
24 Reviews
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Best so far
7 April 2022
Its so good to see that an actual screenwriter was tasked to cowrite this, because it shows. I love seeing new wizarding world locations, and the duel scenes were amazing. Round of applause to the amazing vfx group that worked on this movie. I love how we all had confusions about Credance in the first film, and this cleared that up, hopefully the next one will fix the Minerva plot hole. One thing though,WHERE ARE THE FIRE CRABS?! Lol I might be the only one annoyed that these little buggers were everywhere in the games but have not yet shown up on live-action. I think its just because I'm Fijian and we have yet to see pacific Island Witches and wizards...
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Ahhh Disney, what can I say...
3 April 2022
Queerbaiting at its finest.... I get that you can't really show all thats in the book but wtf! If you're gonna make a movie based on a book that explores themes about sexuality, breaking norms, and discovering yourself inspite of what the world around you says, than do that!! Don't just hint to Nate's queerness, or don't just show his only interaction to a lgbtq couple (and that too is just alluded to) is to ask for directions! The movie on its own is great, the fact that disney kept dropping hints of the character possibily being gay but not just outright saying it, says alot about them. They still need to make this movie profitable, so they'll hint to it, but never outright admit it.
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The Afterparty: Maggie (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
When is season 2
4 March 2022
This ending was great, tied all the loose ends up and did a pretty nice reveal... makes me wanna go back and rewatch to see what clues I missed.

Honestly the concept of this show is so unique, it could easily be an anthology especially since alot of genres (like horror) were not included in this first season!!
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Bala (2019)
Oh the irony
17 January 2022
A movie about loving who you are, regardless of your hair (or lack thereof) or the colour of your skin, yet both actors are neither bald nor dark skinned.... I guess bollywood just loves to preach change, but never actually do anything to change.

3 stars for atleast being a decent enough premise.
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
Where do I start....
12 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
People who say that it's slow clearly have not read the 14 books, which was slow and introduced so many characters that seeing the main cast every now and then felt more like cameos than them actually being the main cast. Also ofcourse it'll be slow, it's trying to fit all this amazing world and premise into a format that would ake sense on tv.... and those who have read the books and say this wasn't faithful enough to the source material, well yeah... Ofcourse it's not faithful, first off its only the first season, and secondly I doubt fitting all the sideplots and character arcs of the books into a series would work, if anything it'd just make the already slow pace even more so. Was it perfect? No. Was it a good enough adaptation of the novels? I'd like to think so. Is it a carbon copy of the books? Far from it Is it worth your time? Yes, it definitely is!

The reason I'm giving it an 8 and not a 9 is because the only change I hated were making Perrin married for some reason only to have the wife killed off??? That and making him also have feelings for Egwene... why?!
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Pretty Smart (2021)
Meh....lukewarm at best
16 November 2021
Am I jealous that my circle of friends are not half as good looking as the main cast??...... Heck Yes!! Am I disappointed that the story/jokes were not as good as their looks??.... Heck Yes!!

I don't blame the actors tho, they're great.... but I was just like "hmmmm why is there a laugh track right now?? Was I supposed to laugh at that?" For most of my time watching this....
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Cinderella (I) (2021)
I don't understand what people were expecting...
4 September 2021
I mean its a jukebox musical with a singer (not actor) as the lead and another Cinderella movie thats tryna be unique among all the other Cinderella movies... And for what it is, it's AMAZING! If you wanna watch something profound, or "not too woke/preachy", than you probably won't like this....
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Vivo (I) (2021)
Another 2021 musical for the records
10 August 2021
Oh this year is the year for musicals, and I'm not complaining... This movie was great, the story was a bit cliche but nicely executed, the music AMAZING, and the songs were great... Also the animation is beautiful, especially in the scenes that have a mix of 3D amd 2D animation styles... Highly recommend.
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Schmigadoon! (2021–2023)
Great if you love musicals
16 July 2021
Was I a theater kid? Yes! And this show was just the kind of funloving meta musical sitcom my little musical soul needed. It's filled to the brim with great actors (and great singers), the songs are beautifully written and the story is different but still recognizable. If you don't like musicals, this probably isn't for you...But if you do, than OMG this is sooooo good... It does border on parodying the musical greats rather than pay homage, but I honestly don't mind.
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Keeps getting better!
10 July 2021
Heck Part one was great but this was just outdid it and I hope the last installment will continue the trend.
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No, just no...
6 July 2021
Go watch Paint dry, much more fun and entertaining than whatever this was... Watched the first 5 minutes and I'm just sad it's 5 minutes of life I'll never get back, wasted on this hot mess!
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Can only go up from here... I hope...
5 July 2021
It's a good movie, a bit convoluted, but a nice start to the trilogy... I felt like they leaned way too much on the suspenseful music, like even when characters are doing normal things there's an eerily ominous music going on, Why!? The movie is set in the 90s but apart from the music and a few references, I honestly couldn't tell if it was the 90s or the 80s. And it just felt like a movie trying to be set in the 90s, and not like a 90s set movie.

