endure the Anti-Trump content. It is too bad since I was a huge fan of The Good Wife and was expecting something similar here. I don't understand why they couldn't find an American to play the young woman instead of importing someone to play one.
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Stale content
31 August 2022
Not sure why this was marketed as new when this is so old. This documentary has already been done by HBO so nothing fresh here. The only additions are the woke commentary from some former MTV VJ and concertgoers who give props to metoo and woke culture in the closing remarks. Otherwise, this didn't shed any new light on the subject and as a viewer I couldn't help thinking of what a great lineup of shows attendees got to see. I realize I was supposed to be mad at the performers for inciting a riot or igniting the fire. Instead, I thought the only good part of this production was being able to catch a glimpse of Korn, Bush, Limp, and RHCP perform. I must say attendees were treated to awesome performances. As far as the destruction of the venue, what do you expect when you mix 200K young adults with drugs, alcohol, extreme heat, and jack up the prices? The footage is so dated now it makes me wonder why this wasn't produced like 8 years ago for a 15-year anniversary or something.
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Coast to Coast (2003 TV Movie)
Uneven and laborious
9 August 2022
While Dreyfuss made this fairly entertaining, it was tough to get through the first hour. Despite the star power they really went cheap on the locations and instead displayed a ridiculous map to try and cover for it. I felt like I was watching a play and not once did I get lost in the characters and/or stop realizing they were acting. Judy Davis as she did throughout the 90s, plays the same role, faking an American accent (was an American actress not available?). I didn't believe for a minute that she would be married to Dreyfuss or was someone who would live in Connecticut. The supposed funny parts were not funny and the ending was telegraphed early on.
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Thief (1981)
Long and dull
17 July 2022
Lots of effort went into this film and it was well-reviewed back in 1981 so I figured it was highly probable that I would enjoy it. However, it was a colossal disappointment. A few things are wrong with this film, the lead is difficult to relate to and not that interesting. The dialogue is unrealistic and staged and next to nothing happens throughout the film. There is no pacing and it is extremely dull considering the subject matter. This would be a great film to fall asleep to since there are long stretches of filler backed by Tangerine Dream scores. Contrast this to the wonderful American Gigolo around the same year and judge for yourself which one earns the payoff at the end.
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Misinformation by HGTV
12 May 2022
I enjoy watching these shows and generally like real estate agent Richard who is usually informed on all things London. However, at the beginning he uttered "London properties are much more expensive than southern California." I realize central London is super expensive but so are large parts of SoCal which makes this statement absurd. The first property he showed was a 3 bedroom in Fulham for $4700. Try searching 3 bedroom rentals in Santa Monica, Venice, West LA, Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach, Newport Beach, Irvine, Costa Mesa, La Jolla, etc. And tell me you can consistently find properties for less than that.
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You: W.O.M.B. (2021)
Season 3, Episode 6
Fall from grace
28 April 2022
The first two seasons were dynamite. This season was brutal but I trudged through despite the constant political references which were completely unnecessary. That was until I reached this episode when the thin plot went from bad to ridiculous and they still found opportunities to throw in politics. The Scott Speedman and Marcia Cross conversation in his kitchen was just so dumb and contrived. I'm not going to continue watching and have my intelligence insulted.
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So Dull
23 April 2022
For such an interesting subject this was stunningly dull. I was excited to ride along with these subjects as they placed actual bets and experience the highs and lows. What I got instead was a bunch of gibberish and technical terms that had no context. I didn't want to just hear these guys talk and wanted to see some of the action. I turned it off after a half an hour since I was so sick of hearing them mumble and still no action.
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Women of privilege
27 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
One star for the first story since it was interesting and heartbreaking. Then we get to the barbies who crave one thing more than alcohol; a word that begins with an A and ends with an N. Wowzer do these women love to talk about themselves and get free exposure here. The more they speak the more apparent it becomes that they are uneducated. The former model tries to look and talk hip and young and thinks she is changing the world one t-shirt at a time with sayings that are cringeworthy. Even the people in the first story though kept speaking about the woman like alcohol impaired her judgment and it was something that preyed on her. However, that does not exempt an adult from their responsibilities. She knowingly drove her car drunk with her child inside which puts her child and other people in danger. She could have killed the child and others because of her poor choices.
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9 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If you want to watch a much superior film with a similar story line then check out Wedding Partners and skip this dreck. Of course the female is gorgeous and available and ends up giving our protagonist a hand job while he is driving. How classy. Then despite talking about barely being able to afford a decent hotel room, our protagonist goes to a bar and starts buying drinks. Suddenly money is no object. I knew the minute he offered her a drink she would get trashed. Stop insulting the viewer's intelligence with this garbage!
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Dirty Rotten Scoundrel of a Fish
9 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Wow does this fish stink worse than the Redondo Beach King Harbor pier at sundown. I'll never forget watching this after my first day of high school on September 9, 1988. I was full of anticipation and the opening was quite promising with the zippy score and all. Once the loot was gone it all came to a screeching halt and became terribly tedious. If you have seen Rocky IV remember Apollo Creed coming out swinging against Drago and landing some crisp punches from the outset. He was light on his feet and full of adrenaline. There was an inkling that he just might have a chance. Well he didn't and things quickly went terribly wrong for him. As bad as that was this movie was worse after the loot was gone. The jokes became forced and none of them landed. Around the halfway mark things became desperate and the jokes got progressively more mean spirited and tasteless. Kevin Kline was absolutely obnoxious and childish. It became apparent that Jamie Lee Curtis was miscast and lacked any humor despite clearly trying hard and using all her sexuality. The scenes became more drawn out and embarrassing. I tried watching it again just recently and it was the same train wreck I remember only this time I turned it off after a half hour. There was no Drago to put the actors or the viewing audience out of their misery.
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Before We Go (I) (2014)
Pure Fantasy
9 November 2021
Mr. Evans sure cast himself as the hero in this one. Talk about your knight in shining armor coming to the rescue of a damsel in distress. Stranded in the city for the night? Have no fear Mr. Evans will protect you and charm you. Seriously though it was amazing how quickly she let her guard down and started to relax when they hit the first bar. It was as if she forgot her predicament and didn't have a care in the world. Talk about absurd. Then again who could resist his sense of humor? Only in Hollywood.
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