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Quality, refreshing, moving. Loving this!!
16 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was worried that this subject matter, and the look of the era and images, that this might be lame or twee.

But it's so refreshing and original that they've struck a beautiful balance and portray real life by using what I'm assuming is an neurodivergent (ND) main character. I think she's autistic.

I find that many times if a character is ND they're depicted as whacky, weird, antisocial, offensive sometimes, and it's portrayed as people are exasperated by them.

But here it's clear to me that people are moved, and touched- empowered, inspired and challenged by her too, and that way more realistic. He character speaks with a directness that feels safe. It dissipates tension in a good way for me. She names the injustices and nonsenses that are prevalent now in society and were even worse back then. She finds out the hard way, but manages to reach inside and overcome.

She's an attractive woman too, so I think it's important also to show that a person can be multidimensional and that can mean they're often underestimated through the lens that many people view others.

It's wonderfully done. I'm only half way in, but I have high hopes. I was wanting there to be more attention on the racism, and I think that's developing. They've touched a little on the main character's privilege which is hugely important.

The main character is exceptional. The whole cast perfect.
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Deadloch (2023– )
I'm so conflicted! Brilliance and annoyance!
9 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There was so much for me to enjoy in this, but ultimately it was about the proportions - there was too much, too often, too many repetitions, and it went too far that I found it irritating and wish it was done in 4 episodes.

I loved the choir, the music, the setting, the satire, the acting, the cast, the important themes that were touched upon, the prolific use of the C word. So funny, it was laugh out loud. It was refreshing to have many of the main characters be gay, and a strong gay element to the story.

But I became exasperated at how many times they used repeated formulas like the red herring- someone says or does something random/innocent that causes a penny to drop for one of the investigators - they then rush off without explaining (to then accuse and find out they're wrong) to the exasperated person. This red herringing is something I like, but there was too much of it.

There was also too much, and too frequent examples of incompetence - like Eddie getting words wrong and have to be corrected. Other characters were overusing this too; making a profound statement, and then their sidekick corrects them under their breath. Then the naive Cathy playing both a qualified vet and then lawyer.

No one else has mentioned it but the 'Big Eyes' was a an annoying over exaggerated stereotype (I guess there needs to be some recognisable formula that works?) for me. I would have preferred to see her as speaking 'normally' - not in that affected style that means women might not be taken seriously- and perhaps keen, and initially underestimated for her input which eventually is (of course) a vital part in solving the case.

I enjoyed the bigger confrontations towards Cathy by Dulcie - that was a long time coming - and the younger woman who blurted out that Cathy injects herself into everything. That's a realistic and common character in many real life situations, and it was lovely to see Cathy holding that hard truth and exposing that actually she's a well meaning person. It brought an endearing human element into things.

Overall there was too much in there that made it hard for me to keep up and relax into one vibe. It was too frenetic.
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My Zoe (2019)
Great ethical drama, a bit too slow
11 April 2023
Great ethical drama, a bit too slow.

I liked Delphy as Isabelle. But it was all a bit slow really. I think the first third could have been massively condensed. The overattentive parenting was a bit cringey.

I liked the storyline for it's difficult ethical angle. Also the exploration of grief and loss and hope

Great ethical drama, a bit too slow.

I liked Delphy as Isabelle. But it was all a bit slow really. I think the first third could have been massively condensed. The overattentive parenting was a bit cringey.

I liked the storyline for it's difficult ethical angle. Also the exploration of grief and loss and hope.
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You People (2023)
I can see how it would divide opinion.
29 January 2023
I really liked this. The conversations with Ezra and his podcast colleague felt spontaneous and real. I love Eddy Murphy, David Dukovni and Julia Dreyfus' acting anyway. I appreciated the quick wit and sarcasm. The only thing I felt was a bit cringy was some points/characteristics felt a bit too laboured, a bit OTT.

I love Jonah and his character was endearing but sometimes the couple seemed too young for their 35 years.

I love Jonah and his character was endearing but sometimes the couple seemed too young for their 35 years.

