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The Lucky One (2012)
Never read the book, but this romantic drama is simply GREAT, I loved it and keep replaying it
19 May 2015
As I said, I have not read this Nicholas Sparks story, but seen movies of his other romantic dramas. Actually I think this is one of his very best, and I continue to replay it. It has a good mood about it, and the chemistry between Taylor Schilling and Zac Efron you notice almost immediately… the director Scott Hicks remarked on their chemistry and I fully agree. There are some favourite scenes which bring tears to the eyes, and unlike some reviewers I cannot complain about the movie. I found it heartwarming and really liked it. Without giving the storyline away, I do not want to to introduce spoilers obviously. Blythe Danner I have long admired and she heads the supporting cast. Zac gives Taylor's young son moral fibre and confidence at school and I was touched by that. Zac has a special reason for wanting to meet Taylor, he is so handsome and she is so lovely, and seeing them together in this story I was spellbound by their romance… the locations for the film in the southern states are quiet and green… It's in my collection, no intention of selling this DVD but as I watch again I decided to write this understated review Malcolm in Toronto May 2015
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Into the West (2005)
Into the West, the truth as seen by Spielberg
13 October 2014
When I was a boy in northern England I watched many western movies, fascinated by cowboys and indians. In later life, I collected all of them on video, then replaced them with DVD and BluRay. After watching the historically accurate Spielberg produced Into the West, I sold them all. I came to the realization they were inaccurate… there is only one truth about cowboys and indians and it can be found here in Into the West. Particularly shameful when the children were removed from their aboriginal families, and taken away to schools like Carlisle PA, to be punished for speaking their own language IMHO. Now no other "western" movie is in my collection, Into the West says it all… Comment from Malcolm in Toronto, October 2014
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Une femme extraordinaire, beautiful movie
27 August 2011
Roger Ebert said Audrey Tautout was amazing in this film, she really is! And she looks a lot like Gabrielle Chanel... Alessandro Nivola, so handsome, American born he worked to learn French for his role in this, a tender romance. The atmosphere and mood is strictly Chanel No. 5, authentic I do believe, sophisticated and elegant. My brother lives now in France and I have to add a word or two with the description in French... ravissant, merveilleux... I did not find it "slow" and I was not bored at all as one reviewer commented. My goodness it's a romance and the director has crafted it carefully. The music score by Alexandre Desplat is lush and romantic (that word again!) finely orchestrated, I was at a loss when it finished... Oh incidentally check out "Coco and Igor", the wonderful companion piece to this "Coco avant Chanel" DVD Comment from Malcolm in Toronto Aug 2011
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Classical Music Lover's delight, a beautiful romance
30 July 2011
Definitely one of my favourite movies but then I am addicted to the music of contemporary composers Ravel, Debussy, Delius and Stravinsky and the other marvellous Russians Rachmaninov, Borodin, Tchaikovsky together with the Armenian Khachaturian… I have to say it is a work of art… This wonderfully detailed and superbly photographed movie is an special romance of music and love. We can all study the history of Chanel and the music of Stravinsky but to put it on film here is something extraordinary. The Dutch born director Jan Kounen is to be congratulated on the writing, the cast and crew, the sets of the period. I was mesmerised, never bored as was one reviewer. Mostly the reviews here confirm my thinking that it's a brilliant piece of film making. It's a fact that Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring was a composition ahead of it's time, certainly very different to Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake, and so for a Paris audience in 1913 not prepared for anything new and daring, we see here virtually the way it happened… the pandemonium in the audience and concerthall. It surely was like that! This film Coco and Igor has given me a new insight into the life and music of Stravinsky. And where have I heard that background music before? There is Stravinsky's music but also we have Gabriel Yared's musical talents (The Talented Mr Ripley) adorning the main work. Their love is sensual, she is sophisticated, a strong woman, there are moments of heartbreak, and magical moments. I understoodit... Only the very finest French vintage, interesting, engrossing. I have said it already and I will use the word again, it's a beautiful remarkable film. The orchestra playing Le Sacre du Printemps is absolutely marvellous and I recommend this film to any serious classical music lover... 10 stars... Malcolm in Toronto revised and amended Dec 2014
