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Really good fun!
28 March 2024
'Un mal día lo tiene cualquiera' belongs to the 'After Hours' (1985) genre: a unlikely sequence of events and encounters turn an ordinary Joe/Jane's day (night) into an outlandish experience. This flick stands proudly within that genre. Yes, this type of narrative is far from new but what this story does it does well.

First of all, it's well shot, the jokes are well timed and the characters memorable. Secondly, humour is solid, at times original & clever (not easy in this genre). Finally, it's only 78 minutes long including credits, so it really goes in a breeze - and a refreshing one for that matter.

A short and sweet film that accomplishes what it intends to: to let the audience have an uncomplicated good time.
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What do you want to focus on?
23 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is an enjoyable film with plenty of flaws. If you focus on the positive, you'll have a good time: (spoilers)

-Leatherface design is the best of all sequels IMHO -Gentrification plot (young vs old) mirrors the 1974 film -Short film. It suits it.

-Bus scene is cool and original -Some shots are fantastic: neon lights in bus, sunflower field daytime/nightime, Sally & LF staring at each other -LF's original psychological vulnerability makes a couple of timid appearances; in previous films he was 100% faceless slasher

I would have liked the 2º part to be less slashy-slashy and more like the 1st film. I also think that really bringing LF back and old man instead of a killing machine would have played better, but hey. It's still one of the best pre-/sequel/reboots in this franchise thus far.

If you choose to focus on the plenty of negative points and inconsistencies, you'll hate it. Don't bother watch it. You'll be all the more disappointed if you want something with the 1974 film's vibe. It's never gonna happen, that was a (partially) accidental masterpiece of its time that still holds its ground and cannot be done again.

So, what's it gonna be?
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How much is it allright to demand from your viewers?
8 January 2024
Being in love with Hereditary and Midsommar, I really wanted to like this film... but I didn't. Beautiful and inventive at times, great acting too, but it's three hours long... and it feels like six.

I am not sure what the director wanted to accomplish... it feels like he just wanted to do his own thing, and that's fair enough, but for me it didn't work at all. I understand the subject matter and might even be able to relate to it, but the story is so over-stretched that you keep thinking when is this going to end. Scarface or Titanic (yes, very different films though) are also bloody long but you don't get the same feeling at all.

In some cases the story is not at the center of a film, but rather the viewer experience through music, images, onirism etc. However I don't feel that the director succeeded at this either; there are some great moments, but if you demand your viewers to invest 3 hours you need to give a lot back. In my case, I felt short-changed.
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Abracadabra (2017)
Pablo Berger is an excellent director
13 December 2023
He's only made 3 films that I know of, but wow! My fav would be Torremolinos 73, followed by Blancanieves and then Abracadabra, but it's a matter of personal taste after all.

Abracadabra mixes plenty of genres in one wacky story. That reminds me of Alex de la Iglesia, which makes a lot of sense since they both started off together. De la Torre is fantastic as ever and Verdú continues to be great value in every film she's in. I'm not so keen on Mota's performance, not sure why but it doesn't quite fit, which is surprising since the tone of the film should be right down his alley, but hey. Everything else works as a charm, and the dance scene deserves a few rewatches! Definitely recommended!
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Deserves more credit than it's getting IMHO
22 March 2023
This is a film about tension and atmosphere. If you want jump scares, you'll be disappointed. I personally loved that the whole film was built without resorting to this device; there is only one and thank God for that.

TG has been accused of being predictable. It is. I mean, the hints are huge and come very early in the film, but I believe that was the whole point. You know how the plot is going to unfold, and yet it keeps you on the edge of your seat. I'd personally call that a success. Yes, other films have used this story, there's nothing new under the sun. Doesn't bother me, as long as it is a good watch.

The clues regarding what is actually going on are obvious enough as to not call for further explanations, flashbacks or similar. We get all we need, and it's more than enough to build your own story.

