
46 Reviews
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Its Marian Dora, you should know by now.
24 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The other reviews here truly provide absolutely nothing for the film so heres some background and context.

The film is fine, I wouldn't rank it up there with some of Marian Dora's more notorious works (MDE which was aesthetically obliterating to the eyes and psychologically damaging) or Cannibal/Voyage which had "enough" plot while still maintaining the mainstay of MD's movies that is horror/arthouse/disturb etc. Instead the film orients more around general aesthetic and lovely (out of context/clashing with imagery and filming style) sound or audio.

The purpose of this film was also unique though, in that it played a role in "clearing up some confusion" for dedicated MD fans who had heard discourse from within the community/actors etc. For that reason I would say the movie really won't peak much interest for most and likely doesn't really have much value for them. An issue within this is that the film still didn't clear a lot up for the die-hard fans as it kind of lacked transparency and direct answers/involvement of some needed individuals. (At least for us English speaking individuals relying on potentially flawed translation).

I don't really know who the film was made for. If your here becuase Melancholie Der Engel scarred you and you want more this won't do it for you. If your an immense MD fan and wanted answers about community discourse this won't do much for you. At best you can understand a bit more context and rationale but no definitive answers were provided. However, all in all, it still has very beautiful cinematography entirely unique to MD and has some very grotesque scenes. Its beginning to feel repetitive (coprophilia/emitophilia yada yada) but its there and will likely be acceptable to the MD fans who will "eat up anything he produces" iykyk.
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Rest In Peace Ameara
23 February 2024
After reviewing some of LV's more recent "movies" I decided to come back and re-visit some of his early pieces, where it all began. Over the years I think he has really censored much of his work, or moved much more towards emitophilia and away from gore. Which I guess is okay? Idk its not like either were super great themes or entertaining movies. Once you've seen one you've still somewhat seen 'em all.

A bit of a disclaimer: this truly is just torture porn... Like in definition if you break the words down. If your looking for that sort of thing its probably something you'll "enjoy" but personally I'm not too into it. The gore is decent, quite over the top in a "silly goofy way" thats hard to appreciate at times. And the gore is also completely lacking any context or meaning. What I mean by this is the film has no plot, to make a movie like this work you often need a reason or point (example: in I Spit on Your Grave we were voting for the MC due to her past with the "ViCtEmS". This movie doesnt really offer any of that.

Something I can appreciate that is a take away from this movie is that LV does later make some advances in his movies. His more recent works (Angela Chapters) stray from pure vomit/gore and introduce a story... or theme. And he really starts "taking advantage" of his actresses past (controverial stuff I wont be diving into). The only downside of this? It still just isn't that good. Other movies do it better.

Marking as no spoilers because there really isnt anything to spoil.

Ameara's actress died in 2017, its interesting to see how she changed through LV's films and in a way these almost act as a descent into the gutters of society. One film at a time, influenced by another who used them to entertain reddit edgelords online and people lost in trauma wondering "Why do I search for these things again?"

Its a 5/10. Its just neutral and idk how to rate it. Idk what scale to put it up against.
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Buoyancy (2019)
A brilliant forced coming of age film
21 February 2024
Story 9/10... Cinematography 9/10... Acting 10/10... Impact 9/10.

This film was a remarkable example of how to do traumatic drama correctly. If it existed, I would have watched another 2 hours and been completely engulfed in the story and lives on screen.

Typically, foreign films shot in 3rd world countries lack much of which is desired in a movie. For this reason I am often skeptical when one aims to address any sort of traumatic theme or disturbing topic. The normal approach is to overdo gore and take advantage of the locals or "conditions". However, Buoyancy balances realism and inserted facts with a well thought out plot to create an environment very unique to it. The film's intention was set out to spread awareness about the slave trade still occurring on shipping vessels, while evoking emotion from viewers. Both of which were completely engulfed within the film.

Many of the other reviews have already complemented the significance of the film and how well the entirety of it was. For this reason I will not echo what they have said. This film taught me something I was unaware of, and something widely ignored by mainstream media/news. I would rank this movie's quality alongside Precious and 12 Years a Slave.