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The Dead Girl (2006)
Important, chilling, well acted and realistic film from new director Karen Moncrieff
21 December 2009
No mere directorial debut from Karen Moncrieff, as I watched again it came to me all the stars who wanted to have roles in this production Brittany Murphy, Marcia Gay harden, Josh Brolin, James Franco, Kerry Washington, Piper Laurie Rose Byrne and Toni Collette (Australians) the usually excellent Giovanni Ribisi and solid Mary Steenburgen, Bruce Davison quite a cast... it shows how a serial killer can get away with it for so long, the devastating effects on the families of his victims, the sadness, the loss... an important movie I think... Britanny's daughter the little girl in the backseat as she goes to a new life with her Grannie is something else...the scene brings tears to the eyes
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Exceptional Western Thriller, great Arizona landscapes, exciting story with Gregory Peck in a leading role
5 September 2008
It's supposed to be slow initially, this is the Old West in the 1880s. But the climax and ending are very exciting, the Indian moves through the brush with such speed and determination. First time I saw this in the 70s I was on the edge of my seat. Indian renegades were vengeful at losing their homeland and families to the Whites, they used stealth and native wisdom of plants, the terrain to stay alive whilst the U.S. Army chased them down relentlessly into oblivion. The movie is now on DVD since Aug 26, 2008 and fans can buy it in the DVD format, I am happy to say. Greg Peck, in one of his best, Eva Marie Saint, Robert Forster all have credible roles in this adaptation of the story by Theodore Olsen, I have the book too. In a similar vein, Burt Lancaster played a renegade in the movie Apache,surviving the long journey to Florida and back after the surrender of Geronimo at Skeleton Canyon in 1886. Yes, there was a renegade Apache called Massai, and Massai Point is an area within the Chiricahua National Monument, southeast of Tucson AZ. Check it out for authentic feeling of the Apache environment. Terribly Disappointing writes one reviewer, yet he enthuses over his 10 paragraphs of highlights in the movie. So, viewers can disregard any negatives, this is a first rate Western movie, very memorable, now in my Western collection at the front. Comment from Malcolm in Toronto 5th September 2008
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Heat and Dust (1983)
Wonderful, spellbinding... words that spring to mind, I loved it and recommend it
23 February 2008
This is an awesome movie, I am not writing a critical review, perhaps it is because I allow myself to fade into the film, I am transported to that time and place, I am not looking to find fault with this or that. I have just recently discovered this Ivory Merchant production, a flawless gem from 1983, interesting and amazing. I was enthralled and spellbound with the performance of the beautiful British actress primarily Greta Scacchi, similarly easy on the eye, an apt and good role for the lovely Julie Christie, with a host of other well known stars. Rating 6.6? I don't think so... the compelling authentic storyline of the British Raji in India in the 1920s, the music, the photography make it first class for me. I see no weaknesses as indicated by other reviewers. Obviously there is a mutual attraction between the British Officer's wife and the handsome, powerful Indian Prince, what other details need be explained? This DVD goes into my collection with the other Ivory Merchant masterpieces, Howards End, Room with a View and Remains of the Day. 24 yrs old, I am glad I found it in 2008 Comment from Malcolm in Toronto, 23rd February 2008
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Leonard Bernstein, composer of the music
18 October 2007
I enjoyed Natalie Wood of course, talented stunningly attractive actress. Richard Beymer too... However, of all the reviews I have read here, hardly a one makes mention of the composer of the music in the film, Leonard Bernstein's music... The melodies are beautiful and romantic beyond compare. Bernstein was a genius, a great composer and conductor of orchestras... Stephen Sondheim had penned the lyrics, but the music came from Bernstein. Well known in the world of classical music, as a conductor he had championed a number of classical musicians, and he was a powerful prominent force on the International and New York orchestral music scene. A man of supreme importance in the field of classical music interpretation. I guess we could say that in the world of "popular music" he will be best remembered for his work here in West Side Story... This music is lovingly crafted by Leonard Bernstein, the master... Comment from Malcolm in Toronto 18th October 2007
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Altman's take on the history of the Old West, subtly entertaining
