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8.5 ?!!!???!??
26 October 2020
This is simply spiteful considering that most reviewers here expect a hill house clone. This is a certified 9.4/10. This episode is the first of its kind like the one shot hill house episode. Masterful script, phenomenal actors and a collage of shockingly emotional scenes, a book literally came to life with the narration and it was perfect. For those saying that this is not a horror story should look at the show in a broader perspective. There is literally nothing scarier than human nature and this episode is a fine example of how love, however passionate and true, can morph into something monstrous (on the more introspective view)

This episode was masterful, truly perfectly splendid. It would have been given a 9.4 if viewers weren't looking for a hill house clone in the process
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Lucifer: ¡Diablo! (2020)
Season 5, Episode 3
Insane Reveal
21 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This was a really good episode.The detective dancer story was funny.Maze's,Lucifer Chloe emotional rollercoaster was the second best part.The fact that everything that has happened from season 1 is because of Michael blows this season wide open.This ends on a really good cliffhanger,what is the 'Maze' secret?
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Lucifer: Lucifer! Lucifer! Lucifer! (2020)
Season 5, Episode 2
"Humans are smart, ESPECIALLY Chloe Decker"
21 August 2020
I legit clapped for her at the end of the episode.She is really smart.Last 10 minutes got me completely sold.On to the next episode.
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Close Enough: Logan's Run'd/Room Parents (2020)
Season 1, Episode 2
15 August 2020
If you were slightly disappointed by the first episode you'll be 💯 on board after this.Its Sooo Funny
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Insane! Insane! INSANE!!!!
13 August 2020
That's how you do a series finale.Nothing left to say.This show has gone down as one of the best most underrated pieces of art.And the MCU connection, WOW.
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The Umbrella Academy (2019–2024)
Season 2 is a worthy sequel
1 August 2020
The actors have done a very good job this season.Character development that circles this season is amazing.The suspense didn't fall back with each episode and another insane cliffhanger.Bring on season 3.This season was amazing and especially after reeling from dark, it's a relief that they didn't ruin a storyline that was(intriguing but) easy to ruin.
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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: Swan Thong (2020)
Season 5, Episode 15
Amazing finale
3 June 2020
Atleast LOT has found its footing in it's genre.Although this season failed at first(the second episode after crisis)it has managed to pull off a very good storyline and small background cameos.The actress I would love to congratulate for this season is mainly Tala Ashe.She has played 2 very different yet complex characters without missing a single beat(while the flash was forcing on too many characters crammed into one actor causing a lot of confusion and acting inconsistencies).Every other actor have done a good job as well as it seems like they're the only ones with energy in most of the arrowverse.This show is without a doubt better than the flash at this point.Oh and talk about those villains,it's been a very long time since the arrowverse put well developed and fairly thrilling antagonists.Continuing the Astra storyline from the original Constantine series was more than a treat for fans.It was definitely a storyline that needed closure.All in all this season was very impressive and creative.I can't wait 2 years for next season and I hope they carry forward this style of narrative and stronger until it is fully wrapped up.Well done👏👏
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Castlevania: The Good Dream (2020)
Season 3, Episode 6
The animation highlight of the WHOLE SHOW!!
2 June 2020
The visuals at the Infinite corridor were truly masterful.Hope we get more of this come season 4.
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Money Heist: 5 minutos antes (2020)
Season 4, Episode 5
This should have been the highlight(or season saver) of season 4
28 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Like gandia being stabbed on the neck with a syringe and STILL being able to hang someone thrice his weight wasn't enough,they had to throw in illogical dialogue about relationships while hunting the "MOST dangerous assassin in spain",and he seems like he's straight out of a bog standard superhero movie(c'mon,even Batman wouldn't have survived those amount of bullets even with all that tech) With the right amount of research and training on ACTUAL battle tactic this would have been the pinnacle of la casa de papel. Thanks for taking THAT away
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The 100: From the Ashes (2020)
Season 7, Episode 1
21 May 2020
I had a strong feeling the 100 won't fail after the previous season finale.This isnt the hype talking this episode has managed to surpass that in a phenomenal final season premiere.I saw that the episode count is 16 so if the 100 are bringing 15 more of THIS,they better release it all at once because I don't think I have the energy to wait for 4 or 5 months.The crew is bringing in their best performances yet.A great war is yet to come,and I'm already anxious as to how it will end.Bring on the rest of season 7.
