
4 Reviews
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The Handmaid's Tale: Milk (2021)
Season 4, Episode 4
I'm here just to read the triggered anti abortion people
3 April 2023
As said in the title, I knew this episodes would have triggered many people.

Here in Europe 90% of people are clearly pro abortion, wich doesn't mean we like to kill babies, but we give people the choice to not have babies if an accident happens. And it's an embryo, not a baby. I'm surprised to read how many debate there are in USA about that, wich it's crazy in 2023.

Maybe Americans really prefer to live in a disthopic country like Gilead.

The rest of the episode was ok. The storyline in Canada it's quite boring and June's character is as obnoxious as always. Hopefully they will improve the plot going on.
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The Last Dance: Episode III (2020)
Season 1, Episode 3
Mr. Dennis Rodman
27 April 2020
He is one of the biggest reason I wanted to see this series and I'm not disappointed. The worm it's one of the most controversial and interesting players in the history of the nba. A guy way more deeper than what he looked from the outside. Good job.
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The Handmaid's Tale: Liars (2019)
Season 3, Episode 11
Good but sloppy
21 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
10 minutes of good cinematography doesn't make up for another not great writing. June is literally the godfather, she does whatever she wants and has always a way out for some reason (this time a Martha save her because June saved her in Chicago, what a coincidence!). She should have been hanged on the wall at least 5 times in 3 season but apparently she has a special immunity. We see her killing Wislow, a sporty guy of mt1.90 full of muscle with a pen! And where are all the Eyes? Marthas, Lawrence family, June, Waterfords, everybody whatever they wants without a single Eye contesting. Personally the series died when June decided to not leave Gilead with her daughter. No, wasn't enough, she wants also the other daughter somehow. That's just sloppy.
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Game of Thrones: The Last of the Starks (2019)
Season 8, Episode 4
Getting worst every episode.
7 May 2019
How can this episode have 6.9 in average if 95% of the votes are averaging 2-3? Is HBO paying imdb to keep the average high?

In the last episode the funs were split between who love and who hated it. Here the author decided to put everybody on the same page and make a hateful episode.

All the character developments are gone,in just one episode. It all became a soap opera.

The worst part was the Dragon killing. Nobody should have ability to shot in the air spears. It's not WW2, no airplanes to hit. Should be a new thing trying to kill a dragon flying 2km away from them. THE HIT HIM 3 TIMES!! Just like that. And of course from high in the sky, Daenerys doesn't see an entire fleet hide behind just a rock..makes sense!

Breaking bad wins in the long run for best series ever.
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