26 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
For a student of history like myself, I believe it was no accident that Altman made this movie in 1976, on the Stoney Reservation in Alberta, Canada. We look back and remember what happened 100 years earlier in 1876, the annihilation of Custer and his 7th Cavalry at the Little Big Horn by the Sioux under Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse and other prominent Indian leaders, in defense of their homeland and families. The movie hits at the establishment of the time, Sitting Bull has dreamed of meeting Pres Cleveland to make a request on behalf of his people, but he was snubbed by the great white chief, who would not say one word without referring to his aides. The amicable relations between Annie Oakley and Bull were well known, and when he was killed at the Standing Rock agency, she cried for him and his people. Crazy Horse had died in similar circumstances trying to escape. Big Foot and his small band in 1890 at Wounded Knee completed the tragedy of those times and attitudes. It is only very recently, the name of the Custer Battlefield has been changed to the Little Big Horn battlefield. So Altman's movie in 1976 was ahead of its time, both funny and intelligent in its truths. William Cody the scout had himself killed hundreds of buffalo, and he knew a big ticket attraction to his show when he saw one, the remainder of the title "or Sitting Bull's History lesson" is also very meaningful. Sitting Bull's dreams told him what was to come, the end to a way of life on the plains. On the other hand, as several reviewers have noted, the look of fear in Cody's eyes in the closing sequence says it all. And Altman got them all together for their roles, Paul Newman, Burt Lancaster, Harvey Keitel, Kevin McCarthy, Geraldine Chapman, Will Sampson, Joel Grey. Not your average Western, but more subtly entertaining than most. Comment from Malcolm in Toronto, 26th August 2007
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Fascinating tale of the love between a European girl and her Kenyan Warrior Tribesman, great I loved it
25 August 2007
I was not going to write since I read the reviews here, but it exceeded all my expectations, so on second thoughts I wanted to say this German film beats all the Hollywood star studded films I have seen of late. I had just casually picked it up in my local rental store, and I was intrigued to know more about Kenya, about the love of a beautiful European girl for the Masai warrior. The stars are great, totally believable. Ms Hoss has the looks of supermodel Lauren Hutton, Nina Hoss is very beautiful, stunningly attractive, the Masai male as portrayed by Jacky Ido, very handsome. The stars give brilliant performances I would say, and I was totally immersed in the story. As a result, I have just ordered the non fiction book for further research into this fascinating tale, the romance against the Kenyan landscape. I loved it, and have watched my rental copy 4 times Comment from Malcolm in Toronto 25th August 2007
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Absolutely wonderful film, sad beautiful, based on historic truth
17 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I had just been watching the recent very mediocre Archangel with Daniel Craig, when I thought of this absolutely magnificent film about the life of Stalin, in this case centred on his projectionist in the Kremlin screening room. I have seen it only on HBO travelling in the States, but I found a copy on Video and watch it every so often. It never fails to move me, and I just love the work of the main stars, Tom Hulce and Lolita Davidovitch, worthy of academy awards both of them. There is one scene compelling, moving and funny black humour which I never miss. Stalin is angry when the projector stops during the screening, he storms verbally at his Minister of Industries. We have many shortages during this war with the Germans but we are not short of steel to make a little spring, and in any case I told you to develop a Russian projector, not a copy of a German machine. The Minister of Industries suddenly appears to want to visit the bathroom, when Beria steps aside to make a phonecall. From the looks of amusement on Beria's face, and as Stalin's hit and henchman, we know well what might happen. Tom Hulce however is good at his job, he fixes the projector in rapid time. Stalin looks up, But we have not even had time to finish our tea, comrade. Stalin then pleasantly beckons the projectionist to come over and join his group of generals, cronies and ministers for tea. Hulce's hands are shaking his cup and saucer in the presence of the great dictator. Queried about his nervousness, Hulce says Comrade Stalin I have never been this close to you before. Stalin with a deathly smile replies, Well comrade, I have never been THIS close to you before, but MY hands are not shaking. This movie leaves a lasting effect, we learn from history, or we should Comment from Malcolm in Toronto 17th August 2007