Paco Plaza deserves more credit than he gets. Vermut is an excellent writer. The actresses are top notch as well and carry the film fantastically. Recommended.
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Venus (I) (2022)
Fun film!
3 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Venus is part of a series of films produced by the label The Fear Connection. I applaud Alex de la Iglesia's effort to help Spanish horror/thriller directors get their films out there. This one in particular is a fun ride: some scenes and characters are very effective, as well as the FX and the use of music. What I do not understand is how an independent label still has to abide by certain clichés and tropes that feel really tired by now: over-the-top thugs whose behaviour ends up being laughable, the plot whose twist we see coming a mile away or certain shock moments that look good but don't really serve any purpose, such as the final or scene or the role of 'The Servant', who looks amazing but... what was up with her?? It's all the more odd in that Jaume Balaguero is a very experienced director.

I also have to pick on this trend to "empower" female heroines which ends up doing exactly the opposite. It was hard enough to believe that 6-foot tall action heroes with military training would single-handedly beat a whole of gang of equally-muscular baddies, and on occasion it took you out of the story because all tension was lost. Suspension of disbelief is very difficult in these scenes, but it becomes nearly impossible when a weaked, wounded, twice-stabbed 55kg slim female dancer faces a bulky thug wielding a machete and takes him down with one kick. Some films manage to make this work in their own particular ways (Ripley, Pam Grier or the girl in the recent 'Revenge') but most fail at this IMHO.

However, I definitely recommend this film. It's fun, short and sweet and it packs enough of a punch to keep you interested.
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Infinity Pool (2023)
Despite the issues highlighted by most users...
23 February 2023
... Infinity Pool is fresh enough and has enough cool things to be definitely worth watching. Hell, anything that tries to go beyond formulatic stories and prototype characters is worth trying IMHO.

To name a few of the many interesting bits that you'll find in this film: the premise, the camera work, the visual palette, the masks (I absolutely LOVED those) and the ethical questions it brings up, as heavy-handed as they may be.

I think that some directors have got such a personal point of view and style that it gets in the way of their story-telling; finding a sweet spot to balance your perspective and that of your potential audience must be really hard.
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The Tunnel (2016)
Pretty good and different.
15 June 2021
I don't quite understand the low ratings. This film has a particular feel to it, ranging from (dark) comedy to absurdity. Once you get used to it, you find an original story and curious depelovement. How we perceive things is at the core of the plot; I found that interesting.

It will not change the history of cinema, but it dares to do something a little bit different and it deserves way more than 4/10.

Recommend it; maybe more suitable for Spanish audiences due to cultural references etc.
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The Neighbor (2019–2021)
Only halfway through the 1st season but..
9 June 2021
... I'm loving it. I guess the cynics out there will find a thousand problems with this series, but honestly it's simple, good fun. Great choice of soundtrack, fantastic blend of superhero stuff with real elements of Spanish everyday life. I hope it keeps it up !
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Fresh, daring, poetic and absolutely bananas
5 July 2020
Probably one of the best Spanish films in the decade in my humble opinion. These twisted stories are much more than that: a fantastic hyperbolic metaphor of a toxic, claustophobic relationship, a Proust-like character's vision of the world, a reflection on fiction itself... All of it wrapped up in very dark humour and some quite shocking scenes. The aforementioned scenes might put off some viewers and I can absolutely understand. Having said that, we might have said the same thing about OEdipus' parricide, incest and self-mutilation and passed on a great story. Thank God we didn't, and I hope most viewers will give this fresh take on narration a chance.
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Lifechanger (2018)
Quite an enjoyable film!
20 October 2019
If you just expect a horror movie, you'll be disappointed. This is an example of how you can tell a beautiful story (drama / romance) supported by horror elements. 'Lifechanger' does it very well. I watched knowing nothing about it and I was pleasantly surprised. I don't quite like clear-cut films; I prefer when genres intertwine to produce something unique. Indie films don't have to follow the rules as much as bigger productions, so they sometimes give us little gems like this one. However I do understand that horror buffs might feel misled about the trailer; hence why I never watch them!
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The Predator (2018)
Entertaining. More of an action comedy than the sci-fi horror of 1987
30 May 2019
It's not what I thought it would be, but I think the wave of 1/10 ratings is excessive. Film is a sequence of jokes and over the top action scenes with a very loose plot to hold it all together. Quite a few references to the new and old flicks as well.

Once you understand what this really is, you can sit back relax and try to have a good time. I did. There's plenty of intentional and unintentional comedy with a bit of cringe you can laugh at too.