I love Jonah and his character was endearing but sometimes the couple seemed too young for their 35 years.
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Captivating & compelling
17 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely loved this. Yes it was probably way too long- like many Netflix series- but tbh I couldn't get enough of the beautiful photos, the personal accounts and insights about their unusual life within the royal system.

Harry was born into the system. It's not one you can easily choose to leave. Meghan was understandably naive to what she was signing up to (similar to Lady Diana)

They come across to me as genuine people who are well liked and loved by many.

Meghan speaks exceptionally well. I find her warm and engaging. I love the way Harry seems to enjoy calling her 'M' "my wife" . To me it communicates his deep love and commitment to her. I like to think that it was particularly important for him to build his own loving family unit since losing his mum.

I was deeply moved when he shared his regret over not sticking by Megan's side when she struggled so with the isolation, fear and loneliness once the isolation, hate and divisiveness set in. She says she was not allowed to get help. She was not allowed to talk to anyone.

I'm appalled and ashamed that our newspapers were allowed to continue with the vitriol and hate inciting headlines that naive folk seemed to feast on. The newspapers intercepted and printed a letter she wrote to her dad. How could that be ok?

When I think about how bereft, abandoned, betrayed that ordinary people can feel when they're being bullied and accused in their place of work, in a friendship group or a family, and this was happening to them on a mega scale, I think how terrible this must have been for them that they didn't even have their privacy and support of a parent or grandparent on his side.

All the people complaining about their privilege, this is a couple who were hounded by press. There were tweets about killing her and their son. How would it have helped if they were left with no money in that situation. Would they be happy to see them poor AND vulnerable? It doesn't make sense.

From their own account - mostly Harry - he was invited to one family meeting where William shouted in his face, and the queen stayed silent. He apparently left that meeting thinking it was tense, nothing was decided, there would be more discussion.

But it then became clear after he left, that decisions had been made without him, and he was ousted and left without security and protection. He'd left his wife and baby in Canada (I think) to have that meeting. I would not be able to leave my family out of my sight in such a vulnerable situation.

I really felt for them when they returned to the UK for a last visit and it became clear how much they were loved and appreciated by the public. I'm glad they felt that, but how galling to realise once the decision had been made.

As Harry was saying, they could have advocated strongly for the palace, injected some life, energy, emotion, and much needed diversity.

This opportunity was wasted and has done the royal family and our country no favours in the (open) eyes of the world.

I wish their lovely little family well, and I really hope to see more of H and M.
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The English (2022)
Absolutely captivating, beautiful!
26 November 2022
This was soooooo good! Great cast, everyone was well cast, particularly the two main characters but the quality was so high there wasn't much in it.

Well done BBC for getting this do right.

One of the many things I appreciated was that I needed to really pay attention because the dialogue is tricky to understand even if you can hear every word. It's subtle with at time so few words - just one or two words being exchanged, that it makes it powerful and intense.

It also keeps you guessing and engrossed rather than frustrated. Leaves just enough to the imagination, and also at times it's really graphic. I found it novel to occasionally drop in to feeling like I was watching an old western.

The romance and connection between the two main characters was so moving.

I didn't want it to end.
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18 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Goodness knows how they managed melodramatic, and under- reacting simultaneously.

None of the characters likeable

Totally unbelievable the way the main character is so beleaguered and consistently gaslighted. It's like personal vendetta by like EVERYONE he knows.

Both his brother and wife continually unwittingly setting him up!

Eva was a great actor. Loads of emotion.

Clichés gallore

"You'll pay for this!!" who even says that since 1980s soaps? Calling the main character by his last name PERSISTENTLY and with innuendo

Did the police realise they were interviewing a child?

X Cxxxxxxxxxx.
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Bad Sisters (2022– )
Absolutely brilliant!
16 October 2022
Just pretty much back to backed this. Great cast, soundtrack, dark humour, beautiful setting.

So clever. More of this please!

Just repeating as need to make up the word count for some reason?

Just pretty much back to backed this. Great cast, soundtrack, dark humour, beautiful setting.

So clever.

Just repeating as need to make up the word count for some reason?

Just pretty much back to backed this. Great cast, soundtrack, dark humour, beautiful setting.