Disclaimer: as others put it, this film can be tough to watch. If you are used to extreme cinema it is a refreshing break from over the top scenes, so much so I would argue this movie could warrant more intensity/gore. This type of thing I often look down upon but the movie's theme truly permits it to impact its viewers deeply. If you are used to sad dramas, be weary as this one truly has the capacity to stick with someone.
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The Angela Chapters (2020 Video)
LV actually editing his copy/paste movie formula?
12 February 2024
The Angela Chapters were a unique spin on a LV film. I don't know whether this be for better or worse, and would likely predict most people who actually like his films will despise this one.

The first couple "chapters" of this film really really lacked anything of significance to me. They didn't offer the typical edgy angsty "How gross and obscene/traumatic can I make this movie omg im so bad and master edgelord" LV is known for. But personally I thought that was great, thats about all he is known for as its about all he has really produced. Instead they offer "some" plot and "some" story. Problem being, it wasn't a very good or entertaining story/plot. It was very lack luster. So the gesture of trying something new was great, but the product was pretty lack luster.

THEN BABYCAT TAKES THE SCREEN. If this film was solely the hour dedicated to Babycat it would have been his best film yet. She offered background, time lapse character development, and incredible ... "acting"... skills. Putting aside all of the moral dilemmas that come with anything related to LV this individual rescued the entire "movie". I could rant on and on about how believable it was, and how traumatized and broken her life was portrayed... But thats where a lot of the dilemma comes in and I think I'll stay out of that messy tangle. Regardless, it seems every person who sat through this film and knows anything about LV is genuinely concerned for her and believed in the character.

Conclusion: The film was decent. It began very boring, and ended as dramatic and climactic as Requium for a Dream. It truly escalated from a 1 to an ~8 if your looking for "this type of content." There are a lot of really horrible things coming out regarding the making, and I truly hope the women involved are okay. Watching these types of movies for the sake of enjoying someone suffer/be throw into society's gutters isn't something I can related to. But I think they demonstrate a dark corner most of society doesn't like to acknowledge. I wish those involved were easier to find so fans could check up on them/follow their lives etc. I know I would like to. I understand one was deceased before the movie was even released, and that alone is questionable about how she should have been portrayed on scene, but an LV film is an LV film.

Edit: after watching "the making of" post-film scenes it seems like 70% of what was shown during the good bits of the film (Looking at you Babycat), these were basically just freelance unscripted recordings of her sending LV actual photos/videos of various life moments, before they even met, to maybe be used in the film. Ignoring the fact she seemed manic in some of these and her wellbeing was "maybe" taken advantage of or ignored, this was the saving grace of the film. This is what made the film tragic, real, and unique. It gave the whole film identity. If your reading this, and assuming this is LV's final film, I hope someday you make something on your own. You embodied tragedy and commanded a huge array of emotions from watchers. Half the threads online about the film are concerned for you. LV may be listed as the director but you held this movie together, anyone wanting to manifest a movie like this should be beyond honored to have your assistance and uh.. "dedication."
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29 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Genuinly unsure what the other reviewers of this movie are talking about. This is literally a movie 1/2 in claymation where a girl tells a story about her grandmother's upbringing and her relationship with her twin sister. Sure there is some abuse... but 80% of it is between actual balls of clay.

The plot isn't all that bad. Actually, for what it is, I enjoyed it. The movie shouldn't be listed as "extreme disturbing traumatic stick with you forever" etc. But instead a dark themed drama with some abusive characteristics. The acting was good, when there were live actors, and although I don't like claymation style art it was done very well. Additionally, the scenery and quality of the film was very good.

Overall 6/10.
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One of the "movies" of all time
25 January 2024
Not dedicating much effort to this review/submission.

If you've seen MDPOPE I or II this one is similar in layout/design but focuses much more on gore/traumatic occurrences, particularly those surrounding children and animals. Less focus on pron or scat/vomit inducing exploitation tactics. So I would say it isn't just a copy/paste formula this time and is a different tone all-together.