I do hope that one day we get a film that captures the essence of Pred. 1 & 2
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Not Another Teen Movie
11 November 2018
Don't let the poster or even the beginning of the film fool you, this is not a run-of-the-mill teenage film.

Great story, well-crafted and superb use of music. Some scenes are simply beautiful and stick with you long after the end credits; the piano scene, the masquerade or the one at the creek just to name a few.

Rodrigo Cortés is without a doubt one of the best Spanish directors at the moment. So far his films take place in the USA (the only exception being 'El Concursante'), but I do hope he will turn his talent to tell stories about his homeland soon enough...
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I wanted to like it but I didn't...
6 October 2018
I love independent stuff because they can afford to be original and fresh; sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't, and 'Volumes' didn't do it for me. I didn't find any of the stories interesting, funny, scary or original (in a good way). I value the efforts of new directors, but I cannot say a lot of positive stuff about this particular one. I am surprised that this movie got so much praise, but maybe it's just me!
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Gerald's Game (2017)
Probably the best *adaptation* of a Stephen King's novel
7 November 2017
Translating a good book onto the screen is not easy and it is not necessary either. 'The Shining' veers away from the book and it's an excellent movie on its own.

However I have to take my hat off before the skill that it takes to make a good movie AND capture the feel of book at the same time.

This film does it. I've seen every single one of King's adaptations, including the last "It", and my award for 'best adaptation' goes to this one. Cujo is not far off, though - film which is, funnily enough, referenced directly in Gerald's Game.

Whether you have read the book or not, you won't be disappointed; but if you have, you'll appreciate the craft put into it... and that includes the delightful little winks at other King's novels.
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Justi&Cia (2014)
I really wanted to like this... but I didn't.
12 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Alex Angulo is probably one of the best actors in Spanish cinema. His tragic and untimely death has made Justi&Cia the last film in a fantastic career that spans across three decades. Casting Hovik K as the main character was definitely a great choice, and the premise couldn't be more contemporary or interesting. However, the film doesn't hold together, or at least it didn't to me. I really wanted to now this two characters in depth, but I never rooted for them that much. There are some road movies out there that bring you so much into the life characters that you feel waking out of a dream when the credits roll. I didn't feel that in this case. The dialogue - aside from solid lines like "me has engañado! - sí... qué se siente?" felt swallow and cliché. There are definitely some great scenes like the closing shot or the dildo-torture that move or amuse you (in that order!) but overall I can't say that I watched a good film, let alone a great one. It is a shame, because as I stated above, the premise and casting was top-notch, but to me it somehow did not deliver. It may also be that the tragi-comic game doesn't engage the audience enough i.e. Justin's plan is realistic, but it's not conceivable that they manage to drive through the whole country uncaught... especially when the press dubs them "the justice miners" whilst Justi the Miner's face and all the accident-related matters is still on TV. Little details like the petrol station guy pulling up a shotgun straight out of Doom 3 doesn't help either.

I am sure Ignacio will go on to write other great stories; I am sorry that this one didn't cut it for me, and that that was Alex's last film, especially after masterpieces like El Dia de la Bestia, probably the only other big film in which he was the main character.
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Freeze Frame (2004)
Why haven't I heard about this film? What a story!
23 August 2015
As above, really - I knew nothing about 'Freeze Frame', stumbled upon it and it captured me from the very first minute. The first scene sets the mood for the whole story - a perfect introduction for a tale that uses multiple-cam narration masterfully. No doubt that films like Open Windows or the V/H/S series took inspiration from it. Lee Evans is fantastic and infuses his character with the right amount of pathos. I could only complain that the climax loses a bit of intensity due to R Stirling performance; there was something off, not sure why, but I had one of those moments when you feel a bit detached. More than recommended, especially the interrogation scenes and Sean Veil's musings
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Shame, it could have been the perfect ending to the trilogy
30 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The above summary says it all, really. I loved how T Six played with our expectations: first film mixing horror and dark comedy plus the shocking idea, second film a complete turned around for a truly horrific show.

Can you imagine if he had nailed the third installment? It'd been a solid 3-film centipede sharing plot, characters and one unique storyline, even if the film within a film within a film trick could be deemed a bit lazy.