So clever.

Just repeating as need to make up the word count for some reason?

Just pretty much back to backed this. Great cast, soundtrack, dark humour, beautiful setting.

So clever.
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A Dark Place (2018)
Lovely film, avoids clichés
14 October 2022
Lovely film, great cast. I appreciated the lack of cliché that so often abounds these crime dramas. Some lovely subtleties that kept me engaged and hooked in.

I'm interested in what those on the autistic spectrum make of the main character's portrayal of neurodivergence. I found it sad that he was so broadly treated badly and met with negativity. Are we really still so unaccepting of difference?

Im just copying and pasting below as the review needed to be a minimum of characters (bizarrely!)

Lovely film, great cast. I appreciated the lack of cliché that so often abounds these crime dramas. Some lovely subtleties that kept me engaged and hooked in.

I'm interested in what those on the autistic spectrum make of the main character's portrayal of neurodivergence. I found it sad that he was so broadly treated badly and met with negativity. Are we really still so unaccepting of difference?

Lovely film, great cast. I appreciated the lack of cliché that so often abounds these crime dramas. Some lovely subtleties that kept me engaged and hooked in.

I'm interested in what those on the autistic spectrum make of the main character's portrayal of neurodivergence. I found it sad that he was so broadly treated badly and met with negativity. Are we really still so unaccepting of difference?
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On the Verge (2021)
Love this, could be edgier 😅
9 October 2022
I really love this. Although - and I accept it's likely a caricature- I find it a sad representation of the way many women are ignored, overlooked and challenged over even the most basic things - see "that's an eagle. No it's a large crow" scene with Justine's husband. Until the Postie (male) confirms the female's truth!

It is shining a light on a common dynamic/theme of women being ignored, despite their obvious talent, kindness and loyalty.

I would like more to be made of Orian's mum Yasmin's story, and the dodgy situ with her cousin.

The script is a bit off re Orian's patenting. They ideal about him as if he's 3 "The lemon jelly monster. He's finally asleep. I can get myself to sleep mum" he's like 12/13!!

I like Ann's child being gender fluid. I also like Eli's family, but not so much the way she's portrayed as such an obvious victim. A bit more subtlety would be better here. Like if she had a job but was trying to branch out.

I also like that women mess up and argue.
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Marriage (2022)
Life like tension!
5 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow this was so real and relatable. I noticed myself anticipating all the cliche dramatic storylines playing out, but it was cool when they didn't really go where I expected.

Brilliant acting from the two main characters, the unlikable Jamie and grandad. I wasn't keen on the other characters unfortunately.

Spoiler - I didn't think it added up when the daughter appeared hand in hand with the waiter at the end of the evening. She'd only just met him and was clearly with a very. The chemistry between them was not obvious. I think they needed better, smarter chat up lines enough to get her interested.
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Billie Piper, is just BRILLIANT!
1 September 2022
Billie is so captivating and engaging. He'd character is well written and she plays the part to perfection. She's vulnerable, kind, and well- meaning. But she's also really well boundaried despite- mostly punters- pushing them.

It's a shame but I just don't feel the chemistry between Hannah and Ben, or Hannah and Alex. I don't think she's be drawn in by someone who's playing such a traditional role. Ben seems a bit victimy. I don't know if the writing or the acting. I'm sorry to say this. I just would have loved a refreshing more open attitude about her work.

These days having sex is as available as playing bowls or tennis. I believe in reality there are many people who are secure enough in themselves that they would love being partnered with someone like Hannah. So why are we not pairing her with someone who's inspired by her freedom, openness, sexuality.

The clichéd, outdated attitudes of the men are infuriating - but I fear they're common.

Alex being 'disgusted and humiliated' !!! She's working hard- sand as he is - at something she's good at!
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25 August 2022
A beautiful movie looking realistically into the pressures on western families whilst observing and acknowledging the stark undeniable contrast of the daily horrors faced by those who happen to be born into war torn countries ruled by tyrants.

