78 Reviews
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Saltburn (2023)
29 December 2023
Pretentious and boring. If you enjoy watching a bunch of college kids drink, shun people for lack of wealth and have sex. This is for you.

I watched it because I thought Elordi was a good actor, but the roles he's choosing or someone's choosing for him are absurd. I see him fading into oblivion if he keeps choosing these dark roles. I watched for about 30 minutes and they never got to the to the so called weird estate and family. If this is an Academy Award winning director, they've lost their way. I felt like I was in an Ingmar Bergman film that makes absolutely no sense and I'm supposed to figure out the meaning. This was not entertaining and the characters were unlikable.
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Dirilis: Ertugrul (2014–2019)
Dumb, but interesting
21 August 2022
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I enjoyed the historical context, but the supposedly smart people in charge are dumb beyond belief. You have traitors running around looking shady and listening to conversations and no one figures it out. There are a lot of unreal sword fights where 1 person takes out 30 people. The violence and beheadings get old but Islam is brutal. The production is not that great because several times fake blood spatters can be seen on the camera lens. It held my interest and if you're bored give it a try.
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The Innocent (2021)
Good in the beginning
12 August 2022
This was good in the first episodes, but then it got somewhat confusing. It was filmed with bad lighting in the middle episodes and I couldn't see some of the characters. It picked back up at the end. Its good, but not great.
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Too many confusing flasbacks and future dreaming
8 August 2022
The acting was solid, but it wasn't a very good survival movie, like 1997's "The Edge" with Anthony Hopkins that was riveting and great entertainment. There wasn't much character development in the flashback and future scenes and there were more of them than the actual attempt at survival. The ending is abrupt and there is no resolve to any of her personal dilemmas and it left me wondering, but not really entertained.
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Persuasion (I) (2022)
Unbelievably bad
25 July 2022
This is not even interesting. The fake accents are hilarious and the acting is terrible. The plot doesn't exist. The only way it could be #4 on Netflix is because of a bunch of millennials that know nothing about good cinema. I tried to get into it but never could, its so absurd. I don't recommend.
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Colewell (2019)
Very slow
6 July 2022
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If you want to see a movie about a camera following some around living their life, this is for you. The theme is interesting and the acting excellent, but its just a movie about someone living life, sleeping, dressing, making coffee, eating dinner and working in a small post office, mostly boring at times.
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11 June 2022
The way this is filmed is very strange. The scenes don't make sense. They just filmed the cast doing everyday things like eating without dialogue and once in a while they have an argument or some angst. It doesn't make sense. I don't recommend.
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An Ingmar Bergman spy film
19 April 2022
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So Chris Pine is sent out years after the fact to interview potential moles in a CIA office that worked a hijacking where the passengers and crew were killed. One of the interviewees is his former girlfriend. It turns out that Pine's character is the mole. If you like deep stuff without any action, this is for you. I thought I was watching an Ingmar Bergman film. There was a lot of hand wringing and angst. It wasn't for me.
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Heartland (II) (2007– )
So many annoying characters
13 April 2022
The main story with Amy and Ty is pretty good, but some of the supporting characters are unwatchable. I have to fast forward through any scenes with Mallory, Lou and Georgie. Either they are a control freak or a bratty kid or both. Georgie is the worst. If she isn't putting someone else in danger with her antics, she is maiming herself or destroying someone's property. She is a constant drama queen, sobbing and saying "I'm sorry". Its so unrealistic that she would not suffer any consequences for her sometimes dangerous behavior in a ranch setting.
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25 February 2022
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This was not very good. Anna's accent was terrible and I could hardly stand to hear her talk. It was like fingernails on a chalkboard. The acting was mediocre and I don't like political jabs taken when none are warranted. This was not a political film and it was unnecessary and mean to lump President Trump in with con artists.. The combined IQ of NY's elite looks to be about 65. You can't even cash a check without ID, so I question the intelligence of those that were conned, especially the bankers. Who goes on vacation with someone and pays a $60,000 hotel bill for them? Then to glorify the criminal just makes it worse. This was one of those series that I didn't pause when I had to leave the room . I didn't care about any of these characters. They were all selfish. I don't recommend the movie.
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Home Team (2022)
Cute movie
3 February 2022
This was a great movie that the kids can watch. I didn't get bored. It made sense. Its what a movie is supposed to be, entertaining, not some political statement. I escaped from reality for a couple of hours and enjoyed it thoroughly.
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30 January 2022
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This was okay and held my interest most of the time. The actors did a good job. What bothered me seemed idiotic. The therapist ex husband left their child in a cell with a serial killer/cannibal and he hired a handyman that killed his entire family. If you're bored, it will catch your attention, but a lot of it doesn't make sense.
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29 January 2022
This could be cute,if it wasn't so cheesy. I don't know how it was a #1 movie on Netflix. The dialogue is boring and the situations are contrived. The characters are stereotypical. I got through the first 20 minutes and had to turn it off.
