32 Reviews
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Green Book (2018)
Fried Chicken At Its Best
23 February 2019
Nick Vallelonga has surely an Oscar here a heart warming tale from beginning to end.The acting is a masterclass of how it should be done. Racism in the 50s ruminates throughout and the ugliness it reflects on everyone who promotes it .Mahershala Ali plays the irrepressible Dr Shirley with passion and grace and is hilarious at times without slipping from the role. This said his co star Viggo Mortensen is equally stunning as Tony Lip and is the total opposite to Alis character care free but still holding on to his morals for the love of his wife and children. An absolute delight and an absolute favourite to be awarded for its shear delight.
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Gran Torino (2008)
Classic Clint
16 February 2019
Absolutely great film gruffed voiced Mr Eastwood dazzles in the starring role.Events from past are resurfaced and some but the barriers are throughout the film broken down until the dramatic end.Absolute must watch.
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A triumph
8 February 2019
What artistry this film weaves the iconic Lee Israel down on her luck with an ambitious drink problem sets her sights on re writing letters from classic authors. This with the inclusion of Richard E Grant stunningly portraying the charismatic Jack Hock with his flamboyant and sometimes fancy free attitude.Makes for a delight of a film that will carry you through until the climax. this film is one of those rare ones that make you continue to search your own mortality and what we would do in times of hardship.If this doesn't score an award or two it will be a travesty absolute quality acting at its finest.
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Find me someone who won't love this film
20 January 2019
Absolutely brilliant film how sad it is in places and how torchered and lonely you feel Freddy was. Not only did the Beatles have that little bit more but Queen took that mantel and some. This film really show the ups and downs of probably the best rock band ever. What a true legend we lost in his passing and what a star we have not had shine since. Rami Malek portrays Freddie with subtlety and grace although the rest of the band members are pretty damn good as well. All in all a real enjoyable watch.
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What happened
23 December 2018
I loved the special effects but what happened to the plot.Found this one really hard to follow and even by the end wasn't sure what the story was.I would of rated this highly if I could've found the storyline within it but for the younger viewers its enchanting.
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Ode to Full Monty
23 December 2018
Absolutely great movie so good to have home grown talent show there wears.Rob Rydon is awesome as a man going through a mid life crisis and finding solace in the form of synchronised swimming.Laugh out loud giggles throughout well worth a watch.
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Hidden little gem
6 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Really great story grim in places but enjoyable none the less.Tom Wilkinson is awesome as the down trodden hitman who is throughout trying to reach his quota.Worth a watch.
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Entertaining unto a point
6 December 2018
Really good right until the end was really enjoying it and then it just appears that they either they ran out of money or they got bored.Why oh why did they watch it and think that was a really good film. Could of been really great but this was all but a firework film really stunning initially but then fizzling out and being thrown on the floor afterward.Real shame this one.
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Venom (2018)
Great movie
25 November 2018
Really don't know what's wrong with the critics because even before this reached the box office it was slated.But again ironically the public gave it one of the largest ever box office openings in history.tom Hardy is excellent as usual and the voice of venom is real comical throughout.This has got sequel written all over it.Ignore the critics watch this and feel the same.
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Gritty Western
25 November 2018
Real old west theme with this one for those who enjoy a mix of Fistful of Dollars and Blazing Saddles will appreciate this.Real dark undertones from the start but the story bing in parts makes it all the more enthralling.Real unique well worth a watch.
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Not Pooh Pardon The Pun!
24 November 2018
Im nearing middle age too quickly and found myself reminiscing about past and Winnie the pooh being such a memorable part of it. The drawings of E M Shephard beautifully transfix you from the start.Ewan Mcgregor is awesome in his portrayal of Christopher Robin trying not to revert back to childhood and his adventures with Pooh and friends.But being taken there with a little help from Pooh who has again found a problem that only Christopher Robin can help him with. Absolutely worth a watch will really make you smile lovely.
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Titans (I) (2018–2023)
Really good
22 November 2018
Have watched several episodes and thus far is pretty good.DC have a real live wire with this one plenty of suspense and will keep you second guessing from one episode to the next.fans of DC and Marvel will love it.