MDPOPE isn't even really a movie, just something to sit through and for most "I saw it on an ice berg video and tried to endure the attrition test haha im so edgy". Im surprised IMDB even recognizes it as a movie. Idk why I watched it, but if your anything like me you likely don't know why you did either. Past trauma? Curiosity? Idk. Hopefully you didn't enjoy it, because that isn't really the point nor something anyone even remotely sane can claim. At that, I even regret watching some of it due to some horrific scenes (dog + tree + man in particular and knowing these things are happening still).

Ill throw a 4/10 at it just because I don't really know how to rate something like this as it doesn't really meet "movie rating" standards. It doesn't meet traditional movie "good or bad" so this feels neutral enough, with a small bit of disapproval added.
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This is not a review
20 January 2024
It seems like almost all of the other reviewers for, well the majority of LV films, focus on the same few things. Sarcasm about how kind it is, repulsion about the things he depicts (understandable), or they act like edgy 14yo redditers who are in a competition to see whose the edgiest cringe lord.

I don't want to dedicate a ton of time to this, but someone should say SOMETHING different about it... The movies are sad. They're tragic. If you've read the reviews or even attempted to watch them and bailed don't be afraid to re-visit them, or look away and listen in. I think something can be gained from simply listening.

His films depict a lot of tragedy, and he very cleverly but immorally takes advantage of said tragedy. In this film in particular we bounce back and forth between who the woman was in the past, and who she is now. The "Actress" is now dead, she was killed in a drug trade gone bad. And if that doesn't hint his films may go deeper than "hey lets act this out!" then I don't know what does.

I believe the time lapse between "who she was" and "who she is" is only a few years... and (per a simple google or reddit search) you can find that between those years some very atrocious things may have happened between her and LV. She discusses much of her childhood, and from it you can pick if it's true or for the sake of a film. I personally believe something inbetween, and online forums seem to have evidence of that being the case... Its truly an abomination to take such a story and turn it into a "movie." But yet, what is occurring on camera is happening all around us, in every country, and every city in the world. Generation after generation.

I don't think the takeaway from his films is what he intended on it to be, but these films depict the absolute gutter of humanity, well hidden behind "omg lets make an extreme film by finding vulnerable strung out people with trauma!". I dearly hope if you enjoyed these or find yourself as someone wanting to participate (apparently a real thing yes) you find the help you need.
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The Whale (2022)
Emotionally Heavy w/ an Incredible Lead Actor
8 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know that I am capable of writing a review good enough to capture this movie's depth but I'll try. The entire movie is devastating and holds no punches, the tragic tale addresses one of the only forms of addiction we as a society seem to have deemed unacceptable to accept/understand. Instead, treating it as if it were a disgusting choice made by those who suffer from it. While mental health and substance abuse have become movements we strife to improve upon, food addiction is treated as though the person is simply lazy or stupid. I'm sure most of us, myself included, are guilty of those subconscious thoughts.

This isn't a lecture but I ensure you this isn't the case with food addiction. If you believe it is take the time to google leptin resistance, epigenetic role in obesity (ob gene), and the various forms of microbiome development.. This is my request as an obese medical student who finds himself in awkward positions and feeling like a hypocrite in many patient interactions.

Beyond the looming subject of food addiction the film further interwinds the treatment of the LGBTQ+ community and how religion participates in the historical treatment of those within the community. The relationships Charlie forms with his friends and family and even random strangers. Such as Dan the pizza man, who is friendly and kind until the day he seems Charlie, at which time all of which changes. Or his students, who upon a face reveal instead of being kind or even normal, appear disgusted or as if they want to snicker at his appearance.

There is likely a great deal of symbolism I am missing in the film. Such as the bird and its plate, which then break just prior to Charlie's death. If you haven't, watch the movie for yourself.

Acting: 10/10 Story: 10/10 Emotion: 10/10 Effects: - No need.

