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Probably the worst movie of this Century!
28 March 2024
Painted white actors I don't know why this was allowed in 2014. And even less how I liked this movie back then. Now it's just a mess of a movie. But it's typical Ridley Scott style of a movie and I still don't know why he is getting money to make more movies. After destroying Napoleon with a English version of the legend. And soon getting a Gladiator 2. I am really hoping that the that's the end of his mockery of big picture movies. Just take a pension or become the president. Just don't give him any more money to make movies!

But this is Hollywood. I'm hoping more directors like Denis Villeneuve can get the directors to be inspired to use intelligence in the story telling.
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3 Body Problem (2024– )
A great start in the trilogy.
21 March 2024
The first book is hard to make in to a series but I think the first 8 episodes was pretty good. This series goes bananas in the second book so I really hope we get a second season.

Lots of changes in this adaptation but It makes more sense for a western version.

Great job with cgi and casting. The story is kind of slow but it grows into a terrifying nightmare. And ends a bit early. I would have like too see the time jump of the second book in the end.

I guess they could have told about the Dark Forest Hypothesis. That would have made more sense in the end. But for being a Netflix series this is the best series they made in years.
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Halo: Halo (2024)
Season 2, Episode 8
Not the ending this series deserves!
21 March 2024
I was hoping for a better ending. I guess there not going to be a season 3 and that we're just have to guess what the end would have been.

I really like this season but the last episode felt like a mess when it's suppose to be the end fight but no.

I guess they could have waited with the virus to the next season if they get one more. It was a bit much.

Otherwise this is one of my favorites series right now and if it gets another season then I might forgive them for messing up the end 😂

Cgi is fantastic and the characters is growing to something great. I like the story in this series and the game. But I guess Paramount as a platform won't survive for 2 more years.
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The best series on Prime!
22 February 2024
I was a bit surprised that the best series on Prime didn't get a second season. Yeah The Boys and The Peripheral was the best Prime have to give. Please Prime stop making crapy LOTR copys and produce new original stuff I was waiting for the next season of The Peripheral that has been one of my favorite series in years! Finally they get something right and now they end it even after it was renewed for season 2 due to strikes.

This had a amazing storyline and the potential to be a long and interesting series. The production was top notch and both actors and characters was delivering. But I guess we're not supposed to have a intelligent sci-fi series on Prime thats not based on a video game.
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Tokyo Vice (2022–2024)
The best series on HBO!
2 January 2024
This is one of the best drama series I have seen. It got me from episode 1 and it's just keep getting better and better. I'm not a huge fan of HBOs latest series but will be returning for season 2 in February. I'm hoping they can keep deliver the same suspense in the next season.

I don't really get all the hate on imdb. This is definitely not a boring show. But if you only like Avengers action movies then this might be to much for you. I guess you need brains to get it!

The casting is amazing and the production is top notch.

It's not often I get impressed with a series today that is based on a real story. Let's hope we get more seasons and not 2 years between the seasons.
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Why is this so bad!
15 December 2023
I usually don't complain about series because it's usually just about different target groups. But this have to be targeting people with brain damage and it's the worst thing today on Apple TV. It's no story just feels like something rushed tru. No one cares about the storyline its just a mess of jumping in time and really bad acting. No I would not recommend anyone to watch this.

The effects is great and it's why I managed to get true the first 6 episodes. But now it's just to painful to watch them destroy the entire Godzilla world. What happened to quality control Apple? Just take all the money from this crap and put it to another season on Foudation!
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Ahsoka (2023– )
Plastic is fantastic!
20 September 2023
Wow I can't get in to this series I have no idea in why there is plastic buttons on every one and every thing. I get that it was cool in the 1970 movies. But in this series everything is plastic and even the displays on all ships is none working plastic. I don't know why, the story is one of the better in the StarWars universe. Why do the stormtroopers all have destroyed suits and they looks like they have been dragged behind the ship for a few hundred years. Why! It's not how any military would take care of there gear.

