
6 Reviews
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Cosmic Sin (2021)
Made for Netflix movie obviously
25 July 2021
Has some really good actors. Has some decent acting. Is some what entertaining. If you can't find anything else to watch...this sci fi title is fair

I enjoyed how two of the main characters drive an upfitted Tacoma and a Honda Fury in the year 2500.
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Based off the PlayStation series of games
1 July 2021
PlayStation ran a series of these tiltes throughout its history.

Packed with the same over the top action and huge fictional combat hits as the game.

The story appears to follow the game in various parts. If you have played the game then you will find many similarities. Then when they debuted Lu Bu (the most awesome and feared character in the game taking down droves of enemies), it was as I imagined.

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Rogue Warfare (2019)
Good idea, bad script
13 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If you follow anything military, this movie will come up in your feed.

There gear looks pretty good, the idea is sound but the script seems rushed and uneducated. A special purpose team is formed with top military personnel from various allied countries. Most of the movie appears to have been filmed in the desert around the western US, Nevada/Arizona/California. Dissimilar to the hills and mountains in the Middle East.

The script is poor in the fact that in the first op one of the characters gets his side arm taken from him. That would not have happened as the POI would have been dropped to the ground by this point and restrained. Some of the operations happen during the day, covert ops often take place at night. It's the desert, high sun equals high visibility. The team would have been spotted on the side of the range the minute they walked over the crest. Then the team proceeds to trade shots for a prolonged period of time expelling all the ammo reserves. With all their gear one would imagine they'd have grenades or some other counter measures besides just their rifles and side arms.

In all the movie seems rushed and not thoughtfully presented. Regardless of poor budget or not the movie could have been much more and had the possibility of much further potential. The actors have potential and some have been in other films successfully. Yet a script is not the actors fault.
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Iron Sky (2012)
Odd but entertaining
18 January 2020
Seems like a total parody movie. Has elements of many great movies wrapped into parody situations adding crazy outcomes. Entertaining to say the least.
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The Witcher (2019– )
2 January 2020
I never read the books or played the game series however I imagine each to be as entertaining as the Netflix series. I've read people find it confusing and with the same plot over and over but I'm not sure they're really get the story line. The series does flip through episodes with remembrance sequences to show you how it came to be leaning up to the first few episodes. So you may have to rewatch if you haven't watched in a while to remember where you are in the time line of events and recaps.

With Henry Cavil as the main character, this series was obviously going to be good.
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Not bad for a spinoff
2 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The only element of the actual game was the BFG9000. As for Space Marines, the only real marine is the main character Lt Joan. She is depicted as an extreme badass and clearly shows military aptitude in combat while the rest of the team gets flailed around like rag dolls. As for other elements of the game. In 2016 Doom released a version where the Doom character, often referred to as the Doom Slayer, gets sent into hell to whip the asses of the hellion heretics. So if this movie had a sequel it would be a leading point.

All in all it was good use of 1.5hrs for an action flick with a theme losely based off the game series.
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