I loved Christian's passion. His anger at the world. His confidence in saying what adults were not.
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Cliche alert!
28 February 2022
So disappointing when you can predict what's going to happen, it's unrealistic and an overly dramatic ending.

It was potentially a good plot with the two main stories and their characters. The two female leads were really well acted. The other main characters were hard to feel anything for.

Such a shame The BBC cannot seem to get together a quality drama.
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Landscapers (2021)
19 December 2021
I love all the main actors in this, but Kate OFlyn is phenomenal! I'm not from Nottingham but am familiar. I love This is England - based in Nottingham- and I thought she may have been in this. But overall she is notable for me in bringing an edge.

I love the unusual presentation of this true crime. I'm curious about the murders and happy to continue because of the great acting.
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The Good Doctor (2017–2024)
**Spoilers***Unbelievable, Cliche and unoriginal.
17 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This just would not happen; a freak accident and an inexperienced, barely employed young doctor/surgeon (?) is permitted to take charge in emergency first aid? And then experienced surgeons leave a patient mid lifesaving operation to consult him?

And they're all the time worried about litigation??
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Rosita (2015)
Beautiful and real
27 February 2021
I really enjoyed this despite the troubling subject matter. I think it's realistic that (many) males express their emotions as anger. Pain meets loss meets loneliness, desperate struggle
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Tallulah (2016)
8 December 2020
Very well cast. This is right up my street. I needed a Tallulah in my life 20 years ago!
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Beautiful Saturday night experience!
4 December 2020
Loved this so much. Great family (teen) watch. Great cast, great soundtrack and portrayed real, imperfect relationships, and doubts about those typically imperfect relationships. Marissa Tomei is just lovely
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Che bellissima!
17 November 2020
Loved this! It was a simply beautiful experience. So great to see Sophia again. The main actor was astounding. As we're all the supporting roles.

So glad I found this
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Venus (III) (2016)
I was gripped!
20 October 2020
Beautiful, fragile honest take on young women's attitudes and experience of sex and their sex. I would love to see this format rolled out to women of all generations to expose the biases, insecurities and battles we all face as part of life abd potentially are not aware of until after they cause distress
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Carrie Pilby (2016)
Sweet little watch
14 October 2020
I loved this movie. The main character I found captivating and I was on her side from the start. I have an interest in the subject of relationships, and the way the therapy was used was really interesting; The issues with boundaries were actually quite realistic, as was her distress at her absent father.
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Still watching but quite a few
7 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
We're still compelled to watch this, but so many hard to believes.

Arresting a 14 year old on only one finger print, (when he was in the same classes as the victim?) charging him, keeping him in custody on this???
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The Messenger (I) (2009)
Too Cliche for me
7 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I had great expectations as I appreciate Harrelson and Morton, but I didn't get how the connection/attraction started between the widow and the sergeant. I'm not a fan of macho behaviour and the speeding scene...urrgh! Using the nature of their journey to excuse jumping red light was a poor excuse as it would only have added on seconds.

It was a promising abd difficult subject to explore, but it sounds inaccurate. I find it hard to believe that this would be a sole, daily remit for a soldier.
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Simply beautiful
12 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this easy, heartwarming watch. I love both actors anyway, and I felt their 'mismatch' made their union even more realistic. I could see how the various parts of herself - the non-stop chattering/the gentle, loving carer , the excited adventure seeker lover/the worn down exasperated partner could represent a real relationship where not everything is perfect and even though we love, we sometimes don't say it or do it in our most challenging of life situations.

The casual way in which she handled the physical challenges of his condition was heartwarming. Her slight frustrations at his moments of clarity when remembered the tiniest details of others who were in his life for a relatively short time. Her mild irritation at her husband for 'boring' (?) people with his love and appreciation of literature.

All this when she could not see her own constant 'one-way' chatter to random people! I found this endearing partly because I observe this in real life relationships too.

I like the way she almost asks her son something big...she has an insight about him...but it never happens..this too is more common in real life than a big, deep open, honest discussion with parents.

One slight irritation- I'm a stickler for noticing repetition in dialogue, and her asking "don't you remember???" so often, and with such exasperation, felt grating due to his memory loss!
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