The casting is ok and I like the story even if it's very predictable and Disney made. I guess we won't see a season 2 of this plastic show.
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Painkiller (2023)
The worst Netflix series ever!
11 August 2023
I don't know why they do a series without any reality. Every thing about this series from actors to story is just a total mess. Why this drug became the new aspirin is more a question to American greed. The drug itself isn't dangerous if you use it for its purpose. But when doctors sells it out of its office then they are the criminals. That's something you learn with a doctor degree. So if they really want to blame someone it's the doctors not the drug. But it's easier to blame the drug when so many doctors made a living of profit from selling drugs that highly addictive. This miniseries is trying to make fun of the family behind this company then it's just more obvious that people still not getting it.
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TikTok, Boom. (2022)
Interesting topic!
2 July 2023
I don't get the bad ratings. This is a very interesting topic. Censorship of social media networks isn't something new but TikTok takes it to a new level. The problem with any social media platform is that someone owns all your information and content and can sell it to whoever. The US isn't better then China it just depends on where you're from. And this documentary shows you just that. TikTok is one of the smartest apps for kids and has the best AI algorithms. If you're a parent then this is a documentary you should watch. It's a kind of a scary reality of what happens on TikTok and how stupid people can get to get a few likes.
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65 (2023)
I was hoping for a great sci-fi
7 April 2023
I was hoping for a better movie. Adam is a great actor but this movie was just too slow. I don't usually say negative or bad things about a movie. But how did they manage to make a movie like this to slow and boring? And yes I think Another Earth was alot better. But it's hard for two actors to create a great movie. This movie has great effects and visuals. After watching this movie I thought it would have been better if the dinosaurs won. They managed to live for 200 million years without destroying the earth. If you're a sci-fi fan then this isn't the worst movie but don't expect to much. I was hoping for a better story.
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Andor (2022– )
This is just a another level of Star Wars
6 April 2023
Probably the best series released in 2022. Fantastic cast and I was hoping that Andy Serkis would get a golden globe for his character and his preforming. He helped build a cruel prison world and together with the main cast made it very believable. But everything from the music to the amazing prop and special effects was another lvl much better the all movies even better then "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story". Let's hope they can manage to keep the same lvl of storytelling in season 2. Diego Luna, Stellan, Denise Gough, Alex Lawther. Really gave it all and I'm so looking forward to the next season. I've been trying to like the other Star Wars series. The only one that half as good as this one is The Mandalorian. The rest of the series was just crap. Let's hope Disney gives Andor another 7 seasons with 12x60min episodes.
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25 December 2022
It's like the writers were on acid. The story jumps all the time and this series isn't watchable. Netflix doesn't care about quality it's just quantity. I was looking forward to this series and really like "The Witcher" series. But this was just a mess. Still the actors did a good job and this was just a failure by the director who has to have big problems if this is the end results of a big budget series.

It's not hard to get why Henry Cavill won't be coming back as Geralt. The producers totally destroy the entire series with storytelling like this.

It's time for this series to end and if Henry will be replaced by someone else because of he likes the series to stay to the original storyline. Then it's time to stop this show.
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Andor: Narkina 5 (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
The best StarWars series it's even better then the movies!
27 October 2022
Wow I really like this series but hope Putin doesn't watch this episode. Then we will have a new prison system in Europe soon 😂 The characters and fx are just as good as the movie with the same cast. It's even better following the start of the rebellion. This is probably the best tv show of this year! It's the first of the series that doesn't have to be made as a comedy because of the storyline and the cast. The directors get the actors to step up.

Let's hope they can keep up this story line and keep getting me guessing what's coming next.

Please let this directors make everything around StarWars in the future. It's just another level.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Close to perfection!
17 October 2022
This is the best series I have seen. From episode 1 it takes you away to the magic place of GOT. The only thing I wish was for the story to go a bit slower. Almost every episode comes with time jumps of years. And the change of cast mid season was a bit disappointing. But the new actors manage to keep the characters as they were. I don't know how big the budget was but every episode is kind of epic in production quality. I have never seen anything like this on tv except for GOT. It's a bloody mess in a good way. You can't do anything but love it. Let's hope the next season manages to keep the this momentum and I look forward to the war for the throne!
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Not what I expected!
15 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First of I had no expectations of this series. I know about the kidnapping from the news even if I'm living in Stockholm. The first 2 episodes was a bit slow but I had no idea of what really happened. I know G. W Persson talked about police incompetence being the fault of this investigation. G. W is a old Swedish top police analytical master/ author and one of those people that really solvs crimes that is top hard cases.

I was amazed of the character and how it ended.

