
1 Review
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21 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The plot makes no sense. The characters are random at best. The things people say and do have no grounding in reality. Darryl Hannah and others blink (a lot). No, contrary to some reviewers you will not necessarily like this if you like 50's sci fi movies or whatever. It just is a terrible movie. Here are some things that entertained me about the movie:

Walker lighting a match next to the eggs with no explosion and then being able to throw a match down from 20 feet into the same area (match stays lit!) and kaboom a giant flame shoots up. Bystanders are heard screaming because of the explosion and then no-one pays any attention and goes on about their business-ridiculous!

Sealing the ground with concrete after a man has sunk down in it and disappeared, sparking a rescue operation-ridiculous!

Sitting in a waiting room waiting to see someone and getting suspicious because of all the mysterious things: 1)everyone has a note that says "give first consideration to this candidate" 2)the receptionist doesn't blink-ridiculous!

Sticking a stun gun in someones face because they offer you a tip after you inspect their house for pests-ridiculous!

Giving someone your phone number and "home address" in case they want to contact you-ridiculous!

Walker going to city hall and asking the city engineer why he can't get permission to "continue his dig" after it's been sealed with concrete (and a man is in there dead and lost) and the city engineer says he'll try to get him permission-and to give him a couple of days-ridiculous!

Honestly I couldn't continue to watch something that made no sense-especially in the beginning, where the plot was non-existent and it was just a bunch of random scenes thrown together. This is not the worst movie I have ever seen, as it is somewhat elevated by the fact that it is a science fiction movie and I love science fiction, but the fact is that it is just not watchable. Read a book instead.
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