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Stargirl (2020–2022)
Surprisingly a solid start!!
19 May 2020
For starters,did not believe for a second that this was airing on the CW because of the evident high budget CGI.Looks like DC finally learnt a lesson from batwoman not to focus on the cliche 'im a woman and I can be as strong or stronger than a man' BS agenda that many of their once good(and very bad) shows heavily suffered from.Theyre finally focusing on a good story this time round.This post crisis dc universe is looking very decent after a long time of inconsistencies.It is surprisingly family friendly but It will take time to grow into a slightly more darker tone given the storyline. Apart from the cliche high school rivalry story this is a very good start for what seems to be a whole new era for DC. Though I think it's best to develop the teenage characters in a more special insightful way so as to not cook up another overused teen melodrama formula.I hope they will keep it this way and improve on it,and put shows like Supergirl to shame.
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"But the rest of us know this,that when the sun shines on you.... you're a fool to look away"
16 May 2020
Annalise Keating is one of the single best written characters in history.This show is truly one of a kind and I never fully believed that(with the likes of GOT) until I watched the final episodes.What an evolution of complexly written characters and phenomenal bittersweet ending.This is, without a doubt, more than a murder mystery show.It pushes the boundaries as far as far can go.This isn't only a show about cold blooded murderers,this also qualifies as a compelling character study as to why and how people do the shocking crimes we see today both psychologically and even though at sometimes illogical,in a way understandable given the things they've gone through before and during this show's original timeline.And the deception that can sometimes lie in-between the corrupt government and morality in that even innocent people get convicted or even murdered. This is a masterfully crafted show and I am happy that this show went further into maturing it's storyline and the characters involved,even in the very scarce lows of it. Peter Nowalk,Viola Davis and crew,thank you for 6 years of pure compelling and thought provoking entertainment.
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How to Get Away with Murder: Stay (2020)
Season 6, Episode 15
And the Record is fully Set!!!
15 May 2020
That was the conclusion and I don't have much to say.Really solidly intense wrap up.I am going to miss this show.Viola and crew,thank you and we'll done👏👏
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And the fireworks burst into an INFERNO!!!!!!
12 May 2020
I have said this then and again,this show is setting a major record.Viola is definitely going in for another 2 Emmys.Only one episode left and the only question running through my mind(The same way after BrBa's final penultimate episode), What's next?This is a spoiler free zone because the plot is too heavy to spoil.It would even ruin the show for someone who hasn't even started it yet.This is a masterful penultimate episode and I am definitely excited (and tensed out) for how it will all come to a conclusion.
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How to Get Away with Murder: Let's Hurt Him (2020)
Season 6, Episode 12
"So you don't know"
27 April 2020
These last three episodes are about to be one of the most shocking episodes in mystery tv history no doubt about that.With Asher's death turning the tables on the storyline there a lot of knots untied.Where have Laurel and Christopher been this whole time(and doing well might I add) who killed Annalise and one of the biggest mind bogglers of all time,how is wes gibbins ALIVE?!?!?.As the creators said,the final episodes would be multiple fireworks lit in a box.At this point the match has been stricken,and it is getting closer to the fireworks.HTGAWM is about to set one heck of a record and I can't wait for everything to unravel masterfully.
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Ozark (2017–2022)
After Season 3's ending.....
30 March 2020
I truly believe that this show is a multi Emmy worthy show. That Ben character better be back for season 4. I honestly thought this show wouldn't get any better than season two but I'm still sitting here, contemplating on what to watch next,because this season has left me in an unexplainable state.and I've watched breaking bad,that's saying something.Don't want to spoil anything but if there's any evidence that this show is binge worthy and mystery/thriller gold,its season 3. Amazing character development,acting(especially on Ben,Bateman & Laura,of course) and an even stronger season narrative are what truly make this season a masterpiece.