Cinematography: 10/10, overly simple, boring, dark, all of which add to the film's purpose.
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Lilith's Hell (2017)
Average at about everything it does
5 January 2023
The film sets out to achieve something unique and contribute something new to the FLOODED found footage punching bag of a genre..

It didn't. The main character was really unlikable, which is almost always a huge con for a found footage movie. He was hyper pretentious and acting in the exact type of movie he describes hating as a character? Bit if an ironic paradigm.

The plot was very generic and unoriginal, with the exception of the delusion that they wanted to pay tribute to an original piece, Cannibal Holocaust. It did the whole "generic low budget horror movie" thing relatively well. The effects were okay, the gore was reasonable, and the tension/jump scares were pretty standard and effective honestly. The acting was kind of hit and miss, seemingly pushed/tacky at points.

5/10 overall. If your looking a typical horror movie to watch with some friends this could be a decent option. Especially if you enjoy regular/typical Paranormal Activity like movies. If your looking for something worthy of a Cannibal Holocaust tribute this probably isn't it.
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Symbolism deeper than the sea
10 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Movie Score Breakdown / Appreciation Paragraph / Perception of Symbolism

Story 8/10 Intensity 8/10 Cinematography 9/10 Emotion 10/10 Scenery 10/10 Acting 10/10 Symbolism 10/10, too much?

Other reviews have already summed the plot up, and wonderfully expressed how FANTASTIC this movie's pacing, editing, cinematography, and story blends together. So instead lets dive a bit deeper into some symbolism. Disclaimer: this is purely my perception and I could be 100% wrong, that's the beauty of this level of symbolism. DISCLAIMER #2: I think many users who didn't enjoy this film took no note of the depth this film goes into.

The Sea, and the Mountains: We begin this movie in the mountains, and end in the sea. And everything between is a descent and ascend to or from one, to the other. Tang Wei likely represents the sea as this is where she returns. However, she is also said to have a mountain assigned to her by her family, and her phone's wallpaper and case are both the sea and the mountains depending on when we see them, and which phone we are looking at. She also choses to wear clothes that are green or blue, and later on an interesting comment is made regarding different characters seeing the colors differently where only our protagonist sees her in blue.

The mist: Hae Jun's wife never leaves the fog of Ipo. She is shrouded throughout the film and honestly, clueless. Hae Jun and Tang Wei are free from the mist, until Hae Jun choses to return to his wife. This lasts 13 months until Tang Wei moves to Ipo and the fog immediately lifts but just for these characters, when they go to the mountain and officially address their feelings for the first time. This is when we see Tang Wei not push our MC off the cliff and can truly confirm she isn't a psychopath murderer, as much as she is in love with him. Once they return to the town, he even remarks "It didn't snow here", for our 2 lovers the snow brought with clarity, clarity that was only shared between the two of them.

The crow and the turtle: This one's tough, and honestly I am not the right person to answer this one. It is very likely Park knows something about crow & turtle symbolism between the Chinese/Korean cultures and that these may have represented something much deeper than I can fathom. But my simplistic explanation: the crow is the sky (mountain) and the turtle is the sea. The crow dies, and the turtles are set free. The turtles are also set free in a misplaced scene between the love tension we are constantly indulged in. After the crow died Jun keeps a feather and seems to hold it close to him. The last time we see it is post 13month gap, when the new female officer picks it up and he slaps it from her hand and places it back in the safety of a pen mug. Clearly the deceased symbol of Tang Wei's mountain association was something dear to the character.

That's where I'm going to leave it as I feel this review could otherwise be a short novel. Things not addressed that are most peculiar: was Hae Jun truly abused? We see she faked a great deal of the scenarios she was placed in such as the police ravaging her house. Was there more to her arrival from China by boat and trauma regarding the 10 days at SEA covered in feces? Did Jun's wife leave him? We see her leave with her recently divorced June coworker, both with luggage and then Jun is sleeping alone with his CPAP machine. Also why is she carrying away the last turtle Jun had brought home?

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I quit movies
4 September 2022
If I were the guy being paid 6 figures to watch a movie and determine if it was ready for theaters or not, I'd have quit just to avoid finishing this train wreck.

