
2 Reviews
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Your Name. (2016)
An Extraordinary Heartwarming story of all time
4 May 2018
This movie is mesmerizing and meticulously made. All of the graphics, scenery, effects, plot, and characters are all perfectly made.

The title "Your Name?", is genius, which also is intriguing. The plot is perfect. At first we are brought to a story where the two characters live their life on a bizarre way. It shows us how they're living, who are separated very far away. Each of minute will made us intrigued of how these two main characters will live. The plot will make us as if we know them well and understand each of the character's feelings and problems. At first maybe we already would have guessed how this movie will go. But when 'that suspense' show up; which you will not know when you're going to feel that; you will be mind-blowned as well as burst into many feelings. Happy feelings, heartbreaking feelings, heart-warming feelings, all packed into one.

The interactions between the two main characters are really unique and funny, yet lovable. There's also a lot of comedic scenes and dialogues in the movies, as well as the breathtaking scenes. The graphics, the scenery, are breathtaking. You still can imagine how the scenery will look in real life. Even you may wonder how beautiful living in the town where one of the main character lives.

It's such an experience to watch an animated movie of this kind. There's no experience of the perfect combination between graphics, effects, characters, story that filled with many of emotions, in Non-animated movie. This anime movie nailed it beautifully.

This is a recommended movie to everybody. I would absolutely re-watch this movie to feel those emotions again. So beautiful.
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So Undercover (2012)
Nice easy flick to enjoy your leisure time
16 April 2018
3, 2, or even 1 star? It's not really bad. Take it easy people, don't be too serious to rate a movie like this kind.

I find this movie is hilarious, and got me laughing every time one of the characters named Cotton showed her ignorance, and I think she's the most that gives comedic atmosphere in this movie.

Frankly at first from the opening of the movie, I judged this movie and thought that this movie was bad. This movie has flaws in many ways, but then the point of watching this kind of movie is having fun on spending a leisure time. We don't really have to inspect and criticize all of the movie's flaws. I know that many other movies have really well-made lines, plot, and astonishing scene. But I consider this movie is well made to just enjoy it in some leisure time without keeping criticize it. But frankly I think the ending, particularly the last scene, is hasty, and yup this is one of the flaws I think and maybe you guys would think too. But it is still entertaining though. And by the way, I see a lot worse comedy than this one, as well as the better.

Overall, from the plot, hilarious scenes and dialogue, and the ending, i give it 6/10

I don't expect comedies to have very much story or very heavy on plot. If you're looking for an easy movie to watch, give this a try. It's entertaining.
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