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The best of the best!!
28 May 2023
I can't say enough about Bruce Willis and his beloved career. He brings crazy danger to the screen to make all of us shout, more John McClain more!

During the 9/11 attacks, there was a clip with crazy amounts of white whatever it was, and I always thought that Willis would be running around the corner through the white clouds of stuff, just running with his gun holster on him. I know there is a lot more to 9/11 than Willis. I'm just saying.

I adore this man and I hope he's dealing with life like I would hope he should. To be comfortable and loved by family and friends. Much love and appreciation to this great actor ❤
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Up in Smoke (1978)
Sound & truth of a real stoner life, enjoy.
27 April 2023
This movie is a stoner classic & it tells everyone watching how a wonderful pair of friends can actually set a example of what life was like back in the 1960's & the 1970's. Silly fun ride from back then & a actual silly ride today. It's a heck of a perfect example of what the stoners of back then & how they tried to influence today's world.

Who doesn't love these 2 & their antics!? They are the absolute best at making anyone & everyone laugh at them & at ourselves. I hope that anyone today can watch this & know that it's all for fun & no one gets physically hurt. Enjoy reality at its absolute best!
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What did I just watch?
24 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There was no explanation as to what was happening and why the people that were selected to stay alive and to kill their significant others. People just showed up at the cabin and thought that they were right and they knew what was going to happen but, no one ever said why it was happening.

Nothing was ever said as to why the people were expected to kill others in their immediate circle to save the populace, never. They just kept on pretending as to why they may have believed what may have been right. I never believed as to why the people would give up their loved ones to appease some other nondescript entity.

That made the entire movie just lame and redundant as to why the people that came upon the cabin and question why anyone would even ask why these remote people would care about anything happening outside their cabin.

Why didn't the 2 guys and their daughter just get the heck out of there? They had a ride but instead chose to open the door and entertain the yahoos. Make it make sense...
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It's just funny!
14 March 2023
I came across this by accident and decided what the heck I'll watch it. I think if you watch it with no expectations then you will find the silliness in it. So many actors trying to be tough and military like and all of them are dumb and hesitant in making life and death decisions. Draw the gun but never shoot, we're saved! The alien Sky never got dirty and all the white clothes they find in a military warehouse for her fit and her makeup and hair is lovely. What have you, the movie tried to be The Day the Earth Stood Still, the original, I watched as a kid was my favorite from me being a kid, it was not.
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Julie & Julia (2009)
I love Julia Childs!
5 February 2023
I grew up watching her on TV in the 70's and I absolutely love her style of cooking. She taught me so much about cooking in general and no, I am not a chef by any means, I just learned so much from her. The great thing about her was that she could teach you basic cooking skills and techniques. I aways wanted to learn how to debone a chicken but I never learned. I watch but, it's harder than you think. You can learn from your mother, aunt's and books but, when it comes to basic things like how to hard boil an egg, she showed me how and why to do basic cooking. I thought I knew a lot but watching her told me I didn't know much if anything. I love this movie and I wish she was still around to show us basic skills and stuff. Everyone needs to learn from this and other people.
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I have watched this movie too many times to fathom
3 February 2023
I have watched this movie so many times that I can't count how many. It has a powerful message to people of different races and religions. I believe that people can relate and pretend that they are not the focus group but, to many groups know exactly who they are and what they believe. That's the truth behind this entire movie, people want to hide behind their beliefs and the blatant truth is simple, people hate others because they don't understand or listen to each other. Learn from the mistakes of people and love each other like they are all your own family.

Life is short and when you look at the simple possibilities of life you should forget as to why you hate for the simple fact of hatetred of others. The past few years should have taught us something, to hate one another is to never learn about who we are and this movie shows us this.
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High Anxiety (1977)
Best movie from back in the day and more.
22 January 2023
This movie is an all time favorite. I can't say enough about how funny this is.

I have been a big fan of Mel Brooks and the rest of these silly people for decades. The entire cast has stuck with me for decades and to watch this movie again and laugh is wonderful.