No fluid plot, horrible consistency (my girl outran a velociraptor that then outran a speeding vehicle), everything about this was just aweful. The silliest Fast&Furious mock-up doesn't compete with how absolutely attrocious this movie was. Even the dinosaurs special effects seemed to have taken a dive in quality? This is the movie version of taping a banana on a wall and calling it abstract art, and literally paying millions for it.
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Kfc (2016)
How to burn a budget in 69 minutes.
28 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Sadly this is just a poorly written mess of a movie with no real plot. The scenes seem to have no real string tying them together and your left with a mass of bloody/gore meaningless scenes. The characters go about living their lives and just killing for the sake of it, it would appear. Every now and then it's suggested they (maybe) eat one another, again for no real reason. This is what I'd imagine directing a 5th grader's idea of a horror movie would look like.
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Trust (I) (2010)
This film will tear you in half.
27 July 2022
I found myself on the brink of tears 3 times throughout this film. Never have I seen a movie more powerful outside of maybe 1 other case. This film displays the division of family attributed to r*pe better than any I've seen; while simultaneously portraying the absolute evisceration of a young girls life.

I was initially taken back and almost appalled at the use of a real 14yo girl for this role. But her acting was flawless and I truly believe she gave this film more credibility than otherwise possible. This film is ugly. This film is sad. This film is hard to watch. It's wicked. But it's so necessary, and despite its R rating and content inclusion I genuinely believe this film should be shown to at risk youth.
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The Sadness (2021)
Overhyped, yet quite good.
11 April 2022
This movie has been prematurely hyped up beyond belief. If your coming into it hoping for the next Serbian Film you'll be disappointed. If your looking for a modern (ironically very modern) twist on a zombie like tale this will be exactly what you're looking for. It's story isn't overly original, but not much is anymore. And they truly added something to a genre flooded in un-originality.

The flaws I've found in this film is the abundance of spoiler in the previews (like 1/2 of the good parts). And some extremely over-the-top cinematic gore. Ex: the trailer's bus station scene where a stab wound causes a 5ft. Waterfall of blood.

Overall I still really enjoyed this insanely fast paced film. Solid 8/10, something I do see myself watching again.
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Kids (1995)
2022 and still great
10 March 2022
I feel a strange attachment to this film, one unique and shared with no other movies. I've never felt something to embody a time era so perfectly, or represent a generation from that era. And although things have shifted from skateboards to iPhones the emotions, confusion, drama, and lack of awareness represented in this will forever embody those teenage years.

I would never say these days were "the glory days" yet this film makes me miss them. And every few years I feel the need to rewatch this and listen to some Blink-182.

Solid 7/10. Add another point for the statement incorporated regarding HIV and you've created a unique "classic".
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Subpar in all aspects
12 February 2022
First and foremost, this is a splatter film without any splatter. The plot is thin, boring, incoherent, and feels like a mix of things that have been done many times before. Poor acting and effects etc. Not worthy of saying much more.
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Adapting to their true audience
28 December 2021
I can't help but feel as though Pokémon has embraced that much of their audience are teenagers or even young adults. I had grown so used to cliche 4/10 - 5/10 quality films I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. In the past it felt as though writing "Pokémon" on the cover was enough to turn a profit. Now, the films have genuinely good content and not just the brand name.

This movie has a good plot, while admittedly not thoroughly original it is paced and written well. The action sequences were fun while still holding true to the cute nature of Pokémon we all know and love. This is a whole hearted good film that many age groups can enjoy, not just children looking for colorful animations.

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I have rated over 1,100 movies. This is #1.
27 November 2021
A movie powerful enough to leave me speechless, sad, and empty. To approach the most taboo of subjects head on, glaring it down with a million lumens while the rest of the world looks away is truly an understatement for what this film achieves. Although I cannot relate to this film as some less fortunate individuals can, I imagine this degree of trauma and brokenness is exactly what is left by the things that occurred in this film. And the director tackled it poetically, finding the perfect cast to encompass every bit of misery and emptiness meant to be reflected. This hardly feels like a movie, but an unsettling glance into a shattered human's existence.