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Great film
22 November 2018
Again Denzel Washington delivers as he portrays the secretive main character who is forever seeking revenge for the wrong doing of others. All the more watchable by his elements of kindness he shows to those around him and how his influence changes them for good.Very dark undertones throughout but has a fantastic crescendo at the end.The characters entwine with there stories and the direction is awesome. The need to watch the first film is not paramount but will prepare you for this one.well worth a watch.
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17 November 2018
Lovely little movie about a little witch but ironically she becomes a big witch in the end.real nice movie for kids not too many scary bits and a real lovely ending worth a watch.
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The Nun (2018)
Good but hard going
4 November 2018
Kind of hard to watch very quickly into the scares but not really jump a minute.That is if that's what your looking for from a horror film.Good story but takes a while to develop good epilogue though worth a watch.
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The Gifted (I) (2017–2019)
Absolutely brilliant
5 October 2018
Really worth a watch for those who are a fan of the X men films a real good attempt of telling the mutant history after those great movies.Full of surprises and great acting.
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Great from beginning to end
4 October 2018
This is the second Ant Man movie and what a sequel it is full of jaw dropping scenes and adventure.Real good inclusion to the marvel universe set of movies.You won't be disappointed and watch out for the giant condiment. Real great special effects throughout won't leave you disappointed.
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Simply Beautiful
15 September 2018
This little film fills you with warmth from beginning to end a real hidden gem.
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Dad's Army (2016)
What is left to say Really!
28 August 2018
Well I finally did it found a film that I can't give any credit too let alone would want to watch again in a hurry.Im a massive fan of the original film and TV series but when I sat down and watched this I had to cringe emphatically at these actors and actresses who have massive talent and I have seen many of the films they are amazing in. But this to try to copy the original epicly fails dismally. There was a reason you never saw Mrs Mainwairing comic timing for one this films comic timing was left on the dressing room floor.It looks and feels that all the participants did this for a extra few quid and wanted it over as soon as possible. If your a fan stick with the original and leave it at that.
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24 August 2018
This horror is watchable although a little flawed from beginning to end full of drama and tension.But if your a horror fan its really nothing you haven't seen before and if like me after watching you come to the same conclusion could of made the story a little more twisty as it concludes with the inevitable cliffhanger.But again it is worth a watch if your looking for a easy watch thats not going to tax you too much.
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Peter Rabbit (2018)
Fun Fun Fun
22 August 2018
Absolutely delightful movie and the special effects are second to none look out for the sparrows. Beatrix Potters wonderful tail brought to life in a very beautiful and enjoyable way. You will not be disappointed giving this a watch will bring a real smile to your face and a warm glow in your heart long after its finished.
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Lovely buttery potato
22 August 2018
What a lovely film for snuggling up with cocoa. Part of the second world war that is often overlooked is brought to the fore around the nazi occupation of Guernsey. This film strongly scratches at the surface of the depression this brought to the people and the dictatorship that was inflicted on the island. This with a little romance and the beautiful backdrop turns out to be a triumph from beginning to end. An absolute must watch.
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Ouch painful
22 August 2018
Had high hopes of this considering the cast list but within the first half hour this diminished.Sluggish storyline with inevitable ending.Must try better would be my score as this is the lowest thus far I have rated a film and can't give it any real credit except for the setting but thats really it.
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Home invasion and then some
19 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Watched this after wanting something different to watch and was I surprised how good this was.Firstly a very violent start that seems to end and the happy ever after part comes in.The main star goes on to great success and moves far away from her horrific past.But then is called back and then the film really gets going and keeps going with lots of scary heart racing bits in between.This film won't disappoint although I hadn't heard of it and hasn't really been promoted that much but a hidden gem that will have you hiding under the covers so beware.
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Our House (I) (2018)
better that anticipated
13 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Better than anticipated about losing someone you care about when you least expect.Those that you think will live forever and will always be there then they pass.Then the pieces that you have to pick up afterward even when you don't really want too but must. This film has all this and then some the main star who makes a machine by accident that opens the afterlife and the tapestry this weaves throughout the movie.A slow melodic build up culminates into the crushendo at the end plus the little extra as all in this genre seem to have these days.Slow burner of a movie but one for a quiet night in.
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