It's a great tribute to both the stories and classic slasher, love the practical effects, and sooo glad R L Stine adaptations are finally getting an R rating so they can really explore the horror and gore of it all without worrying about that PG rating... If anything, I hope these movies start a new R L Stine craze in Hollywood like with Stephen King. Stine has some great work, and with a budget and great writing, it could knock all these King adaptations out of the picture, or atleast equal them!
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Why Women Kill (2019–2021)
It has a devilish charm
4 July 2021
This show is great. It leaves you asking who's gonna kill who? Or when is she gonna kill? The mystery and drama of it all really pulls you in and the snarky humor is quite entertaining... The narration in season 2 seems a bit redundant at times though, but great watch all around.
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Too powerful (and arrogant) for her own good...
1 July 2021
Why is she overpowered like wtf? Carol Danvers in the comics was powerful, yes, but I don't understand why the mcu made her have almost no weaknesses.... And on top of that, she just comes off a little too arrogant. I dont mind OP characters, look at Superman, or even supergirl, overpowered characters but somehow more relatable than the humans in their respective stories; yet Capt Marvel just leaves you thinking that the writers didn't know what to do with an OP character.... The mcu Cpt Marvel is really strong, and yet she's not as impressive as other strong (not as powerful) women of the mcu like Pepper, or Okoye... I say mcu Capt Marvel because the comics or animated Carol are 100% better than whatever this was.
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Kevin Can F**k Himself (2021–2022)
Refreshingly original
15 June 2021
In a time where every other show is a remake, an adaptation, a sequel/prequel, or a spinoff, it's really great to see something new and fresh for once. The switches between the sitcom scenes and the dramatic ones is really nicely done. The mains do a great job and the story, although abit left field, is still really believable... There really are many people who do feel like they're stuck in their own lives, sure murder is not the next best step but you can see where the motivation is coming from and you can't help but root for the main...
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Cruella (2021)
Great, fun, and just a little crazy
30 May 2021
I have been waiting for this from the moment it was announced.... And it delivered! Sure the narration felt redundant at times and the cg dogs were sometimes distracting... But the story was great, the acting amazing, and the costumes (omfg the COSTUMES! I swear if the costume designer doesn't win something from this movie Imma lose it)... The soundtrack was brilliant, nice use of 60s 70s classsics (a bit overused at times, but not glaringly obvious).

So far, I can confidently say that, this is the best liveaction remake/prequel from the house of mouse since The Jungle Book.
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Rutherford Falls (2021–2022)
A good show
12 May 2021
It's not groundbreaking but it has a great story, a strong cast, and really likeable characters... Is it the funniest thi g ever? No, heck, its not even the funniest Michael Schur sitcom. But with a stronger writing crew, it has great potential.

It's definitely worth a watch and not deserving of all the low ratings...
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A Week Away (2021)
Actually good, for what it is...
23 April 2021
Finally a good Christian musical.... Actually just a good Christian movie, this is coming from (a Christian) someone who HATES Christian movies. Its cringy in some parts but its great overall, definitely doesn't deserve all the low points....
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The Flight Attendant (2020–2022)
Worthy adaptation
7 December 2020
As someone who has read the book, it's a nice adaptation.... and even without comparing it to the novella its still a great mystery show....
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Snowpiercer: These Are His Revolutions (2020)
Season 1, Episode 8
Great episode
8 July 2020
Slow beginning but the end is quite bloody gruesome.
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Snowpiercer (2017–2024)
10 is too high for this but....
20 June 2020
The way people are rating this show, calling it unrealistic or just another detective procedural.... First off, yes it's unrealistic, all of sci-fi is unrealistic, hence the term fiction... And secondly, if you would actually give it a chance you would know that the crime gets solved relatively early on. And the story focusses on the characters after that.. Sure it's not perfect, the acting isn't top class, and the writing is ok, but the set pieces are beautiful, the story is good for what it is, and the premise is interesting, it does not deserve all the 1, 2 , or 3 stars you see on here.
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Perfect Harmony (2019–2020)
24 January 2020
I LOVE it! It has heart, beautiful voices, and is really quite funny. Eventhough the show is about a Christian choir it isn't too preachy and doesn't try too hard to sell you on its core morals. A nice sitcom with a nice message and even nicer vocals! Nuf said.
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Excellent but not flawless... duh!
22 January 2020
Awesome show... Sure it has some (alot) of overused tropes, like the all knowing coloured character, the bestfriend that secretly has a crush on the main, the crazy but caring boss, and the "friendly co-worker isn't really friendly", but the characters are great and the bit about the dad is inspiring. I love that the songs arent all just dubbed with a ton of auto-tune, it's raw and feels genuine. Heck they even managed an original! That's another thing that might really work, blending well-known songs with some original pieces. I just hope it lasts longer than a single season...
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Dickinson (2019–2021)
8 November 2019
The fact that there's like alot of low ratings and like 10/10, one guy even saying that this is the best show of 2019 is really suspicious... It's like they're all fake reviews because how can anyone give this a 10/10?! The music sounds like they were trying way too hard to appeal to a certain audience, Most of the 'jokes' fell flat, and they spoilt a good chance a great period piece about Emily Dickinson!!! The only saving grace is that the actors are not half bad......
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