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A worthy wait for this movie
28 June 2018
First time watching a movie with no whatsoever expectations as the casts are all unfamiliar to me except Vivian Chow. Turned out had so much fun watching the story unraveled despite the nonsensical plot involving fantasy-like angel theme. The actings of the casts were great and the chemistry among them was natural that even Boss Bao the so-called "gangster wannabe" ex-director character managed to provide numerous funny scenes along side the MCs.

Seriously though my first thought after 10mins into this movie was whether I want to continue watching it since I felt as if I was being thrown into a messed up, weirded out plot not knowing what to expect especially when the male MC appeared dressed up in bikinis, carrying a cabbage and on roller skate. I am glad I stayed put as I really enjoyed the simple romance journey between the MCs on learning what is love and crushes and having the courage to love and wishing happiness for the one you love. This movie is silly, weird, candid but tells the story of simple, pure love. I especially like how the romance story of the cafe owner being revealed and the relation with the MCs. As per the title of this movie, all of us are waiting for that someone who can see us the way we are.
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Every Day (2018)
A simple teenage romance movie that teaches about human relationships
3 June 2018
This is a teenage romance movie with great story lines that touched on several themes in real life when "A", the MC started to appear in Rhiannon, the female MC's life. It does not matter that how and why the mystery of "A" able to transport from one body to another and living their lives for them for just that one day, is never properly addressed in this movie because this movie is not about the fantasy and supernatural but to me, it is about human relationships. From how Rhiannon's so-called romantic relationship with her jerk boyfriend, Justin to Rhiannon's family relationships to "A"'s attempt to live the lives of the people he/she invaded for a day, the audience gets to travel together in these illustrated relationships.

I like how the story tried to cover the many different aspects of people that "A" gets to invade and along the way touch on the various real life issues, the outcasts at school, the high expectations of parents on their children, LGBT, teenage's life, etc, and of course showcasing the people from all walks of life, culture, values, beliefs and so on. The flow of the story is smooth and the scenes are aptly laid out together with what I think are most amazing OST as bgm. In fact the greatest thing about this movie, to me, is the soundtrack of life picked out for these two MCs.

I also really appreciate how the ending is not going down the typical teenage romance movie of happily ever after and instead despite leaving a bittersweet taste to what I have watched, I realised I was happy for the two MCs to have the chance to meet and trying to make things work for them at their young age without much understandings how to go about what they are going through. Many things in life are best left unexplained and to just go with the flow and enjoy the process, which I think "A" the MC is living the life set out for in whatever best way "A" could think of for that person being invaded for a day.

Note: Apparently there was an older movie called Beauty Inside released in 2012 that is similar to this movie and also a Korean version also released in 2012. Interesting indeed.
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Watch it with a light heart
31 May 2018
One is never too late for a Jackie Chan's movie, especially a comedy action movie of his. First of all, the way the story plot being presented is very straight forward like, literally doing a presentation with sub-titles of what to expect in the scenes as we go along. It's clean cut in such a way and you won't feel any interruptions. And with the theme on, 'let's do something big in this lifetime' coming out from average railroad workers, you know you are going to be in for rides filled with laughters. The bgm matched well with the scenes and helped to raise the dramatic-ness from the comedic aspects.

To me, the most crucial point of this movie fell on the good chemistry among the quite star-studded casts. They matched each other so well in their rhythms and one can really feel their comrades and brotherhood, which at times really what made their actions/sayings funny. There were many times that I was really laughing my heads off and I knew this movie is such feel-good humor movie worth watching. I like how Jackie Chan was not a one-man show in this movie and helped to bring out the acting skills of others casted in this movie through their interactions. In fact, it was an eye opening for me to see Wang Kai with his supposedly 'cool-I-know-what-I'm-doing-in-war' Fan Chuan character turned out to be a hilarious character with his constant 'rational' thinking. Another hilarious character akin to Fan Chuan was the Japanese Captain played by Ikeuchi Hiroyuki, which I see in the movie as to now wonder why he and Fan Chuan 'battling' it out the most.

I got to admit that my initial thought before I started to watch this movie was half expecting it to be typical China-produced war era movie, focusing much on patriotism. However, despite this movie having its patriotic moment, it wasn't shove down the audience throat like the usual ones. The feeling of "patriotism" (wanting for the freedom fighters to win despite their average tricks and fighting skills) was somewhat built into me as I watched the progress of how desperate this group of average men, dreaming of doing big things as they kept putting it in the movie, wanted to help the army to blow up the bridge.

I am not the type who rewatch but if I ever do catch this movie on TV or something, I won't mind rewatching just for the laughters.
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My Mister (2018)
A true slice of life drama
25 May 2018
Started watching this drama with no expectation, thinking it is just another slice of life drama. I have to say at the beginning like at least 5 episodes it did somehow feel as such, a drama that totally people in general able to relate to and even a bit slow, boring with the many conversations in between characters and with the focus on office politics. However if you stay on and immerse yourself into any of these characters as they move along with the story plot, I guarantee you will feel rewarded on the experience of what relationships between humans really are and how we are all just surviving and thriving (or failing) in the act of being in relationships with one another. This drama stays true to its theme on exploring and unfolding human relationships - love (also self love and care), belongingness, betrayal, forgiveness, acceptance, letting go, and I can go on and on because I'm amazed by the writer nim's ability to pack so many things in 16 episodes and yet it all fits accordingly and not overwhelming the story plot at all!