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Subarashii eiga, Spielberg san (Splendid movie)
25 July 2007
This is the reason I go to see the majority of Christian Bale films whatever the subject matter. As a young man who lived in Japan, studied the language, the people, the culture, later returned to the Far East on business trips to Manchuria and Shanghai, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Osaka, I can only marvel at what Director Spielberg has achieved here with a young actor worthy of Best Performance from a Juvenile Actor 1987. The making of the movie with author J.G.Ballard is also very interesting, with wonderful rapport between Director and a 13 yr old actor Christian Bale. I am waiting for Spielberg to do The Fall of Singapore in 1942, the British guns pointing out to sea expecting a naval attack, whereas the 90,000 Japanese troops cycled down the Malay Peninsula to surround 130,000 British, Australian, Canadian and Indian troops. In the Malayan jungle the tires burst on the bicycles, the Japanese rode on with just the steel rims. This sound to the British indicated the Japanese were travelling with light tanks and the British withdrew. Yamashita wanted a simple yes or no, and Percival surrendered to a smaller force. There is so much more in the history of the Pacific War for Spielberg to cover and uncover. Anway, Empire of the Sun is a great movie, meticulous in its detail and Shanghai crowd scenes, the survival of a boy in a prison camp, sad, heartbreaking, and moving the viewer to tears From Malcolm in Toronto 25th July 2007
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Mr. Wonderful (1993)
I thought any minute you'd walk in the door...Oh, I waited and waited for the phone to of Mr Minghella's finest, definitely
30 June 2007
Perhaps I am a little late with my writeup of this, a favoured movie in my specially selected permanent collection. I have read the other reviews, however I cannot agree, because this is a BIG hearted not light hearted comedy drama, and there is PLENTY of chemistry between the stars Annabella Sciorra and Matt Dillon. She is just lovely to look at, beautiful and totally believable. Mary Louise Parker is also delicious, the acting is great, the storyline very likable, timeless, then and now. Mr Minghella became famous with the recent Breaking and Entering, The English Patient, The Talented Mr Ripley but I like this one very much. Others in the cast warmly supportive, include William Hurt and Dan Hedaya. James Gandolfini has a simple non violent role, Vincent D'Onofrio is absolutely wonderful in his adoring song to Ms Sciorra. His performance jumps out at you, Oh Vincent... your eyes will water. You have the price of the movie in that one scene. If you are into relationships, you will appreciate it... falling in love, being in love, two people living together, then drifting apart, you just want them to get back together again. It's a romantic fantasy for adults. Take my advice, rent it, buy it. Comment from Malcolm in Toronto 30th June 2007
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Great movie, thoroughly entertaining, disregard unfavourable reviews from others
18 June 2007
Kurt Russell and Kevin Costner are really good in this movie, and Courtney Cox is not only stunning to look at, a real knockout, but a good actress to boot. I have had this DVD a few years, and it is one of my favourites. Honestly, I cannot understand the bad reviews since it has action, humour albeit black humour, and a lot of stars, support actors David Arquette, Christian Slater, Thomas Hayden Church and Kevin Pollack. Do you mean to tell me that all these name stars selected a bad script? No way... The storyline is interesting and refreshing I find. I happen to like the Elvis impersonators and the lights of Las Vegas. The dialogue is slick and funny, you will enjoy it. I honestly recommend you buy this DVD, I rented it first but thought it was so good, I bought another copy and it went into my permanent collection of rewarding, memorably watchable stuff. Director Demian Lichtenstein did a good job, and I'll be looking out for his other films Comment from Malcolm in Toronto, 18th June 2007
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Political Lawrence, but very interesting, engrossing
27 May 2007
I have seen the film again, read the other reviews and I too consider this movie excellent in its own right, the stars are spot on and the acting very believable. It is a definite companion piece to Lean's "Lawrence of Arabia", I have the 2 DVDs side by side in my collection at home. It might not have the trainwrecks and the battles with the Turks, but the politics of the time are very important, also very interesting, emphasised more strongly in this film than "Lawrence of Arabia". History buffs will lean toward this film I feel, as I have done. You will not even notice it was made for TV, the story is so gripping. Ralph Fiennes is remarkable in the role of T.E.Lawrence, working as translator and for the Arab cause, King Feisal perfectly portrayed by the young actor Alexander Siddiq, the others the politicians including Michael Cochrane as Winston Churchill are first rate, Nicholas Jones as Lord Dyson is chilling. To sum up, extremely good, an important and interesting film (not dry as someone said, the translation scenes, the speeches for world leaders had me on the edge of my seat) One has to look back at history to understand what is going on today. In the main, all the historical facts are in place here, and therefore one can at least, partially understand the complex situation in the region in our present age as we tune in to the News. Comment from Malcolm in Toronto, May 27th 2007
