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Stargate: Atlantis: Irresistible (2006)
Season 3, Episode 3
Not as amusing as they want it to be
11 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Charlatan has a potion that makes him irresistible. Multiple characters who haven't been affected yet violate enough protocols to allow him to take over the minds of almost everyone.

Sheppard should have shot him between the eyes about 1/3 through the episode.
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Stargate SG-1: Orpheus (2003)
Season 7, Episode 4
Big plot hole to make a 5 minute mission into an episode
6 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Through Daniel's slowly recovering memory, we learn Bratac and Rayak are amongst a group of Rebel Jaffa being worked to death at a shipyard.

Daniel pieces together the gate address, and the team discovers the code to lower a barrier on the destination gate.

Major rescue mission, many Jaffa eager to fight for freedom, let's send a large force. Multiple Special ops snipers (staffs have limited range, yes?), troops lined up in the hallways to rush through the gate, right?

Nope, we send maybe 4 SG teams. A lot of covert sneaking ensues, Jack passes up several opportunities to snipe the camp commander, Teal'c gets captured and tortured...

In the end, Sam and Daniel (magically teleport? Beats heck out me how they got on the ship that's being constructed) and C4 the antigravity. The ship crashes, half the guards rush over to it so they get crushed maybe? Maybe they thought they would catch a falling mothership? Who knows, the slaves basically free themselves and we go home.
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Stargate SG-1: Last Stand (2002)
Season 5, Episode 16
Tok'ra engineering
30 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Worst. Tunnel. Construction. Ever.

Crystals? Seriously? Every bomb, weapon blast, P90 round brings down the ceiling as the tunnels are built from huge crystals with fragile natural fracture lines. Brushing against the wall would kill half the occupants.
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Stargate SG-1: Red Sky (2001)
Season 5, Episode 5
Raises several issues
28 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The Asgard have yet to show us how to build a DHD. SGC has to dial addresses through our cobbled together computer system. Sometimes accidents happen because of that. The sun of the planet we are exploring, undergoes changes just after we arrive. We blame ourselves, Carter makes a supposition with no evidence that the wormhole collected Plutonium from another star, and dropped it into this sun. We contact the Asgard, they refuse to help because of the Protected Planet Treaty. O'Neill points out they are acting pretty much the like the Goa'uld, pretending to be gods. This could be a pivotal issue, but is glossed over.

SG 1 makes a plan to launch super heavy elements into the sun, to "balance the Plutonium out". They spend weeks with lots of support personnel building a rocket, religious fanatics blow it up, killing two SGC personnel. The element package is soda can sized, the belief that such a trivial volume could influence a sun sized mass is ludicrous anyway.

Carter launches the heavy elements soda can through the Earth Stargate, closing the wormhole prematurely in an attempt to drop it into the Sun. Returning to the planet, all indicators are it failed. The people are praying to their "gods", Daniel says goodbye, then adds a line of prayer himself. Suddenly, the sky clears, all is well. This reinforces the people's belief that their god saved them.

So, the Asgard continue to play at being deities, we don't get any useful information, the Asgard get the glory, we get the blame.
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Stargate SG-1: Entity (2001)
Season 4, Episode 20
An interesting Alien encounter, with a flawed premise
27 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The Entity has come to SGC, following the carrier wave from the MALP radio. The Entity claims it has come to destroy SGC because the radio waves from the MALP has damaged the apparently energy based civilization. I'm sorry, but if the low power radio transmitter on the MALP can damage you, naturally occurring background radio waves from atmospheric disturbances (lightning) or astronomical events (sun flares impacting the atmosphere, for instance) destroyed you long before you reached sentience. If the civilization was computer based, same thing.
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Stargate SG-1: Learning Curve (1999)
Season 3, Episode 5
One of the weaker episodes
16 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As Searcher pointed out, the technology was developed 49 years prior to the episode. The children are drained of their nanites (every last one of them. Why? No one ever asked, no one offered the information. ) when they are 12. Allow a few years for testing, the first batch is ready to be implanted in the adult population just over 30 years ago. These people act like no one older is alive. Who taught the "in between" people? If our child reactor expert doesn't pass on her knowledge, it will be lost, until their replacement grows up. So no one on this planet knows how these things work. Who built the ones they use now? Who taught our child reactor expert? Who would teach her replacement?

Far too many questions were never asked. I suspect because the writers had no answers.
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Walter Mitty is Home Alone
24 July 2020
It has Tim Curry, it's worth watching just for him, right? Wrong. Tim sleepwalks through this. You'd be better off taking a nap yourself. Amuses small boys.
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