
3 Reviews
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A Boring Dog of a Film
15 July 2009
There is no story here, nothing but an incompetent script. And there's no film really, as is the case with so many big bankroll Hollywood films. Script? The story devices used are worn out and hackneyed, and poorly executed to boot. I didn't feel anything for any of the characters in Public Enemies.

The biggest sinner is composer Elliot Goldenthal, who must have been dipped in chloroform overnight before scoring this. I can't help but think he must have purposefully meant to insult real film composers living and dead. He rips off John Coltrane's "Afro Blue," slows it down to a snail's pace, and passes it off as a theme.

I was shocked to see Michael Mann, the director of "The Insider" and "Heat," appear on the screen after this clunker. Mann has completely lost his touch, and worse, his sense of who to cast in his leading roles. Not only do the actors have nothing to work with; Depp has lost his depth and magnetism as an actor. But who is there in Depp's generation who is doing great work? Neither Depp, nor Leo DiCaprio, nor Colin Farrel, have unique voices that interest the ear. They still talk like teenagers. I doubt anyone could tell who was talking if they heard just audio without a face shown. Sure, these actors have emotional resources, screen presence, but I don't hear any truth or depth of feeling in their voices. Next to their UK contemporaries, or Sean Penn, Kevin Bacon, Tim Robbins - or even Matt Damon, they are lightweights.

I felt Public Enemies was a arrant waste of my time. I learned nothing, felt nothing, saw nothing, heard nothing satisfying. Putting Marion Cotillard in this rotten sausage of a film after her Oscar-winning turn as Edith Piaf is a slap in the face more brutal than her character's interrogation scene. No great actress should have to endure such a waste of her talent. The same goes for Lily Taylor's cameo. Michael Mann needs to spend some time studying Clint Eastwood ("Million Dollar Baby," " Mystic River") or Sidney Lumet if he's going to get his grit back. He evidences no sense of truth in this dismal failure.
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Outstanding Radio Humor. Almost Lifeless Film.
6 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I REAALLLY wanted to like "A Prairie Home Companion." This pairing, "Altman meets Keillor", should have been a high summit -- like Frank Capra meets Mark Twain. Sadly, Altman's nonchalance - and perhaps Keillor's - has drained most of the humor from the funniest show on radio.

I consider Garrison Keillor the Mark Twain of our time. He's unbelievably prolific, consistently mordent and always gets two or three belly laughs from me each show. His political humor provokes frequent fist pumping in the kitchen, where we listen. Keillor gets more out of his typewriter (okay, word processor) than most sitcom Hollywood producers squeeze out of a staff of writers. (Has GK EVER done a show in LA? It would be like a whale run aground.)

Because Keillor lets some of the steam out of the American pressure cooker every week, I feel passionately grateful as a fan. But in this film, Keillor's expressionless face and lumbering presence just seem frozen. The man is MADE for radio. Sadly, not only GK, but his comic universe, seem UN-made by Altman's film.

I have to wonder what Altman thought he was reading, shooting, editing all those hours in the cutting room - "Three Women" for comedic masochists? A squirm-box for those who otherwise love laughing? Even the brilliant Kevin Kline, whose physical slapstick offers some of the film's rare comic relief, appears trapped in an uninspired cameo. There is nothing written for him here that hasn't been surpassed in any of the countless Guy Noire segments on PHC. And the appearances of his foil, Virginia Madsen's looming Dangerous Woman/Angel, was at first merely clumsy, then predictable, then tedious - a lackluster conception compared to the femme fatales Sue Scott has played on radio for years.

Not only isn't this film classic Keillor; it's not classic Altman. There's no evidence of the ensemble directing genius of Gosford Park or Nashville. There are few characters and little character work. And this from a legendary "actor's director". As a result, a show that is usually a feast for the ear becomes an ordeal for the eye. The only human color lighting up the screen in an otherwise overstuffed, haphazard collection of characters comes from Kevin Kline, Meryl Streep, John C. Reilly and Woody Harrelson. All other character presence is perfunctory. A character dies in the first act; but you know nothing about him, so you don't care. In fact found myself caring very little about anyone on screen.

What I did care about was Altman burying PHC's real radio talent - especially Sue Scott - in minor roles. Scott's impersonation talent, and Tim Russel's, have helped carry PHC's comic skits for years. Yet NO comic skits featuring them were recreated on screen!! What was Altman thinking? Or Keillor? Short of one amusing segment with sound effects genius Tom Keith, PHC's REAL talent is shoved to the side so we can here musical number after musical number sung by actors. Did Altman think he was making Nashville again? Or did Keillor? Finally, PHC's crack Shoe-band is there, but even they don't get solos. There's not one shot of Rich Dworsky's incredibly proficent hands -in fact, no visual appreciation of the band at all. It's as if Altman himself isn't a real fan of the show, and doesn't know where the brilliance and talent of PHC lies. Everything takes on a self-conscious drabness that just wearies the heart after about 30 minutes.

I guess Altman can't be blamed entirely. GK wrote the screenplay and collaborated on the story. Which leads me to think the budget for this film was tight. Shooting may have been confined to the Fitzgerald auditorium due to fiscal limitations. But the resulting claustrophobia is what disappointed me the most. After years of imagining the Lutheran Minnesota Keillor has portrayed on radio for so long, I saw none of it. I expected a few fantasies, a Lake Wobegone segment perhaps. Instead we get Altman slow-panning endlessly around rambling characters, perfunctorily dollying through a kind of "Phantom of the Fitzgerald' cum "Last Waltz". He creates a visual mood more suitable to Andrew Lloyd Weber arias than to our last, and perhaps greatest, American radio comedy show.

In the end, A Prairie Home Companion, is a misconceived project. Its legacy may be that it offers media students an object lesson in the distinctions between radio and film - between the ear's gateway to the visual imagination and the literal eye. It may also show that like songwriters who shine in the short form, but bog down in oratorios and opera, Keillor, the sketch and skit guru, hasn't yet found the narrative discipline and stamina of the screenwriter. Mark Twain, yes. Woody Allen, no.

In radio and books, Keillor rules. In film, Altman usually does. Sadly here, we have both geniuses creating a kind of Waiting for Godot, a hapless existential deconstruction of everything a beloved radio show has come to mean (and hopefully still will) to its devoted listeners.
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Capote (2005)
Loneliness, Shame, Compulsion
1 February 2006
Capote is a devastatingly lonely film about a highly sensitive and celebrated Southern writer sinking deeper into shame as he moves in ever closer to a subject he thinks he's on top of, but is simply not emotionally equipped to handle. I have never seen this emotional territory explored in such uncompromising terms.

Like Icarus, Truman Capote flies too close to the heartbreaking, murderous truth. Adulated and indulged by the literati inhabiting the circle of William Shawn's New Yorker, we see Capote wallowing in cosmopolitan narcissism, reaping the worldly rewards of being endowed with an extraordinary ear for language and eye for observation.

Aptly, these last two gifts are also possessed by the actor who plays him - Philip Seymour Hoffman. Hoffman's combination of focus, presence and interpretive genius has been a screen wonder for almost a decade. He is quite simply, Hollywood's most versatile character player. This time, director Bennet Miller blocks and shoots Hoffman in a way that summons unprecedented color from his star's already formidable skill and presence. No one should overlook the empathetic support Catherine Keener provides Hoffman in scene after scene, as she plays Harper Lee, Capote's friend and research assistant. Clifton Collins also turns in a compelling performance opposite Hoffman as multiple murderer Perry Smith. His scenes are full of simmering heat, nuance and subtlety.

Over all, a disturbing and memorable film.
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