The existence of the male MC, Park Dong Hoon in this story and the way it is being written really carried all the other characters so well throughout the plot - he is really just an ordinary genuine ahjussi, at some point in your life, you wish you get to meet in real life or perhaps you have even met such a person before. He has his own shares of life frustration but always chose to do things that would determine the outcome of what already happened (staying in control) and not wallow in what already happened (e.g., blame or accept his 'destiny'). His attitude of if you see it as nothing then it will become nothing and life goes on, is really a good learning point in life. Try putting yourself in the shoes of the female MC, Lee Ji An, and experience the tough life she had to go through (someone who accepted her 'destiny') and understanding her reactions and actions as well as what made her blurred the line between gratitude and romance because in the end how do we, as human beings express of our love to someone whom we see as angel sent to us and telling us life is what we made of, instead of destiny.

This drama not only developed strongly anchoring on these two characters but also the entire characters in the neighborhood detailed in the drama. I see it as every single characters revealed in this drama are as equally important to showcase how we all influence one another when we gather together in our lives. From relationships among family members (siblings, mother-sons, grandparent-grandchild) to brotherhoods who stay in same neighborhood (the extended society family) to the 'family' at work and to the point that even a monk character speak volume in this drama - all depicting the sense of belongingness in human beings that is so reflective of reality world. Their interactions in this drama are gems, teaching you the many perspectives of life.

I am just so grateful and satisfied with this drama that lived up to its title and for the writer nim who preserve the beauty of the relationship between the two MCs without tainting it with the usual reciprocating romance theme. The most memorable thing from this drama for me, apart from the awesome casts' performances, is to slowly decipher and digest the meaningful conversations between the MCs especially with the constant illustration using metaphors. Oh and the music and bgm throughout the drama are like, prefect to the core. The whole wire tapping and listening to the audio along with Lee Ji An - every single sound was crisp clear and really made it feel as if the audience is transported into it. Also up until now there are still various vivid scenes from the drama that keep appearing to me visually, such as the walk home at the neighborhood between the MCs and the subway train ride.