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Highly Recommended Romantic Comedy, I simply love it
2 April 2007
I simply loved it, so disregard any negative reviews, it's wonderful, the director Brett Ratner apparently loved the script and fought to direct the film. Viewed over and over again, I don't tire of watching it. Nicolas Cage and Tea Leoni, I love the chemistry between them, I think it is one of his best roles, and she is be married to Tea Leoni, wow... the supporting cast are all good, Don Cheadle and Jeremy Piven are excellent, Saul Rubinek rarely misses out, and I liked Josef Sommer. This romantic and funny movie always makes me chuckle, laugh then cry, it is believable with a touch of fantasy. We have all met a wonderful person, moved on in life by mistake and regretted our decision. I have... It is a strong family movie, emotionally charged, more for grownups though kids might sit through it and enjoy the humour. There is one memorable poignant and heartwarming scene I should mention. He forgets their wedding anniversary. The little girl suggests he take his wife for dinner into the city. They eat, and dance at a high class restaurant, he has planned a plush hotel room with champagne. She asks "What are you sure about?" He looks at this beautiful woman, she is stunning, "All this time I never stopped loving you". I am sure right now, there's nowhere else I would rather be than here with you". She whispers "That's all I wanted to hear" ... and he is of course out of the doghouse. Highly recommended for an evening in with a loved one, close friend even, or just to view the screen alone, ponder and dream... what if?
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The Getaway (1972)
My advice to readers for The Getaway, it's great, go buy it
20 January 2007
I watched The Getaway again this evening, and spent considerable time reading the reviews here, good and bad. My advice to the reader is, if you do not have this DVD movie in your collection of action movies, and you see it in a store, buy it regardless of the price. If it's a rental you will definitely not want to take it back. I have most of Peckinpah's films and this is my #2 favourite after The Wild Bunch. McQueen is the thinking man he was in Bullitt, and ex model Ali McGraw looks beautiful even when she is hurled out of the back of a garbage truck, the romance and chemistry between the pair is very sensitive and believable, with Quincy Jones music featuring legendary harmonica player Toots Thielemans. Perhaps he played at their wedding, they were married 5 yrs immediately after this movie. I do not think it was a shotgun wedding. The movie is a lot about shotguns. The cast is outstanding along with Brando's protégé Al Lettieri, Slim Pickens, Ben Johnson. It is after all a story of violence amongst bank robbers and corrupt cops, exciting car chases of course, with famed stuntman McQueen teaching Ali McGraw how to drive and shoot. I nevertheless love this Peckinpah film. I liked seeing them together Steve Mc Queen and Ali McGraw, and I really wish we could see something like it today in our movie theaters. First rate 9 stars Malcotoro in Toronto Jan 2007
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Wonderful, absolutely fascinating, authentic for the period, very romantic
10 December 2006
After a hard day at the office, I had taken my girlfriend to see the new Pride and Prejudice with Keira Knightley, and we lined up to see it on the big screen when it first came out several months ago. We both had liked the DVD of Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility with Emma Thompson, Kate Winslet. I must say I was a firm believer in the Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth version, however yesterday I spent time with director Joe Wright's 2005 Pride and Prejudice film again on DVD at home. The first time I had liked it, but seeing it again in the intimacy of my home, I learned new details and had a new feeling about it, and listened to the director's commentary. This Keira Knightley-Mathew MacFadyen version is excellent, very romantic, there are special moments in the closing sequence with a sunrise, it is a revelation for other directors to note. An extremely sensitive orchestral piece reminiscent of Delius or Ravel closes the credits. The talented direction is from a young man, Joe Wright. He is insightful but how does he have so much experience? The National Trust locations, including