They do not make great movies like this anymore and that's sad. I think we need more silliness like this in our world and we need more people to make us all feel good about ourselves.

Don't be late for dinner, you will miss your fruit cup. Long live silliness and Nurse Diesel is a forever character that lives on to this day. It's all to silly for words.
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Rosewood (1997)
What really happened.
8 January 2023
Today is the 100th anniversary of this brutal racist attack on human beings. This story needs to be taught in schools.

I lived in Homosassa, Florida for a few years and to this day, living in Florida, not much has changed because crackers are alive and well in Florida and surrounding states.

My husband was obsessed with this movie and I learned a lot about what happened while living on the west coast of Florida. Drive on st rd 19 and you will see the steam engine that helped these people from way back when.

We all need to learn from this atrocity of time and how people can react because of ignorance and speculation before the real actual true facts come out.

I'm embarrassed and horrified as to how people treated others. I am glad someone brought this story to the attention of others. Learn from it and love one another please.
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In the Dark (2019–2022)
Wow what did I try to watch?
30 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I tried to watch this show and I even walked away from it for over a month or more because of the main character, Murphy.

Murphy is so annoying and hateful that the show itself was hard to watch. How can anyone watch a show and try to like the characters involved?

I watch a lot of TV and like I said, I walk away sometimes and I try to reconnect with others but, this character was just to much to stomach.

I have to say this, it is a great story line but, the main character was to hateful to deal with. Who deals with constant hate, disfunction and never ending negative feelings?

I am trying to watch it again but, I just hope that this character tries to realize that life is what you make of it no matter what life has dealt you meaning even though you are blind, you still need to get a grip and figure out what works for you.

My mother's cousin was blind and she moved along in life and always had a great attitude towards everything in life. This character doesn't know anything when it comes to life. She needs to get a grip. Figure it out.
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Troll (2022)
If I were 10 I might have enjoyed this
10 December 2022
This movie was silly from the beginning and yet it kept shloging on. No rhyme or reason to any of it but I wanted to see it through and find out how it imploded on itself.

I wanted to see more of the actual Troll itself. They had a lot of sounds like thumping and stomping but very little of actual Troll footage.

The community kept saying he was coming their way but there was no actual footage of the Troll stomping and yelling compared to the people gathering together to stop the Troll.

I suppose if you are 10 years old you might think this is great but any adult would say no. This is just silly crap that is more like old Japanese Godzilla films that like I said, you have got to be 10 years old to appreciate any of this silliness. The Japanese films were a lot better than this dribble.

Enjoy whatever makes you happy, right? Right. Have fun people.
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Sam Berns, my great new earth bound angel.
10 November 2022
Growing up and being a child that thought my world would end if things did not go my way, my wonderful parents would remind me that someone is always worse off than my own self centered, delusional, sometimes bratty self. They were of course, correct.

This movie grabs you in so many ways that all of us should be ashamed at how self centered we all are. Life is a huge challenge but, you look at this family and you can't help but smile at how all of them were determined to never ask for pity but instead they embraced life's challenges and worked through them learning how to make moments and time matter to the fullest.

I'm not a religious person but, I believe, after watching this program and seeing the beautiful innocent faces of these people that if there is a heaven they all have a special place waiting for all of them. God bless all of the special people that try to make a difference for these angels among us. I think it's time for some Christmas miracles and some special good cheer.
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Dog (I) (2022)
Is a mental breakdown a joke or what?
2 October 2022
I first heard about this movie months ago and thought it was a bad idea then. A hero Army Ranger with mental health problems runs his car into a tree at 120 mph and dies. His family wants his working dog at their sons funeral. Is this supposed to be funny? I find it hard to find some humor in this story line.