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Closer (I) (2004)
X rated high school
16 January 2022
This was like high school. Relationships based solely on sex which never work. I was so bored I never knew who was with who nor did I care. Very unlikable, dull, depressing characters. Dark and disgusting. The only good acting was done by Law, who nails the whiny pervert character.
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Emily in Paris (2020– )
No one speaks French in France?
2 January 2022
This is so contrived. There is lots of gratuitous nudity and sex. Some of the actors seem American and have really bad French accents, but no one in France seems to actually speak French. The acting is really bad. I suspect the good reviews came from the young who have never really seen a well acted movie and when I noticed it was an MTV production I could see why it was so nauseating. The target audience looks to be about 17 but the values it portrays are the usual shallow ones with women having random sex with strangers. That's very dangerous to portray to young men and women. The issue of the French thinking that all Americans are hicks is repeated as nauseam. I it for those that love good film. Its pretty cheesy,
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29 December 2021
This was sooo bad. Javier Bardem did a fair job as Desi Arnaz, but Nicole Kidman's Lucy was an embarrassment. Kidman's voice was just weird and the dialogue was boring and terrible. The casting of the main characters was terrible and William Frawley was an awful person according to Vivian Vance and she couldn't stand him. I would not recommend this movie. A more accurate portrayal would be interesting.
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Some stories interesting
30 November 2021
I had to skip forward through the ridiculous characters, Miller, Julio and Miss Marzita, but some of the other characters and story lines were interesting. I don't like it when they drag everything out for more episodes. Some of the situations were ridiculous and its make Latino men look totally idiotic and perverse. The cops look inept. Fast forwarding through some of the more nauseating scenes helped.
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Chicago Med (2015– )
Too many seizures
26 October 2021
95% of the patients that come to this ER have a seizure no matter what's wrong with them. Very unrealistic. It was entertainment at first and then got political and lecturing, of course slanted to the left. The female doc. Natalie is a drama queen and Will is your typical renegade who does what he wants regardless of the repercussions to others. It just got boring and I got sick of watching the constant seizures.
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False Identity (2018– )
1st season good
28 September 2021
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The first season was very good. I was excited when I saw that there were new episodes on Netflix. To my dismay, Diego and Isabel had scenes together the first episode. They spent the rest of the season trying to find each other, sometimes being very close, but never seeing each other. Tragically, she is killed before they ever reunite. They should have ended the series after the first season. The second season was so frustrating and bad that after they view Isabel's body in the morgue, I stopped watching. None of the other characters held my interest. I gave it 5 stars for the first season.
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Tangle (2009–2012)
Grows on you
12 September 2021
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Once i realized there were no likable characters the episodes.got better. I kept trying to find redemption in anyone, but quickly gave up. The worst two people are Vince, who get killed off and Nat, The kids are brats and the parents are worse. Everyone is sleeping with everyone, even the kids. Somewhat entertaining, but the series doesn't have a conclusion and just leave you hanging.
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Lucifer (2016–2021)
Last season blows
11 September 2021
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It was pretty good the first five seasons. But got political the last season and lost my interest. . Why introduce the daughter? It wasn't interesting at all. If a film or tv show is trying to ,make a point about something. At least be entertaining. I don't understand why Hollywood feels the need to lecture us constantly.
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Before I Fall (2017)
Just another confusing, boring film
4 September 2021
This starts out similar to Ground Hog Day.. The characters are unlikable and the scenes don't flow. We're supposed to find out what happened and never do. The lighting is so bad some scenes are almost completely dark. We don't find out what happened to the other characters and and I really didn't care. Its Mean Girls .meets Groundhog Day and is not entertaining unless you're into Ingmar Bergman films. Don't waste your time.
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Walk of Shame (2014)
Shallow and Ridiculous Situations
30 August 2021
This is one of the worst pieces of trash passed off as cinema yet. The characters are shallow and stereotypical. Women can't control themselves, guys are rapists and black people sell and do crack. Its sexist and racist all rolled into one really bad film. Don't waste your time.
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Valeria (2020–2024)
Sex,sex and more sex all the time
17 August 2021
The first season was pretty good with some interesting story lines. I watched it because Aitor Luna, one of my favorite Spanish actors, had a minor role. He plays the insensitive jerk very well, although I couldn't believe this seemingly classically trained actor would agree to appear in this career ending garbage. The second season was basically watching soft porn and if you like voyeurism, then this is for you. So disappointed in Luna. He must need the money. I couldn't finish the 2nd season. My gag reflex was kicking in. I gave it 2 stars for the plot and acting in the 1st season.
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Offspring (2010–2017)
Good acting, but
8 August 2021
This was okay, but these were the most infuriating selfish characters I've watched. Some of it was interesting, but mostly it was just a family with each individual looking out for themselves at others' expense and sorrow and spreading their misery to others. It wasn't really an anthem to strong women, just very manipulative ones. The male characters were stereotypical and selfish. Nina, Billie and Chris were the worst. The women seemed to take joy in exposing others' weaknesses. There were only a few characters that I liked. Mildly entertaining if you want to watch a bunch of self=centered people interact.
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