Burghley House and Chatsworth in Derbyshire had me totally immersed and enthralled. Donald Sutherland, Brenda Blethyn, Simon Woods and the rest of the cast are excellent. Rosamund Pike playing the other sister is so stunningly beautiful,I could not take my eyes off her. I loved the dancing at the ball, it was so jolly and authentic. English dialogue interests me a great deal, and I like to browse into the making of a film, and that's when I came to the realization that this movie is after all a masterpiece from a young and new director. Long afterward, the romantic memory of it lingers with the viewer. Remarkable and rewarding, 10 stars. I have watched it at least 50 times, never tire of strong performances from Keira Knightley and Matthew MacFadyen This comment is from Malcolm inToronto
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Dance with Me (1998)
Not just a woman's movie, but good for romantic fellers too
19 September 2006
I simply love this movie, I have the DVD and I am watching it again. I love it... Vannessa Williams is a very good actress in this film, I have not seen a lot of her work but she shines, and she is visually stunning, beautiful and I really appreciate the gradual warming of her relationship with Chayanne, he is so handsome and charming. Who is this guy Chayanne? So very personable and charismatic, I want to know where he came from... He is great and a surefire popular man for the ladies to swoon over... There is definite chemistry between them, Vanessa and Chayanne. Joan Plowright is one of the dance team, married in real life to Laurence Olivier and a remarkable actress, so the fact that she chose to be in this movie is a point to note. Kris Kristofferson also gives a fine performance as the long lost father we come to know about. The dancing in the movie is superb, there is a lot of dancing...dancing lessons in a dance studio, but the storyline progresses well even if you don't like dancing. After watching this, you will. Oh, it's just great, I am already feeling the glow from watching it, you will too ...have to get back to the screen to see more of this underrated little movie Malcolm in Toronto Jan 2013
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Frances (1982)
Wonderful performance from female star, a sad romance
1 August 2006
This is an important film, and I am compelled to write a few lines to attract other viewers to see it. Sensitive music by John Barry to set the mood, yes it is a love story really, I enjoyed seeing Jessica Lange and Sam Shepard, they work well together. What can you say about the talent of Jessica Lange? I could not take my eyes off her. Impeccable acting. She is so stunningly lovely,as was the Frances Farmer of the story, they are much alike both breathtakingly beautiful. No other actress could have played this part in 1982. A non conformist ahead of her time, today Frances would be almost normal, the Frances Farmer story is sad and infuriating,such a waste... the child pressured by her mother to be everything the mother wanted for herself, to be a Hollywood star, the ineffectual father who could have stepped in to determine a less shattering future for their daughter. How often do we see that the wrong kind of parental influence on their children can lead to disastrous results? I found Frances courageous and admirable in the face of evil and adversity. The sadness felt by the wonderfully supportive Harry York (played by Sam Shepard) toward the end of the movie brings tears to the eyes, she has forgotten how to love, but she has survived... only to die alone in 1970. Breaks my heart. True to life, caring and detailed movie. Best actress for Jessica Lange, in my view, I noticed her in King Kong and I knew she was going to make it big. Highest marks and comments from malcotoro, Toronto, Canada
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Bugsy (1991)
Awards and nominations, fascinating, powerful story, extraordinary performances
25 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Excellent movie again by Barry Levinson, a masterly film director, the story is thrilling and interesting, I had to watch it in one sitting. The mobster Benjamin Siegel initiates the development of the original Flamingo Hotel in modern day Las Vegas. A gangster movie, you say? This is no ordinary crime drama I can tell you. There is an early scene driving in Hollywood, where he spies a certain house and asks friend actor George Raft to stop the car. Digging into a bag of money he buys the property from his favourite opera star, who is not really inclined to sell. Mr Siegel just made him a generous offer he could not refuse. And then the desert scene where Ben Siegel steps out of the car to stand behind a bush, he catches a glimpse of the mountains in the distance, he is stunned by the amazing sunset, the beauty of the place and in a flash visualizes the future Flamingo Hotel, an airport, a casino and lots of visiting gamblers. It's an awesome scene. I did not find it was too profane, as one reviewer said, after all it's a gangster movie... I