This movie is psychological art, it is outstanding yet heartbreaking. This movie has challenged what I know about film and I truly don't know that I will ever feel this much, or this little, from another film.
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Hate Crime (2012)
Hate crime? No, Boring* Crime
16 November 2021
Poorly simulated choke / hitting / r*pe scenes. Super fake violence in general. Almost no actual blood or torture throughout the entire movie, if you pay attention it's nothing more than * we walked in on this scene with a bit of blood *.

If your going to attempt making a shock torture porn movie at least do it right. The plot and reasoning behind the film was so believable it truly was a wasted film / plot.

This is just soft core Atroz.

Also, what a lame attempt to end the movie on some wholistic "80,000 hAtE cRiMeS" like this had anything to do with your movie.
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Snuff 102 (2007)
Filmed with a potato
23 October 2021
This movie isn't rubbish because it's extreme, hardcore, brutal, or any of that. This movie is rubbish because it failed an attempt at a plot, it failed attempts of shock with unoriginal filmography, just drop the quality of other shock films by around 95% and you have snuff 102.

Gore 4/10 Camera 1/10 Music 1/10 Acting 3/10 Overall 3/10, feeing generous.

Just go watch Atroz.
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Atrocious (2015)
August Underground + A Real Plot!
6 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Short review, but this movie is spectacular and bridges found footage with extreme cinema perfectly. Another user already compared this to Marian Dora's work or A Serbian Film and it is justified. CERTAINLY not a film for everyone, and I'd steer anyone borderline on watching it away from the film, unless your familiar with other brutal pieces.

6/10 from me. The plot existed but fell short, and the stupid "SiStEr iS aLiVe" thing took the movie down a huge "peg" for me.
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24 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Dear lord you couldn't find a narrator to write the script with more than a 5th grade education? The concepts are so simple it's painful. And there's literally zero abstract features of this film. Severe blood and violence? The movie's torture scenes are PG-13 quality movie effects with minimal blood.

The film is literally hours of some upbeat spoken women talking about how aweful her life and history has been. There's no despair or misery in her voice it's just monotone sub-upbeat speaking which matches the wannabe tone 0%. This movie makes me want to produce a simple exploitation narrative and blow this attempt out of the water.
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Headless (I) (2015)
Boring even at 1.25 speed.
15 September 2021
From the director of Found (2012), a great piece of horror cinema that explored relations between an elder brother (murderer) and younger sibling, comes this train wreck.

I had high expectations for this film, as I loved the brutality met with character relationships and development that was found. However, this film fell short, very very short, of my expectations.

This film lacked any significant plot or conflict, and instead depicted simple blood and gore tactics; something that's been done a million times before. So if your looking for another run of the mill gore plotless horror film; this should hit the spot. If not, I'd advise moving your attention to Found and stopping it there.

Follow up.. Even the murder methods and gore scenes in this film were repeats of Found's "Headless" movie depiction. We get it, guy likes to eat eyeballs that go squish, and explore severed heads with his eggplant.

3/10 no effort film, bad acting, recycled gore.
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Crushing yet remarkable
19 August 2021
Absolutely horrendous hideous movie. Pushes bounties that should not be pushed/witnessed, and I highly DO NOT recommend this for anyone on the fritz regarding their boundaries.

A Serbian Film is often quoted as the most extreme movie, but for me the first 1/2 of this exceeds even that. It isn't over the top and it's purely atrocious. This movie isn't mindless brutality, it introduces convincing stories and emotions; making the movie significantly more difficult to sit through.

8/10 as the quality of this movie was very good... and the plot itself existed.. and was even good at that.. plus it really pulled one in emotionally. But make no mistake, this movie is not one meant to be enjoyed. If you found even an ounce of enjoyment from the first 1/2 of this movie; I wish you a short future.
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The Resort (2021)
Only read this review
8 August 2021
This movie isn't worth writing a long review for.

This movie isn't worth you reading other reviews for. Absolute rubbish.
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