6 Reviews
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4 July 2021
"The Video Store" promises a nostalgic look back on the 90s and it delivers. Blends elements reminiscent of "ET The Extraterrestrial", "The X-Files" and "Stranger Things".

The film features 2 familiar faces known to grace the shelves of video stores in the 80s/90s - the talents of James Duval and Kelli Maroney. Bird and company give audiences a familiar nod to our youth, yet offer us something fresh at the same time. As someone who grew up around video stores this movie made me miss them even more. A fun sci-fi alien short to enjoy with the family.
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Buckle up and get in
17 February 2019
Shot for a mere $400, this short film proves you can do a lot with very little. A nice suspenseful drama with a dash of psychological seasoning. The drive is just under a half an hour, but it's a good ride. The dialogue between Bird and Carney is great. I recommend a watch.
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Get Naked! (2017)
I wanted to like this movie a lot, but disliked it even more
3 February 2019
This film claims to be a comedy, but delivers very little humor. The jokes weren't funny. The only people laughing in the theatre were either drunk before the film started or worked on the film. The plot didn't make much sense and the story was jumbled. Originally titled "Bakersfield" because the film took place there. I'm not sure why the writer/director/star decided to utilize Bakersfield as his backdrop other than to paint an otherwise unpleasant and untrue picture of its citizens. All I found were racial stereotyping and derogatory remarks made toward people in that town. The acting wasn't great, but that really falls on poor writing and directing. The editing was horrible. The random obscure soundtrack choices throughout the film were very annoying. I give the film 2 stars - 1 for trying and 1 for Eric Roberts.
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His diaper isn't the only thing loaded!
19 January 2019
Not for those easily offended. If you read the title and know the concept then you're either in or out from the get go. Definitely a dark comedy, splattered with jokes and blood galore. The baby's commentary is as fast and fierce as his arsenal. Thankfully the filmmakers didn't "pull out" on this idea. They birthed a killer little movie! Great job to all on this one. Lots of fun!!
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A fun little jaunt through horror
19 January 2019
Great performances from the key characters, but also some memorable moments from the supporting cast. The creepy makeup fx, cinematography, and editing really make this tense thriller shine. The film is short, running nearly 30 minutes, but that doesn't mean it cuts back on the chills. Kick the lights off, crank up the volume, and get Familiar with this Spirit.
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A stoner comedy you don't want to puff-puff-pass up
6 January 2019
You don't have to be "high" to dive right into this indie gem to find its humor appealing. With its tongue in cheek jabs at today's society this is a road trip that's a fun ride.
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