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One Day at a Time: Checking Boxes (2020)
Season 4, Episode 1
Thank you POP!!
27 March 2020
Amazing start to the new season though a little sad that the new season isn't immediately bingeable.But at the end of the day, Netflix proved that it doesn't deserve this show by cancelling it and POP gave it a new and even more energetic life.Thank you Netflix for cancelling,and thank you pop for saving this brilliantly written and acted comedy.
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Castlevania: Abandon All Hope (2020)
Season 3, Episode 10
Amazing season ender
7 March 2020
I really need more of this show.It would be crazy to wait for season 4 for a year or so.Crazy season topped with a crazy cliffhanger!!Please Netflix,don't torture us like you're already doing with lucifer.
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Castlevania (2017–2021)
Third season surpasses the previous two in so many ways!!
6 March 2020
I don't even have much to say,season 3 managed to top its own standards this time round.Im really sad I binged this so fast cause I want a fourth season real bad right now.Animation, music, fight scenes drastic evolution from first two seasons.Bring on season 4 Oh and not forgetting to mention that character development,hands down BEST I've ever seen in an animation since ATLA.
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1 March 2020
This took me by surprise.This episode insanely built up the momentum for the remaining episodes.The writers were insane on this episode and they should do the same to the rest of the season's episodes.The only problems in this episode were the musical hint and no grief.Otherwise this is full on Riverdale heat.Cant wait for the remaining episodes
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The Magicians (2015–2020)
For those arguing about season 5,y'all are being harsh LMAO
24 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Just because they killed off the main character doesn't mean the show is dead.In fact,Q's death came at a great cost and that is well accounted for in season 5,the stakes are bigger than ever and I think this show should best end at season 6(Given the high stakes) with a good ending and at least one original Quentin scene.Watching the characters grow after their grief rather than crumble is the very definition of a compelling narrative.Gives the viewers a sense of reality while in a very unreal(Magical & Mythic) world.Kudos to the creators for not ruining the show.Will definitely stick around for a season or two.
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Riverdale: Chapter Sixty-Nine: Men of Honor (2020)
Season 4, Episode 12
9 February 2020
C'mon.This season has the burning redemption potential but now the plotlines are becoming somewhat very useless.Pick up the pace already.If the writers knew they weren't going to pull of successful 22-episode-seasons they should have cancelled this show after season 1,or better off,ship it to Netflix.Its not like the writers don't have any talent,it's just that they're too goddamn lazy which results to very bad writing.They put alot of thought into season 1 and that's why it was a success.Season 2 was slow but still had that Riverdale spark into it.From season 3 this show had no specific direction up until the last five episodes.Season 4 started shaping up but is ending up to be even worse than season 3.I highly doubt if this show will make past season 5.Riverdale gave us compelling narrative in season 1 & 2.The writers need to stop joking around or else this show will end up cancelled.
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Best ending to a phylosophically amazing show!
31 January 2020
Goddamnit I'm still crying and I'm not even over Arrow yet.Amazing wrap up.I honestly have no words for this.Well done and with all my heart,thank you very much👏
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Arrow: Fadeout (2020)
Season 8, Episode 10
29 January 2020
All I needed in this episode I got.Not much to say.Cant think of a more perfect ending than this.I will forever remember this 8 year journey I've taken with Oliver.His character has impacted many of our lives.Oliver isn't only a fictional legend but a real life legend.Goodbye,I will miss this show for the rest of my life.
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A decade later and I still feel like crap after watching this
27 January 2020
This movie has literally s*** on the amazing avatar franchise.From wrong pronunciations to possibly the worst acting I've ever seen,this is by far the worst movie ever.And I've seen super babies or baby genius, whatever the name is .What a waste of CGI and literally everything about the storyline is pure nonsense,didn't add up with the original ATLA. Fan to fan,DO NOT WATCH THIS,you won't get over it,trust me,YOU WONT.
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