You are just as unknowing or more in the end of this series. But it might be a crime without the husband or not. I guess this might be a order job or more possible a kidnapping gone wrong and the kidnappers managed to kill the woman from suffocation.

But still there won't be a season 2 if nothing happens in reality 😂
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A great start!
3 September 2022
I'm not a huge fan of Lord of the Rings movies. But this series is much better. Me and my children can watch this together and we all like it. I love the different characters especially the Dwarfs. And the lead character has the spark and energy. The casting is amazing. I don't get all the hate of the first 2 episodes. I just rewatched them and it was even better the second time around. Peter Jacksson did a ok job with the movies and it was amazing what you could do at that time with fx. But this series has better fx the all the movies. Just give this series a chance! And you can't hate something after 2ep it's like seeing 20min of a movie and saying it's trash. Watch the first 8ep then you can decide if it not up to your standards. But for me I hade no expectations and it's been a great start and my children 8 and 12 years old can't wait to the next episode.
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
The best series ever truly a masterpiece!
16 August 2022
After watching the last episode of this series I have to say it's the best tv series ever made. Much better then Breaking Bad and have a depth and a dark comedy with twists you don't se coming. The cast is perfect and the storytelling is from another world. How they film every scene with a form of art that I never seen before.

Just big thanks to the whole cast, writers, filmcrew and producers. This series will be just as good in 20 years as now and this is already a classic. But for me this is the best tv show ever seen. It's hard watching the last episode when you know it's the end of something amazing. I would give this show 100 of 100.
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Prey (I) (2022)
The best of all the Prey movies!
5 August 2022
I know lots of people can't handle that a girl is in a lead role and all the racist comments in IMDB reviews. But this was back to basics just like the first one. And I had high expectations and it didn't let me down! Please watch and don't care about all the hate!
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Resident Evil (2022)
This was a great series for something produced by Netflix
17 July 2022
I usually hate all the bad and boring Netflix series. I hade no expectations for this series and haven't been a big fan of the movies in this series. But the first 7ep was great the last one kind of just destroyed the whole series future. And we won't get a season 2 with that spinoff. But I don't get all the hater's it's not a bad production and the story was kind of fun. Great fx some ok actress. For being a Netflix series this has to be a top teir production. 😂
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Goonies on Elm Street!. Another fantastic season.
8 July 2022
Just loved the darker way this series goes with the kids getting older every season. For me this was the best season we got the answers about the gates to the other dimension. I love the story and how the 3 different story arcs goes together. Let's hope it gets even darker in the next season! If there was something to complain about then it was about splitting the season to part 1 and 2.

I read reviews in here that the actors were bad? I think it's amazing what they made with the cast they have. The acting is first class and you can't find another series with teens that delivers at this level! If you don't like it then you're probably to young or not a fan of horror series.
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The Boys (2019– )
Season 3 just made this series legendary!
8 July 2022
Wow what a season Herogasm was the best episode but this season S03 just made it one of the best comedy/action series I've ever seen. The storyline is amazing and the actors just delivered world class performances and FX was crazy!
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Not what I expected!
8 June 2022
Sometimes the best way to get back is just to take a step back and make fun of the bad decisions you have made in life. And then make a movie about it! Lol it was so fun to see. Let's hope Nick makes a comeback. He does have the potential to come back again. Let's hope he get some decent offers after this movie.
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This is really good!
12 May 2022
Finally they made a Trek series based on the idea of exploration. It's a great cast and they really click. The best kind of storytelling and effects. This is the first series that compares with TNG.
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A great action movie!
2 April 2022
Lots of hate in the reviews of this movie. Yes it's fiction and it's not the most realistic story and maybe a bit anti American. But still it's a great action movie. I hade no expectations because of the bad reviews but gave it a chance and it's much better the most American war movies. Chris is one of my favorite actors and he delivers as usual. Just give it a chance.

Tarik Saleh first big production as a director in the US and I like it. He did make the movie "Tommy" before and it's one of my Swedish favorite movies.
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Moonfall (2022)
Can it get worse than this?
6 February 2022
Wow how is Emmerich getting his budgets for this massive disaster movies. It was about 22 years ago he made a movie that was above 5 stars on IMDB. Sure this is fun too watch due to it's really bad story and acting. It's a comedy of how you make 150 million dollars explode in fireworks and SFX.

Please don't let him destroy Stargate next!
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