Despite a premise that wasn't too bad (the 'prison centipede'!), the execution was simply not good. I was bored at times, fed up with Dieter Later shouting CONSTANTLY, the comical moments were not funny, Laurence Harvey was a joke compared to the chilling monster he played in part II. The gross moments felt gross just for the sake of it; it wasn't nightmarish like in part II, but simply disgusting (I'm thinking of the 'death rape' scene...) Some scenes dragged on forever, like the one in the yard. The plot loses all sense when the Boss starts shooting people randomly and no one seems to care that much. Even for a storyline that's always been over the top, it's just doesn't hold together at all Shambles, really. Especially disappointed because I REALLY wanted to like this movie!
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Aftermath (1994)
Not my cup of tea, but you have to give it to Cerdá
8 June 2015
I'll accept watching gory stuff if there's a point to it, so I'm glad I sat through this 30 mins short. Atmospheric, clinical and beautiful, disturbing and disgusting all the same.

You could argue that Cerda lingers too much on the blood and guts, but I guess it's more than justified since we are in a Morgue! I would never watch it again, but like many other pieces out there I think it deserves to be experienced.

PLEASE NOTE: IMDb's summary ruins the film. First, because the plot is minimal and everything is given away. Secondly, it belittles or ignores the value of the short: the way is shot, and the combo of music and camera work.
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Good start, some cool scenes, but it loses itself in pure nonsense
17 November 2014
You have to be given the chance of believing in a film to enjoy it. The film starts brutally and unexpectedly and the appearance of a Goonies-style gang of boys promises fun and adventures mixed up with horror. However all your hopes quickly dissolve into nothing when the characters begin to behave in, to put it simply, stupid ways. The feeling that I got as a spectator was that the directors thought of scenes they wanted to shoot and then forced the characters to do things to make them happen and move on to the next one. To me, that sort of decision can kill a movie. I'm all up for suspension of disbelief, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Among the Living soon becomes some sort of cross between Friday 13th and Goonies, but it doesn't quite work. Shame - I loved "Inside", I've been reading these French guys' magazine "Mad Movies" since I was 15 and I REALLY wanted to like this film... but I couldn't.
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Some genius, some good, many just OK, some rubbish... still LOVE the concept
9 October 2014
I really fell for the concept when the first film came out, despite the fact that many of the shorts were complete rubbish... the gems that one finds along the way is prize enough though (Dogfight, Vagitus or XXL just to name a few).

The second one has a new tune and intro (great, both of them) and a more consistent quality throughout the 2 hours of film. Apart from "P", which is the biggest pile of boring *** that I've ever seen, all are at least watchable. Funnily enough, it seems that there are less gold segments than in ABC 1. I'd take the first one.

I do think that the screening process should be a bit more severe. I simply cannot believe that some of the letters were considered good enough to be part of the anthology, even considering personal taste/arty concepts/etc.

In any case, you gotta admire these guys who are pushing in their concept despite its unconventionality; just for that I'll be buying the film!
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Obra 67 (2013)
David S does it again
18 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Obra 67 is a small gem. The trio of actors who carries the film does a great job in my opinion, and for me the only weak part is where *SPOILER* is when the crazy guy's secret is discovered; it's too cliché and I think it does not suit the realistic and almost melancholic tone of the rest of the film *END OF SPOILER*. Until this part, the film deserves a solid 7. The end raises the level of the story back up again. Of course, Dechent shows again what an amazing actor is, and David S tells another story with traces of Tarantino and reminds me of the main plot of ​​Tough Guys (1986); it definitely remains in the memory of the viewer. Favourite scenes? Dechent in the nightclub and Pandy and Cerdy!
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13 October 2013
... is the main feeling that steams off this film, and it succeeds at it.

I have read reviews of people "disappointed" by the gore. I do not think that the intention of the film maker was to show off gore scenes or create a before-its-time torture porn.

The true value of the film is the never-told story and the good work of the actors. Again, many reviewers complain about them. I thought they did a good job, especially the wife. I felt myself feeling extremely sorry and sad for her.

The gory scenes made me flinch and cover my eyes; not so much because of the actual gore (anybody who's seen a Saw film has seen worse stuff than this) but because I did get attached to the characters and it felt real and sad.

To be honest, I would have liked to see less gore; everything else was good enough to stand on its own and there was no need to show a couple of things that (IMO) detracted the attention off the main story.
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