am riveted every time I watch it... remarkably well made film, simply superb. Incidentally the extended cut DVD now has extra features, the making of the film, interviews with the star, director and writer. The chemistry between Annette Bening and Warren Beatty is something to see, almost too hot to handle... and in real life they married afterwards. Brilliant underrated portrayals by the two stars, I also enjoyed Harvey Keitel and Ben Kingsley, they both got Best Supporting Actor nominations. If theAcademy Awards are meaningful for you, then this is the result for Bugsy 1991 1. Won Best Art Direction 2. Won Best Costume Design Nominations 1. Best Picture 2. Best Director Barry Levinson 3. Best Actor Warren Beatty 4. Best Original Screenplay 5. Best Cinematography 6. Best Original Music Score Ennion Morricone 10 stars, nothing less... from Malcolm in Toronto
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The Deep (1977)
Treasure hunt underwater, romantic music of John Barry
25 July 2006
I have the movie on Video, would buy it on DVD, I have read all the other reviews and surprised nobody mentioned the great music by John Barry. The theme made it to the radio top hits in 1977 For me, the music makes this movie, together with the three main stars including Shaw, Nolte and the beautiful Jacqueline Bisset. Is there an actress today quite so stunning? Don't think so... The Deep probably did not have the impact of Peter Benchley's Jaws but I like it just as much. The music is more melodic, the warmer location Bermuda, in contrast to the cooler Cape Cod of Jaws. I always appreciate a good treasure hunt anyway, Spanish doubloons and the possibility of reef predators adds interest. Watch it just to see Bisset in skimpy scuba swimsuit... you won't be disappointed
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Surrender (I) (1987)
Very funny, very uplifting
10 July 2006
I love this movie, it's very funny and uplifting. Play it if you are in a mood you want to escape. Indeed there are some belly laughs (on my part) Both Michael and Sally do a great job, and Steve Gutenberg is hilarious as a selfish whiny guy. He snaps his fingers when he is on the phone, he wants a pen, he wants a piece of paper. In the shower, he wants to know where his towel is... Michael is a successful writer taken to the cleaners in Court by 2 ex wives, and he is really looking for a girl to love him for himself, and not know about his writing fame and fortune. 2 elevators are open for him to use, one with a stunning blonde inside, the other with an evil guy and his snarling and vicious looking dog. He ignores the blonde and steps inside joining the man with the snarling dog I really should give it a 10...Highly recommended
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The New World (2005)
British in the New World, 1604... great historical movie
12 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Terrence Malick's new historical film is remarkable... in fact it is astounding. There is something about it that strongly appeals to the emotions, and I have recently visited the forests and Cypress Gardens swamplands of the Carolinas so I know what I am talking about... Truly exceptional, there is a scene at the end where one of Powhatan's chiefs played by Wes Studi is in England to report on Englishmen and their god to return with this information to his chief. He walks up the steps to the trees in the gardens of this stately home ( Hampton Court) looking and contemplating this new country, the people and their culture, advanced and different. I had to reach for the Kleenex, wonderful film, equally as good as Malick's Thin Red Line WWII movie. I am happy there are sensitive men like Terrence Malick making finely crafted important movies like this. Qorianka Kilcher in her debut role is worth the price of admission. Christian Bale and Colin Farrell add to the enjoyment. A beautiful, classic memorable film and I give it 10 stars... from Malcolm in Toronto
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The Natural (1984)
Barry Levinson master film maker of The Natural, all time great
18 March 2006
I checked Academy Awards for 1984, where is The Natural? Redford, Close, Duvall, Hershey, Wilfred Brimley, the late Richard Farnsworth and Darren McGavin all give award winning performances. Magical yes, but fairytale (?) as some of your reviewers comment, I would say No, there are too many truths and real life situations. Wonderful script, acting, photography, storyline, sensitive music... who would have thought a movie about competitive sport like baseball would have so much interest and human spirit? It is one of my all time favorite movies, it has a lot of hope, especially for veterans with experience, very entertaining. I know you will thank me for recommending this splendid piece of film, and I personally want to thank Mr Barry Levinson for making it, I consider it a great work, a pleasure to view on screen and I want to share this information with your movie viewers
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