
2 Reviews
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Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner: Los Angeles (2019)
Season 1, Episode 3
Skip this episode.
26 October 2019
Lena Waithe is soooo annoying. She has got to be one of the most full of herself people out there. All she talked about is how great she is. Not to mention the fact that she seemed uninterested in the food.
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Boring Characters
15 July 2018
First I want to say that Ali G was and is one of the best shows ever. Secondly, this is not. I was watching this with 6 die hard Sacha fans and after ten minutes I noticed 3 of them were playing on their phones.

Sacha's newest cast of characters, while mildly entertaining, retain no lasting effects and can easily be forgotten.

Another thing are the interviews. Boring and uninteresting. Pick harder targets, these people are easy. The best part of Ali G was watching him get someone you wouldn't think could be gotten. The artist interview was the best segment /character and even that was tame. And the Bernie Sanders interview, what was the point of that?? It wasn't funny or interesting.

While I haven't seen the Sarah Palin segments yet, I have to ask. Why? We already know she's dumb and horrible so why? Same with Roy Moore and Dick Cheney. You're not exposing anything we didn't already know.

Perhaps Sacha's schtick has gotten old. Like his new characters, this show will likely be soon forgotten.
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