The dog would never be transported in such a way in a crappy crate that any large dog could rip the flimsy door off and they try to find humor in this. I'm shaking my head at the stupidity behind this entire movie. A military trained dog in a crap crate in the back of a Ford Ranger (?) driven by a guy that knows nothing about nothing. Stops every chance he can to get laid or drunk. How did he drive 1500 miles stopping and chasing an unleashed dog in 4 days? Staying in fancy hotels and trying to leave the dog in the room. Nothing made any sense. Except the ending, good girl.

I was right about this, the movie was a bad idea from the get go.
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I adore this band ❤
1 September 2022
I have watched this to many times to count. I understand it's just a remake of what was but, I absolutely adore Freddy and the rest of the band.

I saw Queen in 1979 or 1980 in Chicago, the Rosemont Horizon. He and them were majic. The energy was unmistakable and I will never forget the wonderful time we had that night, crazy.

I miss Freddy to this day. He was alive with energy and charisma. If you could imagine the stage and Freddy bouncing around you would remember it too till this day, magic.

Thanks for the wonderful memories Queen and you will forever live in my soul ❤, thank you forever and a million days.
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Spencer (2021)
23 August 2022
I watched this because of the hype and it kept coming up in my Hulu suggestions. What a waste of talent and most of all, authenticity. Did any of this actually happen or was it assumption on the director and producers part?

I read a few of the reviews and I just can't believe anyone found this factual. I believe it's all here say and the producers thought that people would buy into any of this.

People loved Diana for who she was and still is. Don't watch this crap and think it's who she actually was. She was an intelligent, beautiful woman that had to deal with a hostile family that didn't like her wonderful engaging personality and her in your face candor and honesty.

Charles is a ahole. To choose Camilla over this gorgeous, genuine woman, no one will ever know why. And, he will be king 1 day and God save the people he governs over.
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Bad acting
2 July 2022
Is Bradley Cooper going through something? This movie has got to be a new low for him. He's not even the lead in this crap.

Don't waste your time with this slow, unfortunate experience. I just can't believe that Cooper signed on to do this dribble.
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What are you considering entertaining?
1 July 2022
I started to watch this and got to the point where the father was on fire and no one even cared let alone the mother. This movie belongs at your local drive in, if there are any still around. Don't bother watching this garbage. It's not worth your time.
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She knew too much
26 May 2022
I remember a lot of this as a kid and even though I was young, I had read and watched many stories regarding Ms. Monroe over the decades.

Watching this documentary it brings a lot of memories back regarding this story. So many people wanted you to think that she took her life but, I never believed this. She was murdered.

You have to relive this time in history when all of the Kennedy's were in politics and were incredibly influential with everyone around them. Marilyn was in the middle of a lot of people and information at the time. She knew too much.

Even back then, the news media was sketchy along with the people that were prevelant at the time. Jimmy Hoffa, John and Bobby Kennedy and their father Jack. I don't think we will ever know the truth but, Marilyn was a beautiful and talented woman and who knows what might have been.
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Downton Abbey (2010–2015)
I have watched this show over 2 or 3 times
21 May 2022
That being said, I wanted to watch this series 1 more time before Netflix sells it to someone else.

This time around I can't help but seeing how incapable Lord Grantham is as far as running everything that involves the family and the Downton estate.

He is terrible at business and terrible at everything that it takes to keep this estate going. He relies on money that isn't his and has no idea how to generate actual funds from the thousands of acres that surround him and that dilapidated old house.

I have to laugh at how he defends his poor judgment and blames others as he refuses to move forward in life thinking that his daughters husband's and his wife's mother should bail him out.

I suppose watching this series the first time I never noticed how lame he actually is at business not to mention his youngest daughter's death. God forbid he let his daughter give birth in an actual hospital with the doctor who knew her a entire life.

I just found it in your face funny that this man was allowed to keep the estate running on anyone giving him money to keep this out of date mosoleum afloat. I know it was way back when but, he, Lord what's his name, was in charge of anything.
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Great love story.
23 April 2022
This is a movie that tells the story of so many people through so many episodes of their lives that if you realize how many people who have watched this amazing film then you can not pretend to believe that anyone could make this crap up.