This is definitely one drama that will leave a big impact to you if you take a chance to watch it. It hurts a lot at certain point to come to terms with reality of life but it hurts so good because that's how you grow to be a better person.
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The Titan (2018)
Not everyone's cup of tea
19 May 2018
Definitely not mine. The title reflected nothing on this movie except the destination which was only shown like in few blinks. This movie is about the preparation it takes for human to be send over to live in Titan as part of the long run plan to preserve humanity. The beginning of the movie started off quite promising, getting the viewer hyped up on the preparation but somehow slowly lost its magic as the story progressed on. I felt a lot of things were left unexplained and shown way too briefly, as if just to build up to the momentum of nothingness in the end, e.g., how and what made certain experimented volunteers failed - it was as if just zip zap and viewers are expected to grasp what's happening. That was when I lost interest. It really could have been better, if only.
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What was lost found again
18 May 2018
Don't we all wish to turn back the clock? This movie is about rediscovering self and what was once lost is found again. Technically not really time travel back to past for me as it only involves changes of memories and mentality since the female MC would become her younger self of 17 years old whenever she ate the special chocolate. However it is about this technicality that really made the plot interesting because it somewhat reminds us that in reality even without these special chocolates, we get to choose what mentality we want to project if we really look into ourselves. Whether we want to choose to believe in ourselves and revisit our lost dreams and passion, knowing in life it is never too late. At one point during the argument between the female MC and her long-time boyfriend whereby the female MC (the young, unafraid version of herself after taken the chocolate) blamed her boyfriend for getting in her way towards her dream and passion while the boyfriend retaliated on this blame, I thought to myself how true it is this scene - we all want to choose to be able to blame another for what has failed in our life when in reality all we can do instead is to pick up the mess ourselves and work towards getting things right. In the movie, it was shown how the female MC took the long route towards picking up herself but the journey was necessary for her to come to this realization - that whether it was her 17 years old self of her 28 years old self, she, alone can make it happen as long as she never give up and get lost in herself. I think this was truly the most meaningful drive home point for me from this movie. To be honest, I was not too keen on the ending except I guess to go along with the theme on 'what was lost found again'.
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Friendship or romance
18 May 2018
I don't ever recall seeing such short Korean drama before and I'm happy I took a chance on this drama after seeing short clips of the MCs' interactions. The story plot is simple and can be close to heart for those who have the opposite sex as best/close friends - the one person you always know never to cross the line or not dare to do so in the event you lost the friendship. It's a matter of whether you treasure romance or friendship more and if you are up to taking the dive and find out the outcome of a relationship. It was as if while watching the drama you will also start to hesitate just like them and wonder whether to take the plunge. The pacing of the drama was smoothly done as we go along with the MCs in their discoveries. I really enjoy the performances of both MCs and their on-screen chemistry is just right for the kind of relationship they are having in the drama. The music was just nice and the attraction of perusing French language also quite a sell to this drama. In a way the male character is in the expression of art of love through unique visual representation while the female character is in the expression of art of love through beauty of language. In my opinion the writer weaving these aspects quite perfectly as the background setting.
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A total feel good movie
3 May 2018
It is nice to be able to watch a good old decent romance movie once a while. Love the castings especially the little girl who played Billy. Simple straight story plot with key themes on forgiveness and retraced back to your own roots. In real life it is exactly what we need in terms of acceptance and embracing someone who made a mistake. Love as well to the sense of belongingness showcased of the townhood, which hardly comes by now a day in the big city life. Watch this one for the feel good it brings you.
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Gerald's Game (2017)
A recommendation that lives up to expectation
3 May 2018
I was recommended to watch this, having being informed on the twisted craziness in the plot. It lived up to my expectations although at certain points the random conversations did get draggy despite majority of the conversations were required to make the scenes solid and how the MC spiraling down the madness of her own thoughts and dreams. I would suggest watching this with the mindset of being in the MC's shoes and it will really makes you grasp how real and unreal everything our mind conjures up to be, which made up the intensity of the movie. There was no frill and all that matter is how strong your survival instinct is and your ability to stay sane in such situation. Although I must say in a way like the MC, there really was not any comprehension on how certain things fell into place that led to the ending (can't explain much without spoiling) but in reality, real life, it is happening too so why not in movie.
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In which old or new the sidekick still stole the show
1 May 2018
Just like how the original movie turned out to highlight the best of Chow Yun Fat's acting as Mark, the same goes for this 2018 version in which Darren Wang's acting as Ma Ke was a show stealer. I watched the original movie super long time ago so hard to be making much comparisons although I did notice certain differences on how the story plot being played out despite maintaining the definitive themes on friendship, brotherhood and crime gang. The action scenes were so-so in my opinion (the legendary shooting scenes by John Woo were classic memorables) but it did try to showcase its own flair when Ma Ke went solo to the Japanese triad. As such I feel this movie relies more on the casts' actings, from the main characters to the special guesting including the short scenes with Eric Tsang while in the prison. True enough, for me the chemistry between Wang Kai and Darren Wang was superb as they interacted throughout the movie. Although there were still that few moments I could not help but to feel if only they added in more of the "oomph" on brotherlihood with proper build up instead of just glazing over some difficulties faced by Zhou Kai in his failed attempts to rebuild his life the proper way as stepping stone to reconnect with Ma Ke again. I did not feel an equivalent level of chemistry between Wang Kai and Ma Tian Yu despite recalling this movie's key point is on these two brothers and how the blames, shames and guilts threatened their kinship. Nonetheless it was enjoyable still and definitely worth watching. I'd rewatch for the good 'ol feeling. And intermittently throughout the movie, you get to be reminded of/reminisced on the original OST sung by the late Leslie Cheung.
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"Ren Suan Bu Ru Tian Suan"
1 May 2018
There is this saying in Chinese entitled, Ren Suan Bu Ru Tian Suan (Man proposes but God disposes) that came to my mind as soon as I finished watching this movie. Throughout the movie, we see how a man could calculate all he wants and yet there are things or aspects in life that one could not be able to calculate to the dot and in this case especially a person's heart as well as what a person views as valuable/meaningful. I think the story plot was well laid out from beginning, slowly but surely building up to the few possibilities the audience might be able to grasp and catch if they pay enough attention. To me, it would be one of the reason why this movie would worth a rewatching - i.e., to retrace the steps and clues while putting yourself in their shoes. I really like the conversations and interactions between the two main characters, both as genius trying to calculate each other moves. The metaphorical conversations between them were insightful and beautiful for me. In terms of acting, both WangKai and Edward Zhang shine in their respective roles especially Edward in expressing Shi Hong's nonverbals - for someone who appeared emotionless but yet trapped in seas of emotions when fall in too deep in the maze of mind and end goal. I must say though that it did appear somewhat the truth was told in a rush manner - a sudden pick up contrast from the slow laid out from the beginning, which if would have been made more engaging (to match with the tempo set so far between the two MCs) then would be a more digestible solution out of the many solutions up the mountain.
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A matter of perspective
1 May 2018
Emotionally gripping for me to watch this because I tend to be overwhelmed by what happened to the characters in war-plot movie. The casts were all great and wonderful in their roles, each bringing out one another's best aspects and molded their chemistry throughout the journey in this movie. There were various themes on humanity being touched and carried on as the key to this movie while you are brought into an existential reflection of what if you are part of it in that war-era period, what would you have done to stay alive and what would you have chose to do. Watch this movie without getting too hung up on the political facts but more on being in the shoes of those who had to plough their way for survival. I also like the cinematography of the scenes when everyone trying to escape and working together towards it although I must say the ways certain gun shots shown just a bit hard to comprehend how certain people so easily died while certain just survived.
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