3 Reviews
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Film Fest (2020)
indies next leading man?
15 March 2022
It's hard to top a will sasso performance but matt cook was diverse and convincing. I have seen him before in man with a plan and was pleasantly surprised once i realized where i recognized him from since it took me a minute he was able to portray someone extremely distinguishable from how i formerly knew him. Still just as funny tho! I must sing his praises because i remember watching this guy from his former TV series and thinking that this dude is an absolute typecast and this is my public apology to you Matt Cook! Completely proved me wrong and you gained a huge fan who will be looking out for your future films.
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Superior Donuts (2017–2018)
lots of heart
9 February 2022
I haven't finished the series yet i hear the cast has some slight changes but from every episode i've seen so far i love how endearing this show is with its characters and their interactions. I had low expectations for this show but i actually ended up liking all the characters, the PC jokes end up being funny for a change and while it's not south park or filthy frank, they are down to talk freely and openly for a cable sitcom. Not usually my style of show but now it's one of the only sitcoms i'll put on as i bought the series on dvd now. Hoping one day for a season 3.
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seriously endearing
7 February 2022
Seeing other reviews i actually didn't know dax flame was such a beloved actor/figure. I think i remember him being somewhat of a prominent figure on youtube growing up but wasn't watching any of his original videos. I actually just stumbled upon this without knowing it was a dax flame film/vision.

I was just curious on youtube one night and stumbled upon this watch i was originally trying to find something to put on to go to sleep but was quickly wrapped up from the get go! The opening alone had me paying more attention than i had planned and it was so well done especially for an indie film. The story had me up all night before too long. And after completing this film i ended up becoming more interested in who dax flame is and was completely fascinated. Since first viewing i've rewatched 3 more times with a newfound respect for dax and his crew and i honestly liked it even more the more i watch it. I'm so happy he was able to make this film with the time and budget he had.

After watching him on his youtube i found out how much this movie meant to him and you can see his passion in his work. It's egregious to suggest it's the greatest movie i've ever seen but i am very comfortable giving this an honest 10 out of 10. Well done to all involved!
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