Great story of how people can become embroiled in any kind of a plot line and come out clean. People are very gullible when it comes to life kinda feeling that it may resemble anything that may feel free to resemble real life. What is wrong with everyday life? Is there really something wrong with this? That is so friggin wrong? I am so sorry to feel so sad when nothing is actually wrong. Help the future generations that can't understand what the fuck is happening now. Please help the next generation to help themselves. They are being tested and watched.
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You have no idea until you are there
14 March 2022
I'm reading a lot of negativity here in the comments and I understand some of it. Sometimes you see people on TV that claim to be physics or mediums and they are not. I understand skepticism until you actually come face to face with someone who has this ability and then your opinion changes.

I worked at Culligan Water in Daytona Beach, Florida back in the late 1980's early 1990's. I was in sales and Dede was in customer service and service work orders. She had never met my husband.

We were at a summer picnic that the owners were having a great time with everyone and I had brought my husband Frank with me. Dede was across the picnic table from us and as a silly thought I had Dede read Frank on a whim to see if she was able to connect with anyone. She asked Frank to give her something anything that might help and he gave her his wedding ring. She read it like a dime store novel. It was crazy and she did not know Frank at all and everything was correct on what she told him. She told him things that I didn't know myself let alone me telling anyone else knew as what she was saying. It was crazy and I had knew found respect at that table that day regarding Dede.

Say what you will about parlor tricks and pretending to know something about other people but I found a knew respect for people that have this "thing". It is real and that day rocked my insufficient world, wow. I have no more words other than this. People that have this ability will have a special place in this world. I would not want to have this ability for nothing. The weight on your shoulders is beyond our comprehension and I would not want it for all the tea in China. Just to much in your ears and thoughts, no way.
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Animal Kingdom (2016–2022)
Waltz into a military base, yeah right...
7 February 2022
I was watching right along with everyone else until season 1 episode 9 when all of them just waltzed onto the military base, like what??? How stupid do you think the American people and the military could be that stupid? I mean really. It was sorta kinda entertaining until then and when I saw this episode I just lost the little bit of interest that I had at all. Wear a green t-shirt and camo pants and boom you are on the friggin base, like what? Okay, you lost me and yes, it is not that easy to slide onto a military base and do whatever. I hope it all kinda went well.
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Kudos to backpacking fierce women
16 January 2022
I love the 2 women. They are beyond courageous. To do what they did in a place where they honestly tried to just make some money and be themselves and be honest ladies. They just wanted to move on. And and to put up with the cras drunks and that boss that did nothing but belittle and degrade them was beyond heroic. What a bunch of local low class drunks that did nothing but shame them and the drunk men that treated them like meat for their perverted enjoyment. Wow, they are my new favorites.
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Great drive in movie!
14 January 2022
For those old enough to remember the drive ins of our teen age years, this fits the bill. We loved these crazy scary silly movies and we would live for the weekends in high school for this kind of scare. Say what you will about the movie itself it's all about the scare. It can smell the fear in you!
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Alive (I) (2018)
A really bad horror movie, not even horror.
9 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Don't believe the positive ratings. This movie drags along with no explanation as to what the heck happened. There are plenty of times that these 2 people have a chance to get out but instead they lie there waiting for this guy to come back.

Her hands aren't even tied down most of the time and yet she lays there wondering how they can escape, get up for crying out loud.

I got maybe an hour into it and gave up. You all tell me how it ends because I lost interest a long time ago. Waste of time.
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What happened to being a good mother?
6 January 2022
She travels back in time remembering how she screwed up as a mother and a wife. She realizes from seeing this family full of aholes that her former life was no different.

She is able to experience joy with an older man, Ed Harris along with a younger man, Will. She pushes both away until she sees what is happening with the crazy, belligerent family from New York city. It makes sense when you look at ignorant Americans versus kinda somewhat Euros, kinda.

We all judge each other and we try to forget our own past. How American can you get.
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