
10 Reviews
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Charismata (2017)
Great UK Horror
13 September 2018
Sometimes you have the most fun through accidental circumstances. I admit I watched this because I was forced by a friend who usually has very bad taste! I hope he is reading this. Maybe he has found me one of my favorites of the year.

English detectives chase a killer that may or may not be a demon. Can you guess the twist?

Sometimes obvious but also very good fun. Lots of black humor and a heavy creepy atmosphere throughout with strong surrealism. Strong Argento and Bava influences in presentation. If you are a fan you will love this.

The London location is cool. The villain is very entertaining and old school diabolical! I have lived and worked in London and I tell you both are accurate! Haha.

I watched this in America but can't find anywhere in Germany. What gives? I think this would play very well here and England is a lot closer than New York. Also, I want to watch it again when I am not drunk to make sure I enjoyed it as much as I did. It's one of those !
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Lemming (2005)
A hypnotic tale
12 September 2018
This is cinema that leaves a little confused and a little bit frustrated but still happy you took the journey.

A couple that seem to have the ideal life learn unwelcome truths about each other after hosting a disastrous dinner party. It sounds like lots of conventional and boring relationship dramas but it is not. What it is is difficult to say. Is it surreal comedy? Is is a Hitchcock thriller? Is is a supernatural horror? It is all of these and this is what makes it so strange and unique.

Some people will hate it because it is so difficult to define. This is why I loved it.
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Fun and enjoyable
12 September 2018
Sometimes people take cinema to seriously. Everything has to be original and a clever. Happy Death Day is not original or clever but it is fun. Very fun. Yes it is stealing from much better films like Ground Hog Day, Edge Of Tomorrow and Scream but it very well made and with such a likable cast that you get swept along. This is the movie of type where you are can turn your brain to sleep but still be investing the characters and story.

Watch if you just want a good fun ride.
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No masterpiece. Not even very good.
12 September 2018
I have not been so disappointing in a movie in a long time. I like slow films when they are well done and leading to something but this just leads to sleep! So many 10 star reviews that you start to think this must be fake or I am not understanding something. Maybe it is the old English language I found difficult to follow but there is no story to follow!

It would have been intriguing if they didn't give away the whole twist in the first minutes! You then spending 2 boring hours watching the actors slowly realize what you already know! A very strange decision that doesn't improve anything with the narrative but makes it very tedious.

Maybe my score is harsh but I think with so many fake 10/10 it is important to redress the balance. The score is very atmospheric and is the cinematography. The acting is good. Especially the goat! Haha.
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The least Cronerberg Cronerberg movie!
29 August 2018
This is the least Cronerberg Cronerberg movie and maybe his best.

Yes it deals with violence. Of Course. And it does not shy away from it.

Yes, it is more surreal in places than normal Hollywood crime movie but it is very also accessible.

It is simple but it still thought provoking.

All of Cronerberg's films are thought provoking but they are rarely simple.

This has a story line. A simple but a compelling one. It is asking questions but it is still entertaining you at the same time. This is very important and what sets it apart from some of his other work which I find can be both interesting and boring at the same time. This is possible believe it not. This is interesting and exciting.

Viggo is brilliant. Surely one of Hollywood's best actors. Why isn't he a bigger star?

Great movie.

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Little Evil (2017)
29 August 2018
I watched this because I loved Tucker and Dale vs. Evil. What a great film. I should be reviewing that moving instead!

This is nowhere near as good. That even close. Go watch Tucker and Dale instead! Haha.

Okay so it's not as good as the directors last film but it's still fun. I don't understand all the bad reviews other than maybe the expectations where too high. If his first film wasn't so good maybe people would like this more as they would take it on it's own.

Still has lots of funny moments and Adam Scott is a very good.

7/10. Fun
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La La Land (2016)
24 August 2018
I must admit I hate musicals but had to see what all fuss was about. Not converted.

I hate musicals even more now. Not because of the whole stupid bursting into song part. I hate musicals even more now because the characters in this film are so annoying and unlikable and selfish. Films can have annoying and selfish characters and that's what makes it interesting. It's just a problem when the filmmakers present them so we are meant to like them.

I like Emma Stone. She is a usually very likable. She is a good actress. But I can't believe she won Oscar for playing such a self absorbed annoying person. Also if you win an Oscar for a part in a musical movie shouldn't you be able to sing and dance better than wife doing karaoke?

Ryan Gosling character is even more unlikable. Why do we care about these people? Why should we care? Hollywood just loves films about itself I guess.

I must admit City Of Stars song is pretty catchy! I actually want it out of my head!

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Game Night (I) (2018)
Great. Surprisingly.
23 August 2018
This one has to be the most surprising movie of the year. Best? Haha. Don't be stupid. Surprising. Why? Because I watched expecting a normal Hollywood comedy. You know exactly what I mean. What I got was:

1: It is actually funny. Not original funny but it was funny. I laughed a lot. Especially whenever Jesse Plemons is on screen. He should have his own movie. Make a sequel and make him the main character.

2: The way it was filmed was very innovative. Lots of very cool shots. Very different for a Hollywood comedy. Almost like you are watching a expensive action film at times. I hope these guys get to make a 'proper' action movie. Come on Hollywood. Give them a chance. If not they can stick to making movies like this as they do it very well.

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Sicario (2015)
Not bad. Not great.
23 August 2018
Missed when first came out. Just seen in prep for seeing sequel.

Was excited.

Love the cast.

One of best directors in Hollywood.

Great review after great. Going to be great. Right? was okay...I guess. It wasn't bad. I didn't hate it. That's good right? When you don't hate something. I just don't understand why anybody loved it.

Great acting yes. Great cinematography yes but I didn't care about the characters. That's most important.

What am I missing, other people are seeing? Well I am now missing the sequel !

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Isle of Dogs (2018)
Best of the year!
23 August 2018
First IMDB review so might as be for my fav of the year so far!

For me the most important thing with film is story and characters but when it comes to this type of animation you must be impressed by detail that goes into each frame. Incredible. Every frame a work of art. Truly.

What about story? Haha. It's a Wes Anderson film. Story is not what matters. I'm already contradicting myself! Shows how unique he is really. Truly. Characters! Characters though. He know how to do characters.Yes all his characters can feel same to those found in his other films but they are all unique even if they are similar. Haha. Another contradiction. This reviewing is harder than I thought!

I must say that I am a fan of Wes Anderson but I am not a 'fanboy'. I do not like everything he has done. I don't care for Life Aquatic and was let down by his other animation Fantastic Mr Fox. Not a bad film, just not how I imagined a film from reading the book. My point is I am not obsessive about him like many of his fans. I do have objectivity. I think. Haha. Everybody thinks that!

Isle of Dogs may be his very best. Which is saying a lot as he has made some of the best films. 10/10. Wonderful.

Hope my English is okay. Not my mother language.
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